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View Full Version : Kerry Spokesman Sets Limbaugh Straight on Swiftboat Smears

11-12-2007, 04:18 PM
You have got to read this...Good grief..

WASHINGTON D.C. – Kerry spokesman David Wade issued the following statement today in response to Rush Limbaugh, who said on his radio show that Kerry’s Swift Boat attackers in 2004, “were right on the money and nobody has disproven anything they claimed in any of their ads, statements, written commentaries, or anything of the sort.”

“At first I thought, that’s not Rush, that’s just the OxyContin talking.
Nonetheless, this is a despicable but unsurprising new lie from a man whose closest brush with combat came when customs officials tried to take away his Viagra.

You can read the rest if you want.:coffee:

Hagbard Celine
11-12-2007, 04:23 PM
It's pretty cut and dry. Rush is wrong. The Kerry website even linked to a Media Matters article proving conclusively that the Swiftboat guys were nothing more than smear artists. It stings doesn't it?

11-12-2007, 04:26 PM
I love it. Sets him straight with the very powerful argument "Nah uh!" followed by a bunch of insults.

Oh and the people who served with John Kerry were the Swift boat veterans. Which is why they were so effective. They told one story. John Kerry's story changed every single time he tried to retell it.

Oh and Kerry still hasnt released his military record. How is anyone supposed to find anything from the record that supports him when its not public knowledge yet.

11-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Wow if Rush, whom I do not care for ever needed an endorsement this was it.

11-12-2007, 04:52 PM
I think the Lurch should get a real spokesman with experience and let the high school kid writing this get on with their schooling...:coffee:

11-12-2007, 06:14 PM
the fact of the matter is: swifties were liars. easily provable.

red states rule
11-12-2007, 06:17 PM
When the accusations surfaced, Kerry refused to release his military records to refute them.

Leading to the inevitable conclusion that the accusations are true.

Now John Kerry claims he can refute the accusations against him.

Too little, too late,

All you had to do was release your military records.

3 years to late

11-12-2007, 06:27 PM
Kerry released his records 2 and a half years ago. mere months after Bush's inauguration.

and unequivocally, Thurlow and Elliot, the two big Swifty stars, are proven liars.

11-12-2007, 06:30 PM
Kerry released his records 2 and a half years ago. mere months after Bush's inauguration.

and unequivocally, Thurlow and Elliot, the two big Swifty stars, are proven liars.

Let's be correct about this. Kerry released his to a newspaper and the public never "saw" them at all, while the records of GW are posted for all to see. I wouldn't mind shifting through Kerry's records, but I can't.

11-12-2007, 06:36 PM
Let's be correct about this. Kerry released his to a newspaper and the public never "saw" them at all, while the records of GW are posted for all to see. I wouldn't mind shifting through Kerry's records, but I can't.

not all the records of dubya are posted for all to see...that is incorrect. that dorky website which purports to be a compilation of all his records contains tons of shit that is not part of anyone's "service record" and it is clearly missing many many pieces which are.

and let's be correct that Thurlow and Elliot ARE liars.

11-12-2007, 06:38 PM
not all the records of dubya are posted for all to see...that is incorrect. that dorky website which purports to be a compilation of all his records contains tons of shit that is not part of anyone's "service record" and it is clearly missing many many pieces which are.

and let's be correct that Thurlow and Elliot ARE liars.

and let's be clear, it's way more than Kerry posted regarding his service.

11-12-2007, 06:40 PM
and let's be clear, it's way more than Kerry posted regarding his service.

that is not so. NONE of Bush's medical records are there..and Kerry didn't post his either...but every single one of his fitness reports - which are the very meat of a naval officer's service record - were there for everyone to read...as well as each of his awards citations.

11-12-2007, 07:30 PM
the fact of the matter is: swifties were liars. easily provable.

you guys keep saying that. yet Kerry is just getting around to it now... funny if what you say is true shouldnt he have done it in 2004?

11-12-2007, 07:38 PM
you guys keep saying that. yet Kerry is just getting around to it now... funny if what you say is true shouldnt he have done it in 2004?

IF what I am saying is true? like I said then and now.... Elliot and Thurlow are proven liars. I proved it then and said it then....but, or course, the right clearly had no interest in the truth as long as the smear campaign was working. Did Kerry do a good enough job in defending himself? of course not. Were the swifties liars? absolutely.

