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11-16-2007, 05:16 PM
It's a matter of time:


Why are so many people leaving the UK?

Published by John Redwood at 6:47 am under Blog

The papers today ask why 400,000 left the Uk last year to live and work somewhere else. I would have thought the answer was obvious.

They’ve had enough.

We live in a country where anyone who has gained some qualifications, who tries to pay their own way and to live a decent life feels targetted by this government. We have our identity assaulted, our democratic views ignored, our pockets and purses rifled by the state, our opinions criticised or banned and the public services we do wish to use run incompetently or rationed for us.

We, the English, are told our country is the one part of the Union that cannot have devolved power. Instead our country is to split into Euroregions, and we are to be told we must be loyal to the South-east, or go round telling people we are east Midlanders. The North East told the government in a referendum they wanted nothing to do with regional government, so the government told them they would have more of it.

We are told we have to love the EU and accept its constitution, after the promised of a referendum in order to win a General election. Many of us see the EU as a hostile bureaucracy, tying us up in ever more rules and regulations. We are not xenophobes - most of us like our contientent and appreciate its range of cultures, languages and cuisines. We just do not want to be governed by a bunch of bureaucrats who think they have to regulate every aspect of our increasingly complex lives and who we cannot sack via an election.

We are told by the governement that our lifestyles are wrong. As the Health Service grapples with its inability to keep hospitals clean and infection free the government blames us for being ill in the first place. People are told they are too fat, they eat the wrong foods,and they drink too much. The government encourages a debate criticising “middle class” lifestyles. Maybe it’s a prelude to a crisps tax or a further increase in alcohol duty...

11-16-2007, 05:22 PM
Absolutely brilliant

11-16-2007, 05:23 PM
Absolutely brilliant

Thank you, well I mean, thank him. ;)

Hagbard Celine
11-16-2007, 05:24 PM
It's the reaction to multiple terrorist attacks. The state is locking down and over-policing. Although, I didn't notice anything that bad while I was over there last May. The underground worked fine, crisps were cheap, the people were nice, I didn't get hassled by the fuzz. :dunno: