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View Full Version : Liberal views could haunt Obama

red states rule
12-12-2007, 05:57 AM
If Obama beats Hillary, Republicans should have an easy time with him. I can see the ads now based on his own answers to straight forward question he answered in writing back when was seeking state office in IL

Liberal views could haunt Obama

When Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was seeking state office a dozen years ago, he took unabashedly liberal positions: flatly opposed to capital punishment, in support of a federal single-payer health plan, against any restrictions on abortion, and in support of state laws to ban the manufacture, sale and even possession of handguns.

Filling out a 12-page questionnaire [part 1 of questionnaire, part 2 of questionnaire] from an Illinois voter group as he sought a state Senate seat in 1996, Obama answered “yes” or “no” — without using the available space to calibrate his views — on some of the most emotional and politically potent issues that a public official can confront.

“Do you support … capital punishment?” one question asked.

“No,” the 1996 Obama campaign typed, without explaining his answer in the space provided.

“Do you support state legislation to … ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?” asked one of the three dozen questions.

“Yes,” was Obama’s entire answer.

Obama said he would support a single-payer health plan for Illinois “in principal” [sic], “although such a program will probably have to be instituted at a federal level; the long-term objective would be a universal care system that does not differentiate between the unemployed, the disabled, and so on.” The campaign says Obama has consistently supported single payer health care in principle.

Under single-payer health care, a government system would replace private health insurance. Obama’s campaign said he has always supported the idea in concept, but thinks it is not currently practical because of the existing health care infrastructure.

The questionnaire, which was provided to Politico with assistance from political sources opposed to Obama’s presidential campaign, raises questions of whether Obama can be painted as too liberal and whether he is insufficiently consistent.

for the complete article


12-12-2007, 06:15 AM
I don't give a damn about Obama or any other Democrat candidate until we get our own candidate. Because the only way to contrast our position with the Democrats is to have a candidate who is actually different.

red states rule
12-12-2007, 06:18 AM
I don't give a damn about Obama or any other Democrat candidate until we get our own candidate. Because the only way to contrast our position with the Democrats is to have a candidate who is actually different.

The differences are there for anyone to see

Across the board, the Dems running for President all want higher taxes, surrender and appeasemement to terrorists, government run health care, and liberal judges making law from the bench

I do not know any Republican candidates who agree with them