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11-30-2007, 02:49 PM
They don't know if it's political or just some nut case that randomly picked a building, but a scary situation.


ROCHESTER, N.H. - A man claiming to have a bomb walked in to Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign offices Friday and took hostages, police and witnesses said.

The man had what appeared to be a bomb strapped to himself, said Bill Shaheen, a top state campaign official. He took two hostages, both volunteers, and released others, Shaheen said.

Witness Lettie Tzizik told television station WMUR of Manchester that she spoke to a woman shortly after she was released from the office by the suspect. The woman was carrying an infant, and crying.

"She said, 'You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape," Tzizik said.

Clinton was not in the New Hampshire office Friday. She was scheduled to give an address at the Democratic National Committee meeting in Vienna, Va., but it was unclear if the address would go forward as planned.

Authorities were sending a tactical bomb unit to assist local police, and the area was evacuated, said Maj. Michael Hambrook of New Hampshire State Police. A nearby school also was in lockdown.

The Clinton office is located in the downtown area in a strip of several storefronts.

Workers for Sen. Barack Obama's campaign office in Rochester also were evacuated, a campaign spokesman said. The office is four doors away from Clinton's. Staffers in John Edwards' office, a few buildings away, evacuated as well.

11-30-2007, 02:50 PM
Developing story....


(CNN) -- Two people are being held hostage by an armed man at Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire, police said Friday.

Emergency crews arrive at the office building in Rochester, New Hampshire, Friday.

The man walked into the office at about 1 p.m., Maj. Michael Hambrook of the New Hampshire State Police told CNN affiliate WMUR-TV.

Hambrook and Clinton campaign officials said two people were believed to be inside.

Shortly before 2 p.m., police officers had taken positions across the street from the office, some kneeling behind police cruisers with guns drawn.

Witnesses described the man as in his 40s with salt-and-pepper hair, WMUR reported.

A woman and her baby were released by the hostage-taker, the woman told workers at a nearby business, according to the WMUR Web site.

A witness, Lettie Tzizik, told WMUR she spoke to a woman shortly after she was released from the office by the hostage-taker.

"A young woman with a 6-month or 8-month-old infant came rushing into the store just in tears, and she said, 'You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape,'" the Web site reported.

Clinton, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is in the Washington area.

She was scheduled to speak at 3 p.m. at a Democratic National Committee event, but canceled the talk because of the situation, DNC Chairman Howard Dean said.

"Unfortunately as some of you know, there is a hostage situation in New Hampshire involving a Clinton campaign staff person," Dean told those who had gathered for the event.

11-30-2007, 02:54 PM
Deja vu.

There are reports that the man is demanding to talk to Hillary Clinton, but they haven't been confirmed yet. It's still not known if this is political or just a random nut. Whatever it is it's a scary situation for the people in that office.

11-30-2007, 03:04 PM
Deja vu.

There are reports that the man is demanding to talk to Hillary Clinton, but they haven't been confirmed yet. It's still not known if this is political or just a random nut. Whatever it is it's a scary situation for the people in that office.

I hope everyone gets out alright.

I hate saying this but just the fact that Hillary is involved has me thinking there might be something underhanded there. I hate thinking like this cause i know its totally paranoid.

11-30-2007, 03:08 PM
Like they are really going to let some fruitcake talk to her or any Presidential candidate. The guy is an idiot... oh wait that goes without saying. :D


11-30-2007, 03:10 PM
I don't care who he is, where he's from, or what he wants. Threatening with a bomb is an act of terrorism. Police should govern themselves accordingly. Their goals should be:

A.) Making sure that whatever he hopes to accomplish through this method, doesn't get accomplished. Whether it's political changes, interviews with someone, publicity for his cause, killing someone, etc., he cannot be allowed to succeed. No one should negotiate with terrorists, period.

B.) Making sure no innocent persons are injured or killed.

...in that order.

11-30-2007, 03:11 PM
I hope everyone gets out alright.

