View Full Version : Respecting Women - a non-derailed discussion

12-10-2007, 03:10 AM
I should probably be asleep, but I have an issue on my mind and I really want to write it out. I am sick and tired of seeing men disrespecting and oggling women. I have alot of friends who are female, and I have seen what men treating them like trash can do to them. I am just sick and tired of watching my friends get hurt by men who think of them as nothing but sex objects. These are our mothers, our sisters, our wives, our daughters, our friends. They shouldn't be treated like objects meant solely for our personal gratification.

Yet, everywhere I go I see women being treated badly. In the media. By people on the web. By guys who take them out and should be uplifting them but instead seek only their personal gratification and don't give a damn about their feelings. It's wrong. If we keep degrading the women in our lives we end up degrading society.

It's just down right incredible to me. I've studied history on how women fought for equal rights. Instead of being treated like equals they end up getting treated like garbage, portrayed as sluts, or worse abused more than ever. The so called "sexual revolution" which was supposed to liberate women has done nothing but allow men to use them as playtoys and toss them aside when they are done with them.

What is even more incredible to me is the attacks I receive when suggesting women should be respected. When I tell people I don't want to see naked or half naked women parading around in the media, especially in stories where there is absolutely no need to do it other than to sensualize the show, I get told I must be gay or something. For what? For actually caring about women? For not wanting to see any woman exploited? I know this might be a foreign concept to some guys, but there is more to life than boobs. There is more to women than boobs too. I can assure you the women I've gone out with have appreciated that and can certainly attest that I am in no wise gay for having these views.

Or I might get told I'm sexist. Apparently wanting to treat women with respect is sexist to some people. But you know what, I don't care any more. If treating people with kindness and respect is sexist or thinking chivalry is respectable is gay, I don't care. I am going to do what I can to treat women well. I am going to continue to speak out against exploitation by the media. I am going to continue to lift up the women I meet and help them see their true worth. I am going to do what I can to show that they are daughters of God and heirs to a divine birthright.

The first changes will always be the ones I have to make in myself. But I will speak out against disrespect and exploitation in order to persuade others to do the same. I believe people can change the world. They start with themselves and then speak out to persuade others to live better. All they need is the courage and convinction to do what is right.

So I invite the men who read this, treat women with respect, forsake media that depicts them negatively, cultivate love with your wife, your sisters, your mother, your daughters. Love, the feeling where you would do anything including giving your own life for them. Learn to be selfless. Flee pornography which can destroy your mind, your heart, and your relationships. You can enrich your relationships by being respectful and showing love.

I invite the women who read this to realize they have self worth. Don't let men exploit you. Don't participate in media that will degrade you, other women, and the men who might watch. Stand up for what's right and what's good and shame the men into action if you have to.

Society can only get better if we work together to make it so. And there is always something we can do. So choose now to do it. Make society better. Or choose not to and make society worse for each other and for our children. I've made my choice. You make yours.

Abbey Marie
12-10-2007, 07:58 AM
:clap: I wish I could have voted for this for best post.

Get ready for the onslaught, Av. As I am sure you know, it always comes when you stand up for dignity and respect, and when you mention the media's role.

12-10-2007, 08:15 AM
:clap: I wish I could have voted for this for best post.

Get ready for the onslaught, Av. As I am sure you know, it always comes when you stand up for dignity and respect, and when you mention the media's role.

I agree with you both. I'd also like to say that the entertainment media has been putting down men for quite long enough. Those that feature children, manage to put down parents in general. It's the 'kids' that are the smart ones and parents are bumbling fools.

12-10-2007, 08:23 AM
I invite the women who read this to realize they have self worth. Don't let men exploit you.
lol, k. I don't date guys or get oogled. Then I don't try to look atractive.

12-10-2007, 08:33 AM
....I am sick and tired of seeing men disrespecting and oggling women. ..... I'd say that most get what they deserve based on how thay dress and how they act. We have a pornigraphic culture and guys are going to respond to cleavage, tats, exposed bellies and trashy talk.

12-10-2007, 09:07 AM
I'd say that most get what they deserve based on how thay dress and how they act. We have a pornigraphic culture and guys are going to respond to cleavage, tats, exposed bellies and trashy talk.

That's why it takes men of courage and conviction to buck the culture.

12-10-2007, 10:00 AM
:clap: bravo avatar!


