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red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:05 PM
This is no surprise.

Hillary reminds most men as the nagging wife. Who in hell wants that type of person as President?

Poll: Clinton lags in quest for male voters

By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — More than eight in 10 Republicans and more than half the married men in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll say they definitely wouldn't vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton for president.
The poll provides an early snapshot of who's ruling out Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama, the three leading candidates for the Democratic nomination.

Clinton, who tops national polls of Democrats, is strongest within her party. Only 10% of Democrats said they'd rule her out; nearly three times as many said they wouldn't vote for Edwards.

The new poll found that Clinton would defeat the leading Republican, Rudy Giuliani, in a hypothetical matchup. Still, some Democrats wonder whether she's potentially unelectable or a drag on candidates lower on the ballot, and rivals such as Edwards say they're better bets.

In a general election, the poll suggests that Clinton has the least potential for winning votes from Republicans — 84% say they definitely would not vote for her, compared with six in 10 for either Obama or Edwards. Independents show the least resistance to Obama and the most to Edwards.

The poll found that 36% of women wouldn't vote for Clinton, compared with 50% of men — and 55% of married men. Obama had comparable appeal to women and more to men. Clinton's appeal overall falls as income rises, the reverse of the findings for Obama.


11-10-2007, 07:08 PM
i will never vote for a liar, a flip flopper, and a fraud like hillary

cough rose law firm

wonder why she never talks about it

femnist whore

This is no surprise.

Hillary reminds most men as the nagging wife. Who in hell wants that type of person as President?

Poll: Clinton lags in quest for male voters

By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — More than eight in 10 Republicans and more than half the married men in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll say they definitely wouldn't vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton for president.
The poll provides an early snapshot of who's ruling out Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama, the three leading candidates for the Democratic nomination.

Clinton, who tops national polls of Democrats, is strongest within her party. Only 10% of Democrats said they'd rule her out; nearly three times as many said they wouldn't vote for Edwards.

The new poll found that Clinton would defeat the leading Republican, Rudy Giuliani, in a hypothetical matchup. Still, some Democrats wonder whether she's potentially unelectable or a drag on candidates lower on the ballot, and rivals such as Edwards say they're better bets.

In a general election, the poll suggests that Clinton has the least potential for winning votes from Republicans — 84% say they definitely would not vote for her, compared with six in 10 for either Obama or Edwards. Independents show the least resistance to Obama and the most to Edwards.

The poll found that 36% of women wouldn't vote for Clinton, compared with 50% of men — and 55% of married men. Obama had comparable appeal to women and more to men. Clinton's appeal overall falls as income rises, the reverse of the findings for Obama.


red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:12 PM
Hillary wakes Bill about 3 am to tell him she has to go to the bathroom. He asks her "Why are you waking me to tell me that?" She says, "I want you to save my place."

11-10-2007, 07:19 PM
I wouldnt bend her over if she was the last woman on earth.

Hillary wakes Bill about 3 am to tell him she has to go to the bathroom. He asks her "Why are you waking me to tell me that?" She says, "I want you to save my place."

11-11-2007, 03:24 AM
I wouldnt bend her over if she was the last woman on earth.

i wouldnt have even thought about it then...

11-11-2007, 03:46 AM
So, is it that these men are sexist? Can't have a woman or a "wife" be the leader of our country, no matter who the woman running would be? If that's the case, I think it is pretty telling...

If they don't like her politics and that is why they wouldn't vote for her then that is fine, but if it is why Avatar has mentioned, "a nagging wife" that they are concerned with then these men have serious self confidense issues imo.


11-11-2007, 05:07 AM
The hell you say....There are probably MORE WOMEN who wouldn't vote for this fake of a person....

I'm a woman an I wouldn't vote for this witch..
If I was married to Bill Clinton and he embarrassed me in front of the WHOLE NATION...I would of cut of his pecker and served it to him for lunch in a samwich.......:laugh2:

But, the Hill is so forgiving and understanding....yeah right..she's as fake and phony as they get....:dance:

11-11-2007, 08:17 AM
This is no surprise.

Hillary reminds most men as the nagging wife. Who in hell wants that type of person as President?

Poll: Clinton lags in quest for male voters

By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — More than eight in 10 Republicans and more than half the married men in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll say they definitely wouldn't vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton for president.
The poll provides an early snapshot of who's ruling out Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama, the three leading candidates for the Democratic nomination.