11-12-2007, 08:54 PM
The Kerry website even linked to a Media Matters article proving conclusively that the Swiftboat guys were nothing more than smear artists. Media Matters? the group founded and supported by the little Commie George Soros? YA I believe everything they say NOT
Media Matters are Liberal Pigs and nothing but LIARS :dance: RUSH-1 ---- Traitor John Kerry-0

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:18 AM
I will have to admit that I too voted for Kerry and then voted against him. It happened on Christmas in 1968 when the then President Nixon asked Kerry and I to go into Cambodia. This memory is seared into my brain.

11-13-2007, 07:24 AM
RSR...can you explain why Thurlow and Elliot lied?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:29 AM
RSR...can you explain why Thurlow and Elliot lied?

Been there - done that

No lies, just more BS from the #1 BS artist and defender of all libs who are busted

11-13-2007, 07:33 AM
no. clear and unambiguous lies.

Elliot called Kerry the best officer in CD11 in 1968.... nearly 30 years later, he came all the way to Boston to appear at a '96 Kerry for Senate campaign rally and called him a hero and a great leader. Eight years later he is telling a completely different story. The facts are clear on their face: either he was lying in '68 and '96, or he is lying today.

Thurlow accepted a bronze star and the citation for that awared clearly discussed enemy fire being taken by all units in the formation.... then, years later, Thurlow claimed there was no enemy fire....yet he has held onto his bronze star for all those years? Clearly lying.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 02:59 PM
no. clear and unambiguous lies.

Elliot called Kerry the best officer in CD11 in 1968.... nearly 30 years later, he came all the way to Boston to appear at a '96 Kerry for Senate campaign rally and called him a hero and a great leader. Eight years later he is telling a completely different story. The facts are clear on their face: either he was lying in '68 and '96, or he is lying today.

Thurlow accepted a bronze star and the citation for that awared clearly discussed enemy fire being taken by all units in the formation.... then, years later, Thurlow claimed there was no enemy fire....yet he has held onto his bronze star for all those years? Clearly lying.

Libs are just pissed Kerry got caught in his own web of ever changing lies

11-13-2007, 03:19 PM
Kerry released his records 2 and a half years ago. mere months after Bush's inauguration.

and unequivocally, Thurlow and Elliot, the two big Swifty stars, are proven liars.

You are such an asshole to still be on this crap. Kerry released his records to a Boston Globe reporter, his friend and protector for years. No-one but you and a few other kool-aid drinkers fell for it. Meanwhile we're all stilll waiting for his records, and I'm confident that they will never see the light of day as he is rightly ashamed of them.

11-13-2007, 03:25 PM
you guys keep saying that. yet Kerry is just getting around to it now... funny if what you say is true shouldnt he have done it in 2004?
He didn't have media matters attack dogs working for him then.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 05:50 PM
He didn't have media matters attack dogs working for him then.

John Boy did have the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, TIME, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC on his side trying to smear the Swift Boat vets

11-13-2007, 05:57 PM
John Boy did have the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, TIME, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC on his side trying to smear the Swift Boat vets Yeah but that just proves all those outlets haven't the imagination of the college frat house that George Soros created with media matters amd move on dot org

red states rule
11-13-2007, 06:00 PM
Yeah but that just proves all those outlets haven't the imagination of the college frat house that George Soros created with media matters amd move on dot org

Kerry even had Dan Rather use forged documents in a feeble attempt to tilt the election to John Boy

MM, please tell us again how there is no liberal media?

Pale Rider
11-13-2007, 06:36 PM
you guys keep saying that. yet Kerry is just getting around to it now... funny if what you say is true shouldnt he have done it in 2004?

They've had a few years to forge up some new documents.

Kerry is a liar and a pussy.

11-13-2007, 06:46 PM
kerry lost because he acted like an attorney as did edwards plus he was a snob, an elitist, arrogant, a vet that undercut his brothers after the war and confusing as hell to understand which is saying something considering who he ran against....

11-13-2007, 06:50 PM

MM, please tell us again how there is no liberal media? He can't even admit that? Now there's a faggot with zero cred.

11-13-2007, 07:16 PM
They've had a few years to forge up some new documents.

Kerry is a liar and a pussy.

so Thurlow's Bronze Star citation is FORGED????

Elliot's walk on water fitness report for Kerry is FORGED???

