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View Full Version : The amount of pollution by UN meeting!!

12-06-2007, 03:57 PM
The amount of pollution put into the air by the ever loving UN for their meeting on global warming is the total of 20,000 cars for a year.

Am I the only one who see's the irony in this. We live in a world of telecommuting and confrencing. Why the hell did these "people" have to fly to Bali (tropical resort) to discuss global warming and polution..


Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year.

The delegates each will produce an average 4.07 metric tons of carbon dioxide, or CO2, to reach the resort island 950 kilometers (600 miles) from Jakarta, according to estimates e- mailed to Bloomberg by the UN agency holding the conference.

Some of the 187 nations participating in the two-week forum promised to offset their so-called carbon footprint by planting trees or buying emission credits. The symbolic actions won't help stop global warming, some scientists say.
``It's very hard for the public to understand that you come together with so many people to a very distant place and cause a lot of emissions, and at the same time talk about emission reductions,'' Artur Runge-Metzger, head of climate strategy for the European Commission, said yesterday in an interview in Bali, adding that he had offset his own emissions