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View Full Version : ABC: Good Wal-Mart Earnings = Bad Economy

red states rule
11-15-2007, 07:17 AM
The liberal media will always find a cloud in a silver lining. To them, the glass is always hafl empty - except when a Dem is President

‘World News’: Bullish Wal-Mart Report = Bearish Economy
By Jeff Poor | November 14, 2007 - 17:31 ET
After Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) reported higher third-quarter earnings and predictions of a "strong" holiday shopping season, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) surged 320 points after taking a battering over the previous week.

But you had to know that somewhere, someone in the media would be able to find a downside.

"[T]here's already evidence tonight that middle income Americans feeling the gas squeeze already might be turning to those discount retailers. Just today Wal-Mart revealed earnings well above what they were expecting," ABC Correspondent David Muir said on ABC's November 13 "World News with Charles Gibson."

While the November 14 Wall Street Journal reported "tight controls on costs and inventory fueled a better-than-expected fiscal third quarter profit." However, Muir didn't credit Wal-Mart's competitive advantage with boosted sales, instead he pinned it on a weak economy forcing consumers to shop at Wal-Mart.

Muir predicted more problems for other businesses.

"The most affected - mid-priced restaurant chains like Chili's (franchised by Brinker International (NYSE:EAT)) and Applebee's (NASDAQ:APPB)," Muir said. "And at the mall, middle-of-the-road retailers will be hit hardest, as well. J.C. Penney's (NYSE:JCP) and Gap (NYSE:GPS) have already shown declines. Experts say discount stores like Wal-Mart will fare better because families will be looking for a deal."


11-15-2007, 09:45 AM

Somebody explain this to me.

11-15-2007, 09:48 AM
"The most affected - mid-priced restaurant chains like Chili's (franchised by Brinker International (NYSE:EAT)) and Applebee's (NASDAQ:APPB)," Muir said. "And at the mall, middle-of-the-road retailers will be hit hardest, as well. J.C. Penney's (NYSE:JCP) and Gap (NYSE:GPS) have already shown declines. Experts say discount stores like Wal-Mart will fare better because families will be looking for a deal."

Maybe people just stop wanting their crap? I know both Chilli's and Applebees, generally, serves crap. Maybe folk are getting tired of crappy mall prices?

When I buy less from "retailers" I end up SAVING more. That's good for MY family's economy, which is my primary concern.

Hagbard Celine
11-15-2007, 10:06 AM

Somebody explain this to me.

I think it has something to do with the artificially low prices that Wal-Mart has imposed upon the world economy plus the fact that low prices and an overabundance of credit have allowed Americans to buy too much stuff, which has put the country further into debt while foreign powers shouldered that debt by investing in the dollar but now they're investing in the Euro because the dollar is losing value and credit is going to be harder to get and home equity is drying up. :dance:

I think that's what I heard on "Marketplace" anyway. Economics always leaves me a little flacid and drowsy :dunno:

Hagbard Celine
11-15-2007, 10:08 AM
Maybe people just stop wanting their crap? I know both Chilli's and Applebees, generally, serves crap. Maybe folk are getting tired of crappy mall prices?

When I buy less from "retailers" I end up SAVING more. That's good for MY family's economy, which is my primary concern.

You guys should shop for clothes at Target. They have great clothes--and they're CHEEEEEEAP! I got an awesome pair of chinos the other day for $25! They even sell cheap suits there. They look decent enough for a working schmo though :)

red states rule
11-15-2007, 12:29 PM
I think it has something to do with the artificially low prices that Wal-Mart has imposed upon the world economy plus the fact that low prices and an overabundance of credit have allowed Americans to buy too much stuff, which has put the country further into debt while foreign powers shouldered that debt by investing in the dollar but now they're investing in the Euro because the dollar is losing value and credit is going to be harder to get and home equity is drying up. :dance:

I think that's what I heard on "Marketplace" anyway. Economics always leaves me a little flacid and drowsy :dunno:

So you want high prices? Wal Mart has done more for the working folks then any government program has ever done

Families can go to a Wal Mart, get what they need, and pay a fair price

The main problem the left has with Wal Mart is that they refuse to let the union thugs infest their company - and run it into the ground

Hagbard Celine
11-15-2007, 12:37 PM
So you want high prices? Wal Mart has done more for the working folks then any government program has ever done

Families can go to a Wal Mart, get what they need, and pay a fair price

The main problem the left has with Wal Mart is that they refuse to let the union thugs infest their company - and run it into the ground

I never said I wanted high prices.

red states rule
11-15-2007, 12:39 PM
I never said I wanted high prices.

Some in the liberal media do. They hate to see Wal Mart posting huge earnings, and keeping the US economy moving forward

Hagbard Celine
11-15-2007, 12:41 PM
Some in the liberal media do. They hate to see Wal Mart posting huge earnings, and keeping the US economy moving forward

Yeah. Those secular progressives working in the unholy media armies are always plotting the downfall of Americuh. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the daily "Creative solutions to undermining the president" meeting. Be back in a few. :coffee:

red states rule
11-15-2007, 12:44 PM
Yeah. Those secular progressives working in the unholy media armies are always plotting the downfall of Americuh. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the daily "Creative solutions to undermining the president" meeting. Be back in a few. :coffee:

No, it is liberal moonbats at World News who hate to report good news with Pres Bush still in the WH

Only the liberal media would find a good earnings report for the #1 corporation in the world be a bad omen for the economy

11-15-2007, 12:49 PM
You guys should shop for clothes at Target. They have great clothes--and they're CHEEEEEEAP! I got an awesome pair of chinos the other day for $25! They even sell cheap suits there. They look decent enough for a working schmo though :)

I don't wear suits. :)

Here's me, in the last 'suit' I had:

red states rule
11-16-2007, 05:38 AM
Perhaps the snobs in the liberal media can't understand why people like to shop at Wal Mart - the stores are clean, stocked, and you can actually find help when you need it

Also, Wal Marts business plan is a good one since the make a nice profit

11-16-2007, 11:57 AM
"[T]here's already evidence tonight that middle income Americans feeling the gas squeeze already might be turning to those discount retailers.

Muir didn't credit Wal-Mart's competitive advantage with boosted sales, instead he pinned it on a weak economy forcing consumers to shop at Wal-Mart.

Wow, a brand-new "fact"!

The average consumer does NOT look for low prices, except when the "economy is weak"!

Somebody had better inform my wife of this "fact". She's plainly unaware of it. Our "economy" has been doing just fine, gas prices notwithstanding (they form only a small part of our budget); yet she is constantly digging thru papers looking for lowest prices, bulk buys, etc.. And they often can be found at Costco, Target, Wal-mart and the like.

I guess there's no truth to the rumor that our economy is doing well because she so assiduously pursues those low prices and bargains, eh?

Wow, the "facts" you can learn from the mainstream media, and on the Internet. What would we do without them?


BTW, if people only look to Wal-mart during times of bad economy, how did Wal-mart grow to be the world's No. 1 retailer during the "best economy the country has ever seen" during the CLINTON years? Or more exactly, during the 20-year almost-unbroken boom that started with the Reagan tax cuts?

red states rule
11-16-2007, 12:01 PM
Wow, a brand-new "fact"!

The average consumer does NOT look for low prices, except when the "economy is weak"!

Somebody had better inform my wife of this "fact". She's plainly unaware of it. Our "economy" has been doing just fine, gas prices notwithstanding (they form only a small part of our budget); yet she is constantly digging thru papers looking for lowest prices, bulk buys, etc.. And they often can be found at Costco, Target, Wal-mart and the like.

I guess there's no truth to the rumor that our economy is doing well because she so assiduously pursues those low prices and bargains, eh?

Wow, the "facts" you can learn from the mainstream media, and on the Internet. What would we do without them?


BTW, if people only look to Wal-mart during times of bad economy, how did Wal-mart grow to be the world's No. 1 retailer during the "best economy the country has ever seen" during the CLINTON years? Or more exactly, during the 20-year almost-unbroken boom that started with the Reagan tax cuts?

I would like the liberal media to tell me when the American consumers wanted to pay the highest price possible for what they buy

11-16-2007, 12:31 PM
I think it has something to do with the artificially low prices that Wal-Mart has imposed upon the world economy plus the fact that low prices and an overabundance of credit have allowed Americans to buy too much stuff, which has put the country further into debt while foreign powers shouldered that debt by investing in the dollar but now they're investing in the Euro because the dollar is losing value and credit is going to be harder to get and home equity is drying up. :dance:

I think that's what I heard on "Marketplace" anyway. Economics always leaves me a little flacid and drowsy :dunno:

Walmart's prices aren't artificially cheap. They have mastered supply chain management, so they can buy their goods for less money and pass those savings along to the customer. It's called good business.

red states rule
11-16-2007, 12:33 PM
Walmart's prices aren't artificially cheap. They have mastered supply chain management, so they can buy their goods for less money and pass those savings along to the customer. It's called good business.

