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11-14-2007, 02:54 PM
Millions Going to Rural Pregnancy Centers That Promote Religion and False Information

Federally funded "pregnancy resource centers" throughout the country are receiving millions in taxpayer dollars despite promoting religious content and disseminating what critics say is misleading medical information.

Despite reservations from some in Congress, nearly $6 million in grants have been given to 21 pregnancy centers since the beginning of 2006, according to new data obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Many of these centers are receiving far more federal funding then they seemingly could need.

The Northern Hill Pregnancy Care Center in Spearfish, South Dakota, for example, has been granted more than $630,000 over three years despite seeing only 110 to 150 new clients per year. The Door of Hope Pregnancy Care Center in Madisonville, Kentucky, was given more than $300,000 in federal grants over the last two years, even though the entire female population of the town (all ages) is less than 11,000. First Choice Pregnancy Center in Texarkana, Texas, meanwhile, sees between 800 and 1,000 patients annually. For that, the center has been granted more than $1.3 million over three years - an average of approximately $500 per person per year.

Executives with these centers say they are providing an invaluable medical service and support to their patients. "Our main role is to be a place of refuge for women, teens and families in a crisis pregnancy situation," Kim Banks, executive director of the Texarkana facility, told The Huffington Post.

But watchdog groups say otherwise.

"It is ridiculous that there is a ton of money going to these tiny towns," Melanie Sloan, Executive Director of CREW told The Huffington Post. "You have to wonder what that money is being spent on. It can't possibly have all been spent educating women and teens about anything related to pregnancy."

But for Sloan and others it is not just an issue of mis-allocating federal funds. Many of these centers are often criticized for using the money they are granted to provide women with false impressions about abortion, abstinence, and pregnancy

On its website, the Westside Pregnancy Resource Center in Los Angeles suggests that women who receive abortions could experience an increased risk of breast cancer, a conclusion at odds with the mainstream medical consensus. As a reference, the center links to a 1986 letter government scientists wrote to the British journal Lancet. The Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc. in Anchorage Alaska, meanwhile, sites suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse and spiritual consequences as post-abortion side affects, without offering elaboration. Other centers suggest that women can experience infertility, "post-abortion stress disorder" and even a "fear of punishment from God" following an abortion.

More at Link below:


There needs to be criminal investigations into this bull shit.
As usual, the government fails to protect America’s youth from insane religions fanatics.

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 02:57 PM
Fear and guilt. The two most potent weapons in the theological arsenal.

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 03:04 PM
But for Sloan and others it is not just an issue of mis-allocating federal funds. The Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc. in Anchorage Alaska, meanwhile, [B]sites suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse and spiritual consequences as post-abortion side affects, without offering elaboration...


Are Huffington Post writers illiterate? The correct word in that context is 'cites', not 'sites'. Such a rookie language mistake makes the whole article seem kind of juvenile and pathetic.

11-14-2007, 03:09 PM
Millions Going to Rural Pregnancy Centers That Promote Religion and False Information

Federally funded "pregnancy resource centers" throughout the country are receiving millions in taxpayer dollars despite promoting religious content and disseminating what critics say is misleading medical information.

...but what do the SUPPORTERS say? It's normal for those who hate God to criticize ANY group which feels differently. What to supporters say? Where's the fairness and balance?


11-14-2007, 03:09 PM
did they cite anything more recent than a paper from '86 either?

and who cares if they are discouragin abortions and the likes? either the person will listen to them or not. it doesn't hurt anything for someone to try and console a person if they seem to be having/in distress. would it be just as bad if it was a religion other than Christianity?

they should turn them to drinking. because Alkyhall fix all owies. emotional and physical.

11-14-2007, 03:12 PM
Excellent - serioulsy - that's a VERY good point. Why would ANYONE care if an organization discurages abortions. People who care about such things betray their REAL feelings: Abortions are NOT about a woman's choice, but about killing babies. :(

11-14-2007, 03:23 PM
Executives with these centers say they are providing an invaluable medical service and support to their patients. "Our main role is to be a place of refuge for women, teens and families in a crisis pregnancy situation," Kim Banks, executive director of the Texarkana facility, told The Huffington Post.

