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12-05-2007, 09:47 AM

They are a 39 year old mother and a teenage girl respectively.

Well at least they were until they were raped and mudered by a Man who the Clinton haters said was innocent.

Huckabee beeing one of those Clinton haters worked to get this evil man who had a life full of evil behind him paroled because .....well...... raped a teenage girl who was realted to Clinton.

They wanted him out because they hated Clinton. They got their wish and these women died because of it.

12-05-2007, 10:18 AM

They are a 39 year old mother and a teenage girl respectively.

Well at least they were until they were raped and mudered by a Man who the Clinton haters said was innocent.

Huckabee beeing one of those Clinton haters worked to get this evil man who had a life full of evil behind him paroled because .....well...... raped a teenage girl who was realted to Clinton.

They wanted him out because they hated Clinton. They got their wish and these women died because of it.

Where did you come up with the "Clinton haters" garbage? How did you determine the reason they wanted this person released was because they hated Clinton? I just read the entire article and just don't see that, all I see is you once again trying to make judgments based on crap yet again. If everything I read is true, Huckabee has some 'splainin to do, and the release was definitely a horrible choice, but why you are stretching it to sound like the reason was because they hated Clinton is a bit far fetched.

12-05-2007, 10:25 AM
Do you really think there is not a political group of people who hate Clinton ?

12-05-2007, 10:27 AM
Do you really think there is not a political group of people who hate Clinton ?

Don't change the subject...

YOU stated that he was paroled because he raped a woman related to Clinton. YOU stated they wanted him out because they hated Clinton. I'm simply asking you to backup these statements with proof - which you can't - because as usual you're making shit up.

12-05-2007, 10:28 AM

They are a 39 year old mother and a teenage girl respectively.

Well at least they were until they were raped and mudered by a Man who the Clinton haters said was innocent.

Huckabee beeing one of those Clinton haters worked to get this evil man who had a life full of evil behind him paroled because .....well...... raped a teenage girl who was realted to Clinton.

They wanted him out because they hated Clinton. They got their wish and these women died because of it.

Here you go again not READING the whole story. Huckabee may have been sorely misinformed and guilty of not researching the full extent of this case but to say he did this solely on the "fact?" that he is a Clinton hater is rediculous. You have made a great number of "assumptions" in your reading of this sory..

Here is just one little quote from the story that is very telling.

The problem with the governor is that he listens to Jay Cole and reads Steve Dunleavy and believes them ... without doing other substantative work,” the state official said.

Had Huckabee examined in detail the parole board’s files regarding Dumond, he would have known Dumond had compiled a lengthy criminal resume.

The people you might want to save your contempt for would be the two bolded individuals.....

Once again try a READING COMPREHENSION class or 2 or 3.....

12-05-2007, 10:35 AM

It was a big issue to people on the right.

They wanted him free because it was a Clinton conspericacy in their minds.

They got their wish and women died.

I think maybe you missed these points NM?

The Times has also learned that:
• Ermer Pondexter, a former member of the Post Prison Transfer Board, says she was persuaded by the parole board chairman Brownlee to vote for Dumond’s release and because she knew the governor supported it.

• The board did not allow its recording secretary to attend a closed session with the governor regarding Dumond, nor was the session taped, a departure from custom.

• Board chair Brownlee [2005 note: Brownless has since been reappointed to the Board by Huckabee] personally interviewed Dumond in prison and set in motion the reconsideration of the board’s August 1996 vote to refuse Dumond parole. Normally, inmates must wait a year after a decision for a new hearing. Thanks to Brownlee’s efforts, Dumond was granted a new parole hearing Jan. 16, 1997, just six weeks after his request for reconsideration. This time, the board voted to parole. Brownlee later was reappointed to the board by Huckabee.

• Dumond was transferred to the Tucker unit in December 1996, after his request for rehearing. Had he stayed at Varner, he could not have been scheduled for a new hearing before Jan. 20, 1997, Huckabee’s deadline to act on his announcement that he was considering commuting Dumond’s sentence. His transfer — which the Department of Corrections has explained in conflicting ways — allowed him to get on the Tucker hearing schedule, which let the board parole Dumond before Huckabee’s deadline — and thus take the heat for his release.

12-05-2007, 10:41 AM
TM - nothing you post is presented fairly or objectively. You're a pure-blooded Democrat and nothing you post will be anything but twisted and full of deceit. You lack the intellectual honest to read facts without tossing in your own brand of hatred.

12-05-2007, 10:54 AM

It was a big issue to people on the right.

They wanted him free because it was a Clinton conspericacy in their minds.

They got their wish and women died.

I think maybe you missed these points NM?

The Times has also learned that:
• Ermer Pondexter, a former member of the Post Prison Transfer Board, says she was persuaded by the parole board chairman Brownlee to vote for Dumond’s release and because she knew the governor supported it.

• The board did not allow its recording secretary to attend a closed session with the governor regarding Dumond, nor was the session taped, a departure from custom.

• Board chair Brownlee [2005 note: Brownless has since been reappointed to the Board by Huckabee] personally interviewed Dumond in prison and set in motion the reconsideration of the board’s August 1996 vote to refuse Dumond parole. Normally, inmates must wait a year after a decision for a new hearing. Thanks to Brownlee’s efforts, Dumond was granted a new parole hearing Jan. 16, 1997, just six weeks after his request for reconsideration. This time, the board voted to parole. Brownlee later was reappointed to the board by Huckabee.

• Dumond was transferred to the Tucker unit in December 1996, after his request for rehearing. Had he stayed at Varner, he could not have been scheduled for a new hearing before Jan. 20, 1997, Huckabee’s deadline to act on his announcement that he was considering commuting Dumond’s sentence. His transfer — which the Department of Corrections has explained in conflicting ways — allowed him to get on the Tucker hearing schedule, which let the board parole Dumond before Huckabee’s deadline — and thus take the heat for his release.