Clinton, who tops national polls of Democrats, is strongest within her party. Only 10% of Democrats said they'd rule her out; nearly three times as many said they wouldn't vote for Edwards.

The new poll found that Clinton would defeat the leading Republican, Rudy Giuliani, in a hypothetical matchup. Still, some Democrats wonder whether she's potentially unelectable or a drag on candidates lower on the ballot, and rivals such as Edwards say they're better bets.

In a general election, the poll suggests that Clinton has the least potential for winning votes from Republicans — 84% say they definitely would not vote for her, compared with six in 10 for either Obama or Edwards. Independents show the least resistance to Obama and the most to Edwards.

The poll found that 36% of women wouldn't vote for Clinton, compared with 50% of men — and 55% of married men. Obama had comparable appeal to women and more to men. Clinton's appeal overall falls as income rises, the reverse of the findings for Obama.


The inevitabilty of her nomination is not set in stone, but more to the fact, did the poll offer the question "In a choice between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giulainani, who would you vote for?"

Anyone with half a brain should, by now, see that Rudy is not running for the President of the US, but rather President of 9/11. He will use 9/11 and the threat of future terrorist attack to continue, and expand on, the already disastrous foreign military adventurism started under Chimpy McPresident. It should be noted that most of the neo-cons who helped formulate that policy are now in Mr. Giuliani's employ, including those who were deemed "too crazy" even by the Bush administration, including Norman Podhoretz, the current godfather of the movement.

11-11-2007, 08:19 AM
i will never vote for a liar, a flip flopper, and a fraud like hillary

cough rose law firm

wonder why she never talks about it

femnist whore

And you would rather have an adulterous, flip-flopping fraud like Rudyy Giuliani at the helm of the ship of state? :rolleyes:

11-11-2007, 09:40 AM
And you would rather have an adulterous, flip-flopping fraud like Rudyy Giuliani at the helm of the ship of state? :rolleyes:

We'd rather have a real conservative in the white house. Both Hitlary and Rudy are disfunctional libs. Thats why Hitlary would easiy win against Rudy.

11-11-2007, 10:30 AM
And you would rather have an adulterous, flip-flopping fraud like Rudyy Giuliani at the helm of the ship of state? :rolleyes:
Nope would rather have Mitt Romney!!!!!

11-11-2007, 11:34 AM
The hell you say....There are probably MORE WOMEN who wouldn't vote for this fake of a person....

I'm a woman an I wouldn't vote for this witch..
If I was married to Bill Clinton and he embarrassed me in front of the WHOLE NATION...I would of cut of his pecker and served it to him for lunch in a samwich.......:laugh2:

But, the Hill is so forgiving and understanding....yeah right..she's as fake and phony as they get....:dance:Interesting. Are you a Christian Stephanie?

Is your attitude what Christianity teaches?

I appologize if you are not a Christian.

But as a Christian, she did exactly what the Church asks of her... yet you all think she should have done the exact opposite of the teachings of the Christian Church. I have always been puzzled by this kind of criticism and attitude of those on the "right"...., just absolutely can NOT understand it.


Abbey Marie
11-11-2007, 12:43 PM
Interesting. Are you a Christian Stephanie?

Is your attitude what Christianity teaches?

I appologize if you are not a Christian.

But as a Christian, she did exactly what the Church asks of her... yet you all think she should have done the exact opposite of the teachings of the Christian Church. I have always been puzzled by this kind of criticism and attitude of those on the "right"...., just absolutely can NOT understand it.


Oh puh-leeze. If I know Stephanie, it's because she doesn't believe sHrillary forgave Bill (if she even did, who knows) due to any Christian ideals on her part. If you want the key to deciphering sHrillary's actions, always think ambition. Specifically, political ambition.

11-11-2007, 12:46 PM
If you want the key to deciphering sHrillary's actions, always think ambition. Specifically, political ambition.
That's an admirable trait. Without a driving ambition you do not get as far as she has. Nothing wrong with it, I bet you could describe many top CEOs and politicians in the same way.

Abbey Marie
11-11-2007, 12:59 PM
That's an admirable trait. Without a driving ambition you do not get as far as she has. Nothing wrong with it, I bet you could describe many top CEOs and politicians in the same way.

Yes, ambition is a good thing. Being corrupt to obtain power is not. (a trait that is of course not unique to Mrs. Clinton).

11-11-2007, 02:12 PM
i wouldnt have even thought about it then...
Well you wouldn't have to worry about it avatar.
I don't even think the last female ape on earth would let you touch her.

11-11-2007, 02:21 PM
Well you wouldn't have to worry about it avatar.
I don't even think the last female ape on earth would let you touch her. Hey not everyone is into sex with farm animals like you. YOU are one sick perverted freak :finger3:

red states rule
11-11-2007, 03:44 PM
So, is it that these men are sexist? Can't have a woman or a "wife" be the leader of our country, no matter who the woman running would be? If that's the case, I think it is pretty telling...

If they don't like her politics and that is why they wouldn't vote for her then that is fine, but if it is why Avatar has mentioned, "a nagging wife" that they are concerned with then these men have serious self confidense issues imo.


Dems are something else. If you do not vote for a liberal women you are a sexist. if you do not vote for a black liberal you are a bigot

JD, Hillary tries to pass herself as a feminist, but she leads th e attack on any women who steps forward to tell the world about the sexual predator she is married to

and liberal women sit on the sidelines and say nothing about it and cheer on the Red Queen

11-11-2007, 03:46 PM
Oh puh-leeze. If I know Stephanie, it's because she doesn't believe sHrillary forgave Bill (if she even did, who knows) due to any Christian ideals on her part. If you want the key to deciphering sHrillary's actions, always think ambition. Specifically, political ambition.abbey, i don't think you or stephanie or hundreds of other conservs know whether hillary forgave him or not. I think it is nothing but mere gossip to suppose you all know it was not for the right reasons according to God for staying in her, for better, for worse, relationship/marriage.

I think there are many reasons for hillary to be despised, but i don't think staying in her marriage and commitment is one of them, from a Christian perspective.

It is admirable, and takes alot of strength to stick to ones marriage vows before God, especially under those circumstances imo....and i don't recall God not accepting ones personal gain, or keeping the family unit together, as being an unacceptable reason to keep ones marriage vows....?


red states rule
11-11-2007, 03:49 PM
abbey, i don't think you or stephanie or hundreds of other conservs know whether hillary forgave him or not. I think it is nothing but mere gossip to suppose you all know it was not for the right reasons according to God for staying in her, for better, for worse, relationship/marriage.

I think there are many reasons for hillary to be despised, but i don't think staying in her marriage and commitment is one of them, from a Christian perspective.

It is admirable, and takes alot of strength to stick to ones marriage vows before God, especially under those circumstances imo....and i don't recall God not accepting ones personal gain, or keeping the family unit together, as being an unacceptable reason to keep ones marriage vows....?


Perhaps she is despised because she led the Clinton slime machine against Bill's victims

11-11-2007, 03:58 PM
Dems are something else. If you do not vote for a liberal women you are a sexist. if you do not vote for a black liberal you are a bigot

JD, Hillary tries to pass herself as a feminist, but she leads th e attack on any women who steps forward to tell the world about the sexual predator she is married to

and liberal women sit on the sidelines and say nothing about it and cheer on the Red Queen rsr, i said, if men don't want to vote for her because they don't think she would be a good president, that is fine....BUT if these men feel this way simply because she is a woman that reminds them of their ''nagging wife'', or put simply, just because she is a woman, then i believe that is sexist, and it would make me think that there are an awful lot of men that are pretty unhappily married out there! :eek:

i think hillary knows what kind of man she is married to...one who can't keep it zipped.... there are plenty of them out there...


red states rule
11-11-2007, 04:05 PM
rsr, i said, if men don't want to vote for her because they don't think she would be a good president, that is fine....BUT if these men feel this way simply because she is a woman that reminds them of their ''nagging wife'', or put simply, just because she is a woman, then i believe that is sexist, and it would make me think that there are an awful lot of men that are pretty unhappily married out there! :eek:

i think hillary knows what kind of man she is married to...one who can't keep it zipped.... there are plenty of them out there...


JD, most men do see her as the nagging wife, the angry bi*** who wants to rule the roost, and she is a conniving and munipulitive

She has no problem walking over people, and destroying them if they get in her way

Ask Linda Tripp and Juanita Broaddrick

red states rule
11-11-2007, 04:12 PM
I love the show "24", and here is one guy who will not vote for Hillary

'24' producer: Hillary as president is 'nuts'
By Robert Stacy McCain
November 11, 2007

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Hollywood producer Joel Surnow dismissed as “nuts” the notion that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be elected president and said he and other conservatives in the entertainment industry are leaning toward supporting Republican Rudolph W. Giuliani’s presidential campaign.

The executive producer of Fox’s Emmy-winning counter-terrorism thriller “24,” interviewed following a Saturday speech to a conservative student group, also predicted that the current strike by screenwriters would be “hugely long” and settled to the disadvantage of the writers’ union.

“I’m not even sure that Hillary is a fait accompli [to win the Democratic Party nomination] as this point,” Mr. Surnow told a group of reporters and bloggers in a wide-ranging interview during the Young America’s Foundation’s West Coast Leadership Conference. "Are we nuts thinking Hillary Clinton could be president of this country? Honest to God, just stand back and think about it."

Saying that he was “probably going to get behind Rudy" for the White House, Mr. Surnow named comedian Dennis Miller as another entertainer who has “come out” as a conservative in the overwhelmingly liberal Hollywood environment and said that another popular comedian, Adam Sandler “is going to come out and support Rudy Giuliani.”

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft was the keynote speaker at yesterday’s conference, which YAF spokesman Jason Mattera said was attended by more than 500 student activists and foundation supporters.

“Real leadership is not the friend of consensus, because the real leader is always outside the consensus,” Mr. Ashcroft said in remarks to foundation supporters at the Reagan Ranch Center, where he accepted YAF’s Torch of Freedom Award and paid tribute to former President Ronald Reagan as a leader who exemplified vision and values.

Students attending the event also heard presentations by Dinesh D’Souza, author of the new book, “What’s So Great About Christianity?” and Nonie Darwish, author of “Now They Call Me Infidel.”

The influence of Hollywood and the entertainment industry was a topic of discussion from the beginning of the weekend conference, when Internet newshound Andrew Breitbart gave an impromptu talk Thursday to a select group of top campus conservative activists.

for the complete article


Abbey Marie
11-11-2007, 10:14 PM
abbey, i don't think you or stephanie or hundreds of other conservs know whether hillary forgave him or not. I think it is nothing but mere gossip to suppose you all know it was not for the right reasons according to God for staying in her, for better, for worse, relationship/marriage.

Yes, JD. While you were reading my post, did you fail to notice that I said "who knows" about her forgiving him?

As for the rest, there are books written by people who worked for her or Billy in the WH, and the real Hillary ain't a pretty picture.

11-11-2007, 10:28 PM
The way the conservatives are worried about Hillary is just amazing. All the threads about how she is the devil incarnate or worse is symptomatic of fear. Fear of loosing your grip on privilege.

11-11-2007, 10:37 PM
Well you wouldn't have to worry about it avatar.
I don't even think the last female ape on earth would let you touch her.

well then its a good thing i like human women. You can have all the apes you want... i wouldnt recommend it though.

11-11-2007, 10:39 PM
The way the conservatives are worried about Hillary is just amazing. All the threads about how she is the devil incarnate or worse is symptomatic of fear. Fear of loosing your grip on privilege.

sorry for being concerned about socialism.

Pale Rider
11-12-2007, 01:39 AM
So, is it that these men are sexist? Can't have a woman or a "wife" be the leader of our country, no matter who the woman running would be? If that's the case, I think it is pretty telling...

If they don't like her politics and that is why they wouldn't vote for her then that is fine, but if it is why Avatar has mentioned, "a nagging wife" that they are concerned with then these men have serious self confidense issues imo.


I don't think so, although throwing it out there is a good distraction tactic.

I tell ya what, if Condi Rice, hypothetically, were the Republican prez nominee against hillary for the dems, I would DEFFINITELY vote for Condi, and have no problem doing so.

11-12-2007, 01:43 AM
I don't think so, although throwing it out there is a good distraction tactic.

I tell ya what, if Condi Rice, hypothetically, were the Republican prez nominee against hillary for the dems, I would DEFFINITELY vote for Condi, and have no problem doing so.

They have a draft Dr. Condelezza Rice for President website.:salute:

11-12-2007, 01:44 AM
The thing that gets me...is if we're against Hitlery(especially a man), than we are labeled sexist...