I hate saying this but just the fact that Hillary is involved has me thinking there might be something underhanded there. I hate thinking like this cause i know its totally paranoid.

I can't say the same thing didn't at least cross my mind, but I guess that's the norm these days.

The SWAT team has arrived and they are trying to communicate with him by loud speaker, so it's still unclear if he's sent word about what he wants.

11-30-2007, 03:12 PM
I hate saying this but just the fact that Hillary is involved has me thinking there might be something underhanded there. I hate thinking like this cause i know its totally paranoid.

Underhanded schemes are second nature to Hillary. But there's no way she would try something like this to get sympathy, or hatred for her enemies, or any such reason. I just don't buy it.

11-30-2007, 03:15 PM
Underhanded schemes are second nature to Hillary. But there's no way she would try something like this to get sympathy, or hatred for her enemies, or any such reason. I just don't buy it.

yeah... i would like to believe that. But seriously i dont see anything below the Clintons.

I just hope this gets resolved without anyone dying so they can interogate this guy

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 03:24 PM
You guys are completely psychotic and it's scary that you walk the streets with your conditions untreated. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy IS one of you.

11-30-2007, 03:26 PM
This should help champion gun law redux; If I were near the guy, I think i'd have little problem putting a bullet in his head. I hope I'd have the stones to act.

Side note: This COULD be a way to deflect attention from HER plants in other places...I wonder - counting the minutes, before GWB, Gun Laws, Other Candidates, or Global Warming is blamed.

11-30-2007, 03:26 PM
You guys are completely psychotic and it's scary that you walk the streets with your conditions untreated. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy IS one of you.

I'd be surprised if he were me. Hey! Wait... what did I say that was wrong?


11-30-2007, 03:28 PM
You guys are completely psychotic and it's scary that you walk the streets with your conditions untreated. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy IS one of you.

is it really psychotic to think people who are notorious liars, will do anything to win, and who people who oppose them drop dead under mysteriously couldnt be possible.

11-30-2007, 03:36 PM
Lets hope the SWAT snipers put one right through Zippy's forehead.

11-30-2007, 03:37 PM
Little haggy said: I wouldn't be surprised if this guy IS one of you.

...at the same time he was accusing OTHERS of being psychotic!

You can't make this stuff up, folks! :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-30-2007, 03:40 PM
If anyone in that office had been armed, the situation would probably be over by now. In part because the bad guy couldn't know which one(s) are armed until it's too late for him.

But they weren't, were they?

11-30-2007, 03:47 PM
Lets hope the SWAT snipers put one right through Zippy's forehead.

hell no. I want answers. you kill the guy he cant tell us why he did it.

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 03:48 PM
...at the same time he was accusing OTHERS of being psychotic!

You can't make this stuff up, folks! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're completely delusional so it's logical that someone who hates the Clintons enough to accuse them of creating a hostage situation at their own campaign hq would be the one behind this. :dunno:

11-30-2007, 03:49 PM
hell no. I want answers. you kill the guy he cant tell us why he did it.

They guy will likely "Commit Suicide" (wink, wink, wink).

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 03:52 PM
If anyone in that office had been armed, the situation would probably be over by now. In part because the bad guy couldn't know which one(s) are armed until it's too late for him.

But they weren't, were they?

I'm glad you've found a way to turn a life-endangering hostage situation in a Dem campaign hq into an example of your own philosophical preponderance. I'd like to know exactly how many people come armed to work at Republican campaign headquarters.:slap:

Abbey Marie
11-30-2007, 03:53 PM
With all the wacked out anti-Bush and 9-11 conspiracy theories floating around, calling this one psychotic is rich.

11-30-2007, 03:54 PM
I keep hearing the guy has released all the hostages. So why the heck hasnt anything else happened?

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 03:56 PM
With all the wacked out anti-Bush and 9-11 conspiracy theories floating around, calling this one psychotic is rich.