Once again YOU fail to read the whole story (I read the whole thing did you). I understand Gov. Huckabee used his influence on the parole board but he did so in ignorace as STATED in your article or did you miss that part. Let me expalin it to you so maybe even you can understand. He had people close to him using their influnce with him telling him this guy was innocent and in need of parole. Is he at fault for not getting all the information?? YES!!! He did what every other politician does in life and career they LISTEN to their advisors and friends who's job it is to RESEARCH this type of information..... Do you honestly think every politician out there reads every f***ing piece of paper placed infront of them or do they RELY on thier ADVISORS to ....bare with me here..... ADVISE....

You have this problem of only seeing WHAT YOU WANT to see and not taking the whole picture than you tell us we are blind for not seeing things in your tunnel vision way. Get a freaking life and try to READ THE WHOLE STORY..

12-05-2007, 11:07 AM
This is one of the reasons I am not a Huckabee fan. In the general election this would easily become the "Willie Horton" of 2008, and destroy any chance of beating Hitlary. If the facts in this article are true, then its quite obvious he was either doing this out of malice, or was severely uninformed. Either way its unexcusable and dispicable to make such an effort to free or reduce the sentance of a rapist with a past criminal record. The scumbag belonged behind bars for life.

12-05-2007, 11:11 AM
This is one of the reasons I am not a Huckabee fan. In the general election this would easily become the "Willie Horton" of 2008, and destroy any chance of beating Hitlary. If the facts in this article are true, then its quite obvious he was either doing this out of malice, or was severely uninformed. Either way its unexcusable and dispicable to make such an effort to free or reduce the sentance of a rapist with a past criminal record. The scumbag belonged behind bars for life.

Ohh I agree 100%, but what TM is trying to say is complete BS and she knows it..

I am not defending his decision to releas this piece of shit but the tangent the TM took is just crazy!!!!!!

12-05-2007, 11:13 AM
Once again YOU fail to read the whole story (I read the whole thing did you). I understand Gov. Huckabee used his influence on the parole board but he did so in ignorace as STATED in your article or did you miss that part. Let me expalin it to you so maybe even you can understand. He had people close to him using their influnce with him telling him this guy was innocent and in need of parole. Is he at fault for not getting all the information?? YES!!! He did what every other politician does in life and career they LISTEN to their advisors and friends who's job it is to RESEARCH this type of information..... Do you honestly think every politician out there reads every f***ing piece of paper placed infront of them or do they RELY on thier ADVISORS to ....bare with me here..... ADVISE....

You have this problem of only seeing WHAT YOU WANT to see and not taking the whole picture than you tell us we are blind for not seeing things in your tunnel vision way. Get a freaking life and try to READ THE WHOLE STORY..

What Huckabee says about his lack of curiosity about the facts of the case led him to act without knowing what he acted on. This is just his excuse and you buy it. It looks like YOU are the one swallowing the talking points.

12-05-2007, 11:24 AM
Ohh I agree 100%, but what TM is trying to say is complete BS and she knows it..

I am not defending his decision to releas this piece of shit but the tangent the TM took is just crazy!!!!!!

As outragous as TM's accusations appear, there is really nothing to refute them with. I'm sure any Repubs in Arkansas absolutely hated the Clintons, and rightfully so since they were so corrupt. It isn't a far stretch to assume the Huckabee camp hated the Clintons. Hell, I do and I'm not even a Republican nor live in Arkansas.

12-05-2007, 12:05 PM
What Huckabee says about his lack of curiosity about the facts of the case led him to act without knowing what he acted on. This is just his excuse and you buy it. It looks like YOU are the one swallowing the talking points.

12-05-2007, 12:15 PM
What Huckabee says about his lack of curiosity about the facts of the case led him to act without knowing what he acted on. This is just his excuse and you buy it. It looks like YOU are the one swallowing the talking points.

TM, most people here really dont care about defending Huckabee. We aren't planning to vote for him. In fact, I would like nothing better than to see Huckabee lose the election.

With that said, your assertions are off the rocker. The man clearly made a mistake. What the hell does that have to do with Bill Clinton? And what does that say about you? After all Bill Clinton is just as much as rapist and molester as the man Huckabee released. And whats worse, Clinton turned around and smeared the women he violated to save his political career.

With this thread, you have just redemonstrated to everyone here that you dont give a damn about the truth.

Pale Rider
12-05-2007, 03:08 PM
With this thread, you have just redemonstrated to everyone here that you dont give a damn about the truth.

Oh how correct you are.

But here's a truth... the "governor," as Huckabee was at the time, DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE POWER TO LET THIS GUY GO, so Huckabee, whether he WANTED TO OR NOT, could NOT have let this guy go. So when this guy got freed, IT WAS NOT BY HUCKABEE'S POWER! Someone else did it.

Liesmatter is simply so full of liberal lies and PIG SHIT for brains, it's reaching new heights of stupidity the likes of which this board has never seen before.

12-05-2007, 06:14 PM
TM, most people here really dont care about defending Huckabee. We aren't planning to vote for him. In fact, I would like nothing better than to see Huckabee lose the election.

With that said, your assertions are off the rocker. The man clearly made a mistake. What the hell does that have to do with Bill Clinton? And what does that say about you? After all Bill Clinton is just as much as rapist and molester as the man Huckabee released. And whats worse, Clinton turned around and smeared the women he violated to save his political career.

With this thread, you have just redemonstrated to everyone here that you dont give a damn about the truth.

How can you claim Clinton raped and murdered people?

Where is your evidence of that?

You are a very unfair person. I provided a right wing site where they claimed Clinton left this guy to rot in prison even though he was innocent. This was just one of the trumped up issues the right made about Clinton being evil. You know it and everyone else does too. This man killed and raped women and the right screamed to have him released. They got what they wanted and people died for their political hackery.

Pale rider read this and face the fact that he worked to get this guy free.

The Times has also learned that:
• Ermer Pondexter, a former member of the Post Prison Transfer Board, says she was persuaded by the parole board chairman Brownlee to vote for Dumond’s release and because she knew the governor supported it.

• The board did not allow its recording secretary to attend a closed session with the governor regarding Dumond, nor was the session taped, a departure from custom.

• Board chair Brownlee [2005 note: Brownless has since been reappointed to the Board by Huckabee] personally interviewed Dumond in prison and set in motion the reconsideration of the board’s August 1996 vote to refuse Dumond parole. Normally, inmates must wait a year after a decision for a new hearing. Thanks to Brownlee’s efforts, Dumond was granted a new parole hearing Jan. 16, 1997, just six weeks after his request for reconsideration. This time, the board voted to parole. Brownlee later was reappointed to the board by Huckabee.

• Dumond was transferred to the Tucker unit in December 1996, after his request for rehearing. Had he stayed at Varner, he could not have been scheduled for a new hearing before Jan. 20, 1997, Huckabee’s deadline to act on his announcement that he was considering commuting Dumond’s sentence. His transfer — which the Department of Corrections has explained in conflicting ways — allowed him to get on the Tucker hearing schedule, which let the board parole Dumond before Huckabee’s deadline — and thus take the heat for his release.

Pale Rider
12-05-2007, 08:01 PM
Pale rider read this and face the fact that he worked to get this guy free.

The "fact" of the matter is, it was NOT HUCKABEE'S POWER that released this man, as you would have us believe, and quite contrary to your board name. THAT, is a LIE. He did NOT do it. He may have PUSHED for it, but he did NOT do it. He COULDN'T do it. DO - YOU - UNDERSTAND - THAT?

And I, like avatar, do not plan on voting for Huckabee. You're blowing your horn at the wrong people. I don't care for Huckabee for reasons other than this, but none the less, I'm not voting for him.

How can you claim Clinton raped and murdered people?

Where is your evidence of that?

As far as your above statement goes, it is just yet another absent minded thing for you to say. YOU better read THIS...

Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this was an event that in fact took place.”

Read here the particulars of this crime that were reported fleetingly by the Wall Street Journal, Dateline NBC 2-25-99, and the Washington Post 2-20-99. A Denver radio program, Bob Enyart Live, conducted a corroborating interview with Norma Kelsay, the nurse who found Juanita shortly after the rape, bruised, sobbing, and with lips swollen twice their size. You can find that interview at ShadowGov.com, along with links to transcripts of the above mentioned reports.

Juanita Broaddrick, a 35-year-old cam*paign supporter, met Bill Clinton in April 1978 when he made a campaign stop at the nursing home she had owned for five years. Broaddrick says that Bill Clinton invited her

to his Little Rock campaign headquarters. Juanita, and her employee, Norma Rogers (now Norma Kelsay), were scheduled to attend an American College of Nursing Home Administrators seminar in the state capital at the Camelot Inn the next week on April 25, 1978. Juanita says that she therefore accepted Clinton’s invitation to visit the campaign headquarters. Broaddrick says that she called the campaign headquarters when she arrived and was surprised that the aide who answered the phone had expected her call and told her to call Bill Clinton at his apartment.

The Meeting

Broaddrick says she called Clinton and they arranged to meet at the coffee shop in her hotel. Broaddrick says Clinton then changed their plans moving the meeting to her room, where they could have beverages delivered, since he said the coffee shop was too noisy for their meeting. Broaddrick says Clinton made small talk for less than five minutes, pointing to a jail which he said he would refurbish when elected, which jail media accounts report being later demolished.

The Rape

Broaddrick says Clinton then startled her by embracing her and saying, “We’re both married people.” Juanita says she responded that she had no such interest in him and that she was in love with David Broaddrick, whom she later married in 1981. Broaddrick says Clinton persisted and forced her onto the bed and used his strength to hold her down.

According to Broaddrick’s account Clinton tore apart her pantyhose at the crotch, that he inflicted pain when he penetrated her, and that he bit her lips which also inflicted pain. Norma Rogers says she found Juanita on the same bed shortly afterward, in a state of shock, her pantyhose torn in the crotch.

Broaddrick says that after his ejaculation, Clinton told her not to worry about becoming pregnant for he had the mumps when he was a child and that he was sterile. Juanita first publicly told of Clinton’s claim of sterility in 1999 when Chelsea was about 20 years old. He was reportedly the first president who has kept his medical records secret.

The Immediate Aftermath

Juanita says she had “felt paralyzed,” and was not at all thinking about pregnancy, and that when Clinton mentioned sterility she started to cry. Juanita says that his behavior and words as he was leaving are seared into her memory, that he put on his sunglasses, and gestured toward her mouth saying “You better put some ice on that,” and walked out.

Rogers, a nurse, describes Juanita’s lips as swollen to double their size, and her mouth area discolored by bruising which she attributed to biting. She treated Juanita’s lips with ice at the hotel and afterward on their drive home. Rogers recalls that Juanita, in a state of shock, kept repeating, “I can’t believe what just happened.”

The April 25, 1978 Arkansas Gazette mentions a nursing home conference held that day at the Camelot Inn. That edition also noted Clinton’s only announced event of the day that evening in nearby Conway. Juanita says she feared that she would not be believed. Juanita blamed herself for allowing a man into her hotel room. But “this was the attorney general¾and it just never entered my mind.”

Juanita says she wanted to deny and forget what had happened. On the drive home she invented a cover story for her wounds and told David Broaddrick that she had been hit in the mouth by a revolving door. He recounts responding, “That didn’t happen.”

More... (http://shadowgov.com/Clinton/SGClintonRapeSummary.html)


By: Ether Zone Staff

Here is the latest body count that we have. All of these people have been connected with the Clintons in some form or another. We have not included any deaths that could not be verified or connected to the Clinton scandals. All deaths are listed chronologically by date. This list is current and accurate to the best of our knowledge as of January 13, 1999 August 1, 2000.

Susan Coleman: Rumors were circulating in Arkansas of an affair with Bill Clinton. She was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head at 7 1/2 months pregnant. Death was an apparent suicide.

Larry Guerrin: Was killed in February 1987 while investigating the INSLAW case.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry: Initial cause of death was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987. This ruling was reported by the State medical examiner Fahmy Malak. Later it was determined that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks. Don had been stabbed in the back. Rumors indicate that they might have stumbled upon a Mena drug operation.

Keith Coney: Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 with unconfirmed reports of a high speed car chase.

Keith McKaskle: McKaskle has information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He was stabbed to death in November 1988.

