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View Full Version : End the war it costs too much!

11-28-2007, 10:43 AM
First, I understand that national defense is not an option or a political position, but rather a constitutional "mandate". For, without a secure country, what need is there for socialism? Now, the reason the left gives for ending the Iraq War is that it costs too much and the money could be better spent on social programs here in America. The left loves social programs and they seem to be the cure to all that is wrong with America. We are regularly reminded this war has lasted longer than WWII and has costs over $1.5 trillion dollars. President is a poor manager of the Iraq War!

Republicans, on the other hand are bashful to mention that the War on Poverty has lasted for decades and some estimates indicate it has costs as much as $11 million dollars.

I find it amusing that some mention the ONE AND HALF TRILLION DOLLARS spent on national security concerns over the past half decade without ever mentioning the ELEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS spent on the war on poverty over the past several decades with but a FRACTION of a percent gained on the POVERTY LEVEL in this nation. www.associdedcotent.com/article/323986/eleven_trillion_lost_in_war.html some say the help is in trade for votes. Some say it is simply wasted http://www.heritage.org/Research/Religion/EM364.cfm

So should we end the war on poverty... maybe a strategic withdraw starting within 30 days following the signing of the Housing and Urban Development bill? Hell, let's just try another way, what do you say?

11-28-2007, 10:44 AM
Yes. Let's do that. Make people (Gasp!) RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN FINANCIAL SUCCESS OR FAILURE!! Oh the HugeManatee!

11-28-2007, 11:30 AM
Yes. Let's do that. Make people (Gasp!) RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN FINANCIAL SUCCESS OR FAILURE!! Oh the HugeManatee!Why welfare doesn't work:
Compassion if a job of family and the Church. They sort out who really wants help and provide it to them. There are those that the family realizes are not Worthy of compassion and assistance is ended.

Welfare started out in families, churches and communities. Then a politician decided to make it a state issue. The different states that provided state welfare had different benefits, some states had excellent benefits. The freeloader portion of the welfare community migrated to the states where they could get more goodies. This was followed by the federal government getting involved.

The key is to drive compassion back to the lowest levels, the family, church and community.

11-28-2007, 11:38 AM
What about the War on Drugs. That's costing a butt load of money without significant results.

11-28-2007, 11:46 AM
What about the War on Drugs. That's costing a butt load of money without significant results.Perhaps it also could be decententralized. Let's do the Iraq War V. War on poverty for right now.

In the Iraq War the President did a surge and worked on communities first and it seems to be working.

How about if we work on communities first with poverty?

Close down ghetto's by giving them a new definition. If a single mom can't afford to work because babysitting costs too much then teach her to babysit and hire her to baby sit other single mom's children so they can go to work or go to school to learn a skill that is in demand.

Attack the next generation of kids to stop the cycle. Offer a $100.00 payment for every B+ or higher every month in math, English and science. Take the single moms that now have a baby sitter and teach them so they can tutor the children after school. These are just ideas for a start.

Pale Rider
11-28-2007, 12:10 PM
We will NEVER leave Iraq, or so bush wants it. We will be there forever, so just get the idea of us not having troops there out of your head, unless the oil runs out of course.

11-28-2007, 12:11 PM
Perhaps it also could be decententralized. Let's do the Iraq War V. War on poverty for right now.

In the Iraq War the President did a surge and worked on communities first and it seems to be working.

How about if we work on communities first with poverty?

Close down ghetto's by giving them a new definition. If a single mom can't afford to work because babysitting costs too much then teach her to babysit and hire her to baby sit other single mom's children so they can go to work or go to school to learn a skill that is in demand.

Attack the next generation of kids to stop the cycle. Offer a $100.00 payment for every B+ or higher every month in math, English and science. Take the single moms that now have a baby sitter and teach them so they can tutor the children after school. These are just ideas for a start.

The poor are poor because of poor decisions and poor money management. Government intervention can't change that. All past government efforts to keep anyone from being poor (communism) have resulted in everyone being poor. I say we call off the war on poverty.

11-28-2007, 12:14 PM
Following the hurricane and levy break in New Orleans able bodied welfare recipients lived in hotels and motels for months and were not asked to work. Many used room service and later sued the government for an extension of their stay in the plush cribs.

Here is the down and dirty of welfare and how to end it. Make it easier to go get a freaking job. Require each able bodied person to work or attend school at least eight hours a day to qualify for welfare. Blind people work, why can't welfare people work?

11-28-2007, 07:35 PM
The poor are poor because of poor decisions and poor money management. Government intervention can't change that. All past government efforts to keep anyone from being poor (communism) have resulted in everyone being poor. I say we call off the war on poverty.I missed this post since I was busy replying to myself, sorry.

There are poor people with desire to find a way out and others that simply just want to suck on the government teat. Politicians will gladly provide a crutch in exchange for a vote. I'm debating this subject on four debate sites at the same time and this is an answer I made to a similar statement on another site.

"People move to a new location where they can earn a living rather than stay in an area where all they do is exist... I grew up in West Virginia and the main export of WV is its citizens because the job opportunity is very limited. When my family moved to New Jersey it was like a new birth and opportunities were everywhere... the locals didn't appreciate the opportunities because of "their norm" being higher than WV's norm... my family thrived in NJ. To prop up a failing community with government aid only addicts the recipient's.

