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11-16-2007, 12:27 PM
For those who have claimed that Mike Huckabee's stance on immigration is "soft," what more could you really ask for?

From Mike Huckabee's website:

* Securing our borders must be our top priority and has reached the level of a national emergency.
* The Governor supports the $3 billion the Senate has voted for border security. This money will train and deploy 23,000 more agents, add four drone planes, build 700 miles of fence and 300 miles of vehicle barriers, and put up 105 radar and camera towers. This money will turn “catch and release” into “catch and detain” of those entering illegally, and crack down on those who overstay their visas.
* In this age of terror, immigration is not only an economic issue, but also a national security issue. Those caught trying to enter illegally must be detained, processed, and deported.
* The Governor opposes and will never allow amnesty. He opposed the amnesty President Bush and Senator McCain tried to ram through Congress this summer, and opposed the misnamed DREAM Act, which would have put us on the slippery slope to amnesty for all.
* The Governor opposes and will not tolerate sanctuaries for illegals. The federal government must crack down on rogue cities that willfully undermine our economy and national security.
* The Governor opposes giving driver’s licenses to illegals and supports legislation to prevent states from doing so.
* The Governor will stop punishing cities which try to enforce our laws and protect the economic well-being, physical safety, and quality of life of their citizens.
* The Governor opposes and will not tolerate employers who hire illegals. They must be punished with fines and penalties so large that they will see it is not worth the risk.
* The Governor opposes the economic integration of North America that would create open borders among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. He will never yield one iota or one inch of our sovereignty.
* The Governor will take our country back for those who belong here. No open borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security numbers, no driver’s licenses for illegals.

Link (http://www.mikehuckabee.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=4)

11-16-2007, 12:42 PM
Great, now's alls we have to worry about is pardoning all the nations sex offenders so they can go out and rape and kill again. He has done that in the past while he was Governor.

11-16-2007, 01:01 PM
Great, now's alls we have to worry about is pardoning all the nations sex offenders so they can go out and rape and kill again. He has done that in the past while he was Governor.

He pardoned all the sex offenders in Arkansas? Really?

11-16-2007, 01:39 PM
He pardoned all the sex offenders in Arkansas? Really?

only one that i know of. Nevada just is hostile to anyone who isnt his candidate (havent been paying attention to who his candidate is). I know Huckabee regrets that alot.

I am still alittle disturbed by arkansas giving illegals in state tuition. has he really explained that at all?

11-16-2007, 01:44 PM
He pardoned all the sex offenders in Arkansas? Really?

Maybe you remember the Wayne Dumond case? The one where a high risk sex offender was coming up for parole. Governor Huckabee became good friends with his wife. Huckabee went to the Parole Board and requested him to be Paroled, the Parole Board said no way they had no intentions of Paroling him. Then Governor threatened the Parole Board that if they didn't Parole him that he would commute the sentance. The Parole Board did nopt want that as he would get out of jail with no restrictions and realized the only thing to do was Parole him so he could atleast be monitored. Wayne Dumond was Paroled and when he got out he brutally raped and murdered a woman.

Mike Huckabee is a disaster.