Hey, if I believed in any conspiracy theories your rebuke might hold some water. :laugh::dance:

11-30-2007, 03:57 PM
hell no. I want answers. you kill the guy he cant tell us why he did it.

I don't want any answers from this guy, there is nothing to ask. Just do the justice system a favor and save alot of taxpayer money and put a bullet in his head!

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 04:05 PM
I don't want any answers from this guy, there is nothing to ask. Just do the justice system a favor and save alot of taxpayer money and put a bullet in his head!

Maybe he's a Muslim who's mad that a woman might become president :eek:

Abbey Marie
11-30-2007, 04:07 PM
Hey, if I believed in any conspiracy theories your rebuke might hold some water. :laugh::dance:

Rebuke you, Never!

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 04:11 PM
Rebuke you, Never!

I feel rebuked Abbey. And it stings somethin' fierce! *Hmmpph* (suppressing tears--is a little verklempt.)

11-30-2007, 04:17 PM
I'm glad you've found a way to turn a life-endangering hostage situation in a Dem campaign hq into an example of your o:cuckoo:wn philosophical preponderance. I'd like to know exactly how many people come armed to work at Republican campaign headquarters.:slap:

Little haggy continues his perfect 0-for-everything record of failing to even try to refute points argued by conservatives.

It's not surprising, since conservatives are right and he's wrong.

The only thing surprising, is that he keeps trying to oppose them, with no evidence that what they've said is wrong. :cuckoo:

Back to the subject:
If this nutcase (here I'm referring to the bomber in Hillary's office) manages to kill some people in there, will the sanctimonious do-gooders who keep telling us it's wrong for innocent civilians to carry weapons, go to the families of the deceased and explain to them WHY their late relative shouldn't have been able to defend themselves?

Abbey Marie
11-30-2007, 04:22 PM
I feel rebuked Abbey. And it stings somethin' fierce! *Hmmpph* (suppressing tears--is a little verklempt.)

Everybody: Talk amongst yourselves for a while!

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 04:29 PM
Little haggy continues his perfect 0-for-everything record of failing to even try to refute points argued by conservatives.

It's not surprising, since conservatives are right and he's wrong.

The only thing surprising, is that he keeps trying to oppose them, with no evidence that what they've said is wrong. :cuckoo:

Back to the subject:
If this nutcase (here I'm referring to the bomber in Hillary's office) manages to kill some people in there, will the sanctimonious do-gooders who keep telling us it's wrong for innocent civilians to carry weapons, go to the families of the deceased and explain to them WHY their late relative shouldn't have been able to defend themselves?

You advocate having everyone everywhere armed at all times because something might happen. In other words, you advocate a universal mentality of fear. A society based on the premise that "you'd better watch yourself because you never know when any person at any given time might try to blow you away." I'm not going to refute nonsense. Nonsense speaks for itself acorn.

11-30-2007, 04:40 PM
You advocate having everyone everywhere armed at all times
Little haggy's record remains unblemished by the slightest tint of accuracy. :lol: :lol:

Back to the subject:

A few weeks ago, I responded to one of little Haggy's questions with:


The 1% of the law-abiding public they take hostage, who happen to be carrying a compact pistol or whatever, is what's to stop them. IF carry were permitted, which at present it isn't in most places.

Tha advantage of concealed carry lies in the fact that most of the public is good guys. The number of bad guys (terrorists, rapists, school shooters etc.) is quite small in comparison. If EVERYBODY were allowed to carry concealed weapons, most still wouldn't, of course. But a few good guys would. So if terrorists take an airport hostage, it's likely that out of the thousand or so people inside, a small number (10 or 20 maybe?) will probably be carrying. And the terrorists would have no idea which ones they are.

But they can be pretty sure of getting a bullet from an unexpected direction, maybe several unexpected directions... and there won't be much they can do to avoid it. Terrorists aren't afraid to die, but they DO want to complete their mission, whatever it is... and having a number of concealed shooters waiting for them to turn their backs, will very likely foil their mission. As a result, MAYBE THE TERRORISTS WILL DECIDE NOT TO TAKE THE AIRPORT HOSTAGE IN THE FIRST PLACE. And that' s the best of all possible results of allowing universal concealed carry.