Elliot's comments at a 1996 Kerry for Senate rally are FORGED???


11-13-2007, 07:17 PM
kerry lost because he acted like an attorney as did edwards plus he was a snob, an elitist, arrogant, a vet that undercut his brothers after the war and confusing as hell to understand which is saying something considering who he ran against....

odd....my post was not about why Kerry lost, but the fact that SBVT's attacks on him were riddled with lies.

11-13-2007, 07:19 PM
odd....my post was not about why Kerry lost, but the fact that SBVT's attacks on him were riddled with lies.

fixed it for ya.....

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:21 PM
odd....my post was not about why Kerry lost, but the fact that SBVT's attacks on him were riddled with lies.

Really? When and where did you prove that?

11-13-2007, 07:21 PM
Kerry even had Dan Rather use forged documents in a feeble attempt to tilt the election to John Boy

MM, please tell us again how there is no liberal media?

This has nothing to do with how liberal the media is.... this has to do with SBVT lies. YOU started a thread about them but somehow can't seem to stand up and explain why Thurlow would accept a bronze star and keep a bronze star for all those years if it was really given on false pretenses.

you can't seem to explain why Elliot would rank Kerry #1 in CD11, come to speak on his behalf in '96 - and then completely change his tune eight years later and not clearly be a liar...either then or now.

But DO keep trying to change the topic of your OWN thread and make it about Dan Rather when Thurlow and Elliot have embarrassed you so!:laugh2:

11-13-2007, 07:25 PM
Really? When and where did you prove that?

are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT lie?

are you suggesting that Elliot did NOT lie?

I have proven their lies repeatedly. If you say that Thurlow is not a liar, then you have to admit that, even by YOUR standards, he is a cheat who would take a medal for valor that he did not deserve. Liar or cheat...either way, not credible.

Same with Elliot. Kerry is the best officer in his squadron in Nam...Kerry is a great leader and a hero in 1996, but somehow is unfit for command eight years later????? not credible.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:30 PM
are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT lie?

are you suggesting that Elliot did NOT lie?

I have proven their lies repeatedly. If you say that Thurlow is not a liar, then you have to admit that, even by YOUR standards, he is a cheat who would take a medal for valor that he did not deserve. Liar or cheat...either way, not credible.

Same with Elliot. Kerry is the best officer in his squadron in Nam...Kerry is a great leader and a hero in 1996, but somehow is unfit for command eight years later????? not credible.

My you are stuck on both repeat and stupid

11-13-2007, 07:33 PM
My you are stuck on both repeat and stupid

all you have to do is acknowledge the lies of those two guys and we can move on.

any chance of that happening soon?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:33 PM
all you have to do is acknowledge the lies of those two guys and we can move on.

any chance of that happening soon?

The only two guys I know who are lying is you and John Boy

Now you can move on

11-13-2007, 07:34 PM
.... Kerry is the best officer in his squadron in Nam...Kerry is a great leader and a hero in 1996,.....

Kool Aid drinker and semen swallower.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:36 PM
Kool Aid drinker and semen swallower.

Hell MM uses the Kool Aid for bath water

11-13-2007, 07:38 PM
The only two guys I know who are lying is you and John Boy

Now you can move on

are you suggesting that you have no explanation for why Thurlow would accept and retain a bronze star which was, according to him, awarded fraudulently?

are you suggesting that you have no explanation how Elliot could praise Kerry in Nam, praise him again thirty years later, and then eight years after that, say he was unfit?

I would suggest you are afraid to answer.

11-13-2007, 07:40 PM
Hell MM uses the Kool Aid for bath water
HFM: "John Kerry a great leader and my hero." :lol: That's gotta be the funniest thing I've read all week.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:40 PM
are you suggesting that you have no explanation for why Thurlow would accept and retain a bronze star which was, according to him, awarded fraudulently?

are you suggesting that you have no explanation how Elliot could praise Kerry in Nam, praise him again thirty years later, and then eight years after that, say he was unfit?

I would suggest you are afraid to answer.

It is obvious to all, you have put the Dem party ahead of everything in your life

Whatever the daily talking points are - you scream them at the top of your lungs

No matter how many lies John Boy was caught in - you still defend him. Even at the expense of the troops and the country

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:41 PM
HFM: "John Kerry a great leader and my hero." :lol: That's gotta be the funniest thing I've read all week.