If only the government could run as efficiently as Wal Mart

We could have alot of big tax cut then

11-16-2007, 12:37 PM
we know that you worship at the Walmart church, RSR...that IS your definition of Christianity!

Do you consider a large Mountain Dew and a pack of HoHo's synonymous with "communion"?:lol:

11-16-2007, 12:51 PM
You can tell when personfrommaine doesn't like what others say, but can't come up with a sensible reply. He starts making raving, personal attacks disguised as silly "questions".

Unsurprisingly, that describes most of his posts.

red states rule
11-16-2007, 01:10 PM
You can tell when personfrommaine doesn't like what others say, but can't come up with a sensible reply. He starts making raving, personal attacks disguised as silly "questions".

Unsurprisingly, that describes most of his posts.

He is a walking ad for the tolerant left

11-16-2007, 01:44 PM
He is a walking ad for the tolerant left

I am quite tolerant. You'd be welcome in my chuch anytime.

and regarding Jeff's comments about Walmart's business model, I agree. I think they are quite astute in supply chain management. And that success translates to them achieving the common goal of all corporations in a capitalist economy: maximization of shareholder wealth. I would not think to take that away from them. I also would not be caught dead shopping there.

red states rule
11-16-2007, 01:46 PM
I am quite tolerant. You'd be welcome in my chuch anytime.

and regarding Jeff's comments about Walmart's business model, I agree. I think they are quite astute in supply chain management. And that success translates to them achieving the common goal of all corporations in a capitalist economy: maximization of shareholder wealth. I would not think to take that away from them. I also would not be caught dead shopping there.

abd while being one the nations largest employers, and all the taxes they fork over the local, state, and the federal government

and all the jobs they create outside of Wal Mart

Wal Mart is a blessing to the middle class

11-16-2007, 01:48 PM
Chili's makes a very good margarita. Try the Presidente sometime, damn tasty.

Naturally, I have improved on it in the privacy of my home...

red states rule
11-16-2007, 02:02 PM
Chili's makes a very good margarita. Try the Presidente sometime, damn tasty.

Naturally, I have improved on it in the privacy of my home...

Bottoms up!!

11-16-2007, 02:02 PM
abd while being one the nations largest employers, and all the taxes they fork over the local, state, and the federal government

and all the jobs they create outside of Wal Mart

Wal Mart is a blessing to the middle class

and you are free to think so and free to shop there for their everyday low prices. I chose to support local businesses, myself.

Pale Rider
11-16-2007, 03:07 PM
I shop where ever my damn dollar will go the furthest. If you don't, then you have more money than brains.

It's a fact that I, in my life time, will have to make somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty times the money my mother and father did in their life time, to purchase the same amount of goods, food, clothing, transportation, housing, etc., and it isn't getting any better. Prices go up faster than people's wages every year. Every year you get less and less for your money, and every elections cycle there's another fucking liberal scab wanting to RAISE YOUR TAXES.

Wal Mart is a God send to many, MANY Americans. I shop there, but I shop else where too. But if I know I can go to Wal Mart and buy something cheaper there than anywhere else, I'm fucking going to Wal Mart. You're stupid if you don't.

11-16-2007, 03:18 PM
The main problem the left has with Wal Mart is that they refuse to let the union thugs infest their company - and run it into the ground

What? I thought it was the "fact" that Walmart was a huge conglomerate that forced the mom and pops out of business.

The left thinks profits and corporations are evil. A huge company like Walmart is evil because it is owned by those dreaded human beings called shareholders. You know, those greedy bastards that invest money in the economy and provide jobs for the poor and out of work individuals? The fact that they do so by using their buying power to get their products for a lower cost and pass some of their savings on to the consumer only makes things worse.


red states rule
11-16-2007, 03:20 PM
What? I thought it was the "fact" that Walmart was a huge conglomerate that forced the mom and pops out of business.

The left thinks profits and corporations are evil. A huge company like Walmart is evil because it is owned by those dreaded human beings called shareholders. You know, those greedy bastards that invest money in the economy and provide jobs for the poor and out of work individuals? The fact that they do so by using their buying power to get their products for a lower cost and pass some of their savings on to the consumer only makes things worse.