Gregory Collins: Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot wound to the face in January 1989.

Jeff Rhodes: He had information on the deaths of Ives, Henry & McKaskle. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, leading to the probably speculation that he was tortured prior to being killed.

James Milam: Milam had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially ruled death due to natural causes.

Richard Winters: Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives & Henry. He was killed in a "robbery" in July 1989 which was subsequently proven to be a setup.

Jordan Kettleson: Kettleson had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup in June 1990.

Alan Standorf: An employee of the National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf's body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport on Jan 31, 1991.

Dennis Eisman: An attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991.

Danny Casalaro: Danny was a free-lance reporter and writer who was investigating the "October Surprise", INSLAW and BCCI. Danny was found dead in a bathtub in a Sheraton Hotel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Danny was staying at the hotel while keeping appointments in the DC area pertinent to his investigation. He was found with his wrists slashed. At least one, and possibly both of his wrists were cut 10 times. All of his research materials were missing and have never been recovered.

Victor Raiser: The National Finance Co-Chair for "Clinton for President." He died in a airplane crash on July 30, 1992.

R. Montgomery Raiser: Also involved in the Clinton presidential campaign. He died in the same plane crash as Victor.

Paul Tully: Tulley was on the Democratic National Committee. He was found dead of unknown causes in his hotel room on September 24, 1992. No autopsy was ever allowed.

Ian Spiro: Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and 3 children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian's body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The ingestion of cyanide. FBI report indicated that Ian had murdered his family and then committed suicide.

Paula Gober: A Clinton speech writer. She died in a car accident on December 9, 1992 with no known witnesses.

Jim Wilhite: Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. He also had extensive ties to Clinton with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his death.

Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan & Conway LeBleu: Died Feburary 28, 1993 by gunfire at Waco. All four were examined by a pathologist and died from identical wounds to the left temple. All four had been body guards for Bill Clinton, three while campaigning for President and when he was Governor of Arkansas.They also were the ONLY 4 BATF agents killed at Waco.

Sgt. Brian Haney, Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley, Capt. Scott Reynolds: Died: May 19, 1993 - All four men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, Va. - Reporters were barred from the site, and the head of the fire department responding to the crash described it by saying, "Security was tight," with "lots of Marines with guns." A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All four men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths.

John Crawford: An attorney with information on INSLAW. He died from a heart attack in Tacoma in April of 1993.

John Wilson: Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide on May 18, 1993. He was a former Washington DC council member and claimed to have info on Whitewater.

Paul Wilcher: A lawyer who was investigating drug running out of Mena, Arkansas and who also sought to expose the "October Surprise", BCCI and INSLAW. He was found in his Washington DC apartment dead of unknown causes on June 22, 1993.

Vincent Foster: A White House deputy counsel and long-time personal friend of Bill and Hillary's. Found on July 20, 1993, dead of a gunshot wound to the mouth -- a death ruled suicide. Many different theories on this case! Readers are encouraged to read our report in Strange Deaths.

Jon Parnell Walker: An investigator for the RTC who was looking into the linkage between the Whitewater and Madison S&L bankruptcy. Walker "fell" from the top of the Lincoln Towers Building.

Stanley Heard & Steven Dickson: They were members of the Clinton health care advisory committee. They died in a plane crash on September 10, 1993.

Jerry Luther Parks: Parks was the Chief of Security for Clinton's national campaign headquarters in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car on September 26, 1993 near the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 west of Little Rock. Parks was shot through the rear window of his car. The assailant then pulled around to the driver's side of Park's car and shot him three more times with a 9mm pistol. His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into (despite a top quality alarm system). Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen.

Ed Willey: A Clinton fundraiser. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on November 30, 1993. His death came the same day his wife, Kathleen, was sexually assaulted in the White House by Bill Clinton.

Gandy Baugh: Baugh was Lasater's attorney and committed suicide on January 8, 1994. Baugh's partner committed suicide exactly one month later on February 8, 1994.

Herschell Friday: A member of the presidential campaign finance committee. He died in an airplane explosion on March 1, 1994.

Ronald Rogers: Rogers died on March 3, 1994 just prior to releasing sensitive information to a London newspaper. Cause of death? Undetermined.

Kathy Furguson: A 38 year old hospital worker whose ex-husband is a co- defendant in the Paula Jones sexual harassment law suit. She had information supporting Paula Jone's allegations. She died of an apparent suicide on May 11, 1994 from a gunshot wound to the head.

Bill Shelton: Shelton was an Arkansas police officer and was found dead as an apparent suicide on kathy Ferguson's grave (Kathy was his girl friend), on June 12, 1994. This "suicide" was the result of a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

Stanley Huggins: Huggins, 46, was a principal in a Memphis law firm which headed a 1987 investigation into the loan practices of Madison Guaranty S&L. Stanley died in Delaware in July 1994 -- reported cause of death was viral pneumonia.

Paul Olson: A Federal witness in investigations to drug money corruption in Chicago politics, Paul had just finished 2 days of FBI interviews when his plane ride home crashed, killing Paul and 130 others on Sept 8 1994. The Sept. 15, 1994 Tempe Tribune newspaper reported that the FBI suspected that a bomb had brought down the airplane.

Calvin Walraven: 24 year on Walraven was a key witness against Jocelyn Elder's son's drug case. Walraven was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to the head. Tim Hover, a Little Rock police spokesman says no foul play is suspected.

Alan G. Whicher: Oversaw Clinton's Secret Service detail. In October 1994 Whicher was transferred to the Secret Service field office in the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Whatever warning was given to the BATF agents in that building did not reach Alan Whicher, who died in the bomb blast of April 19th 1995.