Apparently little haggy is hoping that enough time has gone by since then, that people will forget what I pointed out, and enabling him to pretend I hadn't said it at all. Unfortunately for him, it's still on the board.

As I pointed out then, the right of law-abiding sovereign citizens to carry concealed weapons, gives them their best defense against people like the guy in Hillary's office right now. Better than police, SWAT teams, etc., whom the perp can identify, watch, and react to. All of little haggy's chronic bombast, namecalling, and subject-changing can't create a better one.

11-30-2007, 05:06 PM
If anyone in that office had been armed, the situation would probably be over by now. In part because the bad guy couldn't know which one(s) are armed until it's too late for him.

But they weren't, were they?

Yeah, they'd all be dead in the circular firing squad. I think your proposition is unrealistic.

There, that should get us going again :laugh2:

11-30-2007, 05:07 PM
I keep hearing the guy has released all the hostages. So why the heck hasnt anything else happened?

What would you advise now?

Hagbard Celine
11-30-2007, 05:14 PM
Little haggy's record remains unblemished by the slightest tint of accuracy. :lol: :lol:

Back to the subject:

A few weeks ago, I responded to one of little Haggy's questions with:

Apparently little haggy is hoping that enough time has gone by since then, that people will forget what I pointed out, and enabling him to pretend I hadn't said it at all. Unfortunately for him, it's still on the board.

As I pointed out then, the right of law-abiding sovereign citizens to carry concealed weapons, gives them their best defense against people like the guy in Hillary's office right now. Better than police, SWAT teams, etc., whom the perp can identify, watch, and react to. All of little haggy's chronic bombast, namecalling, and subject-changing can't create a better one.
Dude :rolleyes: The law already allows for people to carry concealed weapons. Anyone can go to the local magistrate court, apply for and get a concealed carry permit. The problem with your little sardonic retort is that hardly anyone takes advantage of it because most people aren't paranoid delusionals with violent streaks. Typical of the Internet message board conservative archetype, you're under the impression that everyone is out to get poor little you, so naturally you've convinced yourself that your second amendment rights are being infringed by everyone around you and you're probably paranoid enough that you've become one of the dangerous ones who actually does carry a gun around everywhere with you because you actually see yourself as the man with no name (http://www.newsarama.com/dynamitenew/MWNN/Eastwood.JPG). In accordance with this little bit of insanity, you've also frequently fantasized that in a perfect world, you'd be lucky enough to get caught in a situation where you'll be lucky enough to commit your fantasy act of cowboy justice vigilantism and finally prove to everyone that, in addition to affirming your superiority complex, your dream of arming everyone everywhere really is the way things should be and that your warped, militaristic version of conservatism is, in fact philosophically superior. Too bad nearly everyone everywhere disagrees with your crazy ass, unrealistic fantasy view of the world, nearly every business and public place hires security guards and almost all businesses have a strict "no lethal weapons at work" policy. Not to mention you've overlooked the fact that, vigilantism is illegal and atleast in this situation, a pistol isn't any match for a bomb, which is what this guy claims he has.

11-30-2007, 06:25 PM
Dude :rolleyes: The law already allows for people to carry concealed weapons. Anyone can go to the local magistrate court, apply for and get a concealed carry permit.
I'm used to California, where if you apply for a CCW permit you are asked if you are

1.) A celebrity,
2.) A politician,
3.) A cop,

...and if you aren't, your application is summarily denied. Which is how it is in many states that supposedly "allow" concealed carry with a permit.

That "permit" process is, of course, a flat violation of the 2nd amendment, which does not contain the words "only with due process of law".

(more of little haggy's hysterical accusations, mistakes, and weird namecalling deleted)

I'm assuming that the aptly-named diuretic had started to write his post #32 before I'd finished editing in my reprint in post #31 of what I'd told little haggy from a few weeks back. So maybe he didn't remember that I'd already refuted what he was writing. It's not easy being a short-attention-span liberal these days, is it. :cheers2:

11-30-2007, 06:27 PM
The latest news reports state that the hostage takers are members of the Debate Policy Liberation Army. They are demanding that Hillary withdraw from the presidential race and move to Greenland.

11-30-2007, 06:30 PM
BTW, they got the whacko. The one in Hillary's office, I mean. The one in her office with a bomb, I mean. Apparently no one harmed, thank God.



Alleged Hostage Taker Arrested at Clinton Office

November 30, 2007 2:09 PM

A man was arrested at a Hillary Clinton campaign office in Rochester, N.H., hours after he claimed he had a bomb strapped to his body and took several hostages, before apparently releasing them and being arrested.

Sources identified the suspect as Leeland Eisenberg. He is a well-known local man with a history of emotional issues who allegedly told his son to "watch the news," a well-placed law enforcement source told ABC News' Pierre Thomas.

The man with the apparent pipe bomb asked to speak to Clinton, a source added. He appeared to be in his 40s or older.

At an early evening media briefing before the arrest, Rochester, N.H., Police Capt. Paul Callaghan refused to discuss "the number of hostages that were taken or the number that are in there now."

Callaghan refused to publicly comment on the identity of the suspect or numerous other details of the emergency.

"There have been no reported injuries," Callaghan added. "This is still a fluid investigation. ... We are investigating a hostage situation."

Clinton apparently was not at the New Hampshire office. She canceled an appearance at a Democratic National Committee meeting in Northern Virginia outside of Washington, D.C., DNC Chairman Howard Dean said, because of "a hostage situation involving a Clinton staffer" in New Hampshire.

State and local police in New Hampshire initially were handling the emergency, but federal SWAT and hostage teams were on standby, law enforcement sources said.

"This is a very serious ongoing situation," New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch said in a statement this evening. "Law enforcement officials are coordinating closely and we are all hopeful for a quick, safe resolution."

Clinton's office released the following statement earlier in the day: "There is an ongoing situation in our Rochester, N.H., office. We are in close contact with state and local authorities and are acting at their direction. We will release additional details as appropriate."

New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley was already at the DNC meeting in Virginia, and remained there in the early stages of the New Hampshire emergency. He listened to a live Web stream by ABC News affiliate WMUR, but was not immediately in touch with colleagues on the ground in Rochester.

Amid the emergency at the Clinton office, rival campaign offices nearby -- for Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards -- were evacuated as a precaution.

At Clinton's Senate office on Capitol Hill in Washington, staff closed and locked the doors. The main door at her office, as with most senators' doors, is usually propped open during business hours. But this afternoon there was a uniformed Capitol Police officer stationed outside the door.

11-30-2007, 06:48 PM
double post. delete it

11-30-2007, 06:48 PM
here is what i found about Leeland Eisenberg on the web. looks like he annoyed some people about an "illegal search" of his car.


also found an op ed that is probably mentioning him:


Rochester police get slap in the face

To the editor:

The Rochester Police Department was trying to be proactive and help the citizen's of Rochester from thieves and what they got was a slap in the face.

For every minute that Capt. Dumas has to spend dealing with the antics of Leeland Eisenberg it is one less minute he has to spend helping someone with something important. Mr. Eisenberg is wasting the time and the money of the taxpayers.

Police officers risk their life every day helping people, and to make them question if they should put a piece of paper in a car is just wrong.

Why can't people focus on the important things?

Melissa Picard

that is all thats on the web. no indication of any party affiliation or any reason why he would do this.

11-30-2007, 06:50 PM
Maybe he's a Muslim who's mad that a woman might become president :eek:

A muslim would of walked in and blew the place up. This guy is a fraud.

