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View Full Version : *Fred Blasts FOXNEWS NETWORK: Take No Prisoners*

11-25-2007, 11:36 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Fred Thompson is now begining to take this campaign to new heights.
2. Recently he has opened up both barrels on Rudy, now he has opened up both barrels on FOX NEWS.
3. Chris Wallace took a blast right between the eyes, and still mocked Fred.
4. I think Chris must have a agenda, seeing he was oblivious to Fred's stern honesty in the matter.
5. Fred pretty much slam dunked FOX NEWS, and Chris could only watch as Fred clipped FOX NEWS' wings.
6. I love it when Some one tells it like it is, and when that happens, it warms me heart.
7. I too have noticed how FOX NEWS has attacked his campaign.
8. FOX NEWS supports Rudy and Mitt, on the most part.
9. Go here and take a look at the slaughter:http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/thompson-charges-fox-news-is-biased-against-his-campaign-2007-11-25.html


Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) suggested on Sunday that Fox News is biased against his campaign, charging that the network highlights commentators who have been critical of his run for the presidency.

In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," host Chris Wallace pressed Thompson on how some conservatives have lambasted Thompson's campaign and showed clips of Fox conservative commentators Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes criticizing the former senator.

Thompson said, "This has been a constant mantra of Fox, to tell you the truth." He noted that other conservatives have praised his bid for the GOP nomination and took issue with a Fox promo that focused on polling in New Hampshire, where Thompson is registering in the single digits.

He said he is running second in national polls and has been leading or tied for the lead in South Carolina for "a long, long time."

Thompson, in a firm, but measured tone, scolded Wallace: "...for you to highlight nothing but the negatives in terms of the polls and then put on your own guys who have been predicting for four months, really, that I couldn't do it, kind of skew things a little bit. There's a lot of other opinion out there."

Krauthammer and Barnes regularly appear on Fox. Krauthammer is a syndicated columnist and Barnes is executive editor of The Weekly Standard.

Wallace denied to Thompson that "Fox has been going after you" and asked, "Do you know anybody who thinks you've run a great campaign, sir?"

Thompson responded, "It's not for me to come here and try to convince you that somebody else thinks I've run a great campaign." He added that National Review magazine has praised him for issuing detailed policy proposals on Social Security and immigration.



Joe Steel
11-25-2007, 11:45 AM
Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) suggested on Sunday that Fox News is biased against his campaign, charging that the network highlights commentators who have been critical of his run for the presidency.

I was stunned. Thompson attacked the most cherished icon of wingnut mythology, Fox News: Giver of Truth.

I guess there is no honor among thieves.

Pale Rider
11-25-2007, 02:26 PM
I think it's pretty evident media outlets, both liberal and conservative actively engage in propping up who it is they want to win.

I used to listen to Hannity on the radio, right up until he became a mouth piece for Giuliani. I got so sick of it I quit listening to him.

Jeep Driver
11-25-2007, 02:57 PM
So the most logical thing to do is to vote for the candidate that no news
organization will favor.
Go Fred!

11-25-2007, 06:38 PM
FOX has been touting gulliani and romney for months. And hanity is definitely a mouth piece for gulliani. I guess FOX is out to cripple Fred as much as they can. I expected this would be a good interview and not a attack forum.

FOX will broadcast it all this week and comment on all the negative he had to say.

11-25-2007, 06:40 PM
what the heck is with your thompsonites? Fox News has been one of the major force pushing Thompson to run. It's not their fault that Thompson has no traction. The guy just has no energy.

Jeep Driver
11-25-2007, 11:19 PM
what the heck is with your thompsonites? Fox News has been one of the major force pushing Thompson to run. It's not their fault that Thompson has no traction. The guy just has no energy.

I have to agree .Even though I want Fred in the drivers seat.
He dose lack fire. And he has no real galvanizing issue to get noticed with.
But he is a straght shooter . And is ready and able to do the heavy lifting of the job.
And he still has more Leadership in his wrinkles than all the other candidates
put together.

Jeep Driver
11-25-2007, 11:55 PM
FOX has been touting gulliani and romney for months. And hanity is definitely a mouth piece for gulliani. I guess FOX is out to cripple Fred as much as they can. I expected this would be a good interview and not a attack forum.

FOX will broadcast it all this week and comment on all the negative he had to say.

Ya I was suprised to learn about this dust up.
It may be that Fox sees Fred as not very electable . So they might get the idea that they are doing conservitives a favor.
And They might be right . But I absolutely hate this control the press has
over this process.
I hate that we cannot have one and only one day where the whole country votes at the same time . no Iowa no New Ham.
No more of thease pre elections to choose our partys candidate.
It gives the media too much power to poll the shit out of everyone.
So they can tell us who the winner will be.
It' a Racket . A Scam.

11-26-2007, 12:47 AM
I'm glad to see this as well. I'm tired of seeing FoxNews trying to shove Rudy and Mitt into the forefront. There's no way in hell the conservatives will go out and vote for Rudy, nor for a Mormon.

Give us what we need, Hunter and Thompson.

Abbey Marie
11-26-2007, 04:50 PM
Duncan Hunter wishes he had Thompson's coverage (as do I). The whole election process is so rigged against the underdogs.

Hagbard Celine
11-26-2007, 04:56 PM
So the most logical thing to do is to vote for the candidate that no news
organization will favor.
Go Fred!

And then we would look forward to four-years of nothing but frothing, yellow journalism coming from all angles. :barf2: