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View Full Version : US gives okay to France-Libya nuclear deal

12-11-2007, 03:01 PM
This is probably going to piss off the Iranians.

Of course, I have mixed feelings about it myself. On the one hand, I get the whole "stick and carrot" thing, but it was just four short years ago that Moamer Kadhafi and Libya were on the state sponsor of terroism list. I realize that Kadhafi claims to have abandoned his quest for WMDs, but we are talking about Kadhafi. He always struck me as one of the kookiest guys in the region.

Can we and should we trust the man?

US gives blessing to France-Libya nuclear deal
Dec 11 09:22 AM US/Eastern

The United States gave its blessing Monday to a civilian nuclear energy deal between France and Libya, saying it expected its former foe to respect its decision to renounce weapons of mass destruction.

"In light of Libya's historic decision in 2003 to rid itself of its WMD programs, we expect any cooperation with Libya on a peaceful secure and responsible use of nuclear power to be consistent with the highest standard of non-proliferation," said Kurtis Cooper, a State Department spokesman...

Complete, short article... (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=071211142156.1dd1q31d&show_article=1)

12-11-2007, 03:47 PM
This is probably going to piss off the Iranians.

Of course, I have mixed feelings about it myself. On the one hand, I get the whole "stick and carrot" thing, but it was just four short years ago that Moamer Kadhafi and Libya were on the state sponsor of terroism list. I realize that Kadhafi claims to have abandoned his quest for WMDs, but we are talking about Kadhafi. He always struck me as one of the kookiest guys in the region.

Can we and should we trust the man?

No, we shouldn't.

I haven't seen the details of this, but I suspect that France would basically be running the reactor over there. And if that's the case then I don't see much of a problem.