12-10-2007, 10:45 AM
That's why it takes men of courage and conviction to buck the culture.Our culture is based on Christian values and women that look, other than Christian conservative in public are begging for your so called unwanted attention. The answer is to dress conservatively or enjoy it in that short period of their life when they are in demand and admired for their beauty and sexuality. For that period is a small window in a woman's life so why not revel in it.

Here in Puerto Rico 99.99999% of the population is religious and if a woman looks "hot" and is out alone or in a small group of like hotties they get whistles and horns and they seem to eat it up. This reminds me of a funny army story so you can find my explanation of Christian values there...

12-10-2007, 12:21 PM
That's why it takes men of courage and conviction to buck the culture. There's not that many around any more. The femanization of America, along with taking God out of public discourse have seen to that.

12-10-2007, 12:37 PM
Nice thought, but it's never going to fly. Because in our society (in which this board is a microcosm of), men have been thought to think with their dicks instead of their brains. Women are second-class citizens who are more respected for their bodies than their accomplishments.
Strong men are studly, strong women are dykes and lesbians. That thinking is inbred in sports ideology. Not to mention military ideology. Men are the macho protectors of feminine virtue. Women are supposed to submit to the whims and ideals of men.

I do demand respect because of my gender. Women also foot the bill, provide supply and work all their lives. They don't usually get respect for such, because many men are still stuck in the cave man era.
I was raised to be self-supportive and self reliant. I can do anything you can do, and be smarter doing such. I don't waste time sitting around discussing football and sneaking looks at my office help. I can and will be your boss, if I choose to do so. You were brought up to embrace limited skills and a limited way of thinking. We are broader minded, more demanding and more goal oriented.
Women are no longer satisfied with being equal to men. We can now be superior to men. You just haven't accepted it yet. Perhaps you never will. :)

As for our feminine appearance, it's all in the way you use it. I know very strong women who dress to impress. They know they can command attention with the way they look.
It is past the time for women to be offended by remarks and whistles from men. You simply consider the source and use it to your advantage.
My best friend Lauren lives in northern England with her husband and son. She works at the company owned by her husband and his brother. Several of the office women have kids, so they have a day care in their office.
Lauren often has lunch and dinner by herself, just to have an hour alone. As you might expect, a young single blonde girl with a 38DD chest is going to attract a lot of attention in a pub. She doesn't often have to pay for drinks. Guys who try to get more have a wedding ring waved in their face.
Did I mention that Lauren is a kick boxer? She was sparing once with a U.S. Navy Seal (male) and broke his jaw. He wasn't quick enough to fend off the blow.
Guy wasn't wearing the usual helmet because he was "sparring with a woman." :lmao:

12-10-2007, 12:44 PM
Our culture is based on Christian values and women that look, other than Christian conservative in public are begging for your so called unwanted attention. The answer is to dress conservatively or enjoy it in that short period of their life when they are in demand and admired for their beauty and sexuality. For that period is a small window in a woman's life so why not revel in it.

Here in Puerto Rico 99.99999% of the population is religious and if a woman looks "hot" and is out alone or in a small group of like hotties they get whistles and horns and they seem to eat it up. This reminds me of a funny army story so you can find my explanation of Christian values there...

I dont think I can say that our culture is based on Christian values. I think that Christian values would appear extreme. Even if they are simply be respectful.

12-10-2007, 03:20 PM
Avatar, you have to expect this bullshit from some people. They are not intelligent enough to have a valid argument on the subject at hand, so they lapse back into the same old tired Dem vs. GOP, Conservative vs. Liberal crapola.
What they need is a woman to come along and kick their butts.

12-10-2007, 03:30 PM
I should probably be asleep, but I have an issue on my mind and I really want to write it out. I am sick and tired of seeing men disrespecting and oggling women. I have alot of friends who are female, and I have seen what men treating them like trash can do to them. I am just sick and tired of watching my friends get hurt by men who think of them as nothing but sex objects. These are our mothers, our sisters, our wives, our daughters, our friends. They shouldn't be treated like objects meant solely for our personal gratification.

Yet, everywhere I go I see women being treated badly. In the media. By people on the web. By guys who take them out and should be uplifting them but instead seek only their personal gratification and don't give a damn about their feelings. It's wrong. If we keep degrading the women in our lives we end up degrading society.

It's just down right incredible to me. I've studied history on how women fought for equal rights. Instead of being treated like equals they end up getting treated like garbage, portrayed as sluts, or worse abused more than ever. The so called "sexual revolution" which was supposed to liberate women has done nothing but allow men to use them as playtoys and toss them aside when they are done with them.

What is even more incredible to me is the attacks I receive when suggesting women should be respected. When I tell people I don't want to see naked or half naked women parading around in the media, especially in stories where there is absolutely no need to do it other than to sensualize the show, I get told I must be gay or something. For what? For actually caring about women? For not wanting to see any woman exploited? I know this might be a foreign concept to some guys, but there is more to life than boobs. There is more to women than boobs too. I can assure you the women I've gone out with have appreciated that and can certainly attest that I am in no wise gay for having these views.

Or I might get told I'm sexist. Apparently wanting to treat women with respect is sexist to some people. But you know what, I don't care any more. If treating people with kindness and respect is sexist or thinking chivalry is respectable is gay, I don't care. I am going to do what I can to treat women well. I am going to continue to speak out against exploitation by the media. I am going to continue to lift up the women I meet and help them see their true worth. I am going to do what I can to show that they are daughters of God and heirs to a divine birthright.

The first changes will always be the ones I have to make in myself. But I will speak out against disrespect and exploitation in order to persuade others to do the same. I believe people can change the world. They start with themselves and then speak out to persuade others to live better. All they need is the courage and convinction to do what is right.

So I invite the men who read this, treat women with respect, forsake media that depicts them negatively, cultivate love with your wife, your sisters, your mother, your daughters. Love, the feeling where you would do anything including giving your own life for them. Learn to be selfless. Flee pornography which can destroy your mind, your heart, and your relationships. You can enrich your relationships by being respectful and showing love.

I invite the women who read this to realize they have self worth. Don't let men exploit you. Don't participate in media that will degrade you, other women, and the men who might watch. Stand up for what's right and what's good and shame the men into action if you have to.

Society can only get better if we work together to make it so. And there is always something we can do. So choose now to do it. Make society better. Or choose not to and make society worse for each other and for our children. I've made my choice. You make yours.

Your not the only one, I hate it when women are only looked at as a piece of meet or how long until I can land this one.

12-10-2007, 04:43 PM
I dont think I can say that our culture is based on Christian values. I think that Christian values would appear extreme. Even if they are simply be respectful.Christian values are what make women with breast exposure or showing a lot of leg exciting. American women want it both ways... they want to look hot but they don't want men to notice. A hot dressed American woman could go to Germany and be ignored... in my last Army story in the lounge I spelled out why secular is boring and Christian values is sexually exciting. In one part of the story I spoke about a German woman, a goddess, getting nude in front of me in a public swimming area... guess what, not one German man or boy turned their head to notice the gorgeous, legs all the way up to her ass, way up firm and high pups because they didn't associate the woman's body with sexuality. Go read the story and get back with me. In Secular Germany girls advertising bras start off nude and then put the bra on during TV commercials... only Christian values Americans notice this fact... German men are not interested in a nude woman regardless if she is a train wreck beauty if it isn't in a sexual situation. Duh, I know that is hard to grasp... I did a lot of grasping getting used to this thinking too. Germans are still scratching their heads wondering about the story of the "wardrobe malfunction"... they, like you are clueless to the difference of sexuality in secular/Christian values cultures.

Hagbard Celine
12-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Christian values are what make women with breast exposure or showing a lot of leg exciting. American women want it both ways... they want to look hot but they don't want men to notice. A hot dressed American woman could go to Germany and be ignored... in my last Army story in the lounge I spelled out why secular is boring and Christian values is sexually exciting. In one part of the story I spoke about a German woman, a goddess, getting nude in front of me in a public swimming area... guess what, not one German man or boy turned their head to notice the gorgeous, legs all the way up to her ass, way up firm and high pups because they didn't associate the woman's body with sexuality. Go read the story and get back with me. In Secular Germany girls advertising bras start off nude and then put the bra on during TV commercials... only Christian values Americans notice this fact... German men are not interested in a nude woman regardless if she is a train wreck beauty if it isn't in a sexual situation. Duh, I know that is hard to grasp... I did a lot of grasping getting used to this thinking too. Germans are still scratching their heads wondering about the story of the "wardrobe malfunction"... they, like you are clueless to the difference of sexuality in secular/Christian values cultures.