As if turns out, he's supposedly a mentally unstable libertarian who is paranoid about the government.

11-30-2007, 07:03 PM
Anybody seen any video yet? Is this the guy with the bomb?

Leeland Eisenberg of Gonic holds a warning notice left by a Rochester police officer in his car on Tuesday. The notice states the the officer found the vehicle unlocked and that the Rochester Police Department is concerned about the owner possibly becoming a victim of property crime.
(Mike Ross/Chief photographer)

LEE EISENBERG of Gonic held an impromptu news conference in front of Rochester City Hall Thursday displaying a warning bulletin placed in his car by a Rochester police officer during the early morning hours on Tuesday. The notice states the the officer found the vehicle unlocked and that the Rochester Police Department is concerned about the owner possibly becoming a victim of property crime.
(Mike Ross/Chief photographer)



Fliers prompt criticism: Outcry erupts over Rochester police warnings left in unlocked vehicles

Democrat Staff Writer

Article Date: Friday, March 16, 2007

ROCHESTER — Police have stopped placing fliers in unlocked cars warning residents about motor vehicle thefts after one resident complained his constitutional rights were violated.

Leeland Eisenberg of Gonic is questioning the new police strategy that had officers checking for unlocked vehicles, opening the doors and placing fliers on the driver's seat urging residents to lock their doors.

Eisenberg said police did this to his red Chevrolet Monte Carlo early Tuesday morning while it was parked at the McDuffee Brook Place apartment complex, where he lives. Eisenberg said he's "outraged" because police opened his vehicle without permission.

Eisenberg said he's complained to the state attorney general, the governor and the U.S. attorney.

"What they're doing is going around during the middle of the night under the pretense they're looking out for your property rights and they're telling you 'we found your car unlocked and you should always lock your car and valuables up, don't be a victim of property crime,'" Eisenberg said. "Well, I just was a victim of property crime; you entered my vehicle unlawfully without a warrant."

Eisenberg is also claiming that police searched his vehicle when they entered it, noting that the interior of his car was clean when he left it on Monday night but was dirty with ashes from the ashtray when he found the flier on Tuesday morning.

On Thursday afternoon, Police Capt. Scott Dumas said he's confident none of his officers unlawfully searched any vehicle and said he welcomes any investigation Eisenberg wants to conduct.

"No searches took place, that would be unconstitutional," Dumas said. "The officers know the law."

The department now plans to stop flier distribution and find alternative ways to alleviate the problem.

Eisenberg calls it a new form of "intelligence gathering," where police use the fliers as an excuse to scout vehicles for illegal things without telling people, so they can come back later and legally bust them.

"This is nothing more than a gimmick to get around the Constitution and go around in the middle of the night upon unsuspecting citizens in their own yard and search their vehicles," Eisenberg said.

Dumas said they just want to reduce theft from motor vehicles.

For the last year and a half, thefts from motor vehicle have plagued the city despite numerous efforts by police to conduct extra cruiser patrols and warn the public with press releases.

Frustrated, Chief David Dubois asked officers to come up with new and creative ways to address the problem. The neon green fliers read: "Warning; This is not a ticket. Please do not respond to this warning with payment. The Rochester Police Department cares about your property."

The flier then reminds residents to lock their doors and to report any suspicious activity to Crimeline.

Dumas said police originally planned on placing the fliers on windshields but then realized it would make unlocked vehicles more of a target. The department then decided to place them inside unlocked vehicles and then lock the door but realized many people leave their keys in their vehicles overnight.

The department eventually settled on checking for unlocked vehicles, opening the doors, placing the fliers upside down on the driver's seat, and closing the door. Dumas said police have been doing this since February in areas of the city that have experienced thefts from motor vehicles, including parking lots at shopping plazas, apartment complexes, and the Community Center.

Dumas said police thought the positives would outweigh the negatives.

"It's a different world now, police are now policing differently then they ever have before," Dumas said. "I still think it was a good idea, the intent behind it was good but we don't want to upset residents."

