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View Full Version : Mike Huckabee...The Huckster

12-03-2007, 08:22 AM
<blockquote>"...editorialists and columnists at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state's dominant (and Republican-friendly) daily paper, use words like "petty" and "thin-skinned" to describe Huckabee...."

"...Huckabee revealed an enduring weakness as glaring as that other Arkansas governor's fondness for women. Huckabee seems to love loot and has a dismissive attitude toward ethics, campaign finance rules and propriety in general. Since that first, failed campaign, the ethical questions have multiplied.

In the 1992 contest with Bumpers, Huckabee used campaign funds to pay himself as his own media consultant. Other payments went to the family babysitter.

In his successful 1994 run for lieutenant governor, he set up a nonprofit curtain known as Action America so he could give speeches for money without having to disclose the names of his benefactors. He failed to report that campaign travel payments were for the use of his own personal plane.

After he became governor in 1996, he raked in tens of thousands of dollars in gifts, including gifts from people he later appointed to prestigious state commissions.

In the governor's office, his grasp never exceeded his reach. Furniture he'd received to doll up his office was carted out with him when he left, after he'd crushed computer hard drives so nobody could ever get a peek behind the curtain of the Huckabee administration." - <a href=http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/11/13/huckabee/print.html>Max Brantley</a></blockquote>

It would appear that the Huckster has more than a few moral and ethical failings of his own, which haven't been picked up by the dreaded "MSM", which until recently had also ignored those of "Saint Rudy of 9/11".

So, y'all should be careful what you wish for...You might get it.

12-03-2007, 08:58 AM
If his last name were Clinton you'd be defending him.

12-03-2007, 09:32 AM
Naaaaaaaaa Bully hates everybody----if you like em, he hates em. Ever hear him endorse anyone for anything?

12-03-2007, 10:03 AM
Naaaaaaaaa Bully hates everybody----if you like em, he hates em. Ever hear him endorse anyone for anything?

I've asked Bully on several occasions to tell us who he endorses. Never once got an answer. All he can do is bad mouth Republican candidates.

12-03-2007, 12:57 PM
I've asked Bully on several occasions to tell us who he endorses. Never once got an answer. All he can do is bad mouth Republican candidates.

Let's face reality: none of the declared Republican candidates has all that much to recommend them.

12-03-2007, 01:02 PM
Let's face reality: none of the declared Republican candidates has all that much to recommend them.

Let's face reality: None of the declared candidates from either party have all that much to recommend them.

12-03-2007, 01:26 PM
so what your saying is Huckabee is alittle better than the former governor when it comes to ethics and corruption.

12-03-2007, 01:28 PM
Let's face reality: none of the declared Republican candidates has all that much to recommend them.

I'm talking about the Democrat side.

12-03-2007, 02:00 PM
After the way he conducted himself on Sundays Chris Mathews program he showed me something no other republican has. He definitely moved up in my book.

12-03-2007, 02:08 PM
After the way he conducted himself on Sundays Chris Mathews program he showed me something no other republican has.
They aired him pulling down his pants? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

12-03-2007, 09:00 PM
Let's face reality: None of the declared candidates from either party have all that much to recommend them.

That about sums it up for me.

12-04-2007, 01:50 AM
Huckabee is far more genuine than anything else the Republican Party has to offer at this time. Actually, I like him as well as I like John McCain. Perfection went out the window with the appointment of gwb in 2000.

12-04-2007, 01:55 AM
No Huckabee for me...

I really wanted to include McCain but he's blown it on several things...The big one was teaming up with Teddy Kennedy on the Amnesty for Illegal aliens..

Hunter, Thompson, Tancredo..:cheers2:

12-04-2007, 01:58 AM
Hunter, Tancredo? The most unAmerican candidates I think I have ever seen!!!!!!

No Huckabee for me...

I really wanted to include McCain but he's blown it on several things...The big one was teaming up with Teddy Kennedy on the Amnesty for Illegal aliens..

Hunter, Thompson, Tancredo..:cheers2:

Go, Stephanie, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-04-2007, 02:01 AM
Hunter, Tancredo? The most unAmerican candidates I think I have ever seen!!!!!!

Go, Stephanie, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What the hell is an UNAMERICAN???

Because they think of us American Citizens...FIRST..