Sexuality is universally associated with people's bodies. It is in Germany too. If it weren't, Heidi Klum would've been out of a job. The difference between Christian/wacky religious and secular is that "sin" and guilt is associated with the body in the religious context. In the secular, it isn't. The body just is. We all have one and it's beautiful and something to be proud of rather than something to be sequestered away and whispered about under your breath. Apparently Germans understand this, but judging from the ape-like reaction we got from mainstream conservative America when Janet Jackson flashed her saggy tit at the Superbowl, Americans do not.

Hope I didn't make anybody cry by "derailing" the thread. :rolleyes: P*ssies.

12-10-2007, 04:58 PM
As you might expect, a young single blonde girl with a 38DD chest is going to attract a lot of attention in a pub.

exploitation huh.....

12-10-2007, 05:06 PM
Christian values are what make women with breast exposure or showing a lot of leg exciting. American women want it both ways... they want to look hot but they don't want men to notice. A hot dressed American woman could go to Germany and be ignored... in my last Army story in the lounge I spelled out why secular is boring and Christian values is sexually exciting. In one part of the story I spoke about a German woman, a goddess, getting nude in front of me in a public swimming area... guess what, not one German man or boy turned their head to notice the gorgeous, legs all the way up to her ass, way up firm and high pups because they didn't associate the woman's body with sexuality. Go read the story and get back with me. In Secular Germany girls advertising bras start off nude and then put the bra on during TV commercials... only Christian values Americans notice this fact... German men are not interested in a nude woman regardless if she is a train wreck beauty if it isn't in a sexual situation. Duh, I know that is hard to grasp... I did a lot of grasping getting used to this thinking too. Germans are still scratching their heads wondering about the story of the "wardrobe malfunction"... they, like you are clueless to the difference of sexuality in secular/Christian values cultures.

Honestly I think it has more to do with culture than religion.

My sister lives in Finland in a very religious little town. Nudity is normal, infact the entire family goes nude to the sauna. The human body is just not sexualized like it is here.

12-10-2007, 05:09 PM
Honestly I think it has more to do with culture than religion.

My sister lives in Finland in a very religious little town. Nudity is normal, infact the entire family goes nude to the sauna. The human body is just not sexualized like it is here.

same thing when i lived in danmark.....america accepts violence and rejects nudity....now ask yourself which one of those two is more normal...

12-10-2007, 07:41 PM
I have to admit to mixed feelings on this one. I would hope that no-one is urging a return to the times when women were chattels and as chattels were under the direction of father or husband as to what they did, where they went, how they dressed, expected standards of behaviour and so on. It's akin to slavery. I wouldn't like to think that a "return to chivalry" is, albeit with the best intent, really code for keeping women under control again.

I have to admit I don't find it attractive to see a young woman with a bare midriff and jeans down to her arse. That's just me. Young blokes probably think it's great because that's what they expect to see from young women. It's the fashion meme I suppose. But I would jump up and down with rage if someone suggested making it illegal or in some other way making young woman not bare their midriffs or drag their jeans down to their arses.

I haven't heard anyone whistle or catcall to a woman in years. It used to be really common here for blokes on building sites to do so when an attractive woman walked past. I don't know why it's not done any more, perhaps we all just got over it. But I think that's a good thing. I mean I don't care how strong-minded a woman is I would think that a bunch of blokes on a building site whistling and cat-calling would be embarrassing to say the least.

12-10-2007, 09:27 PM
Nice thought, but it's never going to fly. Because in our society (in which this board is a microcosm of), men have been thought to think with their dicks instead of their brains. Women are second-class citizens who are more respected for their bodies than their accomplishments.
Strong men are studly, strong women are dykes and lesbians. That thinking is inbred in sports ideology. Not to mention military ideology. Men are the macho protectors of feminine virtue. Women are supposed to submit to the whims and ideals of men.

I do demand respect because of my gender. Women also foot the bill, provide supply and work all their lives. They don't usually get respect for such, because many men are still stuck in the cave man era.
I was raised to be self-supportive and self reliant. I can do anything you can do, and be smarter doing such. I don't waste time sitting around discussing football and sneaking looks at my office help. I can and will be your boss, if I choose to do so. You were brought up to embrace limited skills and a limited way of thinking. We are broader minded, more demanding and more goal oriented. Women are no longer satisfied with being equal to men. We can now be superior to men. You just haven't accepted it yet. Perhaps you never will. :)


That's the most sexist tripe I have read on this board. Nice going. Can I too demand respect solely because of my gender?

12-10-2007, 09:29 PM
Your not the only one, I hate it when women are only looked at as a piece of meet or how long until I can land this one.

yet according to you they belong in the kitchen...