With the writers strike, MM could write material for Leno

11-13-2007, 07:41 PM
are you suggesting that you have no explanation for why Thurlow would accept and retain a bronze star which was, according to him, awarded fraudulently?

are you suggesting that you have no explanation how Elliot could praise Kerry in Nam, praise him again thirty years later, and then eight years after that, say he was unfit?

I would suggest you are afraid to answer.

hindsight and time shed an interesting light on past decisions and events.....are these men not allowed to change their minds on issues?

11-13-2007, 07:41 PM
It is obvious to all, you have put the Dem party ahead of everything in your life

Whatever the daily talking points are - you scream them at the top of your lungs

No matter how many lies John Boy was caught in - you still defend him. Even at the expense of the troops and the country

I am not defending Kerry at all here...I am merely attacking two liars....I wonder why you don't castigate liars wherever you find them?

it is clear you have no defense for them other than obfuscation.

11-13-2007, 07:42 PM
With the writers strike, MM could write material for Leno How does he keep from gagging when he writes such things?

Oh yeah, he's used to taking it, deep throat style, balls-on-chin. :lol:

11-13-2007, 07:43 PM
hindsight and time shed an intersting light on past decisions and events.....are these men not allowed to change thier minds on issues?

is Thurlow allowed to change his mind on whether the enemy was shooting at him nearly forty years after the fact???:lol::lol:

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:43 PM
I am not defending Kerry at all here...I am merely attacking two liars....I wonder why you don't castigate liars wherever you find them?

it is clear you have no defense for them other than obfuscation.

you defend him (along with any other Dem) no matter what the truth is

to you the truth is irrelevant

power is the only thing that matters

11-13-2007, 07:43 PM
hindsight and time shed an intersting light on past decisions and events.....are these men not allowed to change thier minds on issues? HFM defends Kerry changing his mind in the same day but not a real soldier in 30 years.

11-13-2007, 07:46 PM
you defend him (along with any other Dem) no matter what the truth is

to you the truth is irrelevant

power is the only thing that matters

to you, lies are irrelevant. Thurlow lied. Elliot lied. and you continue to defend them.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:47 PM
to you, lies are irrelevant. Thurlow lied. Elliot lied. and you continue to defend them.

Drunk on the kool Aid this early in the evening?

11-13-2007, 07:50 PM
Drunk on the kool Aid this early in the evening?

again.... if you had any defense for Thurlow accepting and retaining a bronze star if he knew it was fraudulent, you would have offered it by now.

most smoke blowing:dance:

11-13-2007, 07:51 PM
is Thurlow allowed to change his mind on whether the enemy was shooting at him nearly forty years after the fact???:lol::lol:

it would seem there is a group, 40 years later, that believe one thing and another group that says they are liars ..... i would surmise the truth lies somewhere in the middle in which case both groups are liars ....

tell me …. how can you be so sure which group is which ....

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:53 PM
it would seem there is a group, 40 years later, that believe one thing and another group that says they are liars ..... i would surmise the truth lies somewhere in the middle in which case both groups are liars ....

tell me …. how can you be so sure which group is which ....

John Kerry told him

11-13-2007, 08:07 PM
it would seem there is a group, 40 years later, that believe one thing and another group that says they are liars ..... i would surmise the truth lies somewhere in the middle in which case both groups are liars ....

tell me …. how can you be so sure which group is which ....

Thurlow accepted a bronze star, while in Nam, for the same exact action that Kerry won his for. FACT I can be sure of that.

Thurlow's citation, which is read as part of the medal presentation ceremony, clearly states that all units in the formation took enemy fire. FACT.

Thurlow did not refuse his bronze star, and, to this day, has never returned if for being undeserved. FACT.

FACT: Thurlow, 40 years later, claimed that John Kerry was lying when he said that the swift boats had received enemy fire.

FACT: the only way those facts all line up is if Thurlow is either a liar or a cheat. you take your pick and then you tell me how much integrity liars and cheats have.

red states rule
11-13-2007, 08:44 PM
Thurlow accepted a bronze star, while in Nam, for the same exact action that Kerry won his for. FACT I can be sure of that.

Thurlow's citation, which is read as part of the medal presentation ceremony, clearly states that all units in the formation took enemy fire. FACT.

