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View Full Version : Scott McClellan's new book

11-20-2007, 05:43 PM
In it he says flat out that Bush ,Chenney and the rest of the crew told him to tell lies to the American people.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_McClellan#Involvement_in_cover_up_of_Valerie _Plame_Affair

"At a press briefing on October 10th, 2003, McClellan asserted that the allegations of Karl Rove's and Scooter Libby's involvment in the leak of CIA Valerie Plame's identity were false.[1] However, in excerpts from his book "What Happened" to be published in the spring of 2008 by Public Affairs Books, McClellan reveals that he knew statements were untrue at the time.[2] From the book:

"The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.

"There was one problem. It was not true.

"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself." [3]"

11-20-2007, 05:46 PM
Your link does not work, it goes to an error page at Wikipedia.

11-20-2007, 05:57 PM
She sux0rs at the Int3rwebs.

Question: If somebody admits to being a liar - which version should we believe? The first -where he claims he's being truthful, or the second, where he admits to being a liar?

11-20-2007, 06:03 PM
Your link does not work, it goes to an error page at Wikipedia.

sorry ,I fixed it

11-20-2007, 06:07 PM
Geez....I could hardly care what Scottie has to say...

I'm sure this will help him sell a couple of books...:coffee:

11-20-2007, 06:10 PM
Hes just disgruntled huh?

11-20-2007, 06:12 PM
Hes just disgruntled huh?

I won't give up on you. I still pray you grow a set of balls and start answering directly, instead of deflecting.

11-20-2007, 06:14 PM
Hes just disgruntled huh?

More like wanting to make some money off his petty little book which no one will buy cause hardly anyone remembers the little twerp...:coffee:

11-20-2007, 06:17 PM
She sux0rs at the Int3rwebs.

Question: If somebody admits to being a liar - which version should we believe? The first -where he claims he's being truthful, or the second, where he admits to being a liar?

Who was the employee and who was the one who swore an oath to the American people?

I believe the one which has evidence to back it from other areas.

You on the ohter hand seem to believ ewhat ever makes you feel better about your past choices.

This is not the first republican to come out of this admin and tell a similar story.

11-20-2007, 06:25 PM
hey chewfmatters i am back from my napsie. good find on this story. i new this man was lieing when he spoke back then and now i now da chewf since he is now telling the chewf in order to sell his booksie. just becawz he stands to make millyuns of dis here book these webpublicans will not beleeve him now!

why do u stey here with such dumm peeple?

why cant dey see the chewf for what it is?

p.s. - next time u steel a post frum somewere else, copy the link location insted of just copying the txt, then the link will wurk propirly!!! tsk, tsk, cuzzin, this is whut happens wen we steel!!

p.s.s. - dont let these idieetz get u down by callin U dumm, not be in able to speel or form a parigraph duznt make you look dumm!

p.s.s.s - sey hello to uncle billy bob and antie wanda for me. tell 'em i left my teefus in the jar in the spair room and i want dem back on tanksgivin!!!

see later cuzz!

11-20-2007, 06:28 PM
Who was the employee and who was the one who swore an oath to the American people?

I believe the one which has evidence to back it from other areas.

You on the ohter hand seem to believ ewhat ever makes you feel better about your past choices.

This is not the first republican to come out of this admin and tell a similar story.

SO......did you want to answer my question? Then I'll take a stab at the tripe you just spewed. :)

11-20-2007, 06:30 PM
Hey lies you may have a point. Maybe its just republicans have a tendency to sell lies for profit?

Now which ones ever really tell the truth just for truths sake is very hard to figure out?

11-20-2007, 07:33 PM
hey chewfmatters i am back from my napsie. good find on this story. i new this man was lieing when he spoke back then and now i now da chewf since he is now telling the chewf in order to sell his booksie. just becawz he stands to make millyuns of dis here book these webpublicans will not beleeve him now!

why do u stey here with such dumm peeple?

why cant dey see the chewf for what it is?

p.s. - next time u steel a post frum somewere else, copy the link location insted of just copying the txt, then the link will wurk propirly!!! tsk, tsk, cuzzin, this is whut happens wen we steel!!

p.s.s. - dont let these idieetz get u down by callin U dumm, not be in able to speel or form a parigraph duznt make you look dumm!

p.s.s.s - sey hello to uncle billy bob and antie wanda for me. tell 'em i left my teefus in the jar in the spair room and i want dem back on tanksgivin!!!

see later cuzz!