On its website, the Westside Pregnancy Resource Center in Los Angeles suggests that women who receive abortions could experience an increased risk of breast cancer, a conclusion at odds with the mainstream medical consensus. As a reference, the center links to a 1986 letter government scientists wrote to the British journal Lancet. The Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc. in Anchorage Alaska, meanwhile, sites suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse and spiritual consequences as post-abortion side affects, without offering elaboration. Other centers suggest that women can experience infertility, "post-abortion stress disorder" and even a "fear of punishment from God" following an abortion.

How hypocritical of people like Melanie Sloan. These are the kind of things Planned Parenthood claims to help women with. The only difference is PP promotes abortions while these clinic do not.

We wouldn't want anyone not to support the killing of human beings now would we?

Sure, we should shut down these clinics that provide life saving medical treatment for women and take the money given to them and give it too... no one except Planned Parenthood of course!

By the way, does anyone know how much money the Federal Government gives to Planned Parenthood?


11-14-2007, 03:38 PM
By the way, does anyone know how much money the Federal Government gives to Planned Parenthood?

Under Bush, $50 Million plus annually through the Title X program, and $50 Million plus annually through the Medicaid program.

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 03:49 PM
Excellent - serioulsy - that's a VERY good point. Why would ANYONE care if an organization discurages abortions. People who care about such things betray their REAL feelings: Abortions are NOT about a woman's choice, but about killing babies. :(
The point is that they're using false information to scare girls into having babies they don't want. Nobody wins. Unless of course you call being born to a mother who doesn't want you winning.

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 03:50 PM
The point is that they're using false information to scare girls into having babies they don't want. Nobody wins. Unless of course you call being born to a mother who doesn't want you winning.

Beats death by vacuum suction, doesn't it?

11-14-2007, 03:51 PM
Fear and guilt. The two most potent weapons in the theological arsenal.

dang right....how dare they make somebody feel guilty just for killing their kid.....

11-14-2007, 03:53 PM
Under Bush, $50 Million plus annually through the Title X program, and $50 Million plus annually through the Medicaid program.

sumbich....we need to stop that.....

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 03:56 PM
dang right....how dare they make somebody feel guilty just for killing their kid.....

That's right. How dare they? It's not their place.

11-14-2007, 03:58 PM
The point is that they're using false information to scare girls into having babies they don't want. Nobody wins. Unless of course you call being born to a mother who doesn't want you winning.

False information?

Isn't it true that anything that doesn't support the liberal way is "false information"?


Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 03:59 PM
False information?

Isn't it true that anything that doesn't support the liberal way is "false information"?


No, it's not true.

11-14-2007, 04:01 PM
The point is that they're using false information to scare girls into having babies they don't want. Nobody wins. Unless of course you call being born to a mother who doesn't want you winning.

What the mothers want is beside the point when it comes to people like you, ENCOURAGING them to kill their baby. If a woman decides, after getting both sides, to carry her kid, people like you feel like you've 'lost'.

Wanting to carry a viable baby to term is something best-decided before one has sex. After the baby is created, it's too late. The choice was already made.

11-14-2007, 04:10 PM
No, it's not true.

how do you know that what a counsellor tells a patient in a closed room is not true....did the patient tell you what the counsellor said?....or did Planned Parenthood tell you what the anti-abortion clinic said......

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 04:12 PM
how do you know that what a counsellor tells a patient in a closed room is not true....did the patient tell you what the counsellor said?....or did Planned Parenthood tell you what the anti-abortion clinic said......

And the corollary: How do we know that what Planned Parenthood says in their abortion clinics is true? OR complete?

11-14-2007, 04:26 PM
trolley moley Obama! How dare they counsel those kids about not murdering their children and show them the other side of the blood stained card?

Mr. P
11-14-2007, 04:47 PM
IMO we shouldn't fund either side of the issue with tax money.

11-14-2007, 04:49 PM
Millions Going to Rural Pregnancy Centers That Promote Religion and False Information

Federally funded "pregnancy resource centers" throughout the country are receiving millions in taxpayer dollars despite promoting religious content and disseminating what critics say is misleading medical information.

Despite reservations from some in Congress, nearly $6 million in grants have been given to 21 pregnancy centers since the beginning of 2006, according to new data obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Many of these centers are receiving far more federal funding then they seemingly could need.

The Northern Hill Pregnancy Care Center in Spearfish, South Dakota, for example, has been granted more than $630,000 over three years despite seeing only 110 to 150 new clients per year. The Door of Hope Pregnancy Care Center in Madisonville, Kentucky, was given more than $300,000 in federal grants over the last two years, even though the entire female population of the town (all ages) is less than 11,000. First Choice Pregnancy Center in Texarkana, Texas, meanwhile, sees between 800 and 1,000 patients annually. For that, the center has been granted more than $1.3 million over three years - an average of approximately $500 per person per year.