Dumas said the department received positive and negative feedback from the public, but nothing as serious as Eisenberg's concerns.

Eisenberg still wants to bring his case before a judge and possibly sue the department and city.

"It's not about money, this is about principle, this is about a constitutional right," he said. "They're violating my civil rights and the civil rights of many citizens in this city — I'm asking anyone to come forward who has received one of these."

Coincidentally, thefts from motor vehicles were down to seven in February, from 33 in January.

" I do think (the fliers) played a role but weren't the sole reason," Dumas said.

11-30-2007, 07:14 PM
I don't know if it's the same guy or not, but CNN could learn something here. ;)

11-30-2007, 07:16 PM
i cant imagine its another guy. I dont think that name would be frequent let alone frequent in Rochester NH. not to mention the news makes it clear he is an activist of some sorts. he is the only activit with that name from Rochester NH that ive read about on the web.

11-30-2007, 07:23 PM
i cant imagine its another guy. I dont think that name would be frequent let alone frequent in Rochester NH. not to mention the news makes it clear he is an activist of some sorts. he is the only activit with that name from Rochester NH that ive read about on the web.

Right, CNN could learn something, about googling... ;)

11-30-2007, 07:31 PM
Good work by LE on this :beer:

11-30-2007, 07:32 PM
Like they are really going to let some fruitcake talk to her or any Presidential candidate. The guy is an idiot... oh wait that goes without saying. :D


Hold on now- why doesn't she talk to him on the phone. She can demonstrate to the American voters how to negotiate.

Abbey Marie
11-30-2007, 08:12 PM
The latest news reports state that the hostage takers are members of the Debate Policy Liberation Army. They are demanding that Hillary withdraw from the presidential race and move to Greenland.


11-30-2007, 08:18 PM
Why hasn't anyone suggested he gave up because the cops told him Hillary was on her way? :cool:

11-30-2007, 09:48 PM
Hold on now- why doesn't she talk to him on the phone. She can demonstrate to the American voters how to negotiate.

Sure she can!

Do you really think this lady knows how to negotiate? If she ever did (and I know she used to be an attorney whose job it is to negotiate) I'm sure she is out of practice. One seems to get real used to commanding peons real quick.


11-30-2007, 09:51 PM
The latest news reports state that the hostage takers are members of the Debate Policy Liberation Army. They are demanding that Hillary withdraw from the presidential race and move to Greenland.
Will she capitulate? Does she really care? (I know, I'm hours too late, but it would have been good...)

12-01-2007, 09:22 AM
A muslim would of walked in and blew the place up. This guy is a fraud.

As if turns out, he's supposedly a mentally unstable libertarian who is paranoid about the government.

actually... im starting to question is libertarian leanings. Listen to what he said the reasons for his actions were:


Eisenberg had a hostage call CNN three times and spoke to network staffers during the standoff, CNN reported after the ordeal was over and all the hostages were safe. Eisenberg said he wanted help getting psychiatric care, but had been turned away because he didn't have the money.

"I need to speak to Hillary Clinton," CNN quoted him as saying. "Something's got to change. Ordinary people need help" with their insurance.

The network described Eisenberg as "well-spoken, articulate and impassioned about his cause," but said he became increasingly agitated and laced his third phone call with profanities.

most libertarians... wait all libertarians I know of want less government interference in their lives. Here is a man specifically asking for more? And he is libertarian? it just doesnt compute to me.

12-01-2007, 09:07 PM
And he is libertarian? it just doesnt compute to me.
Why does anyone think he's a libertarian? I've heard no such reports, anywhere.

As you pointed out, he's looking for govt assistance in getting medical help. That spells left-wing liberal to me. That means he's more likely a Democrat, though some Republicans are getting that way too.

12-02-2007, 02:37 AM
I've also heard now that he is also supposedly a victim of a homosexual molestation from a priest?
Chalk up another victory for homosexual youth recruitment!