12-04-2007, 02:06 AM
<blockquote>"...editorialists and columnists at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state's dominant (and Republican-friendly) daily paper, use words like "petty" and "thin-skinned" to describe Huckabee...."

"...Huckabee revealed an enduring weakness as glaring as that other Arkansas governor's fondness for women. Huckabee seems to love loot and has a dismissive attitude toward ethics, campaign finance rules and propriety in general. Since that first, failed campaign, the ethical questions have multiplied.

In the 1992 contest with Bumpers, Huckabee used campaign funds to pay himself as his own media consultant. Other payments went to the family babysitter.

In his successful 1994 run for lieutenant governor, he set up a nonprofit curtain known as Action America so he could give speeches for money without having to disclose the names of his benefactors. He failed to report that campaign travel payments were for the use of his own personal plane.

After he became governor in 1996, he raked in tens of thousands of dollars in gifts, including gifts from people he later appointed to prestigious state commissions.

In the governor's office, his grasp never exceeded his reach. Furniture he'd received to doll up his office was carted out with him when he left, after he'd crushed computer hard drives so nobody could ever get a peek behind the curtain of the Huckabee administration." - <a href=http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/11/13/huckabee/print.html>Max Brantley</a></blockquote>

It would appear that the Huckster has more than a few moral and ethical failings of his own, which haven't been picked up by the dreaded "MSM", which until recently had also ignored those of "Saint Rudy of 9/11".

So, y'all should be careful what you wish for...You might get it.

Most of us can see through the BS that is Mike Hucklebee. He is soft on High Risk Sex Offenders, Illegal Immigration and loves to raise taxes. Shame on him.

12-04-2007, 02:09 AM
Huckabee is far more genuine than anything else the Republican Party has to offer at this time. Actually, I like him as well as I like John McCain. Perfection went out the window with the appointment of gwb in 2000.

Wow, we finally agree on something. I really like Senator John McCain as well.

12-04-2007, 02:12 AM
No Huckabee for me...

I really wanted to include McCain but he's blown it on several things...The big one was teaming up with Teddy Kennedy on the Amnesty for Illegal aliens..

Hunter, Thompson, Tancredo..:cheers2:

He joined in on that Amnesty deal to at least get some Conservative additions to it. The way it was originally planned it would have screwed the people of America. McCain got the part about the Border Fence and Employer Verification added as long as hiring an aditional 3,500 Border Agents to secure the border. The MSM took McCain as a threat to their precious Liberal candidates so they tried to destroy him and it worked.

12-04-2007, 02:14 AM

What the hell is an UNAMERICAN???

Because they think of us American Citizens...FIRST..

Thompson only cares about himself and his acting performances(which are horrible).

12-04-2007, 02:16 AM
I've loved John McCain since I first knew who he was in 1999. He is top notch in my book.

Wow, we finally agree on something. I really like Senator John McCain as well.

I do, however, regret that he did such a 180 degree and sucked up to the bastards that destroyed him in 2000. But, he is still my personal hero!!!!!!!

12-04-2007, 02:21 AM
Thompson only cares about himself and his acting performances(which are horrible).

And how do you know this...You have some inside info we need to know??


My choice is now out in the open...

Thompson/Hunter or visa verse...either will do our country right...:cheers2:

12-04-2007, 02:25 AM
And how do you know this...You have some inside info we need to know??


My choice is now out in the open...

Thompson/Hunter or visa verse...either will do our country right...:cheers2:

His actions clearly show that he is only in for himself. Lobbying for Pro Abortion Groups for a lot of money when he is so called against abortion and going on entertainment TV shows instead of participating in debates and entering the race so late. If his heart was really into being President he would have entered the race on day one. Hunter would never go with Fred Thompson as he can't stand the guy and feels he is a phoney Conservative.

I would love to see a McCain\Hunter ticket.

12-04-2007, 02:26 AM
Whoa be unto me to ever defend nm, but,,,,,,,,

And how do you know this...You have some inside info we need to know??


My choice is now out in the open...

Thompson/Hunter or visa verse...either will do our country right...:cheers2:

Have you ever seriously watched Thompson? He is a liar in the first degree!!!!!!!!

12-04-2007, 02:30 AM
Hunter is a loser, nm. He needs to serve a little time as possibly the Mayor of San Diego, California before he steps up to anything above maybe Governor of California.