Duane Garrett: Died July 26, 1995-A lawyer and a talk show host for KGO-AM in San Fransisco, Duane was the campaign finance chairman for Diane Fienstien's run for the senate, and was a friend and fundraiser for Al Gore. Garrett was under investigation for defrauding investors in Garrett's failed sports memorabilia venture. There was talk of a deal to evade prosecution. On July 26th, Garrett canceled an afternoon meeting with his lawyer because he had to meet some people at the San Fransisco airport. Three hours later he was found floating in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Ron Brown: The Commerce Secretary died on April 3, 1996, in an Air Force jet carrying Brown and 34 others, including 14 business executives on a trade mission to Croatia, crashed into a mountainside. The Air Force, in a 22-volume report issued in June of 1996, confirmed its initial judgment that the crash resulted from pilot errors and faulty navigation equipment At the time of Brown's death, Independent Counsel Daniel Pearson was seeking to determine whether Brown had engaged in several sham financial transactions with longtime business partner Nolanda Hill shortly before he became secretary of commerce.

Charles Meissner: died: UNK - Following Ron Brown's death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that allowed him to retain his security clearance
by Charles Meissner. Shortly thereafter, Meissner died in the crash of a small plane. He was an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy.

William Colby: Retired CIA director was found dead on May 6,1996 after his wife reported him missing on April 27,1996. Apparently, Colby decided to go on a impromptu canoeing excursion and never returned. Colby who had just started writing for Strategic Investment newsletter, worried many in the intelligent community. Colby's past history of divulging CIA secrets in the past were well known. Strategic Investor had covered the Vince Foster suicide and had hired handwriting experts to review Foster's suicide note.

Admiral Jeremy Boorda: Died on May 16,1996 after he went home for lunch and decided to shoot himself in the chest (by one report, twice) rather than be interviewed by Newsweek magazine that afternoon. Explanations for Boorda's suicide focused on a claim that he was embarrassed over two "Valor" pins he was not authorized to wear.

Lance Herndon: Herndon a 41 year old computer specialist and a prominent entrepreneur who received a presidential appointment in 1995 died August 10, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. He appeared to have died from a blow to the head. Police said no weapons were found at his mansion, adding that Mr. Herndon had not been shot or stabbed and there was no evidence of forced entry or theft.

Neil Moody: Died -August 25, 1996 Following Vincent Foster's murder, Lisa Foster married James Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt, Judge Moor's son, Neil died in a car crash. There were other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something very unsettling among his stepmother's private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with another person just prior to His car suddenly speeding off out of control and hitting a brick wall.

Barbara Wise: Wise a 14-year Commerce Department employee found dead and partially naked in her office following a long weekend. She worked in the same section as John Huang. Officially, she is said to have died of natural causes.

Doug Adams: Died January 7, 1997- A lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings. Adams was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his head in a Springfield Mo. hospital parking lot.

Mary C. Mahoney: 25, murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck's coffee bar over the 4th of July '97 weekend. She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang. Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney.

Ronald Miller: Suddenly took ill on October 3rd,1997 and steadily worsened until his death 9 days later. (This pattern fits Ricin poisoning.) Owing to the strangeness of the illness, doctors at the Integris Baptist Medical Center referred the matter to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office. The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office promptly ran tests on samples of Ron Miller's blood, but has refused to release the results or even to confirm that the tests were ever completed.

Had been investigated by authorities over the sale of his company, Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records) over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to prison for campaign finance violations, using "straw donors" to conceal the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown's son Michael solely for the purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce Secretary, according to Nolanda Hill's testimony.

Sandy Hume: On Sunday, February 22nd, 1998, Sandy Hume, the 28 year old son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an "apparent" suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand public scrutiny. Worked for Hill magazine, about Congress for Congress.

Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally, sent to prison for eighteen felony convictions. A key whitewater witness, dies of a heart attack on March, 8 1998. As of this writing allegations that he was given an injection of the diuretic lasix has not been denied or confirmed.
Died on March 8, 1998

Johnny Lawhon: 29, died March 29, 1998- The Arkansas transmission specialist who discovered a pile of Whitewater documents in the trunk of an abandoned car on his property and turned them over to Starr, was killed in a car wreck two weeks after the McDougal death.. Details of the "accident" have been sketchy -- even from the local Little Rock newspaper.

Charles Wilbourne Miller: 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent.

He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America.

Carlos Ghigliotti: 42, was found dead in his home just outside of Washington D.C. on April 28, 2000. There was no sign of a break-in or struggle at the firm of Infrared Technology where the badly decomposed body of Ghigliotti was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for several weeks.

Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst hired by the House Government Reform Committee to review tape of the siege, said he determined the FBI fired shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI has explained the light bursts on infrared footage as reflections of sun rays on shards of glass or other debris that littered the scene.

"I conclude this based on the groundview videotapes taken from several different angles simultaneously and based on the overhead thermal tape," Ghigliotti told The Washington Post last October. "The gunfire from the ground is there, without a doubt."

Ghigliotti said the tapes also confirm the Davidians fired repeatedly at FBI agents during the assault, which ended when flames raced through the compound. About 80 Branch Davidians perished that day, some from the fire, others from gunshot wounds.

Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the congressional committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said that police found the business card of a committee investigator in Ghigliotti's office. Corallo said Ghigliotti's work for the committee ended some time ago.

Tony Moser: 41, was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff, Ark on June 10, 2000. Killed 10 days after being named a columnist for the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after penning a stinging indictment of political corruption in Little Rock.

Police have concluded that no charges will be filed against the unnamed driver of a 1995 Chevrolet pickup, which hit Moser as he was walking alone in the middle of unlit Rhinehart Road about 10:10 p.m

Police say they have ruled out foul play and will file no charges against the driver because he was not intoxicated and there was no sign of excessive speed.

"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."


12-06-2007, 07:04 AM
great post Pale!!! I was going to post a lot of the same materal but I figured why waste my time with TM she wont read itn anyway. She has yet to answer a couple of SIMPLE questions I put to her.....

12-06-2007, 10:03 AM
Why after years and millions of dollars of investigation was it that the only thing they could find any real evidence on was a stain on a blue dress?

Clinton has been thourhgly investigated with mine and your tax dollars by people who would have creamed themselves to put him in jail yet nothing was found.

You people are just pathetic.

The entire real world outside of this nice cozy little site you burry yourselves in all realise Huckabee is now dead in the water due to these revelations.

12-06-2007, 10:06 AM
You people are just pathetic.

