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11-15-2007, 01:28 AM
This is what Nancy Pilosi thinks she needs to get from Washington D.C. to San Francisco? Note the scale of the ramp guys.

11-15-2007, 07:25 AM
This is what Nancy Pilosi thinks she needs to get from Washington D.C. to San Francisco? Note the scale of the ramp guys.Well she does need somewhere to put that BIG FREAKING EGO of her's doesn't she????

11-16-2007, 12:31 AM
This is what Nancy Pilosi thinks she needs to get from Washington D.C. to San Francisco? Note the scale of the ramp guys.

ah, communism is great, only those in "power" get the best...

11-16-2007, 05:51 AM
Well she does need somewhere to put that BIG FREAKING EGO of her's doesn't she????
I'm so glad the Democrats are in control, they are spending our tax dollars so wisely, and they are getting so much done, too!

11-16-2007, 09:13 AM
This aircraft, although not considered a widebody, is huge. The cargo bins, 4, are cavernous......I've helped unload 300 bags out of the rear bin and the front is nearly as big.It seats 228 people and burns 1100 to 1200 gallons of jet fuel per hour. It's a 4 hour flight from Washington to San Francisco.

The 200 model is a very nice looking plane. As it taxies in it looks like a giant bird of prey because of the very tall landing gear and the nose that has a slight droop. I'll try to get a shot of one in the day time, my old tech Olympus only has an ISO setting of 320, not high enough for very effective night shots.

11-16-2007, 11:27 AM
This aircraft, although not considered a widebody, is huge. The cargo bins, 4, are cavernous......I've helped unload 300 bags out of the rear bin and the front is nearly as big.It seats 228 people and burns 1100 to 1200 gallons of jet fuel per hour. It's a 4 hour flight from Washington to San Francisco.

The 200 model is a very nice looking plane. As it taxies in it looks like a giant bird of prey because of the very tall landing gear and the nose that has a slight droop. I'll try to get a shot of one in the day time, my old tech Olympus only has an ISO setting of 320, not high enough for very effective night shots.

you mean, like, as if, like that is like oil or something?

*does the al gore dance*


11-16-2007, 11:32 AM
She needs to buy a ticket on an airline just like everyone else. Who the hell does she think she is?

11-16-2007, 12:09 PM
Well she does need somewhere to put that BIG FREAKING EGO of her's doesn't she????

I could suggest one place where she could put her ego. But I'd probably get censored or kicked off the board, so I won't.

11-16-2007, 12:47 PM
She needs to buy a ticket on an airline just like everyone else. Who the hell does she think she is?

Well she is second inline for the Presidency if anything happens. How do we know she wants this big of a plane, I read that she wanted a mid-sized private plane.

11-16-2007, 12:51 PM
She's thrid in line to the Presidency, so she thinks she should fly like the President.

11-16-2007, 01:02 PM
She's a representative of the people, and frankly, she ought to use the same transporation the rest of us do when she's going home to visit. It's not like she uses the plane for official government business.

11-16-2007, 01:39 PM
Well she is second inline for the Presidency if anything happens. How do we know she wants this big of a plane, I read that she wanted a mid-sized private plane.

She has a Gulfstream 4 on call, the United States Air Force supplies her with one. Someone told her that this model didn't have the range to get to San Francisco nonstop under certain weather conditions. She pitched a fit about how she could just fly commercial if she couldn't have a plane that would fly nonstop. A Gulfstream 5 has a much longer range and carries 14 people in CEO type comfort but wasn't even mentioned. The uproar came when she claimed a need for a 757-200 like Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Rice fly on. Condi travels across the globe and actually has a need for a transcontinental jet with sleeping quarters and a conference room.

What I thought was interesting about the photo is the view point. Most people don't see the 757 from the ground so I shot this one the other night so the size would be more obvious. When you stand underneath one it is overwhelming how really big it is.

11-16-2007, 07:48 PM
Well she is second inline for the Presidency if anything happens. How do we know she wants this big of a plane, I read that she wanted a mid-sized private plane.

you aren't fooling anyone socialist commie

11-17-2007, 01:57 AM
you aren't fooling anyone socialist commie


11-17-2007, 04:31 AM
Nancy Pelosi and the Shrillary are such a disgrace to women, yet people and especially the feminist... will allow them both who are connected to some of the worst corruption and stepping down on little peoples necks who they don't agree with....become a role model...

this the plane Pelosi should by flying on...she deserves no better...


11-17-2007, 05:44 AM

God save our gracious queen!
Long live our noble queen!
God save the queen!

Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the queen!

P.S. She may think she's royalty... but I still think she's Alfalfa's long lost twin