The ONLY reason the left hates Wal Mart is they will not let the unions infest their company

Unions will steal part of the workers paychecks, then they give part of that money to the Dems

Wal Mart is keeping tens of millions from the Dems - that is why they are hated by the moonbat left

11-16-2007, 03:32 PM
The ONLY reason the left hates Wal Mart is they will not let the unions infest their company

Unions will steal part of the workers paychecks, then they give part of that money to the Dems

Wal Mart is keeping tens of millions from the Dems - that is why they are hated by the moonbat left

I disagree with your assessment of the ONLY reason, but please make sure you have read my statements. It seems maybe you missed the sarcasm. I know that sarcasm doesn't always flow on site, but that one should have been obvious.


red states rule
11-16-2007, 03:35 PM
I disagree with your assessment of the ONLY reason, but please make sure you have read my statements. It seems maybe you missed the sarcasm. I know that sarcasm doesn't always flow on site, but that one should have been obvious.


I caught the sarcasm

OK, it is the primary reason - I stand corrected

11-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Maybe people just stop wanting their crap? I know both Chilli's and Applebees, generally, serves crap. Maybe folk are getting tired of crappy mall prices?

When I buy less from "retailers" I end up SAVING more. That's good for MY family's economy, which is my primary concern.

True story, then again, I'm no economist:

Once upon a time a young Yurt was born to a wonderful mother. That mother loved her son. One glorious day she came to visit her son in Salem, Oregon. Unfortunately for Yurt, other family came as well. This family wanted to go to Applebees for "dinner." Yurt's mom is a vegetarian who does eat fish and some dairy products, but no land based animals.

Yurt's mom orders a "tuna" sandwich. She gets the sandwich, takes a bite and almost gags. Yurt, the ever loving son, says with a concerned face, mom, whatever is the problem? Son, this is not tuna. Oh, come on, this is Salem, Oregon, not Southern Cal, it is probably NW flavor. Oh no son, this is not.

Waitress comes, mom says, not tuna, this is "chicken" salad. The waitress actually said:

Uh, yeah, we're out of tuna, and so what is the difference?

11-16-2007, 07:44 PM
True story, then again, I'm no economist:

Once upon a time a young Yurt was born to a wonderful mother. That mother loved her son. One glorious day she came to visit her son in Salem, Oregon. Unfortunately for Yurt, other family came as well. This family wanted to go to Applebees for "dinner." Yurt's mom is a vegetarian who does eat fish and some dairy products, but no land based animals.

Yurt's mom orders a "tuna" sandwich. She gets the sandwich, takes a bite and almost gags. Yurt, the ever loving son, says with a concerned face, mom, whatever is the problem? Son, this is not tuna. Oh, come on, this is Salem, Oregon, not Southern Cal, it is probably NW flavor. Oh no son, this is not.

Waitress comes, mom says, not tuna, this is "chicken" salad. The waitress actually said:

Uh, yeah, we're out of tuna, and so what is the difference?

right on! people who eat at chain restaurants get what they deserve. no doubt. Their product is aimed at a clientele who view food as nothing more than fuel, and could care less about the nuances that make dining an event more meaningful than a pit stop.

11-16-2007, 08:23 PM
I think walmart is harming america

right on! people who eat at chain restaurants get what they deserve. no doubt. Their product is aimed at a clientele who view food as nothing more than fuel, and could care less about the nuances that make dining an event more meaningful than a pit stop.

red states rule
11-16-2007, 08:26 PM
I think walmart is harming america

Wal Mart is the best thing to happen to America and working families

11-16-2007, 08:49 PM
Wal Mart is the best thing to happen to America and working families

have you ever watched "The high cost of low prices"?

red states rule
11-16-2007, 08:53 PM
have you ever watched "The high cost of low prices"?

The union thug film? Wal Mart has done for the middle class then any government program ever has

11-16-2007, 08:55 PM
The union thug film? Wal Mart has done for the middle class then any government program ever has

so... I take it, that was a long winded way of simply saying "no"?

red states rule
11-16-2007, 08:57 PM
so... I take it, that was a long winded way of simply saying "no"?

You lap up the liberal bullshit like a dog at a water bowl, I don't

Over 100 million Americans shop at Wal mart each week. They are all wrong, and you are right

11-16-2007, 10:59 PM
You lap up the liberal bullshit like a dog at a water bowl, I don't

Over 100 million Americans shop at Wal mart each week. They are all wrong, and you are right

I try to keep myself informed. I listen to Sean every night on the way home from work.... you would NEVER consider expanding your frame of reference. Why? because you are a hack, and a stupid one, at that.