Executives with these centers say they are providing an invaluable medical service and support to their patients. "Our main role is to be a place of refuge for women, teens and families in a crisis pregnancy situation," Kim Banks, executive director of the Texarkana facility, told The Huffington Post.

But watchdog groups say otherwise.

"It is ridiculous that there is a ton of money going to these tiny towns," Melanie Sloan, Executive Director of CREW told The Huffington Post. "You have to wonder what that money is being spent on. It can't possibly have all been spent educating women and teens about anything related to pregnancy."

But for Sloan and others it is not just an issue of mis-allocating federal funds. Many of these centers are often criticized for using the money they are granted to provide women with false impressions about abortion, abstinence, and pregnancy

On its website, the Westside Pregnancy Resource Center in Los Angeles suggests that women who receive abortions could experience an increased risk of breast cancer, a conclusion at odds with the mainstream medical consensus. As a reference, the center links to a 1986 letter government scientists wrote to the British journal Lancet. The Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc. in Anchorage Alaska, meanwhile, sites suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse and spiritual consequences as post-abortion side affects, without offering elaboration. Other centers suggest that women can experience infertility, "post-abortion stress disorder" and even a "fear of punishment from God" following an abortion.

More at Link below:


There needs to be criminal investigations into this bull shit.
As usual, the government fails to protect America’s youth from insane religions fanatics.

What can you expect from an administration based on false information dissemination!

11-14-2007, 05:16 PM
What can you expect from an administration based on false information dissemination!

Would this reaction also apply to Planned Parenthood? An organization which, as I stated earlier, under Bush, recieves $50 Million plus annually through the Title X program, and $50 Million plus annually through the Medicaid program?

11-14-2007, 05:26 PM
Fear of stretch marks is OK but fear of God is not.:pee:

11-14-2007, 05:29 PM
Under Bush, $50 Million plus annually through the Title X program, and $50 Million plus annually through the Medicaid program.

At present, the Hyde Amendment from 1976 prohibits the use of any Federal money for abortions for poor women, (Medicaid) unless a woman's life is endangered.

Can you please tell me where you have gotten these figures from? It has been against the law for the federal government to fund abortions for any medicaid recipient since 1976, unless the life of the mother is in jeapardy?

11-14-2007, 05:34 PM
yeah terribly disgusting. I mean how horrible is it that federal funds are going to groups that actually promote life. its the most disgusting thing in the world.

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 05:34 PM
yeah terribly disgusting. I mean how horrible is it that federal funds are going to groups that actually promote life. its the most disgusting thing in the world.

Very telling, don't you think?

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 05:40 PM
Wow, you guys sure are smugly self-righteous about all this. Who the f*ck cares what the women who want abortions think right?

11-14-2007, 05:52 PM
Wow, you guys sure are smugly self-righteous about all this. Who the f*ck cares what the women who want abortions think right?

It's not a black and white issue with no in between. There are many women out there who are pregnant and panicking. Planned Parenthood wants to introduce all of those women to the wonderful world of abortion, which has caused problems with the uterus, as well as documented emotional problems later on. Planned Parenthood also receives federal funds. Now, given that, why should an organization that presents the other side, namely adoption and the downside of abortion, not also receive federal funding, provided that it is not using those federal funds to proselytize people into Christianity.

Is it really a crime against our republic that federal funds may actually prevent an abortion, rather than cause one?

P.S. I'm sure those clinics all have some sort of Jesus literature in the lobby, but I'm equally sure that those are not paid for with federal funds.

P.P.S. No doctor, or any other health professional, for that matter, can proselytize a patient without serious action being taken by the ethics committee, up to and including loss of license.

11-14-2007, 05:57 PM
At present, the Hyde Amendment from 1976 prohibits the use of any Federal money for abortions for poor women, (Medicaid) unless a woman's life is endangered.

Can you please tell me where you have gotten these figures from? It has been against the law for the federal government to fund abortions for any medicaid recipient since 1976, unless the life of the mother is in jeapardy?

Who said anything about abortions?

Planned Parenthood recieves money from the federal government under Title X. Title X of the Public Health Service Act is America's family planning program. It was signed into law in 1970 by Nixon.

