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11-30-2007, 03:17 PM
Been reading Glenn Beck's new book "An Inconvenient Book" its freaking hilarious and got great points.

A couple aspects i really liked:

His ADD moments: whenever he had a side comment he would make a box called an ADD moment. Usually really funny.

Pictures of a Glenn beck online dating profile.

And Extremists say the darnedest things. those are awesome.

12-03-2007, 05:53 PM
Having finished the book I have the following to say:

I was disappointed that Glenn didnt say more on some topics.

I loved the pictoral diagram of Stu's solution to pedophiles.

The book was freaking funny.

12-11-2007, 09:28 AM
I enjoy watching Beck’s TV show whenever I have time, so I picked up Beck’s book and have been reading it as time permits. I’m about a third of the way through and have enjoyed what I’ve read so far. I thought the chapter on John Edwards’ “income inequality” was a slam dunk, and the chapter on online dating was hilarious (but Beck probably paints it like it really is). :laugh2:

The chapter on big oil is an eye-opener. From the time of Richard Nixon right down to George W. Bush, the Middle Eastern countries have been playing this country like a finely tuned violin with regard to oil. It’s time we get our own alternative energy policy and quit letting the Arabs get us off track by dropping the purchasing price for a barrel of oil when it looks like we’ve finally gotten serious about this business.

Hagbard Celine
12-11-2007, 10:23 AM
I enjoy watching Beck’s TV show whenever I have time, so I picked up Beck’s book and have been reading it as time permits. I’m about a third of the way through and have enjoyed what I’ve read so far. I thought the chapter on John Edwards’ “income inequality” was a slam dunk, and the chapter on online dating was hilarious (but Beck probably paints it like it really is). :laugh2:

The chapter on big oil is an eye-opener. From the time of Richard Nixon right down to George W. Bush, the Middle Eastern countries have been playing this country like a finely tuned violin with regard to oil. It’s time we get our own alternative energy policy and quit letting the Arabs get us off track by dropping the purchasing price for a barrel of oil when it looks like we’ve finally gotten serious about this business.

I agree. It's time to put this nation into overdrive on the issue of energy independence and leave those damn gangster savages to rot in that gloryhole of a region they've got over there.

12-12-2007, 09:45 AM
Amen! I haven't heard anyone asking the presidential candidates their plans to make the U.S. energy independent by such and such a date. I guess if the presidents from Richard Nixon down to GWB haven't been able to accomplish it (see An Inconvenient Book for details), people have lost interest. It's more important to discuss what religion a candidate subscribes to. Jeeeezzzz

12-12-2007, 01:07 PM
Glen Beck is awesome!

Been reading Glenn Beck's new book "An Inconvenient Book" its freaking hilarious and got great points.

A couple aspects i really liked:

His ADD moments: whenever he had a side comment he would make a box called an ADD moment. Usually really funny.

Pictures of a Glenn beck online dating profile.

And Extremists say the darnedest things. those are awesome.

07-29-2008, 04:06 PM
Hi, I'm new here and have been checking out the site. I think this is a great site to chat and get to meet people on.

I haven't read Glens book but I watch his show as much as possible. I absolutley love the guy. Since he doesn't mince any words and isn't afraid to tell it like it is, I'm sure he's made a lot of enemies. And I have to give him credit for speaking out like he does. You don't find many people that will do that these days.

I'll have to get his book and read it. I'm all for getting a good laugh and informing myself at the same time.

07-29-2008, 11:52 PM
Got the book for Christmas. Finished it before New Year's. Loved EVERY WORD!

I was especially amused by the map that shows how many of Al Gore's supporters will lose their homes if he's actually right.

03-10-2009, 12:43 AM
Sucks,,,,,,,,,don't it?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?



03-10-2009, 05:00 PM
20. P