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12-03-2007, 10:41 AM
Best Equipped to Battle the Clinton Machine

The candidate likes to point out that in Arkansas when he was sworn in as governor, only 11 out of 100 members of the state House were Republican. Furthermore, there were only four out of 35 senators who were Republican.

“I went into a legislature that was more lopsided than any other legislature in the country including Massachusetts,” Huckabee explains. “No governor faced a more overwhelming opposite-party legislature than I did and that legislature was heavily populated by people politically related to the Clintons.


Huckabee does admit to one perhaps significant chink in his armor. Some might perceive him to be soft on illegal immigration.

He doesn’t think this is the case, however, and hopes that the rank and file voter will see that he simply wants to add a measure of fairness to the firmness.

“Some people want me to be a lot harsher [on immigration policy],” Huckabee explains.


This guy is unbelieveable. We need to do everything we can to make sure that he doesn't get elected. He will destroy America with his weak stance on Illegal Immigration and letting High Risk Sex Offender's out of jail.

12-03-2007, 11:53 AM
Good for him. Maybe he can be Hunter's campaign manager.

12-03-2007, 02:22 PM
I'm sure others of you this morning heard some of Rush's comments about the "Huckaboom" as Drudge printed the headline, of the media showing him rising in the polls versus both his Republican and possible Democratic opponents.

One thing Rush mentioned this morning that was interesting. He mentioned that the media's interest/excitement about Huckabee could have a "dark" side to it. Here's the "dark" side if I understood Rush's explanation correctly. I didn't keep the radio on much past this so there might have been other important comments by the radio host that were important too.

Anyway, Huckabee is obviously, very important to a large segment of the Christian voting population. I think Rush referred to them as the more evangelical, bible, Christians in particular; a very large voting block in recent years.

Anyway, a major poll indicated that Huckabee was almost even with Giuliani, and actually only a point or two difference in a National poll against Hillary. Actually that last thing about Hillary and Huckabee really took me back. I've really not been paying much attention to these politics.

Now, Rush indicated that he felt that if the Media makes Huckabee the Rupublican "darling", by throwing "softball" critiques at him, and he gets the nomination, or starts to really lead in the primarys, you'll see the media turn on him with gusto, because of his Christian background/beliefs.

I guess he/Rush was meaning that this could be a media/setup against Huckabee/Republicans/conservatives, and to help Hillary.

In other words, if Huckabee were to get the GOP nomination, the media will then commence to turn on him like a pack of wolves. His Christian/biblical background/stance will be assailed by the media.

Obviously, as we have seen in the past, candidates that have strong biblical stances have been made prime fodder for charges of being, "hypocrites", and other similar inuendos. We all know what the "hypocrite" moniker means to the detractors. If your a Christian, you must love us all equally, and show it in your legislative, and or political actions or comments. There seems to be a blind spot with the detractors in understanding the principle of loving the person, but not the sin that the person commits. The detractors get a "deer in the headlights" state of understanding with that part of the Christian's system of belief. How can you like or value a person in whom you don't agree with their way of life, or actions of life, or philosophies of life? If any Christian detractor were to crack open the bible and just read those accounts of Jesus visiting and dining in the homes of folks considered during those times as "gross" sinners, they'd have to read that Jesus didn't condone their ways of life, or wrongful actions of life, but indeed loved them. Even as He told the adulterous woman that He protected from sinning, "Go and sin no more.". The detractors don't want to perceive or accept that love of one's being or life, and distaste for one's actions of life can be separate. Who, doesn't know of or have experienced parenting a wayward son or daughter, and hasn't continued to love that child, but hated their actions? Well, Christ carries that principle into the lives to Christians by extending His love to those of every creed, color, and religion, and loving His human creation despite their sins.

Biblical Christians, just can't separate sin from the sinner and love one and hate or abhor the other aspect or the act of the sinner? Not! Actually they've been commanded to love the world, but not the deeds of the world. It goes back to loving your enemy, but not your enemy's deeds.

These detractors just don't want it to be this way. So the moniker, "hypcrite" is badged, and the media frenzy of ripping and savaging the candidate commences.

It's not unlike cutting back school subsidies, and then being accused of starving children because you hate them. I still remember when GWB first ran for President, and the detractors said that the black churches would burn, and black Americans would be dragged in the streets and lynched as though the KKK had come back in vogue. :(

The detractors and the media don't just stop at pondering the Christian politicians stance of saying "no" to something they believe unethical. The media and detractors take it to greater heights/steps and before you know it, the biblical Christian candidate has Adoph's mustach, a hidden Mein Kamph in the closet, and a desire to set up internment camps for atheists, agnostics, and/or, liberals.
I for one, have been standing back and not getting too mired in all the primary politics so far. Maybe it's just because I've got a lot of other priorities of life going on right now that trump any interest in the early stages of the Presidential election.