11-16-2007, 01:46 PM
Huckabee has been criticized for his positions on illegal immigration.[88][89] In his 2005 State of the State address, he complained that a Hispanic student was not able to get financial aid because he was an illegal alien. Huckabee said: "But when he applied for financial aid, he wasn’t eligible for the various scholarships or grants because of his status, a status that he had no decision in or control over."[90] [91][92] Huckabee supported a 2005 bill by Arkansas State Representative Joyce Elliott to make some illegal aliens eligible for scholarships and in-state college tuition.[93][94][95] Huckabee vehemently opposed a 2005 bill sponsored by Arkansas State Senator Jim Holt which would deny state benefits to illegal immigrants, calling it "un-Christian."[96] Huckabee argued that illegal immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits: "They pay fuel taxes. If they're using a fake Social Security number, they're paying Social Security taxes and will never receive any benefit. It would be closer to the truth to say they're subsidizing Joe McCutchen and Jim Holt more than the other way around."[97] When a Mexican consulate opened in Little Rock in 2006, Huckabee strongly supported it.[98] The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported: "Before he left office, former Gov. Mike Huckabee gave $10,000 to Little Rock. The money was given to help the consulate. Former Mayor Jim Dailey had requested that the governor match the city’s Dec. 19 contribution of $50,000 in a letter written Dec. 20. Huckabee’s contribution came from the governor’s $500,000 emergency fund and was one of roughly 20 appropriations Huckabee made from the taxpayer fund in his final days in office."[99] Critics of Huckabee say his support of the Mexican consulate broke federal law.[100] In 2007, Huckabee said, "I just don't think it's realistic to say this weekend we're going to round up 12 to 20 million young people and their children and we're going to put them across the border and they're never going to come back."[101] In a 2007 interview, Huckabee argued against job loss caused by illegal immigration saying, "You know, when people say, 'they're taking our jobs' -- I used to hear that as Governor -- and I started asking this question, 'can you name me any person, give me their name, who can't get a job plucking a chicken or picking a tomato or tarring a roof that would like to do that work?' ....I never, ever, had a person who could come up with the name of a person who could not get a job because an illegal immigrant had stepped in front of them because it was either a job that person didn't want to do or didn't exist."[102] Huckabee believes that Congress should seal the border and does not advocate punishing children of illegal immigrants for their parents crime. He stated in an interview with National Review, “I have always said you don’t punish a child for the crime of a parent.....Frankly, it’s in our best interest to try to get that child on to a higher level of education.”[103] In his opening remarks among Hispanic civil rights leaders at a LULAC convention, Huckabee said the nation will need to address the concerns of the Hispanic community because of its growing influence and population base. "Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the minority," Huckabee said jokingly as the crowd roared in laughter. He told the LULAC delegates that their presence in the state's capital city was very important because Arkansas has one of the fastest growing Hispanic populations in the nation. "Your gathering is so very significant for our state," Huckabee said.[104]


11-16-2007, 01:46 PM
Club for Growth argues that he increased state spending 65.3 percent (1996-2004) and supported five tax increases, prompting them to accuse Huckabee of being a liberal in disguise.[62] The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration states that taxes were cut ninety times for savings of $378 million dollars, while taxes were raised twenty-one times for an increase of $883 million dollars.[63] According to a National Review writer, during his tenure, the state’s general obligation debt shot up by almost $1 billion.[64] Huckabee publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002, signed a bill raising taxes on gasoline in 1999, and signed a $5.25 bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001.[65][66][67] These taxes, according to the Arkansas Democratic Gazette, increased "average Arkansan’s tax burden from $1,969 in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 1997, to $2,902 in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2005, including local taxes".[63] The Cato Institute, a libertarian non-profit public policy research foundation, gave Huckabee an "F" for spending and tax policy in 2006.[68] However, his campaign manager said Huckabee doubled the standard deduction and the child care tax credit, eliminated the marriage penalty and the capital gains tax on the sale of a home, and reduced the capital gains tax for both businesses and individuals.[67] A critic responded that most of the tax cuts were small deductions and exemptions initiated by the state legislature, that the broad-based tax cut was proposed by his predecessor and called Huckabee, "the biggest taxer and spender in Arkansas history".[69]

The 1999 gas and fuel tax hikes were never on the ballot in Arkansas, but Huckabee has told reporters that “the fuel tax was a vote of the people—eighty percent of the people voted to improve roads”, [70] and his manager has stated that “more than 80% of the voters supported a four cent tax on diesel fuel to fix the roads” and that through the same process voters approved a tax increasing the sales tax by an eighth of a cent to preserve their natural and cultural heritage.[67] Huckabee's manager has said that it would have been in violation of Governor Huckabee’s oath of office[71] to override the voters with respect to the referendums, and concluded that the citizens were responsible for the increases in taxation.[67] However the tax increase was signed into law over two months before [72][73] the voters approved a bond issue which did not include the gas tax increases. [72][74]

Arkansas Health Care Association President Jim Cooper stated that the private nursing home tax was necessary in order to avert future huge tax increases as a result of years of mismanagement.[75]

