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11-23-2007, 05:52 AM
This is a few links I've run across on Huckabees positions...read them if you wish...my opinion...he's a no go for me..He's very soft on immigration, and raised all kinds of taxes in Ark. while he was Gov. and saw NO problems doing it...

Mike Huckabee. The Socialist From Arkansas. http://www.cofcc.org/?p=811

Mike Huckabee disses Americans, Mexicans, promotes illegal immigration

Christians Need To Beware Of Mike Huckabee

While Gov. of Arkansas, Huckabee was AGAINST proving citizenship in order to register to vote. He called those who were in favor of this “racists”...

Huckabee fought hard to kill an Arkansas bill which would have cut off social services for illegal aliens. Huckabee called the bill, “anti-Christian” and “un-American”...

Huckabee supported in-state tuition for illegal aliens...

Huck’s opposition to the illegal aliens bill:


11-23-2007, 06:02 AM
My worst felling is...when the lamestream media IS PUSHING a Republican candidate on me...I find I want to run away...I personally have my doubts with...Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee..Who seems to be the lamestream medias darlings...Why??????

McCain I wished I could of stood behind, but...

They never write about the MORE TURE CONSERVATIVES...

I don't want the lamestream media making my choices for me...

Just research every candidate on your own...that's the best way to pick a candidate....:cheers2:

11-23-2007, 08:52 AM
My worst felling is...when the lamestream media IS PUSHING a Republican candidate on me...I find I want to run away...I personally have my doubts with...Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee..Who seems to be the lamestream medias darlings...Why??????

McCain I wished I could of stood behind, but...

They never write about the MORE TURE CONSERVATIVES...

I don't want the lamestream media making my choices for me...

Just research every candidate on your own...that's the best way to pick a candidate....:cheers2:

Unfortunately the media has their choices and that's all we are going to see. The darlings of the media always get all the publicity. Even in the debates the questions always go to the media darlings and not the other candidates.

11-23-2007, 09:33 AM
Stephanie, I've posted about Huckabee's immigration policy here (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=8838), and his fiscal record here (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=9022). I think his conservative credentials are better than anyone in the race, except possibly Fred Thompson.

Hugh Lincoln
11-23-2007, 11:57 AM
While Gov. of Arkansas, Huckabee was AGAINST proving citizenship in order to register to vote. He called those who were in favor of this “racists”...

Yes, and in whipping himself up into a PC fervor on this issue in front of a "La Raza" type group, he gleefully expressed the hope that 'white guys like me' will soon be gone. WTF? Can you imagine Joseph Lieberman saying 'I can't wait until all the Jews have intermarried and Jews, as a group, cease to exist'?

Whites need to wise up!

11-23-2007, 12:11 PM
Hunter and Tancredo, i understand. But I dont see how you can possibly claim that the media hasnt been pushing Fred Thompson. They gave him so much publicity and time. They gave him tons of hype on how he could become the front runner, etc.

The only reason that stopped is because he has failed to energize people, excluding a few.

Pale Rider
11-23-2007, 12:52 PM
This is a few links I've run across on Huckabees positions...read them if you wish...my opinion...he's a no go for me..He's very soft on immigration, and raised all kinds of taxes in Ark. while he was Gov. and saw NO problems doing it...

I started to like Huckabee myself. Then I started to find out about him. No way. He's been MAJOR soft on illegal aliens. MAJOR! I'm sure the only reason he has RECENTLY changed his tune is because some campaign manager told him he wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting elected if he didn't. Otherwise he'd still be saying the same things.

Screw him. See my sig line.

11-23-2007, 06:55 PM
Yes, and in whipping himself up into a PC fervor on this issue in front of a "La Raza" type group, he gleefully expressed the hope that 'white guys like me' will soon be gone. WTF? Can you imagine Joseph Lieberman saying 'I can't wait until all the Jews have intermarried and Jews, as a group, cease to exist'?

Whites need to wise up!

our penance for something is not over yet....