So, I'm pretty "green" or a "novice" to understanding all that's been going on in the politiking lately.

Anyway, is this latest national poll that says that Huckabee has a chance even against Hillary, just some smoke and mirrors, or is there some substance to this? Is the media just trying to set up a "straw man" for the future?

I do recall some time ago, about Huckabee having a weak spot in the area of having raised some taxes, but I don't know the whole story on that either.

Anyway, do you think the main stream media is going to start a "scare" campaign against Huckabee if he starts to look too popular in the polls and primarys? Will the media portray Huckabee as some bible thumping scarey person that would take us back to the days of the inquisition, or the book burning days of Hitler?

That mindset of fear seems to pervade the posts of many folks on these forums. Words, like "jack booted" nazis/fascists and bible Christians seem to get printed together as though, this is what would happen if a bible Christian politician were elected to the highest office in the land.

As a strong, biblicist, Christian, I've yet to find a copy of Mein Kampf anywhere in my house, nor any Swastikas, or any booklets that teach me how to rule my nation by intimidation, fear, and a secret police. In fact the very thought of that turns my stomach, as Christ is the very Antithesis of the latter or what folks like to typify biblical Christians as.

Anyway, is this Huckabee phenomena going anywhere, or is the media trying to set up a "straw man" in their gun sights to make Hillary look like Joan of Arc to the American people?

12-03-2007, 02:46 PM
Yeah, the question of illegal children is a pretty harsh one. I can't make myself support keeping the parents in country to help the children, but I don't really want to leave the children out in the cold. After all, those little crumb-munchers didn't really have a choice in the matter.

12-03-2007, 02:48 PM
You know what really gets me is how the media and their liberal sheep followers always attack Republican Christians as being hypocrits. Yet for some reason they are completely silent when Democrat Christians break the law or do immoral things while in office. Its amazing how they don't see the hypocrisy of so called Christian Democrats passing legislation in favor of abortion and homosexual rights. Now if the Democrats would elect atheists to offices then it wouldn't be hypocritical of them to vote the way they like. But we all know they have to pretend they are Christians otherwise they wouldn't have a chance of getting elected.

Abbey Marie
12-03-2007, 03:00 PM
Good for him. Maybe he can be Hunter's campaign manager.

Tried to rep you for that one. :salute:

12-04-2007, 02:01 AM
Good for him. Maybe he can be Hunter's campaign manager.

Duncan Hunter has one of the strongest stances on Illegal Immigration that I have ever seen.

Pale Rider
12-04-2007, 11:42 AM
Yeah, the question of illegal children is a pretty harsh one. I can't make myself support keeping the parents in country to help the children, but I don't really want to leave the children out in the cold. After all, those little crumb-munchers didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Then very politely ship their illegal asses back home WITH their parents.

What boils my ass is, if a military family with 18 year old children that are say enlisted from Maine but are stationed in California, those kids are required to pay OUT OF STATE tuition for college, and Huckabee wants to give the kids of ILLEGAL ALIENS FREE MONEY OVER THOSE KIDS TO GO TO COLLEGE?

NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL BROTHER. That right there is a TOTAL deal breaker for me. I will NEVER vote for Huckabee.

Hugh Lincoln
12-05-2007, 07:35 PM
Saying we "can't punish the children" is a weak-ass argument. We sure CAN, and SHOULD. It's like when I hear that a mother shouldn't go to jail for bank robbery because she has children. Do the crime, do the time.

12-05-2007, 08:50 PM
Saying we "can't punish the children" is a weak-ass argument

wow, you're callin Chuck Norris' man weak-assed?.....that takes balls.....

"Chuck Norris says that it’s Huckabee’s compassion for the children of illegals that is one of the factors that moved him to support his candidacy.
you realize we could get rid of every illegal in this country in less than 24 hours, right?.........by making them legal.....

Hugh Lincoln
12-07-2007, 10:01 PM
you realize we could get rid of every illegal in this country in less than 24 hours, right?.........by making them legal.....

We could also get rid of poverty, instantly, by lowering the poverty level far enough to exclude everyone in the world. We could could eliminate all crime by eliminating all criminal law. And we could eliminate all ugliness by declaring that everything is beautiful.

12-07-2007, 11:15 PM
wow, you're callin Chuck Norris' man weak-assed?.....that takes balls.....