You're the pathetic waste of oxygen here. You still have shown NOTHING to backup your initial claims about this article about this having ANYTHING at all to do with hatred for Clinton. I see a damn good possibility of a Huckabee screwup, and quite possibly some inside scheming took place, but again, NOTHING to backup your usual ludicrous claims.

You are a biased hack, and a fucking illiterate one at that.

12-06-2007, 10:16 AM
Jimmy you just dont want to see it.

Its part of history and the fricking hit list the PR posted is exactly proving my point.

Do you think Huck would have gone to bat for a guy who raped a teenage girl and was involved in a hammer murder if it did not have some political gain for him?

He worked the parole board on this guys behalf and the guy got out early. It is well known that this case was a right wing dust up about Clinton keeping him in prison even though he was innocent and I gave you a link showing that.

Why do you do this jim?

12-06-2007, 10:21 AM
Why do you do this jim?

Do what? Show the board that you are retarded? It's just my way of giving back to the community!

your innuendos and implications mean jack shit. I've told you time and time again that I prefer to deal in FACTS. You outright made your comments as if they were fact in your opening post when in reality they are based in nothing more than your pure fantasy world. You THINK you're putting 2 and 2 together, but you're lacking the main ingredient - FACTS.

You can't just take your opinion, believe it with all of your heart, and then claim it's fact.

I see nothing about Clinton in all of this other than a relation to the person who was raped. I see absolutely NOTHING showing that this mans release had anything to do with "hatred for Clinton". All of these people supposedly being quoted about Huckabee going to lengths to have him released, but not a one makes a claim about it having anything to do with Clinton.

12-06-2007, 10:25 AM

Give it a read. its an old piece and SHOWS what the right thought in 1996.

It is amazing to me how they bamboozle the young smart guys like you into their twisted world of lies.

It is now 12 years later and where is this cast of characters?

- Wayne Dumond? Still in prison

- Governor Bill Clinton? President of the United States.

- Sheriff Coolidge Conlee? Died in prison after being sentenced to 160 years on extortion and drug-dealing charges. But he was never punished for his crimes against Wayne Dumond.

- The allegedly raped girl and her parents? Not yet identified and probably living happily ever after.

- The alleged rapist(s)? Of the two men the girl initially identified (before she was "talked to" by her father and Sheriff Conlee), it is alleged that she dated one of them. Neither has been charged.

- The "vigilantes" that burned down the Dumond home? Not caught.

- The deranged amateur surgeons? Not caught.

Will the guilty be caught and punished? Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Wayne Dumond? Even though Dumond will never have his manhood back, will the new governor of Arkansas sign his release and see that the guilty are punished?

"We are very aware of the case. The governor is awaiting Dumond's application for clemency to be submitted to the Arkansas Post Prison Transfer Board," says Huckabee spokesman Jim Harris, "State law requires that this be done before the governor can consider it, so we are just waiting for the application and the governor will then be able to review the whole thing and do what is right and fair." The new governor of Arkansas has his work cut out for him on this one.

This case is not just about Arkansas corruption. This case is not just about injustice in Arkansas under Governor Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton has taken his operation national and into the White House. There is mounting evidence that points to an equal level of corruption and egregious violation of civil rights at the highest levels of the White House. Perhaps Arkansas justice will finally be served under Governor Mike Huckabee, but will justice ever be served while or even after Bill Clinton and his kind have run the United States of America?

Time will tell.

[Printed in the July 29, 1996 issue of the Washington Weekly]

12-06-2007, 10:29 AM
And the idiocy continues...

There is NOTHING in that article either to suggest that this man was released by anyone based on "hatred for Clinton".

12-06-2007, 10:44 AM
Do what? Show the board that you are retarded? It's just my way of giving back to the community!

your innuendos and implications mean jack shit. I've told you time and time again that I prefer to deal in FACTS. You outright made your comments as if they were fact in your opening post when in reality they are based in nothing more than your pure fantasy world. You THINK you're putting 2 and 2 together, but you're lacking the main ingredient - FACTS.

You can't just take your opinion, believe it with all of your heart, and then claim it's fact.

I see nothing about Clinton in all of this other than a relation to the person who was raped. I see absolutely NOTHING showing that this mans release had anything to do with "hatred for Clinton". All of these people supposedly being quoted about Huckabee going to lengths to have him released, but not a one makes a claim about it having anything to do with Clinton.

This is a well known case. I posted very early in the thread a right wing site talking about Clinton and this guy and the girl beig his cousin. That one and this mainstream papers article all prove what I said about the case being a political hot point. It is you who is refusig facts and anyone who has a fair mind can clearly see it Jim.

You are too smart to let thses guys play you. Step beyond them.

12-06-2007, 10:47 AM
This is a well known case. I posted very early in the thread a right wing site talking about Clinton and this guy and the girl beig his cousin. That one and this mainstream papers article all prove what I said about the case being a political hot point. It is you who is refusig facts and anyone who has a fair mind can clearly see it Jim.

You are too smart to let thses guys play you. Step beyond them.

Please, please just show me ONE fact that shows this mans release had anything to do with hatred for Clinton. You do know what a fact is, no?

12-06-2007, 11:09 AM
I have you just refuse to see it.

The case was a republican hot point in Arkansas. Big ole Hairy fact which I gave ample evidence for.

Huckabee was elected by leaning to the right and becuase he was a Republican. This is an obvious big ole hairy fact.

What did he have to gain by helping convience the parole board to give favor to the case of a violent criminal?

You can pretend its just because he fell in love with the guy or some ohter bizzare reason but its just not true.

BTW Huck new defense on this case is he did not know very much about it when he acted.

Why would he work the parole board in favor of a guy he when he knew nothing about the case?

I really wish you would truely address the evidence instead of reflexsively insult any position I take.

12-06-2007, 11:14 AM
In other words, you cannot do what I asked? You make inferences but cannot give us one factual representation to backup your claims. You make leaps in logic, then make your opinions, then present them as facts. You do know this is why the board sees you as an idiot, no? Bottom line is, you THINK and BELIEVE this is the reason the man was released, but have ZERO, NADA, NOTHING to back it up with.