I know who this cute little critter is! Nice to see you. :laugh2:

11-20-2007, 07:51 PM
I know who this cute little critter is! Nice to see you. :laugh2:

well well, little miss hot shot wepublican thinks she nkows who i am. i know who i am too, das me just to the left in all my beautiniess!! i am a cutie if i say so myself.

have we met sumwhere b4? maybe at the last mensa meeting? u know, i am the prezident of me local chapter here. i be speedreeding so fast thru my test dough and sumtimes i make a da mistakes becuz my brain is like greese lightnin!

I'ma gunna write me a book too. all dem dam lies by bush and chainee make me wanna vomit up my metemucil! cant says i dunt have a sense of da humor at leest! :)

11-20-2007, 07:53 PM
"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself." [3]"

Its amazing what some people will ignore to keep from seeing the light.

11-20-2007, 08:04 PM
"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself." [3]"

Its amazing what some people will ignore to keep from seeing the light.

hello again cuzzin chewfsie! sumtimes i think peeple here will just rambel on just to avoid anserring the hard questions! less juss hope they dont start talkin bout UR lies again or it will make uss looksie a little hippocritical! dat'll be our little secret, k k ? a little fibsie here and dere nevr hurt no one, know what i meen cuzz?

how much dough do ya tink di here charaketer will make from dis here book he be selling anyways? i be betting he hopes peeples dont sees da light and reelize just what he is doin! knw whats i mean there cuzz?

hey, whens i be writing to U, des here dumm wepublicans cant reed it too, can dey?

remember when we was growin up, and i slapped U upside UR hedd with da big ol sledgie hammer? i hope that hasnt hurt UR abeelity to lern things. i am ever so sorry. i gess it was bedder then da time i jammed that screwydriver into your skully dough!

ahhh, da good old days!

11-20-2007, 08:12 PM
"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself." [3]"

Its amazing what some people will ignore to keep from seeing the light.

Yet he's a liar. Yet you believe him because he says things which get ya all hot and horny.


You're a liar too - yet you have free speech, same as that guy, to say what you want.

11-20-2007, 09:12 PM
well well, little miss hot shot wepublican thinks she nkows who i am. i know who i am too, das me just to the left in all my beautiniess!! i am a cutie if i say so myself.

have we met sumwhere b4? maybe at the last mensa meeting? u know, i am the prezident of me local chapter here. i be speedreeding so fast thru my test dough and sumtimes i make a da mistakes becuz my brain is like greese lightnin!

I'ma gunna write me a book too. all dem dam lies by bush and chainee make me wanna vomit up my metemucil! cant says i dunt have a sense of da humor at leest! :)

We've met before. Like ships passing in the night, our paths have crossed.

And thanks for the kind words, I see you're in a good mood, finally.

Hot shot....I'm blushing, really, I am. I had no idea you liked me THAT much. I guess it can be hard to tell with Emos.

11-20-2007, 10:25 PM
I heard on the news tonight that President Bush's office is replying by saying that he was duped too, and did not know they were lies that Scott passed on.

That could be possible, because the way that President Bush came out early on and said at a press conference when this was all happening that he would get to the bottom of it and punish those involved in doing the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame.

I have said this before regarding this Plamegate thing, that I believed that President Bush was sincere when he said this before the country and if his office is now saying that he did not know that Libby, Rove and the vp were lying to him and Scott, it would make sense of why he said he would punish those involved.

Of course he then later changed his tune when the vp made him aware on what the vp and his worker bees did... (I know, I know, they never proved anything...yahdeedah :) )

I believe a conspiracy charge might be in order now(only takes two conspiring)....where is Fitzgerald on this....I believe he never said the case was closed, did he.....?


11-20-2007, 11:25 PM
Its obvious to anyone who can manage to be honest with themsefls that nearly the entire country was duped by these scum bags. I dont care if Bush knew or not at first. He was hired by the American people to KNOW. He has failed us in just so many ways. Those who refuse to see will never see the facts at this point.

11-20-2007, 11:45 PM
Its obvious to anyone who can manage to be honest with themsefls that nearly the entire country was duped by these scum bags. I dont care if Bush knew or not at first. He was hired by the American people to KNOW. He has failed us in just so many ways. Those who refuse to see will never see the facts at this point.

