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12-11-2007, 06:35 PM

I particularly thought the video answering the question was rather detailed. I know I can definitely support this.

12-11-2007, 06:44 PM

I particularly thought the video answering the question was rather detailed. I know I can definitely support this.

you know i think romney is going to be the pubs pick.....

pretty clean so far .... saying all the "right" things in the right way.... good businessman ..... so he is mormon .... jfk was catholic .....

12-11-2007, 06:57 PM
Romney is a liar and a fraud.

12-11-2007, 07:47 PM
Not to mention an animal abuser. I hope someone makes a few commercials out of that one. :dev:

Pale Rider
12-11-2007, 07:49 PM
Romney is a liar and a fraud.

That coming from someone that calls himself a conservative but says he's going to campaign and vote for hillary clinton, and has a punching pussy for an avatar.

Who exactly do you think is taking you serious here anymore nm? You've shot yourself in the ass one too many times chief. You really do sound like a nut job.

12-11-2007, 07:50 PM
Romney is a liar and a fraud.

you're opinion is duly noted. And we will weigh your opinion with the due credibility it deserves.

12-11-2007, 07:51 PM
Romney is a liar and a fraud.

really what did he lie and fraud about......

12-11-2007, 07:52 PM
That coming from someone that calls himself a conservative but says he's going to campaign and vote for hillary clinton, and has a punching pussy for an avatar.

Who exactly do think is taking you serious here anymore nm? You're shot yourself in the ass one too many times chief. You really do sound like a nut job.

Most of the people HERE are nut jobs, Pale. Regardless of which side of the spectrum we're on.

It'd be a boring site otherwise... :laugh2:

12-11-2007, 07:54 PM
Most of the people HERE are nut jobs, Pale. Regardless of which side of the spectrum we're on.

It'd be a boring site otherwise... :laugh2:

yeah, but there is nuts. and then there is nuts!

12-11-2007, 07:55 PM
yeah, but there is nuts. and then there is nuts!

I wouldn't go there if I were you. :D

12-11-2007, 07:59 PM
I wouldn't go there if I were you. :D

yeah, but you arent me and i already acknowledge that I am completely insane. I even have the laugh to prove it.

Pale Rider
12-11-2007, 09:10 PM
Most of the people HERE are nut jobs, Pale. Regardless of which side of the spectrum we're on.

It'd be a boring site otherwise... :laugh2:

Well speak for yourself typ... I'm completely sane. Now pass me that bottle of whiskey so I can down my Vicodin and stay up all night.

12-11-2007, 11:31 PM
That coming from someone that calls himself a conservative but says he's going to campaign and vote for hillary clinton, and has a punching pussy for an avatar.

Who exactly do you think is taking you serious here anymore nm? You've shot yourself in the ass one too many times chief. You really do sound like a nut job.

I said I would do that if Multiple Choice Mitt or Hucklebee get the nod. Frankly I don't care what you think as you seem to be pretty bi-polar.

really what did he lie and fraud about......

For one his stances on sanctuary cities. He supported them when he was Governor. Also the fraud part, look at any speech he made during the 80's and 90's, they were an attack on Ronald Reagan and how he was destroying America and was a horrible President blah blah blah and now he is saying he is another Ronald Reagan. C'mon now.

12-11-2007, 11:49 PM
For one his stances on sanctuary cities. He supported them when he was Governor. Also the fraud part, look at any speech he made during the 80's and 90's, they were an attack on Ronald Reagan and how he was destroying America and was a horrible President blah blah blah and now he is saying he is another Ronald Reagan. C'mon now.

so he has changed his posistion for the better....and that is a bad thing?

12-11-2007, 11:55 PM
so he has changed his posistion for the better....and that is a bad thing?

I personally believe he hasn't changed it, I think he is just telling the voters what he thinks they want to hear. He also recently switched to being a Republican from an Independant and the things he said about President Reagan are unforgivable.

12-11-2007, 11:58 PM
I personally believe he hasn't changed it, I think he is just telling the voters what he thinks they want to hear. He also recently switched to being a Republican from an Independant and the things he said about President Reagan are unforgivable.

well as someone who's father died and i was putting myself through college on my dad's social security benifts and reagan terminated that program.....

i could say a few choice things about the actor that played president.....

so who is your candidate.....

12-11-2007, 11:59 PM
well as someone who's father died and i was putting myself through college on my dad's social security benifts and reagan terminated that program.....

i could say a few choice things about the actor that played president.....

so who is your candidate.....

Senator McCain. I was offered a Consulting and Volunteer Coordinator Position on his campaign here in Nevada today.