12-10-2007, 09:49 PM
I despise womens liberation! I like to open doors for women, I like to change a flat tire in the rain for a strange woman or carry a heavy object regardless if she is 18 or 90... I really dislike womens equality because they are in fact not equal.

Perhaps the old traditions of the father giving away the bride is a tale tale hint as to where I'm coming from... In almost all cultures women have been dependant on the male as the protector of the weaker sex. Why does the father give away the bride, his daughter? Because she is of less value... a male son, before social security was the family member that would care for the father and mother when they could no longer take care of themselves. It was understood that a female child was of less value because when she married she became the asset of the man's family she wed... she even took his family name indicating she would support her chosen man's family in old age.

I concluded my assumptions of women as I matured in the 1950's as I matured... I was taught that men, by nature desire to sew wild oats and women, by nature are either good girls or bad girls... the bad girls would let you have their sex and that was good... the good girls would not let you have their sex until you and she were married and that was good... Every boy had multiple sexual experiences but once he decided to settle down would marry a virgin, a good girl. There were more girls than men for that very reason so boys could experience multiple relationships prior to settling down. A good woman was a must to sort out from the bad girls.

Women, good women had little to offer a man other than natural abilities to cook, clean and comfort her man... It was her sole reason for living to be the best wife and mother to his children once he had decided to settle down. She was to take care of her man and honor and comfort him with all devotion within her abilities, because she has no other function as a good girl.

Is everyone with me so far? Want a picture for your dart board? Women that act like little sluts appear in my culture to be bad girls, the ones created to take my wild oats while the ones that are conservative and honorable are to be protected with all honors deserving of a faithful life partner placed on earth to fulfill her purpose of feeding me, comforting me and bearing my children.

I stuck with that understanding through the age of 17... but it is my foundation of viewing women... women can do nothing for me that I can't do by myself so they are little value other than their designed purpose of good or bad girl. Now, I like bad girls and good girls but most of all I like a good girl in the public and a little whore in the bedroom. I do not like asking permission from any girl to do anything but take into consideration every action I take as it may affect my good girl... women are subordinate to men and they always will be, you can allow them to think they are equal but that is an impossibility... because a girl cannot be a good and bad girl at the same time. That is why men react to girls that act like bad girls the way they do.

German girls all want to be good but can easily be convinced to be bad. Korean girls are born to serve so they can't be bad until they meet a liberated American girl. American girls demand to be equal making them a flip of the coin... dress like a slut, act like a slut get treated like a slut.

12-10-2007, 09:56 PM
I have to admit to mixed feelings on this one. I would hope that no-one is urging a return to the times when women were chattels and as chattels were under the direction of father or husband as to what they did, where they went, how they dressed, expected standards of behaviour and so on. It's akin to slavery. I wouldn't like to think that a "return to chivalry" is, albeit with the best intent, really code for keeping women under control again.

I have to admit I don't find it attractive to see a young woman with a bare midriff and jeans down to her arse. That's just me. Young blokes probably think it's great because that's what they expect to see from young women. It's the fashion meme I suppose. But I would jump up and down with rage if someone suggested making it illegal or in some other way making young woman not bare their midriffs or drag their jeans down to their arses.

I haven't heard anyone whistle or catcall to a woman in years. It used to be really common here for blokes on building sites to do so when an attractive woman walked past. I don't know why it's not done any more, perhaps we all just got over it. But I think that's a good thing. I mean I don't care how strong-minded a woman is I would think that a bunch of blokes on a building site whistling and cat-calling would be embarrassing to say the least.

who is talking about passing laws? Laws dont solve problems. I dont care about the laws. i care about the hearts and minds of people.

12-10-2007, 10:15 PM
who is talking about passing laws? Laws dont solve problems. I dont care about the laws. i care about the hearts and minds of people.Why should you care if women dressed like whores get treated like whores?

Almost no self respecting man would treat a respectful woman in a bad way. Why do you defend sluts?

12-10-2007, 10:17 PM
Why should you care if women dressed like whores get treated like whores?

Almost no self respecting man would treat a respectful woman in a bad way. Why do you defend sluts?

Why would what a woman wears make you act like less than a gentleman? What if she thought after looking in a mirror, she looked great, but you perceived 'whore like'? Who's wrong? Does that matter?

12-10-2007, 10:22 PM
yet according to you they belong in the kitchen...

You left out the bedroom and laundry room.