In 2005, Bush Signed a bill increasing Title X funding.

As for the Medicaid, many who seek the services of Planned Parenthood are low income women on Medicaid.

Please, don't missunderstand my attitude toward the issue, as the father of three daughters I believe that they should have a choice, but as a recovering Catholic, I also understand the other side of the discussion. While I don't necessarily agree with it, I respect their right to voice their ideas about abortion and I respect their right to try to discourage it. Ultimately, I believe it should and will remain a legal option in this country.

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 05:58 PM
It's not a black and white issue with no in between. There are many women out there who are pregnant and panicking. Planned Parenthood wants to introduce all of those women to the wonderful world of abortion, which has caused problems with the uterus, as well as documented emotional problems later on. Planned Parenthood also receives federal funds. Now, given that, why should an organization that presents the other side, namely adoption and the downside of abortion, not also receive federal funding, provided that it is not using those federal funds to proselytize people into Christianity.

Is it really a crime against our republic that federal funds may actually prevent an abortion, rather than cause one?

P.S. I'm sure those clinics all have some sort of Jesus literature in the lobby, but I'm equally sure that those are not paid for with federal funds.

P.P.S. No doctor, or any other health professional, for that matter, can proselytize a patient without serious action being taken by the ethics committee, up to and including loss of license.
The problem is that they're feeding them lies and dressing it up with religion to give it faux legitimacy. These girls may not want to keep their pregnancies, but they may after visiting this place simply because they got scared into it by wolves in sheeps clothing with political motives. Then they're stuck with a kid forever. Maybe they wanted to go to college. Maybe they wanted to travel before settling down. Maybe they wanted to enjoy their youth for a while. Not anymore thanks to the pro-life prudency brigade!

11-14-2007, 06:00 PM
The problem is that they're feeding them lies and dressing it up with religion to give it faux legitimacy. These girls may not want to keep their pregnancies, but they may after visiting this place simply because they got scared into it by wolves in sheeps clothing with political motives. Then they're stuck with a kid forever. Maybe they wanted to go to college. Maybe they wanted to travel before settling down. Maybe they wanted to enjoy their youth for a while. Not anymore thanks to the pro-life prudency brigade!

On the flip side, perhaps a very scared 17 year old enters planned parenthood site. She would like to keep the baby, but doesn't see how she can. Is she referred to sources that could help her, such as Catholic Charities? Somehow, I doubt it.

11-14-2007, 06:01 PM
The problem is that they're feeding them lies and dressing it up with religion to give it faux legitimacy. These girls may not want to keep their pregnancies, but they may after visiting this place simply because they got scared into it by wolves in sheeps clothing with political motives. Then they're stuck with a kid forever. Maybe they wanted to go to college. Maybe they wanted to travel before settling down. Maybe they wanted to enjoy their youth for a while. Not anymore thanks to the pro-life prudency brigade!

those are things that they should've thought about before having (more than likely, i know not all the times) unprotected sex. choices and consequences. and there is nothing to say that they still can't do any of those things.

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 06:03 PM
The problem is that they're feeding them lies and dressing it up with religion to give it faux legitimacy. These girls may not want to keep their pregnancies, but they may after visiting this place simply because they got scared into it by wolves in sheeps clothing with political motives. Then they're stuck with a kid forever. Maybe they wanted to go to college. Maybe they wanted to travel before settling down. Maybe they wanted to enjoy their youth for a while. Not anymore thanks to the pro-life prudency brigade!

You seem to deliberately ignore adoption. No one is "stuck" with their own child if they don't want to be.

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 06:07 PM
On the flip side, perhaps a very scared 17 year old enters planned parenthood site. She would like to keep the baby, but doesn't see how she can. Is she referred to sources that could help her, such as Catholic Charities? Somehow, I doubt it.

What do you think happens at Planned Parenthood? Do you think they pressure people into getting abortions? Think they have a happy-go-lucky cartoon mascot who sells it to tha kids? Think it's like a PeeWee Herman clown nightmare, everything is bathed in red light and demonic clowns close-in around the girl, then they put her on an altar and suck the baby out of her uterus with a shop vac and then eat it? :poke: Your view of the world is twisted, I'll give you that.
In the real world, if a girl is unsure, they give her a bunch of brochures on the subject and counsel her about what her options are so that she can make a rational and informed decision.