12-12-2007, 12:04 AM
Senator McCain. I was offered a Consulting and Volunteer Coordinator Position on his campaign here in Nevada today.

so mcain has always been a pub and never changed his position?

12-12-2007, 12:07 AM
yeah, but you arent me and i already acknowledge that I am completely insane. I even have the laugh to prove it.

Okay: thanks for the clarification. It explains quite a lot. :2up:

12-12-2007, 12:08 AM
so mcain has always been a pub and never changed his position?

He's always been a Republican but he has changed his position like every polititian but never insulted someone as much at Multiple Choice Mitt did to Reagan then claimed to be just like him. Also Mitt changes his stances on things daily.

12-12-2007, 12:10 AM
He's always been a Republican but he has changed his position like every polititian but never insulted someone as much at Multiple Choice Mitt did to Reagan then claimed to be just like him. Also Mitt changes his stances on things daily.

so i assume you believe his new posistions on all these


The old McCain didn’t want an amendment and didn’t want Roe overturned. The new McCain completely disagrees with the old McCain.

It’s worth noting that politicians’ opinions on abortion can, and often do, “evolve” over time. Dick Gephardt and Al Gore, for example, both opposed abortion rights before eventually becoming pro-choice. With this in mind, McCain’s unexpected shift may simply reflect yet another pol whose thinking has changed over time.

Or, far more likely, McCain is once again abandoning any pretense of consistency and integrity, and is now willing to say literally anything to win.

Let’s return, once again, to McCain’s flourishing flip-flop list, which is now a Top 11 list.

* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)

* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.

* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.

* McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June, he abandoned his own legislation.

* McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.

* McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands.

* McCain gave up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.

* McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.

* McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.

* McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.

* And now he’s both for and against overturning Roe v. Wade.

It’s not exactly a newsflash that McCain is veering ridiculously to the right in a rather shameless attempt to reinvent himself, but Dems should take advantage of the situation and help establish the narrative now. Despite his rather embarrassing record of late, we still have major media figures telling the public that “no one would accuse McCain of equivocating on anything.”

Now is the time to begin characterizing McCain — accurately — as a man with no principle beliefs. Dems should not only criticize McCain’s constantly evolving opinions on nearly everything, they should openly mock him for it now, so that the storyline becomes second nature (like the GOP did with “serial exaggerator” Al Gore).

The nation is seeing McCain 2.0, and we like the old one better.

Pale Rider
12-12-2007, 12:17 AM
I said I would do that if Multiple Choice Mitt or Hucklebee get the nod. Frankly I don't care what you think as you seem to be pretty bi-polar.

You're goofy nm... plain and simple. Talking shit like you're going to campaign and vote for hitlery, you're fucking goofy.

You're support and stances on the board to date have been sided towards liberalism, and now you're claiming you're going to campaign and vote for one of the worst. Makes me doubt your sanity, and your ability to tell the truth, since you CLAIM you're a conservative. Well nm... no you're not. Anybody here can see that now. YOU, nevadamedic, are a LIBERAL!

12-12-2007, 12:49 AM
You're goofy nm... plain and simple. Talking shit like you're going to campaign and vote for hitlery, you're fucking goofy.

You're support and stances on the board to date have been sided towards liberalism, and now you're claiming you're going to campaign and vote for one of the worst. Makes me doubt your sanity, and your ability to tell the truth, since you CLAIM you're a conservative. Well nm... no you're not. Anybody here can see that now. YOU, nevadamedic, are a LIBERAL!

No I am not and frankly I don't care what you think. I will not vote for Hucklebee or Romney under any circumstances so that would leave only one person to vote for. They would fuck the country up more then Hillary.

12-12-2007, 12:51 AM
No I am not and frankly I don't care what you think. I will not vote for Hucklebee or Romney under any circumstances so that would leave only one person to vote for. They would fuck the country up more then Hillary.

sorry dude but you ought to check out hillies positions on things.....

12-12-2007, 01:24 AM
No I am not and frankly I don't care what you think. I will not vote for Hucklebee or Romney under any circumstances so that would leave only one person to vote for. They would fuck the country up more then Hillary.

yeah cause sealing the border, lowering taxes, and getting us energy independent would really make this country horrible

Pale Rider
12-12-2007, 02:33 AM
No I am not and frankly I don't care what you think. I will not vote for Hucklebee or Romney under any circumstances so that would leave only one person to vote for. They would fuck the country up more then Hillary.


12-12-2007, 03:18 AM
sorry dude but you ought to check out hillies positions on things.....

She doesn't let high risk sex offenders out of jail.


So are you.

12-12-2007, 11:00 AM
She doesn't let high risk sex offenders out of jail.

But she did campaign for the release of four Puerto Rican terrorists in 2000.