His actions clearly show that he is only in for himself. Lobbying for Pro Abortion Groups for a lot of money when he is so called against abortion and going on entertainment TV shows instead of participating in debates and entering the race so late. If his heart was really into being President he would have entered the race on day one. Hunter would never go with Fred Thompson as he can't stand the guy and feels he is a phoney Conservative.

I would love to see a McCain\Hunter ticket.

A McCain/Huckabee ticket would be at least competitive, but also a loser for the Republican Party in my opinion.

Good luck in 2012.

12-04-2007, 02:30 AM
Whoa be unto me to ever defend nm, but,,,,,,,,

Have you ever seriously watched Thompson? He is a liar in the first degree!!!!!!!!

You both have your say in things...and I repect that...

Thompson/Hunter or Hunter/Thompson....

12-04-2007, 02:33 AM
You both have your say in things...and I repect that...

Thompson/Hunter or Hunter/Thompson....

Your mind maybe made up but a Thompson\Hunter ticket would never happen. I've talked to Hunter's campaign when he was in town the last time and they said the only person he would consider running with at this point would be Tancredo.

12-04-2007, 02:34 AM
Hunter is a loser, nm. He needs to serve a little time as possibly the Mayor of San Diego, California before he steps up to anything above maybe Governor of California.

A McCain/Huckabee ticket would be at least competitive, but also a loser for the Republican Party in my opinion.

Good luck in 2012.

You obviously don't know much about Duncan Hunter or Mike Hucklebee.

12-04-2007, 02:37 AM
Actually, I know quite a lot about both, nm.

You obviously don't know much about Duncan Hunter or Mike Hucklebee.

What is your concern? Take an ex-lax and get back with me, ok?

12-04-2007, 02:42 AM
Actually, I know quite a lot about both, nm.

What is your concern? Take an ex-lax and get back with me, ok?

Take an ex lax and get back to me...

What's up with that?? Just a few minutes ago you were agreeing with him..


12-04-2007, 03:43 AM
Actually, I know quite a lot about both, nm.

What is your concern? Take an ex-lax and get back with me, ok?

Obviously you don't.

12-04-2007, 05:29 AM
Huckabee is far more genuine than anything else the Republican Party has to offer at this time. Actually, I like him as well as I like John McCain. Perfection went out the window with the appointment of gwb in 2000.

the more i learn about Huckabee. The more i dont think he is genuine. I think he is as slick as they come. Look at the debates. he comes off positively because he acts like a nice guy. He is a good debater. But its all style. Its all charisma and no substance.

Huckabee is the type of guy you'd want to hang out with at a party or something. But so was President Bush. And I see the same flaws Bush has in Huckabee. I've waited 8 years to find a candidate that can make up for the policy deficiencies of Bush. I am not about to vote someone in who has the same ones.

12-05-2007, 05:36 AM

What the hell is an UNAMERICAN???

Because they think of us American Citizens...FIRST..

No, dear lady, they don't. They think only of themselves. which can be said of most politicians, but especially Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. <a href=http://www.beyonddelay.org/node/313>Hunter</a> is in the same class of corruption as Randy "Duke" Cunningham, and <a href=http://www.tomtancredo.org/>Tom Tancredo</a> is little better.

12-05-2007, 05:51 AM
No, dear lady, they don't. They think only of themselves. which can be said of most politicians, but especially Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. <a href=http://www.beyonddelay.org/node/313>Hunter</a> is in the same class of corruption as Randy "Duke" Cunningham, and <a href=http://www.tomtancredo.org/>Tom Tancredo</a> is little better.

Thank you my friend for pointing out those..I appreciate it...

But...which Democrat are you backing...just curious...:cheers2:

12-05-2007, 01:53 PM
No, dear lady, they don't. They think only of themselves. which can be said of most politicians, but especially Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. <a href=http://www.beyonddelay.org/node/313>Hunter</a> is in the same class of corruption as Randy "Duke" Cunningham, and <a href=http://www.tomtancredo.org/>Tom Tancredo</a> is little better.

Is that the worst you have on Hunter? LOL.

Maybe he should of had a business partner buy a bank and give a large loan to himself to cover the land deal. Then when the sham is revealed at the cost of tens of millions of dollars to the government and your friends are convicted and sent to prison, just pardon them.