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 06:08 PM
You seem to deliberately ignore adoption. No one is "stuck" with their own child if they don't want to be.

You're very perceptive. I do deliberately ignore adoption. In fact, I'm against it! :eek:

11-14-2007, 06:08 PM
What do you think happens at Planned Parenthood? Do you think they pressure people into getting abortions? Think they have a happy-go-lucky cartoon mascot who sells it to tha kids? Think it's like a PeeWee Herman clown nightmare, everything is bathed in red light and demonic clowns close-in around the girl, then they put her on an altar and suck the baby out of her uterus with a shop vac and then eat it? :poke: Your view of the world is twisted, I'll give you that.
In the real world, if a girl is unsure, they give her a bunch of brochures on the subject and counsel her about what her options are so that she can make a rational and informed decision.

You've been there? I have.

Abbey Marie
11-14-2007, 06:09 PM
You're very perceptive. I do deliberately ignore adoption. In fact, I'm against it! :eek:

Well, I guess that is one explanation. But really, you just don't like how it ruins your whole argument. It's understandable.

11-14-2007, 06:10 PM
Would this reaction also apply to Planned Parenthood? An organization which, as I stated earlier, under Bush, recieves $50 Million plus annually through the Title X program, and $50 Million plus annually through the Medicaid program?From what experience I have had with my daughters PP has a very good program. My children got the information needed to stay healthy and keep from getting pregnant.

11-14-2007, 06:13 PM
From what experience I have had with my daughters PP has a very good program. My children got the information needed to stay healthy and keep from getting pregnant.

Why didn't they get that information from YOU? I explained all of the pros and cons, the ins and outs to my daughter and two sons. It's what parents should do, along with instilling our values. (Recognizing that the kids may 'rebel' and try to keep them safe.)

Hagbard Celine
11-14-2007, 06:16 PM
those are things that they should've thought about before having (more than likely, i know not all the times) unprotected sex. choices and consequences. and there is nothing to say that they still can't do any of those things.

Except that now she's uneducated and has a kid to feed. If she'd had an abortion, she could've gone on to a fine state university, gotten a couple of liberal arts degrees, gone on to get a Masters degree, studied abroad, gotten a great starting job with a salary in the mid to high 30s. Traveled. Met a great guy, gotten married on the beach, bought a house and had kids when she was ready and had a stable environment to raise them in. But no. She made a stupid mistake with some guy she went to highschool with and then went to this bastion of lies where she was guilted and scared into having the unwanted spawn. Now that bright future is nothing more than a fleeting fantasy. No, she's 30 now--pregnant again by another guy who raped her after slipping her a mickey on a blind date (she wouldn't have been raped if she'd had the abortion and gone to college in another town), she works at a waffle house because she never got an education and the son she had at age 16 is now a heroine addict with no future.

11-14-2007, 06:21 PM
From what experience I have had with my daughters PP has a very good program. My children got the information needed to stay healthy and keep from getting pregnant.

Why didn't they get that information from YOU? I explained all of the pros and cons, the ins and outs to my daughter and two sons. It's what parents should do, along with instilling our values. (Recognizing that the kids may 'rebel' and try to keep them safe.)

And I absolutely understand both of these approaches and agree with both. My approach has been a combination of both and while I have not taken any of my daughters down to PP, I have made it clear to them that they can certainly seek answers there. My one and only hope is, should there be and "accident," none of them will seek a solution without coming to either me or their mothers.

11-14-2007, 06:25 PM
What do you think happens at Planned Parenthood? Do you think they pressure people into getting abortions? Think they have a happy-go-lucky cartoon mascot who sells it to tha kids? Think it's like a PeeWee Herman clown nightmare, everything is bathed in red light and demonic clowns close-in around the girl, then they put her on an altar and suck the baby out of her uterus with a shop vac and then eat it? :poke: Your view of the world is twisted, I'll give you that.
In the real world, if a girl is unsure, they give her a bunch of brochures on the subject and counsel her about what her options are so that she can make a rational and informed decision.

you ever been in a planned parenthood with you pregnant girl friend......tell me what options did they share with you?

11-14-2007, 06:25 PM
And I absolutely understand both of these approaches and agree with both. My approach has been a combination of both and while I have not taken any of my daughters down to PP, I have made it clear to them that they can certainly seek answers there. My one and only hope is, should there be and "accident," none of them will seek a solution without coming to either me or their mothers.