12-10-2007, 10:28 PM
Why would what a woman wears make you act like less than a gentleman? What if she thought after looking in a mirror, she looked great, but you perceived 'whore like'? Who's wrong? Does that matter?Women are either seen by men as whores or ladies... That is the whole point of this thread... women wonder why they are male targets for sexual innuendos when they act like or dress like whores. Women should figure out how to advertise what they are about. If they want to give head then dress like a street whore...if they want to be treated like a lady then act like and dress like a lady.

12-10-2007, 10:28 PM
who is talking about passing laws? Laws dont solve problems. I dont care about the laws. i care about the hearts and minds of people.

. <----- see that? It's a point. You missed it :laugh2:

12-10-2007, 10:32 PM
Women are either seen by men as whores or ladies... That is the whole point of this thread... women wonder why they are male targets for sexual innuendos when they act like or dress like whores. Women should figure out how to advertise what they are about. If they want to give head then dress like a street whore...if they want to be treated like a lady then act like and dress like a lady.

So you agree with the mullahs? Didn't think so. It's a matter of degrees and some people have bad taste, of both genders.

12-10-2007, 10:41 PM
Nice thought, but it's never going to fly. Because in our society (in which this board is a microcosm of), men have been thought to think with their dicks instead of their brains.------

We don't have to be taught that--we are born with hormones that are designed for that very purpose. Thinking that it is the ONLY thing we think with is how men have been portayed by the feminazis. You know full well women love to be ogled. Just not ONLY ogled.

12-10-2007, 11:11 PM
Why should you care if women dressed like whores get treated like whores?

Almost no self respecting man would treat a respectful woman in a bad way. Why do you defend sluts?

because I dont think any self respecting man would treat a woman like a slut either.

And I care because I've see how it destroys lives.

12-10-2007, 11:12 PM
We don't have to be taught that--we are born with hormones that are designed for that very purpose. Thinking that it is the ONLY thing we think with is how men have been portayed by the feminazis. You know full well women love to be ogled. Just not ONLY ogled.

funny, the women I know must have missed the memo that they love to be oggled.

12-10-2007, 11:21 PM
funny, the women I know must have missed the memo that they love to be oggled.

I understand your desire for women to be respected BUT do you really think that they NEVER want to be found sexually attractive?

12-11-2007, 12:52 AM
Women do want to found attractive. But they do not wish to be solely judged by how attractive they are. Which is where are society is totally fucked. We judge women by their appearance and not their accomplishments.
Like a previous poster stated, the U.S. is also screwed up by how we judge morality. We accept violence as good and sex as bad. A movie that shows graphic violence and presents death and killing as good is acceptable. Add one scene of a nude female and the same movie is suddenly unacceptable.

Men need to start accepting women as EQUALS in all areas. Outside of certain areas requiring physical strength, there is nothing that a woman can not replace a man at. We can run corporations, head up families and make all the important decisions that men can.
And we can do a better job in many cases. Because we don't have to stop and consult with our dicks. :)

12-11-2007, 03:18 AM
Women do want to found attractive. But they do not wish to be solely judged by how attractive they are. Which is where are society is totally fucked. We judge women by their appearance and not their accomplishments.
Like a previous poster stated, the U.S. is also screwed up by how we judge morality. We accept violence as good and sex as bad. A movie that shows graphic violence and presents death and killing as good is acceptable. Add one scene of a nude female and the same movie is suddenly unacceptable.

Men need to start accepting women as EQUALS in all areas. Outside of certain areas requiring physical strength, there is nothing that a woman can not replace a man at. We can run corporations, head up families and make all the important decisions that men can.
And we can do a better job in many cases. Because we don't have to stop and consult with our dicks. :)

what about muslim women???

I can't believe your speaking this way....just after you posted about the Muslim religian was ok with subjicating their women into slaves,....

12-11-2007, 03:36 AM
what about muslim women???

Do they have to consult with......no! :eek:

12-11-2007, 03:40 AM
Do they have to consult with......no! :eek:

Like hell they don't have to ask permission to speak

I have no idea what the hell you just meant here...but :slap: go to hell...

12-11-2007, 04:11 AM
Like hell they don't have to ask permission to speak

I have no idea what the hell you just meant here...but :slap: go to hell...


12-11-2007, 05:05 AM
Like hell they don't have to ask permission to speak

I have no idea what the hell you just meant here...but :slap: go to hell...