"Chuck Norris says that it’s Huckabee’s compassion for the children of illegals that is one of the factors that moved him to support his candidacy.
you realize we could get rid of every illegal in this country in less than 24 hours, right?.........by making them legal.....

actually it really doesnt take that much balls. Contrary to popular belief, he doesnt have a fist under his beard.

12-07-2007, 11:19 PM
And we could eliminate all ugliness by declaring that everything is beautiful.

I'm not convinced it would help you.....

12-08-2007, 01:20 AM
actually it really doesnt take that much balls. Contrary to popular belief, he doesnt have a fist under his beard.

Chuck Norris is one tough person. He is the only person to be undefeated in the Martial Arts Circuit while holding the championship until he retired.

12-08-2007, 01:37 AM
Chuck Norris is one tough person. He is the only person to be undefeated in the Martial Arts Circuit while holding the championship until he retired.

didnt say he wasnt tough. Just said it wouldnt take balls to disagree with him. After all he is a martial artist. Martial arts is for defense. he wouldnt attack unless first attacked. if he did he would be in jail like everyone else. he just isnt the type of guy to beat the crap out of someone for disagreeing with him.

12-08-2007, 04:03 AM
didnt say he wasnt tough. Just said it wouldnt take balls to disagree with him. After all he is a martial artist. Martial arts is for defense. he wouldnt attack unless first attacked. if he did he would be in jail like everyone else. he just isnt the type of guy to beat the crap out of someone for disagreeing with him.

Yup, he is more of a pasifist. Also being a Black Belt he could be in a lot more trouble then the average person if he attacks someone first.

12-08-2007, 07:53 AM
Just said it wouldnt take balls to disagree with him

more a question of credibility.....if you tell me Huckabee is weak-assed, and Chuch Norris tells me he isn't......hmmmm....who should I believe.......

12-08-2007, 11:23 AM
This is probably the only area where I don't agree with Huckabee. He has, however, denounced amnesty.

12-08-2007, 11:55 AM
This is probably the only area where I don't agree with Huckabee. He has, however, denounced amnesty.

You agree with letting High Risk Sex Offenders out of prison and the enormous tax increases that he supports and authors?

12-08-2007, 12:29 PM
more a question of credibility.....if you tell me Huckabee is weak-assed, and Chuch Norris tells me he isn't......hmmmm....who should I believe.......

well i dont know Chuck Norris, I doubt you do either. So i figured youd trust the person you actually know rather than the celebrity you dont.

12-08-2007, 03:13 PM
You agree with letting High Risk Sex Offenders out of prison and the enormous tax increases that he supports and authors?

While his decision to parole that guy was wrong with 20/20 hindsight, he doesn't support letting every high risk sex offender out of jail, as you insinuate. And, as you can see in my post here (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=9022), Huckabee was far from a tax-and spend governor, and supports the FairTax, which would decrease taxes significantly for pretty much everyone in America.

12-08-2007, 03:15 PM
You agree with letting High Risk Sex Offenders out of prison and the enormous tax increases that he supports and authors?

Here is a little excerpt from Huckabee on the sex offender issue...I'll provide the link if you want to read more...Somehow I doubt many will. They hear something, and then think it's fact...

It was a horrible situation, horrible, I feel awful about it in every way. I wish that there was some way I could go back and reverse the clock and put him back in prison. But nobody, not me, not Jim Guy Tucker, not Bill Clinton, not that parole board, could ever imagine what might have transpired.

For people to say that I was responsible in getting him out makes a few presumptions - number one, it presumes, I had an influence on Bill Clinton and Jim Guy Tucker in 1992. The second presumption, it assumes I had the amazing persuasive power to go into a board of seven people, all of them appointed by Democratic governors before me and persuade them to do something they didn't wish to do.

It also assumes that, not only did I have that power, but that only two of them changed story about what happened and they didn't do so until 6 years later when we were in the middle of an election year. And after, and subsequent to the fact that I had not reappointed them to their $75,000 jobs on the parole board.

Also he didn't just raise taxes...I get sick of hearing that. He raised certain taxes, while also lowering other taxes. If you net them out, you will see the tax cuts were higher than the increase in taxes...Some programs needed more money, so he wanted an increase in the tax that supplied that program money. In areas where there was too much revenue, he cut taxes. People, get off this rasing taxes road. All in all taxes DECREASED. Who cares what steps were taking to get there. That's how you balance a state budget.

12-08-2007, 04:45 PM
Here is a little excerpt from Huckabee on the sex offender issue...I'll provide the link if you want to read more...Somehow I doubt many will. They hear something, and then think it's fact...


Also he didn't just raise taxes...I get sick of hearing that. He raised certain taxes, while also lowering other taxes. If you net them out, you will see the tax cuts were higher than the increase in taxes...Some programs needed more money, so he wanted an increase in the tax that supplied that program money. In areas where there was too much revenue, he cut taxes. People, get off this rasing taxes road. All in all taxes DECREASED. Who cares what steps were taking to get there. That's how you balance a state budget.

Actually he is responsible for him getting out. I watched an interview with one of the Parole Board members on CNN a while back. Wayne Demond was coming up for Parole and Huckabee went to the Parole Board and asked them to Parole him. Huckabee because good friends with Waynes wife. The Parole Board told Governor Huckabee that they were going to deny his Parole because of his high risk status and after talking to Prison staff and Psych. Doctors they said he had a very high risk to re-offend. Huncabee was not happy with that decision so he threatened to commute the sentance if Wayne didn't get Paroled. The Parole Board didn't want him out at all but atleast if they Paroled him they could somewhat monitor him where if the sentance was commuted then they wouldn't be able to monitor him. Hucklebee is definantly to blame. Also I hate Bill Clinton and will jump on him every chance I get but at least Bill Clinton wanted to keep this guy in jail.

In response to Jeff's comment, Hucklebee has let one out of prison, one who was very dangers and a high risk. Who's to say he wont do that again?

12-08-2007, 05:10 PM
Actually he is responsible for him getting out. I watched an interview with one of the Parole Board members on CNN a while back. Wayne Demond was coming up for Parole and Huckabee went to the Parole Board and asked them to Parole him. Huckabee because good friends with Waynes wife. The Parole Board told Governor Huckabee that they were going to deny his Parole because of his high risk status and after talking to Prison staff and Psych. Doctors they said he had a very high risk to re-offend. Huncabee was not happy with that decision so he threatened to commute the sentance if Wayne didn't get Paroled. The Parole Board didn't want him out at all but atleast if they Paroled him they could somewhat monitor him where if the sentance was commuted then they wouldn't be able to monitor him. Hucklebee is definantly to blame. Also I hate Bill Clinton and will jump on him every chance I get but at least Bill Clinton wanted to keep this guy in jail.

In response to Jeff's comment, Hucklebee has let one out of prison, one who was very dangers and a high risk. Who's to say he wont do that again?

You are talking about exactly what was mentioned in the article. Look at who says this. They had an ax to grind. Anyone can say anything. If it's said to the press, somehow it becomes fact....Also, Huckabee was governor for 10 years, so I would say that he's not too prone to letting the wrong people out of prison. I am sure we would have been hearing about it...

Just a note of caution....For those that I know will vote Republican, watch what you say on here about Huckabee......If he gets the nomination for the republican party, then your just opening the door for others on here to have documented proof of how many posters here bad mouthed him. ...Not talking specifically about you NevadaMedic...Just throwing that out there. That's why I am not talking to much crap about the other candidates....I may regret it....Just don't want to have unnecessary arguments on this board in the future. I will choose to support the republican over the democratic candidates. So I am waiting until the presidential race starts before I start bad mouthing the (democratic) candidates.

12-08-2007, 05:33 PM
In response to Jeff's comment, Hucklebee has let one out of prison, one who was very dangers and a high risk. Who's to say he wont do that again?

As Roadhouse pointed out, 1) Huckabee did not let him out, the parole board did, and 2) the political charges are coming from someone with an ax to grind.

12-08-2007, 05:37 PM
well i dont know Chuck Norris, I doubt you do either. So i figured youd trust the person you actually know rather than the celebrity you dont.

nope....because of the three of us, only Chuck actually know Huckabee....so I will go with the celebrity who knows, instead of the guy who just made it up because he wanted to vote for somebody else......(besides, I know more about Chuck Norris than I know about you......:))

12-08-2007, 07:09 PM
You are talking about exactly what was mentioned in the article. Look at who says this. They had an ax to grind. Anyone can say anything. If it's said to the press, somehow it becomes fact....Also, Huckabee was governor for 10 years, so I would say that he's not too prone to letting the wrong people out of prison. I am sure we would have been hearing about it...

Just a note of caution....For those that I know will vote Republican, watch what you say on here about Huckabee......If he gets the nomination for the republican party, then your just opening the door for others on here to have documented proof of how many posters here bad mouthed him. ...Not talking specifically about you NevadaMedic...Just throwing that out there. That's why I am not talking to much crap about the other candidates....I may regret it....Just don't want to have unnecessary arguments on this board in the future. I will choose to support the republican over the democratic candidates. So I am waiting until the presidential race starts before I start bad mouthing the (democratic) candidates.

I didn't hear about it from a reporter, I watched a couple board members talk about how they were strong armed into releasing him.