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View Full Version : "organic" foods vs standard

12-12-2007, 12:55 AM
anyone but me prefer the organic taste........

tastes way better in my opinion......

i have friends that won't eat at my house cuz they prefer the processed taste...

12-12-2007, 01:07 AM
anyone but me prefer the organic taste........

tastes way better in my opinion......

i have friends that won't eat at my house cuz they prefer the processed taste...

Tastes way better, even the meats, organic chicken has the flavor that chickens used to have, now they are tasteless imo, unless organic...

12-12-2007, 01:51 AM
organic as much as I can. produce, without a doubt. first time i had brocoli organic, it was like i had been eating rubber brocoli all the time before this, significant difference.

other stuff, can't always tell. organic eggs, almost all the time, unless they are trader joes eggs. some organic soups taste extremely weird to me, I think Amy's brand or something.

12-13-2007, 12:18 AM
Organic's good stuff, but it's in so low demand around here, it's very expensive, so I usually stick with the processed garbage.

12-13-2007, 11:10 AM
I can't taste the difference.

12-13-2007, 11:23 AM
Organic means, typically: No protection from bugs or infections. Not as plump. More expensive. :)

12-13-2007, 12:17 PM
Your title "organic" foods vs standard is confusing to to a person that grew up on a farm, since organic food actually means natural or standard growing methods. Normal food is organic food and unnatural food are produced using other than natural means.

Many vegetables grown naturally taste absolutely the same as those grown with unnatural methods. They cost more because they do not use chemicals to treat insect infestation and are raised with natural fertilizer rather than man made fertilizer. If veggies are cleaned to remove insecticide residue then one cannot distinguish by taste the origin of fertilizer used to raise it. If friendly bugs eat bad bugs to protect the plant then the product is the same as a washed unnatural plant.

The reason some veggies taste better grown naturally is because some varieties of unnatural veggies are mutated DNA to allow longer shelf life or to conform to a certain size, tomatoes for example. But lettuce, carrots, potatoes and most other veggies are not mutated or altered in any way.

Farm grown fish and shrimp have different taste due to the diet they eat. But most meats, regardless of how they are mutated usually taste better or are better for you than natural grown animals. The reason is in the case of beef is that the amount of fat is reduced or marbled better within the meat.

In the case of poultry everything has to do with selection as to the quality of taste regardless of whether it is grown naturally or unnaturally. A young bird fed a good diet of grains will taste great regardless if it is natural or unnatural. A natural chicken that range feeds on insects and worms will not taste as good as a natural chicken that eats grains. Most of the taste difference in poultry is due to the age of the bird and not the feed it eats because almost all growers feed them grains to allow them to grow rapidly. An old laying hen or roster will not taste as good as a young pullet and that's 99.999% of poultry taste is age based.

12-13-2007, 04:52 PM
Too rich for me!