12-06-2007, 11:23 AM
If you disagree with all the facts I have presented maybe you can give us a better theroy on why Huckabee went to bat for a violent criminal who the right falsely claimed raped no one?

12-06-2007, 11:44 AM
If you disagree with all the facts I have presented maybe you can give us a better theroy on why Huckabee went to bat for a violent criminal who the right falsely claimed raped no one?

But you haven't presented a single fact yet to backup your claim that this man was released because of hatred for Clinton, so how can I disagree with a fact that doesn't exist?

12-06-2007, 11:51 AM
If you disagree with all the facts I have presented maybe you can give us a better theroy on why Huckabee went to bat for a violent criminal who the right falsely claimed raped no one?

I can come up with something as valid as your inference.

How about a large contribution to his presidential campaign fund by the family of the man released. No, I can't prove this, but neither can you prove your insinuations. I'm sure there may be other reasons including incompetence that we could throw out there if we really tried.


12-06-2007, 12:50 PM
Immy the difference is I did provide evidence to back up what I said.

Some here keep saying I have not yet I have and those infering I have not have provided nothing.

BTW his family had no money to give.

12-06-2007, 01:02 PM
Immy the difference is I did provide evidence to back up what I said.

Some here keep saying I have not yet I have and those infering I have not have provided nothing.

BTW his family had no money to give.

Sorry, but your "evidence" is not evidence. Your "evidence" is nothing more than insinuations. They are not proven and would not be evidence in court. Not even close.

BTW: You have no idea what his family had to give or maybe even what they had on Old Huck that got this ball rolling. I didn't say you were wrong on your insinuation, but I will continue to say that you have nothing more than insinuations and those are not evidence. You would never be able to convict him with what you claim is proof.


12-06-2007, 01:19 PM

They are a 39 year old mother and a teenage girl respectively.

Well at least they were until they were raped and mudered by a Man who the Clinton haters said was innocent.

Huckabee beeing one of those Clinton haters worked to get this evil man who had a life full of evil behind him paroled because .....well...... raped a teenage girl who was realted to Clinton.

They wanted him out because they hated Clinton. They got their wish and these women died because of it.

http://realtime.com/realtime_news/17441471_huckabee_tries_to_gloss_over_ark_record__ __.html?pageid=nandu.home&pageregion=A4

Immie this is my original post.

What part of this is wrong?

12-06-2007, 01:30 PM
They are a 39 year old mother and a teenage girl respectively.

Well at least they were until they were raped and mudered by a Man who the Clinton haters said was innocent.

Huckabee beeing one of those Clinton haters worked to get this evil man who had a life full of evil behind him paroled because .....well...... raped a teenage girl who was realted to Clinton.

They wanted him out because they hated Clinton. They got their wish and these women died because of it.

Immie this is my original post.

What part of this is wrong?

The bolded parts are all unproven allegations. Again, there could be any number of reasons as to why this guy was released and why Huckabee had his hands in it. He's a politician and susceptible to public opinion. It is just possible this man's family had something on him and that it had nothing to do with Clinton hating.

You can't prove the part about Clinton hating! We might all believe this to be true, but none of us can prove it. When you make allegations like this, it results in a lack of credibility for you. Again, we may "think" you could be or even are right, but neither one of us can prove that.


12-06-2007, 01:31 PM
With the mother of one of the slain people coming out and saying she will campaign against Huckabee, he is going to get beaten like a dead horse with this. Like I said...Willie Horton....


12-06-2007, 01:34 PM
Immy the difference is I did provide evidence to back up what I said.

Some here keep saying I have not yet I have and those infering I have not have provided nothing.

BTW his family had no money to give.

actually, contrary to your assertion you havent provided any evidence of that hatred of Clinton had anything to do with the matter. And it simply seems hypocritical to attack Huckabee for releasing a rapist, while defending a President who was one.

Huckabee made a mistake, I am sure he regrets it deeply. I still dont plan to vote for him and i hope that anyone hurt by the incident can finally heal rather than have this continually dragged down into the media to attack Huckabee.

12-06-2007, 01:38 PM
You are just ignoring the facts

http://realtime.com/realtime_news/17441471_huckabee_tries_to_gloss_over_ark_record__ __.html?pageid=nandu.home&pageregion=A4

Two months after taking office, Huckabee stunned the state by saying he questioned DuMond's guilt and that it was his intention to free the rapist, who had been castrated by masked men while awaiting trial. Huckabee said then he had "serious questions as to the legitimacy of his guilt" and acknowledged later that he had met with DuMond's wife about the case while he was lieutenant governor. Two months after ascending to the governor's office, Huckabee met with the woman again.

The ex-governor now blames his predecessor for making DuMond parole eligible _ Jim Guy Tucker commuted a life-plus-20 years sentence to 39 1/2 years _ but distances himself from his role in DuMond's release. Huckabee met privately with the state parole board, and two members have said he pressured them for a vote.

"He made it obvious that he thought DuMond had gotten a raw deal and wanted us to take another look at it," former board member Charles Chastain said in 2001. "Some board members who were usually very tough about letting people out ... (later) voted in favor of him, and seemed eager to."

On his campaign Web site, Huckabee says the parole board was made up entirely of Democrats appointed by Clinton and Tucker. It doesn't mention that Huckabee reappointed board member Railey Steele days before he voted with three other members to set DuMond free. DuMond was later convicted of killing a woman in Missouri and died in 2005.

12-06-2007, 01:46 PM
You are just ignoring the facts

http://realtime.com/realtime_news/17441471_huckabee_tries_to_gloss_over_ark_record__ __.html?pageid=nandu.home&pageregion=A4

Two months after taking office, Huckabee stunned the state by saying he questioned DuMond's guilt and that it was his intention to free the rapist, who had been castrated by masked men while awaiting trial. Huckabee said then he had "serious questions as to the legitimacy of his guilt" and acknowledged later that he had met with DuMond's wife about the case while he was lieutenant governor. Two months after ascending to the governor's office, Huckabee met with the woman again.

The ex-governor now blames his predecessor for making DuMond parole eligible _ Jim Guy Tucker commuted a life-plus-20 years sentence to 39 1/2 years _ but distances himself from his role in DuMond's release. Huckabee met privately with the state parole board, and two members have said he pressured them for a vote.