Huckabee has asserted he did not raise spending significantly in areas he could control and in those areas spending rose six-tenths of one percent a year during his entire governance.[67] Huckabee stated he cut taxes over ninety times while governor, saving Arkansas' citizens close to $380 million.[67][76] He also signed the first broad-based tax cut in Arkansas's history. The tax cut included increasing the standard deduction, indexed tax brackets for inflation and eliminated capital gains tax on home sales.[64] For 2007, he says that his state enjoyed a surplus of nearly $850 million.[76] His refusal to raise taxes in the face of a budget shortfall sparked criticism from lawmakers and members of the media alike. In response to the criticism he created the "Tax Me More Fund", which was a voluntary fund for people who felt that the government needed to raise more taxes.[77] State Sen. Minority Leader John Brown called the "Tax Me More Fund" a campaign tactic.[77]

In January of 2007 on Meet the Press, Huckabee said "I think you got to be very careful. I wouldn’t propose any new taxes. I wouldn’t support any. But if we’re in a situation where we are in a different level of war, where there is no other option, I think that it’s a very dangerous position to make pledges that are outside the most important pledge you make, and that is the oath you take to uphold the Constitution and protect the people of the United States."[78] Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, who in 2006 called the governor a “serial tax increaser,"[79] stated recently, "Gov. Huckabee recognizes that the challenge is to rein in spending and reduce taxes."[80] Huckabee supports the Fair Tax, which would do away with all federal taxes and replace them with a single national sales tax.[81] In March of 2007, Huckabee signed the Presidential Taxpayer Protection Pledge of Americans for Tax Reform, promising not to increase taxes at the federal level.[80]


11-16-2007, 02:00 PM
only one that i know of. Nevada just is hostile to anyone who isnt his candidate (havent been paying attention to who his candidate is). I know Huckabee regrets that alot.

I am still alittle disturbed by arkansas giving illegals in state tuition. has he really explained that at all?

The hell I am. I don't even have a candidate yet. I am hostile towards candidates who will ruin this country or do massive damage. Have I been hostile about Giuliani? No. McCain? No. Chris Dodd? No. Dr. Alan Keyes? No. Tancredo? No. Hunter? No. Joe Biden? No. Governor Richardson? No. Ray McKinney? No.

I have been hostile towards Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and John Edwards as they are horrible candidates. They are liars, cheats and thieves and not to mention Hypocrites. I am also hostile towards candidates who are not tough on Sex Offenders.

You are way out of line with that statement as I am not hostile with nine candidates and it is not possible to support that many candidates from both parties, but I did expect that to come from you, anyone who talks about your precious cult worshiping Mitt Romney gets attacked.

11-18-2007, 07:46 PM



I can copy and paste from Wikipedia too. However, it seems that you forgot to copy and paste this sentence from the beginning of the section:

The neutrality of this section is disputed.

11-18-2007, 08:27 PM
I can copy and paste from Wikipedia too. However, it seems that you forgot to copy and paste this sentence from the beginning of the section:

The neutrality of this section is disputed.

While I agree with you on the wiki for information...You can go on the club for growth website and see what they say...

From a lot I've been reading on Huck, is that he has raised taxes, he has been in the past soft on immigration...

11-18-2007, 08:40 PM
While I agree with you on the wiki for information...You can go on the club for growth website and see what they say...

From a lot I've been reading on Huck, is that he has raised taxes, he has been in the past soft on immigration...

Huckabee's campaign site says that he supports the FairTax. As tax policies go, I can't think of a better one.

11-18-2007, 09:34 PM
I can copy and paste from Wikipedia too. However, it seems that you forgot to copy and paste this sentence from the beginning of the section:

The neutrality of this section is disputed.

Anything on Wikipedia should be disputed. A website where any Tom, Dick, or Harry that takes the time to register can change what's on it is hardly a good source. I've looked around for information on the Dumond case and can't find much outside of blogs and biased websites. While it's apparently true that he was released early and killed a woman, I can't find anything solid as to Huckabee's actions or how involved he was. Most sites mention something along the lines of an "illegal and unrecorded closed-door meeting with the parole board".

I don't doubt Huckabee believed Dumond to be innocent, but some of the stories and claims made about how things were handled smell a little fishy.

11-19-2007, 02:40 AM
Look people just need to check out what the Huck did while he was Governor of Ark...he raised taxes, was soft on illegal immigration...

Don't compare what they are saying....today...we all know how that goes...:cheers2: