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View Full Version : Hillary - Don't Believe I'm A Flip Flopper

red states rule
11-11-2007, 04:01 PM
Now Hilary is begging Dems not to believe the truth about her. She is a flip flopper and she gives typical Clintonesk answers

Hillary urges backers not to be 'distracted'
By Christina Bellantoni
November 11, 2007

DES MOINES, Iowa — Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Democrats not to be "distracted" by her rivals who paint her as waffling.

"There are some who say they don't know where I stand. Well, I think you know better than that," the New York senator said. "I stand with you and with your children and with every American who needs a fighter in their corner for a better life."

Mrs. Clinton, the national front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination but locked in a tough battle to win Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucus, said the other Democrats should instead "turn up the heat" on Republicans.

"I'm not interested in attacking my opponents. I'm interested in attacking the problems of America," she said as her fans chanted along.

She was one of six presidential hopefuls appealing yesterday to 9,000 Iowans at the annual Jefferson-Jackson Day fundraiser.

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois had the loudest reception when he entered the auditorium, and he reprised his stump speech. He also reminded voters if they nominate him, the Republican candidate "won't be able to say that I supported this war in Iraq." He did not mention Mrs. Clinton by name but his allusion to her support for the war in 2002 was clear.

"I'm asking you to stand with me, to caucus for me, to stop settling for what the cynics tell us we must accept," he said. "Let us reach for what we know is possible: A nation healed, a world repaired, an America that believes again."

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware stressed his experience with foreign policy and said: "Until we solve the problem in Iraq, we will not be able to regain our credibility to lead the world on any other subject."