"He made it obvious that he thought DuMond had gotten a raw deal and wanted us to take another look at it," former board member Charles Chastain said in 2001. "Some board members who were usually very tough about letting people out ... (later) voted in favor of him, and seemed eager to."

On his campaign Web site, Huckabee says the parole board was made up entirely of Democrats appointed by Clinton and Tucker. It doesn't mention that Huckabee reappointed board member Railey Steele days before he voted with three other members to set DuMond free. DuMond was later convicted of killing a woman in Missouri and died in 2005.

None of that proves your allegations.


Pale Rider
12-06-2007, 01:51 PM
But you haven't presented a single fact yet to backup your claim that this man was released because of hatred for Clinton, so how can I disagree with a fact that doesn't exist?

I'll tell ya Jim... every board has one I guess... and boy do we have a doosie. This... whatevermatters has got to have one of the most distorted and fallacious thought patterns I have ever seen. I find it hard to even be able to comprehend how she got so impaired.

12-06-2007, 02:03 PM
None of that proves your allegations.


Tell me what you see as my allegations?

My original quote is right up above.

Huckabee pressed this because it was politically expedient and the facts sure point to that conclusion.

Tell me why you fail to see it?

If its was not for political purposes why then did he help this scumbag?

Where is the evidence he did it for some other reason?

12-06-2007, 02:11 PM
Tell me what you see as my allegations?

My original quote is right up above.

Huckabee pressed this because it was politically expedient and the facts sure point to that conclusion.

Tell me why you fail to see it?

If its was not for political purposes why then did he help this scumbag?

Where is the evidence he did it for some other reason?

You state that the reason for the release is that he and the other Republicans were Clinton haters. There is absolutely zero proof of this. I may or may not agree with this statement, but that does not make it FACT.


12-06-2007, 02:24 PM

It looks like Thompson agrees with my assesment

12-06-2007, 02:25 PM
You state that the reason for the release is that he and the other Republicans were Clinton haters. There is absolutely zero proof of this. I may or may not agree with this statement, but that does not make it FACT.


Yeah no one on the right hated Clinton.

12-06-2007, 02:37 PM
Yeah no one on the right hated Clinton.

No one has said that. Nor has anyone said that this did not happen because they were out to make Clinton look bad or they just plain hated Clinton, but the FACT of the matter is that you have not proven it. That does not seem like it should be that difficult to understand. I don't understand why you have so much trouble with that.

Now, tell me, what releasing this man because they hated Clinton would accomplish. Clinton didn't put this man in prison the courts did. Your beliefs that this was because he hated Clinton doesn't really make much sense. Even the fact, if it is fact and not some "urban legend", that the victim was related to Clinton doesn't make this a vendetta against him nor would it make sense that the man be released for such a reason. Doing that would just plain be stupid.


12-06-2007, 03:04 PM
Immy heres the facts.

This guy was a violent criminal.

He was convicted of the rape of a teenage girl.

The right wing said it was a Clinton consperiacy that he was in prison unjustly because of Clinton corruption (girl was distantly related to him).

Huckabee took up this guys cause.

The people on the parole board either say he pressured them or dont deny he pressured them on his behalf.

The guy got out sooner and then killed at least one woman and very likely anther(he died before they could finish the investigation).

Many people on the right hate Clinton to this day for things like this which are just not true. He was the most investigated president in history and nothing but a denial of an affair is all they found.

12-06-2007, 03:18 PM
Immy heres the facts.

This guy was a violent criminal.

He was convicted of the rape of a teenage girl.

The right wing said it was a Clinton consperiacy that he was in prison unjustly because of Clinton corruption (girl was distantly related to him).

Huckabee took up this guys cause.

The people on the parole board either say he pressured them or dont deny he pressured them on his behalf.

The guy got out sooner and then killed at least one woman and very likely anther(he died before they could finish the investigation).

Many people on the right hate Clinton to this day for things like this which are just not true. He was the most investigated president in history and nothing but a denial of an affair is all they found.

And none of those things prove that this man was released due to the fact that some on the right hated Clinton. None of those things... and you stated it as FACT.

No one here is arguing that the rapist should have been released or that Huckabee wasn't wrong in playing a part in getting him released. The argument is with your statement that it is a FACT that this was done because people hate Clinton.


12-06-2007, 03:31 PM
And none of those things prove that this man was released due to the fact that some on the right hated Clinton. None of those things... and you stated it as FACT.

No one here is arguing that the rapist should have been released or that Huckabee wasn't wrong in playing a part in getting him released. The argument is with your statement that it is a FACT that this was done because people hate Clinton.

ImmieThank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Now will she admit that she is wrong??? NO!!!!!!!!

12-06-2007, 04:45 PM
And none of those things prove that this man was released due to the fact that some on the right hated Clinton. None of those things... and you stated it as FACT.

No one here is arguing that the rapist should have been released or that Huckabee wasn't wrong in playing a part in getting him released. The argument is with your statement that it is a FACT that this was done because people hate Clinton.


Yes it does. If the girl had no connection to Clinton the right would not have gotten behind this guy.

If this guy was just another criminal how many people on the right or left would have insisted he be released?

12-06-2007, 07:03 PM
Yes it does. If the girl had no connection to Clinton the right would not have gotten behind this guy.

If this guy was just another criminal how many people on the right or left would have insisted he be released?

I'm sure you can prove that. It'd probably make an interesting article.

12-06-2007, 07:15 PM
http://realtime.com/realtime_news/17441471_huckabee_tries_to_gloss_over_ark_record__ __.html?pageid=nandu.home&pageregion=A4

Immie this is my original post.

What part of this is wrong?

the parole board voted to release the man....what were their names and who did they vote for in the previous presidential election....

12-06-2007, 10:36 PM
Yes it does. If the girl had no connection to Clinton the right would not have gotten behind this guy.

Once again, this is only speculation. You can not prove this. Do you understand what speculation is?

If this guy was just another criminal how many people on the right or left would have insisted he be released?

He is and was just another criminal. None of your speculations can be proven.