11-25-2007, 05:06 PM
I don't know a lot about him yet; However, I think in the debates he has been the most impressive by far ...The site ontheissues.org has him as a conservative....http://ontheissues.org/Mike_Huckabee.htm

If you go to the site you have to scroll to the bottom to see how they grade him

11-26-2007, 01:55 PM
This is a few links I've run across on Huckabees positions...read them if you wish...my opinion...he's a no go for me..He's very soft on immigration, and raised all kinds of taxes in Ark. while he was Gov. and saw NO problems doing it...

Here's another article wherein Huckabee sounds a lot like that man from Hope who occupied the White House. I don't think I'll take a chance and trust another politician from Arkansas to lead this country. We've had enough politicians from the South occupying the White House over the past several years. It's time for a change.


Hagbard Celine
11-26-2007, 02:16 PM
Huckabee believes in biblical-inerrancy, which makes him a total f*cking retard and therefore unfit to be president. (Although that's debatable.)

11-26-2007, 06:20 PM
I started to like Huckabee myself. Then I started to find out about him. No way. He's been MAJOR soft on illegal aliens. MAJOR! I'm sure the only reason he has RECENTLY changed his tune is because some campaign manager told him he wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting elected if he didn't. Otherwise he'd still be saying the same things.

Screw him. See my sig line.

Few people haven't been soft on immigration. Politicians everywhere just kept trying to sweep it under the rug to avoid a huge controversy. What I care about is what he is going to do, and he appears to have learned his lesson. I've even written him a bit recently, and he seems to have done a 180 on immigration, and I don't think he's looking back.

As far as taxes:

a) Arkansas has no lottery, and no desire for one, so all state funds going to schools come from sales and income tax, which must be taxed at a higher rate to make up for not having a lottery scheme, like many other states.

b) The Arkansas Supreme Court mandated a bunch of HUGE (expensive) changes in the Arkansas government education system. It was one of the most horrible political incidents in recent Arkansas history. Most of the measures weren't really going to work and it was all going to be impractical and expensive (to be able to offer the proper diversity of curriculum, some school districts would have to span multiple counties), so the state government had to raise taxes to pay for it. They haven't stayed high, though, as it was really a one-time expense.

c) Huckabee is in the only candidate actively supporting the FairTax, a plan which would be steroids for the economy and put the IRS out of business.

Now, I'm not denying he has his faults. In campaigning, he brings up the fact that he's a minister a bit much for my taste (kinda like the Kerry "3 purple hearts" thing), but he's a good guy, and I support him, though I think he'll end up as the VP candidate, which is fine by me.

11-26-2007, 08:54 PM
Huckabee believes in biblical-inerrancy, which makes him a total f*cking retard and therefore unfit to be president. (Although that's debatable.)

76.5% of Americans are Christians. Christians believe in the Bible. I think if your one that believes what 3/4 of the population believes; this would make you quite fit to be president.

11-26-2007, 09:17 PM
Huckabee believes in biblical-inerrancy, which makes him a total f*cking retard and therefore unfit to be president. (Although that's debatable.)

the scriptures ARE inerrant....all the errors are on the part of folks who try to tell you what the scriptures say.......:slap:

11-27-2007, 10:30 PM
If Huckabee appears a little more left that some, this may be a good. The majority of America is fed up with the polarization of this country. I agree on every social issue Huckabee says he stands for. I don't agree with any of the Democrats. I do agree with the fair tax. To a point I do. I don't think it will pass however, so that point is mute. If I am correct, the fair tax can be passed easily, but to repeal the income tax, there would have to be a constitutional amendment. This takes 2/3 of both houses of congress. I don't see this happening. I also am getting tired of hearing about more tax cuts. It's not going to happen. Who cares if a Republican candidate wins the White House. There is still a majority Democratic congress which I don't see changing. There aren't going to be anymore tax cuts for a while. I am going to try and vote strategically this election. More polarization isn't what we need. The only other candidate I see as not polarizing is Rudy. He's out for me due to social issues. I would rather stand for my morals than my taxes.

11-27-2007, 10:51 PM
So far I cannot find one guy from any party that has said he will reduce federal spending, reform taxes (fairtax IMO), AND reduce the footprint of the fed in my front door.