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View Full Version : *What, ( I ) *The Great CWN* Am Grateful For This Thanksgiving*

11-22-2007, 11:31 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm Grateful for my family, me wife and son.
2. Extended family.
3. Mother is still alive.
4. Grateful for this Great Country.
5. The Military.
6. Laws that protect me rights.
7. The Philippines, my second home.
8. Wished they had Thanksgiving.
9. The good folks here.
10. More than one successful business.
11. And the one I am most thankful for is God, he who died on the cross for me, and all those whole believe in him, Jesus Christ.
12. "A Warm And Happy Thanksgiving To You, from CWN"


Abbey Marie
11-22-2007, 12:51 PM
Thank you, CWN. Great list!