I think she is a she dog...and I don't care what name I'm called for saying it...:laugh2:

red states rule
11-12-2007, 05:40 AM
I am glad to see Bill out there trying to spin Hillary's fuck ups on the campaign trail

It will only deepen the hole Hillary has fallen into

Bill is Hurting Hillary's Candidacy
By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

During the Bill Clinton presidency, it became obvious that the president and the first lady were locked in a zero sum game of perception. The stronger people perceived her, the weaker they felt he was. Early in his tenure, news stories were rife about Hillary's extraordinary influence on appointments, policy and political strategy. Each of these leaks sapped confidence in Bill Clinton's strength and led to a drop in his ratings.

The solution was to exile Hillary from the White House. She stopped attending strategy meetings, no longer had a direct or public role in policy formulation and redoubled her schedule of foreign travel and writing.

Now, as Hillary runs for president and Bill speaks out on her behalf, the Clintons' zero sum conundrum has returned. His stout defense of his wife saps her credibility and raises doubts about her potential strength as a president. With his every speech and utterance, the question grows: Can she stand up for herself or does she need to hide behind her husband?

The stereotype of the strong man standing up for his besieged wife is deeply ingrained in our psyche. But even as it feeds admiration for his chivalry, it also undermines her reputation for strength and independence.

Such criticism is potentially lethal for a woman candidate, particularly one seeking the presidency of a nation at war with a global matrix of terrorists. Hillary has been at great pains to build up her reputation for toughness, boasting that she will "deck" her opponents and that she is able to defeat the "vast right wing conspiracy." OK. So why is her husband fighting her fights for her?

Bill Clinton is way too far out there for Hillary's good. He needs to take the same kind of slow boat to China that he sent her on during his White House years -- in her case, to address the global conference on women's rights in Beijing.

Hillary's debate performance is spawning layers of negatives. First, of course, people realize that she is ducking issues and dancing around making commitments. Her refusal to be pinned down was evident under Tim Russert's skilled questioning.

But her protests, and those of her husband, against Russert's questions and the tendency of her male opponents to pile on, led to a sense that she may be too weak to be president. After all, the men who run Al Qaeda, Iran, Russia and China have a tendency to pile on also.

Finally, with Bill rushing to her defense, backing her on the release of White House papers, taking responsibility for the health care debacle of 1993 to 1994 and accusing Russert of bias, comes the question of whether she is, in fact, strong enough to face the Republicans in the general election.

None of these ruminations are good for Hillary's candidacy.

It seems that voters allocate a certain quantum of strength to a married couple, to be divided between them as their personalities and circumstances dictate. A strong wife implies a weak husband and vice versa. This social habit of thought carries over into politics and casts a shadow over our first married political couple since the Roosevelts.

Would we expect Denis Thatcher to speak up for Maggie? What would we think if he berated the men of the Argentine Junta for piling on against his wife? How would we respond if he accused the BBC of bias against his Prime Minister/wife?

The fact that Bill has been president just makes his intervention the more obvious and politically costly. Here we have not only a husband standing up for his woman, but a former president helping his ingénue wife in her efforts to fend for herself. The stereotype is not appealing and undermines Hillary's candidacy.

Bill needs to go home and get a life.


11-12-2007, 05:39 PM
sorry for being concerned about socialism.We are just about in a fascist society and you are concerned about socialism?

red states rule
11-12-2007, 05:55 PM
We are just about in a fascist society and you are concerned about socialism?

Any examples or is this just another temper tantrum?

11-15-2007, 09:08 AM
If you want the key to deciphering sHrillary's actions, always think ambition. Specifically, political ambition.

Here's a woman journalist who thinks you're on to something.


11-15-2007, 09:53 AM
Interesting. Are you a Christian Stephanie?

Is your attitude what Christianity teaches?

I appologize if you are not a Christian.

But as a Christian, she did exactly what the Church asks of her... yet you all think she should have done the exact opposite of the teachings of the Christian Church. I have always been puzzled by this kind of criticism and attitude of those on the "right"...., just absolutely can NOT understand it.


Ya know - your pseudo-Christianity, false moral ground is such crap. I, for one, am SO SICK AND TIRED of you trying to play 'gotcha' with whatever head-knowledge you have about the Bible.

Look, heathen, IF you knew Christ, you wouldn't try to throw EVERY OTHER CHRISTIAN under the bus each time they say something you don't agree with. Get OVER yourself already. Geesh....