Thurlow did not refuse his bronze star, and, to this day, has never returned if for being undeserved. FACT.

FACT: Thurlow, 40 years later, claimed that John Kerry was lying when he said that the swift boats had received enemy fire.

FACT: the only way those facts all line up is if Thurlow is either a liar or a cheat. you take your pick and then you tell me how much integrity liars and cheats have.

John Boy changes his mind in less then 24 hours, MM says nothing

11-13-2007, 08:47 PM
John Boy changes his mind in less then 24 hours, MM says nothing

this isn't about Kerry...he was not my candidate of choice and I thought he ran a terrible campaign.

this is about lying swifties. can't you just admit that Thurlow and Elliot were not truthful?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 08:49 PM
this isn't about Kerry...he was not my candidate of choice and I thought he ran a terrible campaign.

this is about lying swifties. can't you just admit that Thurlow and Elliot were not truthful?

But you sure do kiss his ass, and lie like hell for him

11-13-2007, 08:51 PM
But you sure do kiss his ass, and lie like hell for him

I don't lie for anyone. can you address the swiftie issue or not?

if no....just say so. quit tapdancing

red states rule
11-13-2007, 08:53 PM
I don't lie for anyone. can you address the swiftie issue or not?

if no....just say so. quit tapdancing

You are more then happy to lie for any Dem that needs to have their ass covered

11-13-2007, 08:54 PM
You are more then happy to lie for any Dem that needs to have their ass covered

again: I don't lie for anyone.

now...are you gonna talk about Thurlow and Elliot??? ever????

red states rule
11-13-2007, 08:55 PM
again: I don't lie for anyone.

now...are you gonna talk about Thurlow and Elliot??? ever????

If they have a (D) at the end of their name you are their to lie, and spin for them

11-13-2007, 08:58 PM
If they have a (D) at the end of their name you are their to lie, and spin for them

again: I don't lie for anyone.

now...are you going to discuss Thurlow and Elliot or not?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 09:00 PM
again: I don't lie for anyone.

now...are you going to discuss Thurlow and Elliot or not?

Yea, you only lie for Dems

All others are on your hit and attack list

11-13-2007, 09:02 PM
Yea, you only lie for Dems

All others are on your hit and attack list

again: I don't lie for anyone.

are you going to talk about Thurlow and Elliot? This thread IS about SBVT issues.... do you not have the courage to discuss your own thread? must you continue to obfuscate?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 09:03 PM
again: I don't lie for anyone.

are you going to talk about Thurlow and Elliot? This thread IS about SBVT issues.... do you not have the courage to discuss your own thread? must you continue to obfuscate?

stuck of repeat and stupid again

11-13-2007, 09:07 PM
stuck of repeat and stupid again

can't escape the truth, can you?

I tell you what...when you get ready to discuss this issue, you be sure and let me know, OK?

11-13-2007, 10:13 PM
Thurlow accepted a bronze star, while in Nam, for the same exact action that Kerry won his for. FACT I can be sure of that.

Thurlow's citation, which is read as part of the medal presentation ceremony, clearly states that all units in the formation took enemy fire. FACT.

Thurlow did not refuse his bronze star, and, to this day, has never returned if for being undeserved. FACT.

FACT: Thurlow, 40 years later, claimed that John Kerry was lying when he said that the swift boats had received enemy fire.

FACT: the only way those facts all line up is if Thurlow is either a liar or a cheat. you take your pick and then you tell me how much integrity liars and cheats have. Funny I don't see you being so succint calling Kerry a liar, mr Deep Throat.

red states rule
11-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Funny I don't see you being so succint calling Kerry a liar, mr Deep Throat.

John Boy has a (D) at the end of his name. To MM everything John Boy says is true

Anyone who says otherwise is a political hack out to destroy a war hero

11-14-2007, 07:32 AM
John Boy has a (D) at the end of his name. To MM everything John Boy says is true

Anyone who says otherwise is a political hack out to destroy a war hero

again... my point does not have to do with Kerry at all. I have admitted on several occasions that he was a weak and ineffective candidate. I have stated that he was NOT my preferred candidate coming out of the primary season.

This thread IS about SBVT. YOU started it. I merely point ouf that I can take the two biggest stars of the SBVT crowd and prove they are liars.