Well I didn't say it was easy and it takes some guts to move to a strange place... In my families case my dad had leased a farm and shortly thereafter he was hospitalized for months... my brother ran the dairy until the lease expired and the owner refused to renew the lease... I was 16 and my brother 17... we went on state aid, moved into a run down 1800 ear apartment, later that year my brother graduated and he first heard of the job in NJ and went first and was accepted immediately and lived in a bunkhouse... My father was released from the hospital and had recovered and then he went to NJ and got a job at the same place and rented a duplex and we simply left all of our old furniture in WV... Dad went to the poor folks stores and picked up used furniture enough to get by until we could buy new stuff... when I got there I also got a job and my brother and I lived with our parents giving them part of our income for the new start and within months we all had new cars and were living the great life.

I have a friend here in Puerto Rico that married a woman from the Philippines and they had a kid and the pay here wasn't enough to support his family properly so he left her and the kid here and went to Las Vegas and took two jobs, one at a casino and another at Merck pharmaceuticals in customer service... he found a furnished apartment on the cheaper side of town and sent for his wife and kid... Now he works for Merck from his home on the computer and works evenings and weekends at Walgreen's a short walk across the street in their film lab... He's been there ten years now and has his own home, new car and took his family on vacation to Disneyland a few months ago... Merck liked his work so well they give him blocks of shares in the company every year and by now they are worth about $50K... He is a high school grad with just some college... I think anyone who really want to could do what he did... He said when he got there the first day he went to the Unemployment office and a clerk interviewed him... took a look and asked if he had some nicer clothes for going to an interview... before he could answer the clerk wrote him a check for $200.00 and sent him to the store and when he came back he had three interviews set up and waiting."

12-01-2007, 05:20 PM
First, I understand that national defense is not an option or a political position, but rather a constitutional "mandate". For, without a secure country, what need is there for socialism? Now, the reason the left gives for ending the Iraq War is that it costs too much and the money could be better spent on social programs here in America. The left loves social programs and they seem to be the cure to all that is wrong with America. We are regularly reminded this war has lasted longer than WWII and has costs over $1.5 trillion dollars. President is a poor manager of the Iraq War!

Republicans, on the other hand are bashful to mention that the War on Poverty has lasted for decades and some estimates indicate it has costs as much as $11 million dollars.

I find it amusing that some mention the ONE AND HALF TRILLION DOLLARS spent on national security concerns over the past half decade without ever mentioning the ELEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS spent on the war on poverty over the past several decades with but a FRACTION of a percent gained on the POVERTY LEVEL in this nation. www.associdedcotent.com/article/323986/eleven_trillion_lost_in_war.html some say the help is in trade for votes. Some say it is simply wasted http://www.heritage.org/Research/Religion/EM364.cfm

So should we end the war on poverty... maybe a strategic withdraw starting within 30 days following the signing of the Housing and Urban Development bill? Hell, let's just try another way, what do you say?Maybe we could use some help from this dude... http://www.grameen-info.org/

12-02-2007, 09:24 AM
First, I understand that national defense is not an option or a political position, but rather a constitutional "mandate". For, without a secure country, what need is there for socialism? Now, the reason the left gives for ending the Iraq War is that it costs too much and the money could be better spent on social programs here in America. The left loves social programs and they seem to be the cure to all that is wrong with America. We are regularly reminded this war has lasted longer than WWII and has costs over $1.5 trillion dollars. President is a poor manager of the Iraq War!

Republicans, on the other hand are bashful to mention that the War on Poverty has lasted for decades and some estimates indicate it has costs as much as $11 million dollars.

I find it amusing that some mention the ONE AND HALF TRILLION DOLLARS spent on national security concerns over the past half decade without ever mentioning the ELEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS spent on the war on poverty over the past several decades with but a FRACTION of a percent gained on the POVERTY LEVEL in this nation. www.associdedcotent.com/article/323986/eleven_trillion_lost_in_war.html some say the help is in trade for votes. Some say it is simply wasted http://www.heritage.org/Research/Religion/EM364.cfm

So should we end the war on poverty... maybe a strategic withdraw starting within 30 days following the signing of the Housing and Urban Development bill? Hell, let's just try another way, what do you say?

In terms of the American blood and treasure spilled on Iraq's soil for dubious reasons and little, if any, real gain in security for the US, the war has been far too expensive.

It is time to end the travesty of the Bush administration's misguided, ill-considered and ill-conceived military adventurism in Iraq and focus on the real threat to US and world security, which lies in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Al Qaeda was never in Iraq...At least not until after the US invaded Iraq, at which time the franchise was granted to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi.

And BTW, you "war on poverty" analogy is pretty piss poor. Nobody's been bombed back to the stone-age, and more than a few of those programs established under the Johnson administration have made a difference in peoples lives.

12-02-2007, 09:52 AM
In terms of the American blood and treasure spilled on Iraq's soil for dubious reasons and little, if any, real gain in security for the US, the war has been far too expensive.

It is time to end the travesty of the Bush administration's misguided, ill-considered and ill-conceived military adventurism in Iraq and focus on the real threat to US and world security, which lies in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Al Qaeda was never in Iraq...At least not until after the US invaded Iraq, at which time the franchise was granted to Abu Musab Al Zarqawi.

And BTW, you "war on poverty" analogy is pretty piss poor. Nobody's been bombed back to the stone-age, and more than a few of those programs established under the Johnson administration have made a difference in peoples lives.What is your foreign policy plan? Better yet, what 08 candidate represents your foreign policy plan? Why did so many members of congress vote in confidence to return to hostilities with Iraq? Would you forgive jurors of a murder trail if they sent an innocent man to his death? How would you succeed to end poverty in America and which candidate supports your plan?