And... I have never said that folks who shop at walmart are wrong. have I?

11-16-2007, 11:20 PM
you know what i hate about wal mart the censor products....like "album art or lyrics or the won't sell them.....

11-16-2007, 11:34 PM
You lap up the liberal bullshit like a dog at a water bowl, I don't

Over 100 million Americans shop at Wal mart each week. They are all wrong, and you are rightA billion flys eat shit, does that make it tasty?

11-16-2007, 11:42 PM
A billion flys eat shit, does that make it tasty?

This isn't even close to an accurate comparison. Now, if a billion people ate shit everyday, you'd be in the ballpark. To inject a mindless insect that performs it's daily routine merely from instinct and use it to argue that the millions of people who make informed decisions and exercise free will and shop at WalMart are wrong is intelectually dishonest, not to mention entirely invalid. I'm afraid you haven't even come close to making your point, you'll have to do better.

Oh, and just for the record, I loathe WalMart.

red states rule
11-17-2007, 06:12 AM
This isn't even close to an accurate comparison. Now, if a billion people ate shit everyday, you'd be in the ballpark. To inject a mindless insect that performs it's daily routine merely from instinct and use it to argue that the millions of people who make informed decisions and exercise free will and shop at WalMart are wrong is intelectually dishonest, not to mention entirely invalid. I'm afraid you haven't even come close to making your point, you'll have to do better.

Oh, and just for the record, I loathe WalMart.


Wal mart has been a blessing for America, and the middle class

11-17-2007, 06:15 AM

Wal mart has been a blessing for America, and the middle class

I'm just making a guess, but I'd say he, 'made an informed decision and exercised his free will to not shop at WalMart.'

It really does work both ways.

red states rule
11-17-2007, 06:17 AM
I'm just making a guess, but I'd say he, 'made an informed decision and exercised his free will to not shop at WalMart.'

It really does work both ways.

I have no problem with folks deciding where to shop

I am asking why people hate Wal mart. I do not hate mom and pop shops - but I seldom, if ever, shop at one

11-17-2007, 06:36 AM
I have no problem with folks deciding where to shop

I am asking why people hate Wal mart. I do not hate mom and pop shops - but I seldom, if ever, shop at one

All sorts of reasons. Perhaps they prefer mom and pop stores. Maybe they don't like WalMart lighting, selection of goods, other shoppers, the % of their goods from China, etc. All sorts of reasons, but I don't think anyone needs to justify their choices.

BTW, I shop at Walmart, but not that often. I rather shop for food in a grocery, hardware at Ace, electronics at Fry's, etc.

red states rule
11-17-2007, 06:38 AM
All sorts of reasons. Perhaps they prefer mom and pop stores. Maybe they don't like WalMart lighting, selection of goods, other shoppers, the % of their goods from China, etc. All sorts of reasons, but I don't think anyone needs to justify their choices.

BTW, I shop at Walmart, but not that often. I rather shop for food in a grocery, hardware at Ace, electronics at Fry's, etc.

I am just courious

When Wal Mart opens a Super Center with grocery store, the local supermarkets usually have to cut their prices to compete. It happened here where I live

The consumer wins

11-17-2007, 06:55 AM
I am just courious

When Wal Mart opens a Super Center with grocery store, the local supermarkets usually have to cut their prices to compete. It happened here where I live

The consumer wins

We do have the Super Centers, Target Greatlands, Sam's Clubs, Costco. I live in a very competitive area regarding retail, they all win. Our major supermarkets are Jewel and Dominick's, they do fine. Actually so do the smaller chains, like 'Market Place' which is known to have superior meats at very good prices. Caputo's is where nearly everyone goes for produce, for me it's like 25 minutes away, but less if I go there after school.

So just like Caputo's, I go to Walmart for something specific, that I know is something that quality isn't all that important.

11-18-2007, 07:51 PM
and regarding Jeff's comments about Walmart's business model, I agree. I think they are quite astute in supply chain management. And that success translates to them achieving the common goal of all corporations in a capitalist economy: maximization of shareholder wealth. I would not think to take that away from them. I also would not be caught dead shopping there.

To each his own. I go there to shop for some things, but the Walmarts out here are a bit dumpy (as opposed to the ones near where I used to live, which were pretty nice). I shop at Target most of the time.