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12-13-2007, 05:17 PM
For example, when you reward someone for a behavior, they are going to continue it, and others who observe this, will copy the same behavior to get rewarded.

Case and point: illegal immigration... Congress has been rewarding illegals with free health care, free education, free citizenship for children born from illegals, and now the dream act. Lets not forget that a mass of cheap labor lowers wages for american citizens looking for jobs, which is why bill gates wants unlimited visas for foreigners so he can pay them much less then an american worker even though we have plenty of legal american citizen workforce.

In other words.... The mis-placed compassion we have for illegal aliens, has caused us to reward them for their bad behavior, the message that sends it. Illegal aliens, come to america, and be rewarded from breaking the law.

You cannot reward bad behavior, or you have no standards, bounderies, morals, and eventually the chaos we see with the southern border.

Mis-placed compassion will be the death of the United States

12-13-2007, 09:08 PM
You're not talking about compassion, there is nothing wrong with having compassion for your fellow man or for those less fortunate. Having compassion for someone is never misplaced. It makes us better human beings.

What you're talking about and what will bring about the end of the U.S. as we know it is, political correctness. Plain and simple. It is political correctness that has led to the discussion of, or the granting of the rights illegals have. To deny them is to be labeled a bigot, to discuss denying them is to be labeled a racist. To talk about enforcing our immigration laws and securing our borders will have you labeled a hegemonist in no time at all.

Political correctness has sterilized the population of this country, it has made everyone hyper sensitive to the spoken and written word. We all look over our shoulder before voicing our feelings and opinions for fear of offending someone, for fear of being sued or losing our jobs. Political correctness has effectively neutered our society where the public discourse is concerned.

I believe that it is contributing to generations of hyper sensitive, wimpy children who lack character and have an unreal sense of entitlement. A generation where no one loses, everyone gets a trophy.

No, Martin, the issue isn't compassion, it's political correctness. It is political correctness that will be the death of the United States.

12-14-2007, 03:00 AM
Compassion lifts people up. That's why handouts really arent a good sign of compassion. Because when you convince people they have no chance without your help you take away their hope.

12-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Sorry bout that,

For example, when you reward someone for a behavior, they are going to continue it, and others who observe this, will copy the same behavior to get rewarded.

Case and point: illegal immigration... Congress has been rewarding illegals with free health care, free education, free citizenship for children born from illegals, and now the dream act. Lets not forget that a mass of cheap labor lowers wages for american citizens looking for jobs, which is why bill gates wants unlimited visas for foreigners so he can pay them much less then an american worker even though we have plenty of legal american citizen workforce.

In other words.... The mis-placed compassion we have for illegal aliens, has caused us to reward them for their bad behavior, the message that sends it. Illegal aliens, come to america, and be rewarded from breaking the law.

You cannot reward bad behavior, or you have no standards, bounderies, morals, and eventually the chaos we see with the southern border.

Mis-placed compassion will be the death of the United States

1. I am going to have to give you the, *CWN APPROVED SEAL* on this thread.
2. Its right on!
3. The way it is in America, its better that you come here illegally, and drop a kid.
4. Get on welfare and suck America's tit for all you can.
5. Get shopping carts of free food every month.
6. The more kids, the more free support you get.
7. And bigger subsidised housing.
8. Its far better to come here illegally, when you come here legally, you sign a paper stating you won't be going on Social Services.
9. I think that we all should go to Mexico, and demand as much.
10. Can you imagine going there, having free health care, food stamps, free housing, and then demanding that the schools teach your children English?
11. Then we could demand they stop using the Peso, and use the Dollar.


12-14-2007, 01:47 PM
For example, when you reward someone for a behavior, they are going to continue it, and others who observe this, will copy the same behavior to get rewarded.I understand you are talking politically, but this can go for other things as well.

When someone misbehaves, acts toward you in a manner that is unacceptable to you, crosses those boundries you have set, it is our responsibility to call them on their behavior.
We teach others how to treat us.

12-14-2007, 02:01 PM
people are confusing compassion for tolerance. I feel compassion for my children when I have to give them a spanking. Yet being a good parent means I do it anyway. I hold them accountable for their bad behaviour.

Much the same way, Liberals tend to, and both sides probably do, bring up compassion as an argument to let criminals continue to break the law; not hold them accountable. Compassion is a feeling not connected to, in a direct guiding way, 'justice'.

12-14-2007, 05:36 PM
people are confusing compassion for tolerance. I feel compassion for my children when I have to give them a spanking. Yet being a good parent means I do it anyway. I hold them accountable for their bad behaviour.

Much the same way, Liberals tend to, and both sides probably do, bring up compassion as an argument to let criminals continue to break the law; not hold them accountable. Compassion is a feeling not connected to, in a direct guiding way, 'justice'.

i dont think most people understand justice today. Justice isnt flexible. You do something wrong and Justice requires that balance must be restored through punishment of bad behavior or restoration of the good to the victim.

12-14-2007, 06:07 PM
You're not talking about compassion, there is nothing wrong with having compassion for your fellow man or for those less fortunate. Having compassion for someone is never misplaced. It makes us better human beings.

What you're talking about and what will bring about the end of the U.S. as we know it is, political correctness. Plain and simple. It is political correctness that has led to the discussion of, or the granting of the rights illegals have. To deny them is to be labeled a bigot, to discuss denying them is to be labeled a racist. To talk about enforcing our immigration laws and securing our borders will have you labeled a hegemonist in no time at all.

Political correctness has sterilized the population of this country, it has made everyone hyper sensitive to the spoken and written word. We all look over our shoulder before voicing our feelings and opinions for fear of offending someone, for fear of being sued or losing our jobs. Political correctness has effectively neutered our society where the public discourse is concerned.

I believe that it is contributing to generations of hyper sensitive, wimpy children who lack character and have an unreal sense of entitlement. A generation where no one loses, everyone gets a trophy.

No, Martin, the issue isn't compassion, it's political correctness. It is political correctness that will be the death of the United States.

The bot thinks I have reped you too much. But you are correct.