Not I. He was damn glad he declared hostilities. Any reason would have worked for me.

11-21-2007, 06:30 AM
Its obvious to anyone who can manage to be honest with themsefls that nearly the entire country was duped by these scum bags. I dont care if Bush knew or not at first. He was hired by the American people to KNOW. He has failed us in just so many ways. Those who refuse to see will never see the facts at this point.

What was the "entire country" duped on? The fact that the claim was made that there were stockpiles of WMD in Iraq? Well, the intel divisions reported this, many other nations reported the same, Democrats reported the same and in fact have been claiming since 1998 that Saddam was building up weapons and must be stopped. Were we duped about McClellan's words? Do you have anything other to go on besides words from a man that is trying to sell his book? Or do you only choose to take his word now because he is bashing this administration? You claimed a few weeks ago that 70% of the nation thought Iraq had a hand in 9/11, and that many still believe so - and tried to somehow blame this on this current administration. Can you show me where they made any such claim? Or were you just duped by your own stupidity?

11-21-2007, 08:52 AM
I just heard Newt say the special counsel investigating the "Leak" told EVERYONE to lie about it so as not mess up the investigation. The president, VP, and others were specifically told untruth or kept in the dark by the under secretary of defense/or of state...I forgot which.

Fact is, the guy was told 'give us something juicy and we'll add a couple zeros to your book deal' - Newt speculated.

11-21-2007, 09:12 AM
Its obvious to anyone who can manage to be honest with themsefls that nearly the entire country was duped by these scum bags. I dont care if Bush knew or not at first. He was hired by the American people to KNOW. He has failed us in just so many ways. Those who refuse to see will never see the facts at this point.

top uf de mornin there ta ya cuzzin chewfmatters! i think me and U R the only ones honist with themseffels.

we was doopdy dooped by these hear scummers! always rantin on bout big bad osama bin booger boy tryin to put a scary into us. i herd what bushy sedd and even dough he didnt say it he sedd dat iraq was in on 911. i used my sooper dooper hereing aid thingy and i herd dat pig tell him to lie to all of us about the plamey dealio.

i dont be refusin to see dem dere facts. me n you know da chewf and thats all dat matters, rightsky cuzz?

oh lordy lordy, i crack myself up, i just peeeed in me shorties tinkin about how dumm these peeples here are!

tis ok, me n u R likey 2 peanuts in a shell. dey dont got nuttin on us cuzzy. keep up the good fite!

seeya tomorow for tanksgivin sweety pies.

p.s. - i redd that crudsky dey be sayin about you lyin and stuff. i redd it all and see just whut you was sayin. only a blindy person woodnt see you was bee ing trettened. pesky littel buggers be pikkin on my cuzz. im a gunna hafta hit them with de ol hammersky likes i did to U!!

11-21-2007, 09:29 AM
Hes just disgruntled huh?

if he is, then he has every reason to say anthing that he needs to say to get somebody to listen and money.

Hagbard Celine
11-21-2007, 10:16 AM
She sux0rs at the Int3rwebs.

Question: If somebody admits to being a liar - which version should we believe? The first -where he claims he's being truthful, or the second, where he admits to being a liar?

Still in denial eh? Too bad every single piece of information about this case both physical and inferred supports him :dunno:

11-21-2007, 10:17 AM
Still in denial eh? Too bad every single piece of information about this case both physical and inferred supports him :dunno:

You get that off your work's talking points?

I just heard Newt say the special counsel investigating the "Leak" told EVERYONE to lie about it so as not mess up the investigation. The president, VP, and others were specifically told untruth or kept in the dark by the under secretary of defense/or of state...I forgot which.

Fact is, the guy was told 'give us something juicy and we'll add a couple zeros to your book deal' - Newt speculated.

11-21-2007, 10:18 AM
Still in denial eh? Too bad every single piece of information about this case both physical and inferred supports him :dunno:

If he had any balls this poor "victim of bullying" would quit on the spot.

Hagbard Celine
11-21-2007, 10:22 AM
If he had any balls this poor "victim of bullying" would quit on the spot.

Wait, wait. If he had BALLS, he'd QUIT? Seems like an oxymoron to me.