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View Full Version : Yesterday Harry Reid said Republican Senators were Bush's Puppets

12-05-2007, 08:35 PM
And today Senator Spector called him out on the floor of the US Senate... there was a moment of silence when Senator Spector questioned if Senator Reid, the Senate Majority Leader was qualified to be the leader for such remarks. The thought was that Senator Spector was going to ask for impeachment of Senator Reid...

Senator Spector stated at the beginning of his remarks that he had notified Senator Reid he would be making comments about him and remained on the floor for Reid to respond... but he did not because he is a coward... in stead several Democrats came out to talk suddenly about other subjects.

I think Senator Spector and Senator Reid should have a duel or Reid should acknowledge he is a puke and not Worthy of being a Senator or a leader... What say you?

12-05-2007, 08:40 PM
Well...I believe Reid is a puppet for the Unions and the mafia..

Very pathetic little man..

And I think a duel would be fun to watch...I say yes..:coffee:

12-05-2007, 08:47 PM
Pay per view.

12-05-2007, 08:48 PM
A duel sounds good. I recommend shotguns at ten paces.

12-05-2007, 09:12 PM
I'm not a fan of Senator Spector but because he is a very moderate Senator form PA I found his comments had more emphasis. He made his statement as it would be made if the ending would be, I ask for his resignation or impeachment... he was visibly upset by Reid's statement.

Reid is imploding, and the only reason he comes to the floor is to state the Republicans are obstructionists and to enter a closure measure on another bill... The AMT went down in smoke today and the Farm Bill will go down tomorrow... want a good laugh watch the opening of the Senate tomorrow at 10:30 when following the prayer Reid will say another prayer something will happen other than quorum calls all day long.

12-06-2007, 12:05 AM
wow... cant believe i actually have something to be proud of my Senator for. I guess Specter has surprises sometime.