Agreed. That was part of our 'talk' regarding each of them. Emphasis for daughter, 'I'll aways support you, you know where I stand.' For the boys, 'Treat women the way you'd want your sister or myself treated. If there is a problem, marriage might not be the answer, though it may. If not, there are other honorable ways to man up.' Something like that.

Believe it or not, the daughter had more issues than the boys. :coffee:

11-14-2007, 06:26 PM
Why didn't they get that information from YOU? I explained all of the pros and cons, the ins and outs to my daughter and two sons. It's what parents should do, along with instilling our values. (Recognizing that the kids may 'rebel' and try to keep them safe.)What I tried to do was explained so much better by professionals. Being a male and only having girls made the discussion a bit uneasy for them and me. The fact they got no stds is fairly good indicator of being properly informed about birth control and disease prevention.

11-14-2007, 06:27 PM
you ever been in a planned parenthood with you pregnant girl friend......tell me what options did they share with you?

Have you ever been in there with your pregnant girlfriend?:poke:

11-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Have you ever been in there with your pregnant girlfriend?:poke:


11-14-2007, 06:27 PM
What I tried to do was explained so much better by professionals. Being a male and only having girls made the discussion a bit uneasy for them and me. The fact they got no stds is fairly good indicator of being properly informed about birth control and disease prevention.

I'm sorry, but when one uses the logic that their kids didn't get STD's as their main point...

11-14-2007, 06:37 PM

And????? Spill the beans.... do they offer adoption as an option? Do they have clowns encouraging abortion only?


11-14-2007, 06:39 PM
And????? Spill the beans.... do they offer adoption as an option? Do they have clowns encouraging abortion only?


no options offered or discussed other than the time and date for the procedure ....

11-14-2007, 06:41 PM
no options offered or discussed other than the time and date for the procedure ....

That is what I encountered too. Even when asked about other options, was advised that it was feasible for circumstances.

11-14-2007, 06:55 PM
Think it's like a PeeWee Herman clown nightmare, everything is bathed in red light and demonic clowns close-in around the girl, then they put her on an altar and suck the baby out of her uterus with a shop vac and then eat it?

not the "eating" part......

11-14-2007, 07:16 PM
P.S. I'm sure those clinics all have some sort of Jesus literature in the lobby, but I'm equally sure that those are not paid for with federal funds.

I don't know that I can agree with this part.

I have no problem with the literature being there, but if the clinic receives funds for say adoption counseling and uses those funds just for that purpose, it frees up other funding for the printing of the religious literature.

I also read once that Planned Parenthood claimed not to use the government funding for abortions but rather for other services for women. Well, if they use government funds for other services... then this frees up additional funding from other sources for what? Abortions of course!

So, if there is government funding for adoption counseling in one clinic, if they are using any funds for religious materials then those funds could be considered to be from the governmental funds... of course, what if the materials were donated?

And what gives the government the right to tell any organization what kind of material they can distribute anyway? Do they dictate to Planned Parenthood?


Originally posted by H.C.The problem is that they're feeding them lies and dressing it up with religion to give it faux legitimacy. These girls may not want to keep their pregnancies, but they may after visiting this place simply because they got scared into it by wolves in sheeps clothing with political motives. Then they're stuck with a kid forever.

Sounds to me like you are describing PP to a tee. Wovles in sheep's clothing... yes, that fits PP exactly. And don't forget the woman has to live with her decision when she chooses abortion as well. There is no forgetting, "I killed my only child".


11-14-2007, 09:13 PM
You're very perceptive. I do deliberately ignore adoption. In fact, I'm against it! :eek:

I hope you are joking........(warning: both my children are adopted)..........

11-16-2007, 10:24 AM
My mother-in-law used to work at her local Crisis Pregnancy Center, and my wife helped her out (this is back when my wife was a teenager). These centers do not pass out false information. They merely provide all the options for the pregnant girl. Most of them have an ultrasound machine so the girls can see the life that is forming inside them. They don't provide abortions, nor do they favor abortions, but they certainly don't hold girls in a back room and deny them the ability to walk down to PP and get one.

Hagbard Celine
11-16-2007, 10:28 AM
I hope you are joking........(warning: both my children are adopted)..........

Of course I'm joking. It's sad that I have to say that.

11-16-2007, 10:47 AM
Of course I'm joking. It's sad that I have to say that.

well, it's not like it would be the first time we found something sad about your posts......:)