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View Full Version : Immigration roils Dems

12-06-2007, 01:29 AM
By Jonathan E. Kaplan
December 05, 2007
House Democratic leaders are being whipsawed on immigration policy by two groups within their caucus — Hispanic lawmakers who want an end to Democratic support of enforcement-only immigration bills and vulnerable Democrats from swing districts who say a “get tough” approach is necessary to keep their seats in 2008.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Chairman Joe Baca (D-Calif.) plans to address the Democratic Caucus at next week’s meeting to reassure colleagues that they can be tough while creating a path to citizenship for undocumented and illegal immigrants.

He also planned to meet with conservative Blue Dog Democrats on Wednesday to discuss immigration policy with them.

The special election that brought Rep. Nikki Tsongas (D-Mass.) to Congress was tighter than expected because immigration was a pointed issue. And in Ohio’s 5th congressional district, both the GOP and Democratic candidate have taken similar enforcement-only approaches.

Worried about appearing soft on the issue in an election year, yet knowing they cannot afford to alienate Hispanic voters, Democratic leaders have let conservative members join legislative forces with Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) and allowed passage of a non-binding motion prohibiting the government from suing groups that require employees to speak English at work.

As a result, Baca and a group of Hispanic Democrats threatened revolt on two procedural votes last month to protest leadership handling of immigration. Now Baca is trying conciliation, reaching out to House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.) and centrist Democrats.

read the rest..

Pale Rider
12-06-2007, 02:20 AM
Mexicans in power in America pushing for it to be easier for illegal Mexicans to stay here and do as they please.

What the fuck is wrong with this country?

I "DO" believe we'll need another Civil War. I don't see any other way to get this country back on path. Let's get it on.

12-06-2007, 02:34 AM
Mexicans in power in America pushing for it to be easier for illegal Mexicans to stay here and do as they please.

What the fuck is wrong with this country?

I "DO" believe we'll need another Civil War. I don't see any other way to get this country back on path. Let's get it on.

You may be right my dear..If things keep going the way they are it could be sooner than later..The LEGAL CITIZENS of our country are getting fed up. :cheers2:

12-06-2007, 07:33 AM
You may be right my dear..If things keep going the way they are it could be sooner than later..The LEGAL CITIZENS of our country are getting fed up. :cheers2:Immigration is going to be a big campaign issue guaranteed! The five year Farm Bill has been held up by Senate Majority Leader for over four weeks now because he doesn't want to subject the Democrats running for President to record votes on immigration issues the Republicans demand to address on the bill. Harry raised another closure vote on the bill but the Republicans just smiled and reminded him that he is only delaying the reality that the bill will be passed and it will be passed after Republicans offer their amendments... Harry is holding his breath turning blue as the Senate spends day after day in quorum calls doing absolutely nothing.

12-06-2007, 08:38 AM
By Jonathan E. Kaplan
December 05, 2007
House Democratic leaders are being whipsawed on immigration policy by two groups within their caucus — Hispanic lawmakers who want an end to Democratic support of enforcement-only immigration bills and vulnerable Democrats from swing districts who say a “get tough” approach is necessary to keep their seats in 2008..... That's what happens when your political philosophy is based on Populism and Getting Elected instead of Right and Wrong and What's Best for America.

12-06-2007, 08:48 AM
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