That's all....notwithstanding Kerry's weakness as a candidate, the SBVT campaign is proof that the republican party plays dirty politics and that victory is more important to them than integrity. THurlow and Elliot are liars. and you cannot escape that.

red states rule
11-14-2007, 07:35 AM
again... my point does not have to do with Kerry at all. I have admitted on several occasions that he was a weak and ineffective candidate. I have stated that he was NOT my preferred candidate coming out of the primary season.

This thread IS about SBVT. YOU started it. I merely point ouf that I can take the two biggest stars of the SBVT crowd and prove they are liars.

That's all....notwithstanding Kerry's weakness as a candidate, the SBVT campaign is proof that the republican party plays dirty politics and that victory is more important to them than integrity. THurlow and Elliot are liars. and you cannot escape that.

Of course you don't want to talk about the Kerry and the lies he got caught in

11-14-2007, 07:38 AM
unfortunately...........for the Democrat party....they've been taken over by a bunch that they don't want to stand up to.....

I'm not saying the Republicans don't friggin need purging from the corrupt ones, my own party here in Alaska needs purging and I'm ready to take them out......
but the problem withe the Democrats is they don't want to PURGE THIER BAD ONES....they would rather see PARTY OVER us the American People....HOW SAD for you all....

red states rule
11-14-2007, 07:43 AM
unfortunately...........for the Democrat party....they've been taken over by a bunch that they don't want to stand up to.....

I'm not saying the Republicans don't friggin need purging from the corrupt ones, my own party here in Alaska needs purging and I'm ready to take them out......
but the problem withe the Democrats is they don't want to PURGE THIER BAD ONES....they would rather see PARTY OVER us the American People....HOW SAD for you all....

I agree

We get rid of them and move on

However, it seems if you are a Dem and get caught - it is a resume enhancment.

11-14-2007, 07:57 AM
Of course you don't want to talk about the Kerry and the lies he got caught in

start a thread about it. YOU started this thread about swiftie smears and I have addressed it. Your inability to stay on topic in your own thread is really quite laughable.

this thread, which you started, is about "swiftie smears" I have laid out evidence that proves that the two stars of the SBVT crowd are liars.... in a thread about them and their smears....

and rather than just admit that the SBVT campaign was dirty politics, you try to change the subject! :laugh2:

11-14-2007, 08:58 AM

RSR disappears from his own thread:lol:

red states rule
11-14-2007, 09:05 AM
I started this thread so many of us can relive the 2004 US Presidential Democratic major screw up and loss.. I can only hope that Dan Rather who is currently suing C……………….BS gets an appearance on Late Night with David Lettermon to discuss this matter fully, honestly and with courage.

Taking on a brain dead liberal drone like you does provide some comic relief MM

11-14-2007, 09:08 AM

RSR disappears from his own thread:lol:

speaking of ++poofer++:clap:

red states rule
11-14-2007, 09:10 AM
speaking of ++poofer++:clap:

I lead MM around like a dog on a leash

Now if I could only paper train him

11-14-2007, 09:30 AM
I started this thread so many of us can relive the 2004 US Presidential Democratic major screw up and loss.. I can only hope that Dan Rather who is currently suing C……………….BS gets an appearance on Late Night with David Lettermon to discuss this matter fully, honestly and with courage.

Taking on a brain dead liberal drone like you does provide some comic relief MM

but when confronted with the lies of Thurlow, you can't address them.

red states rule
11-14-2007, 10:05 AM
but when confronted with the lies of Thurlow, you can't address them.

I have

You on the other hand, keep beating a long dead horse

Or in the case of John Boy - a long dead jackass

11-14-2007, 10:25 AM
I have

You on the other hand, keep beating a long dead horse

Or in the case of John Boy - a long dead jackass

that is not true. YOu have NEVER explained why Thurlow would have accepted and still retains a bronze star that was, according to him, given for fraudulent reasons.

Do you HAVE an answer for that question?

red states rule
11-14-2007, 10:29 AM
that is not true. YOu have NEVER explained why Thurlow would have accepted and still retains a bronze star that was, according to him, given for fraudulent reasons.

Do you HAVE an answer for that question?

I do love to walk the dog - he follows me around and does just what I tell him

11-14-2007, 10:36 AM
and that's a wrap!:dance:

red states rule
11-14-2007, 10:39 AM
and that's a wrap!:dance:

Go sit in the corner and scratch your fleas. Good dog!