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View Full Version : Wolf warned: No ganging up on Hillary in Vegas!

11-13-2007, 11:08 AM
Apparently the Clintonistas are jealously guarding Hillary's longtime habit of not answering questions straightforwardly, changing the subject, ducking important issues, at the same time she's trying to get people to vote for her for President. They have "warned" CNN correspondent Wolf Blitzer that if he presses her for actual answers to the questions the other candidates routinely answer, it would somehow be wrong.

These leftists have never been able to face the people and honestly tell them what they intend to do when in office. It's not surprising why: If the people knew what they really wanted, they'd vote them out of office in droves, as they did after Hillary's 1993 socialized-medicine debacle. Hillary has learned from that episode. Ever since, she has been careful to hide her agenda behind doubletalk, twists, evasions, and strident accusations that the questions are somehow "unfair".

Note the standard tactic where the Clintonista announces that Russert's pressing of his unanswered question, somehow became a "character attack", even when he did nothing to impugn her character. The best defense is always a good offense... especially when your agenda is otherwise indefensible.

Looks like nothing is changing.




CNN's Wolf Blitzer has been warned not to focus Thursday's Dem debate on Hillary. 'This campaign is about issues, not on who we can bring down and destroy,' top Clinton insider explains. 'Blitzer should not go down to the levels of character attack and pull 'a Russert.'' Blitzer is set to moderate debate from Vegas, with questions also being posed by Suzanne Malveaux... Developing...

11-13-2007, 11:37 AM
BTW, If Giuliani gave evasive answers to questions about his change from pro-abortion to pro-life... or Romney ducked questions about the effect his Mormonism might have on his Presidential decisions... or McCain were asked if his Campaign Finance bill were outside the power of Congress to enact and/or unconstitutional on its face... would the Clintons applaud and approve those candidates' repeated attemtps to avoid answering those questions?

11-13-2007, 01:18 PM
what was the threat that coincided with Wolf's warning?:coffee:

11-14-2007, 03:58 PM
I haven't heard of any threat, and I'm not sure who called it a "warning". But it's significant that Hillary feels so strongly about not answering the questions people ask her, that any attempt to get her to do so, is seen as "ganging up" as though it were unfair.

The reason, of course, is because she knows she will lose votes no matter how she answers.

What does that say about her agenda?

11-14-2007, 04:57 PM
And we know the Wolfie will lay down and obey his Master...or he might not get his doggie bone..:laugh2:

11-14-2007, 06:45 PM
Stephanie, the good news is, Hillary can no longer count on dealing only with pliable Wolfies between now and the election, as she could have five or ten years ago. There are Russerts (and Humes and Hannitys and Krauthammers etc.) just waiting for a chance to ask her questions - and not let her get away with evasions She won't be able to avoid them, without looking very, very bad to lots of voters.

A free press - it's a wonderful thing. Except to liars and con artists, as Hillary is finding to her evident alarm.

11-14-2007, 06:58 PM
If Wolf plans on asking questions that arn't Clinton approved he better before the debate write a statement that he is not depressed, on anymedication for depression and has no intention of committing suicide and that if he ends up dead it needs to be looked at as murder and give a copy to all his friends.

11-14-2007, 07:01 PM
If Wolf plans on asking questions that arn't Clinton approved he better before the debate write a statement that he is not depressed, on anymedication for depression and has no intention of committing suicide and that if he ends up dead it needs to be looked at as murder and give a copy to all his friends.

good one..:laugh2:

11-14-2007, 07:53 PM
And stay well away from railroad tracks and private aircraft. And sell all his pets, pronto.

Pale Rider
11-15-2007, 02:50 AM


CNN's Wolf Blitzer has been warned not to focus Thursday's Dem debate on Hillary. 'This campaign is about issues, not on who we can bring down and destroy,' top Clinton insider explains. 'Blitzer should not go down to the levels of character attack and pull 'a Russert.'' Blitzer is set to moderate debate from Vegas, with questions also being posed by Suzanne Malveaux... Developing...

I'm not one to sit and listen to a liberal debate, it makes me nauseous. But I am going to watch this one tomorrow night. I want to see how wolfie handles hitlery.

11-15-2007, 02:52 AM
And stay well away from railroad tracks and private aircraft. And sell all his pets, pronto.

And not ride in a motorcade, thats how Democrats like to kill their own people.