Never mind, you had to read my reference to consultation with gab's mention of consultation. Sometimes I'm too obscure for my own good :laugh2:

But you got NM all hot and bothered :salute::laugh2:

12-11-2007, 06:01 AM
Never mind, you had to read my reference to consultation with gab's mention of consultation. Sometimes I'm too obscure for my own good :laugh2:

But you got NM all hot and bothered :salute::laugh2:

No, I have a lot of respect and admiration for both Stephanie and Abbey and if anyone attack's either then I go after them.

12-11-2007, 06:15 AM
No, I have a lot of respect and admiration for both Stephanie and Abbey and if anyone attack's either then I go after them.

And do you think I attacked stephanie?

12-11-2007, 06:32 AM
And do you think I attacked Stephanie?

I don't feel attacked from my friend from Australia...he knows I speak my mind when I do and we let it go at that....:cheers2:

12-11-2007, 06:50 AM
And do you think I attacked stephanie?

Dunno, just being protective. You know old ladies need protection :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 06:53 AM
what about muslim women???

I can't believe your speaking this way....just after you posted about the Muslim religian was ok with subjicating their women into slaves,.... What do you expect from Gabs, consistency? :lol: Are you on drugs?

12-11-2007, 06:56 AM
What do you expect from Gabs, consistency? :lol: Are you on drugs?

I don't think Stephs on drugs unless it's for Arthritis or Alzheimers but I would bet good money Gabs is.

12-11-2007, 06:57 AM
I don't feel attacked from my friend from Australia...he knows I speak my mind when I do and we let it go at that....:cheers2:

Yeah, I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid! :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 06:57 AM
What do you expect from Gabs, consistency? :lol: Are you on drugs?

I know..
at least I can say I'm consistent in my right wing views that she always accuses me of...:laugh2::cheers2:

12-11-2007, 07:00 AM
Yeah, I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid! :laugh2:


12-11-2007, 07:00 AM
Yeah, I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid! :laugh2:

I plead the 5th on that one.

12-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Dunno, just being protective. You know old ladies need protection :laugh2:

Fair enough, if I do attack stephanie or Abbey or any other woman on here then get Jim to check everything because (a) I've either completely lost my mind or (b) some mongrel has hacked my account and Jim can find that out :laugh2:

Actually I don't really do a lot of attacking here. The odd curt word or cutting phrase, yes, but I don't really like things to get too personal. I'm a big wuss :coffee:

12-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Yeah, I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid! :laugh2:
Now there's something we can all agree on! :bow3:

12-11-2007, 07:02 AM
I plead the 5th on that one.

I go for insanity, it's worked every time so far. Just as well they untie the jacket so I can get at the keyboard :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:03 AM
Now there's something we can all agree on! :bow3:

I like consensus! :cheers2:

12-11-2007, 07:03 AM
Fair enough, if I do attack stephanie or Abbey or any other woman on here then get Jim to check everything because (a) I've either completely lost my mind or (b) some mongrel has hacked my account and Jim can find that out :laugh2:

Actually I don't really do a lot of attacking here. The odd curt word or cutting phrase, yes, but I don't really like things to get too personal. I'm a big wuss :coffee:

Noone should be attacking Abbey, she is about the sweetest person on here and probably extremly beautiful. Then theres Stephanie, she has her moments. Although I think Trinity is the most beautiful woman on this site, those two im sure come really close.

12-11-2007, 07:05 AM
I plead the 5th on that one.

I'll vouch for him...he's a good blok, block, bluk block...how the hell do you spell that???:laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:07 AM
I'll vouch for him...he's a good blok, block, bluk block...how the hell do you spell that???:laugh2:

Bloke, so when will you vouch me, err for me.............. :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:08 AM
I go for insanity, it's worked every time so far. Just as well they untie the jacket so I can get at the keyboard :laugh2: I like to use a pencil in my mouth, and hit the keys with the eraser end.

12-11-2007, 07:13 AM
I like to use a pencil in my mouth, and hit the keys with the eraser end.

You like long hard objects in your mouth? :eek:

12-11-2007, 07:14 AM
No one should be attacking Abbey, she is about the sweetest person on here and probably extremely beautiful. Then there's Stephanie, she has her moments. Although I think Trinity is the most beautiful woman on this site, those two im sure come really close.

Even though I love my lady Abbey...

I Stephanie am the matriarch of this board..well besides Joan and Kathyann and???

And don't you forget it...:dance:

12-11-2007, 07:17 AM
Even though I love my lady Abbey...

I Stephanie am the matriarch of this board..well besides Joan and Kathyann and???

And don't you forget it...:dance:

If I forget it are you going to beat it into me? ;) :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:23 AM
If I forget it are you going to beat it into me? ;) :laugh2:

Yeah...if ya want...

Just because you're younger than me don't think I can't kick you wipersnapper ass....Just ask my 35 yr old son...he don't mess with the mom...:laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:32 AM
I'll vouch for him...he's a good blok, block, bluk block...how the hell do you spell that???:laugh2:

You meant "blockhead" :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:33 AM
I like to use a pencil in my mouth, and hit the keys with the eraser end.

Now I find out!!! I've had to bribe the guards all this time!! :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 08:26 AM
You like long hard objects in your mouth? :eek:
No, but if you equate the slim pencil with something else, it appears that you may have an issue "down there".

12-11-2007, 08:29 AM
You meant "blockhead" :laugh2:

Hey...I like that...:laugh2:

Cheerios...my blockhead friend...:cheers2:

12-11-2007, 01:46 PM
So you agree with the mullahs? Didn't think so. It's a matter of degrees and some people have bad taste, of both genders.Your commo is coming in garbled... are you saying some women accidentally dress like whores?

because I dont think any self respecting man would treat a woman like a slut either.

And I care because I've see how it destroys lives.If a woman taunts a man she is open game... if a woman is selling herself to stay alive then that's a completely different thing. I'm not speaking of victims of circumstances. I'm talking about women that are provocative in display of sexuality for the purpose of taunting men. Many of the news casters on fox and cnn fall into the category of whores in their actions, they act like sluts even though they are quite intelligent you just can't respect them for the way they advertise their charms.

12-11-2007, 02:53 PM
No, but if you equate the slim pencil with something else, it appears that you may have an issue "down there".

The only issue I have is that it is so big that the doctor thinks that is contributing to my back problem. :finger3:

12-26-2007, 12:11 AM

Yeah...if ya want...

Just because you're younger than me don't think I can't kick you wipersnapper ass....Just ask my 35 yr old son...he don't mess with the mom...:laugh2:

12-26-2007, 12:47 AM
I was wondering who dug this up. Just checked. Martin, this is not good.

12-26-2007, 12:54 AM
why i didnt say anything bad

I was wondering who dug this up. Just checked. Martin, this is not good.

12-26-2007, 01:05 AM
why i didnt say anything bad

Because you are bringing forward a thread that will easily turn into a flame fest with what's going on currently? Maybe you just want to get your post count up? I don't know your motivation, but it's not good right now for all of us.

I just came on about 45 minutes ago. There were over 250 posts, my guess is that over a quarter of them were you. The vast majority of the rest were you and RSR 'backslapping' each other. I zipped through 2+ pages very quickly, by passing posts of yours. I didn't used to do that, but I've read enough of "I agree" or "Well said, keep posting." I don't have enough time on this earth for those.

12-26-2007, 01:10 AM
my motivation was laughing at something that was funny, and thinking this was a worthy thread.

if someone is gonna flame it wont be me

now on some of the threads where i dont say much, i dont feel i should always have to say much, 60-80% of the time i say plenty, so lately i feel like, if i wanna say little i should be able to.

Because you are bringing forward a thread that will easily turn into a flame fest with what's going on currently? Maybe you just want to get your post count up? I don't know your motivation, but it's not good right now for all of us.

I just came on about 45 minutes ago. There were over 250 posts, my guess is that over a quarter of them were you. The vast majority of the rest were you and RSR 'backslapping' each other. I zipped through 2+ pages very quickly, by passing posts of yours. I didn't used to do that, but I've read enough of "I agree" or "Well said, keep posting." I don't have enough time on this earth for those.

12-26-2007, 01:17 AM
I was wondering who dug this up. Just checked. Martin, this is not good.

Does this surprize you? I mean look at his thread stating basically that women are inferior to men.

12-26-2007, 01:24 AM
yeah and the thread evolved dumbass


Does this surprize you? I mean look at his thread stating basically that women are inferior to men.

12-26-2007, 01:31 AM
As I said, it could lead to flaming.

12-26-2007, 02:10 AM
As I said, it could lead to flaming.

Flaming on this board? No way! :laugh2:

12-26-2007, 03:15 AM
I respect some women, and i dont respect some women, depends on their actions, like any other human being.

if people on this board dont get that, that is not my problem.