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12-14-2007, 04:28 PM
Normally, I wouldnt think it would be a major issue. However, i think it does go to character and demonstrate that he is willing to pander to every crowd.

On November 8, 2007, Huckabee claimed that he is the only one on stage with a degree in theology so it allowed him to uniquely wage a war on terror (Quite honestly, I dont see how that follows since if he had a degree it would be in Christian theology). Here is the following quote:


People look at my record and say that I’m as strong on immigration, strong on terror as anybody. In fact I think I’m stronger than most people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism. These are people that want to kill us. It’s a theocratic war. And I don’t know if anybody fully understands that. I’m the only guy on that stage with a theology degree. I think I understand it really well. And know the threat of it is absolutely overwhelming to us. As a president, nobody’s going to be stronger on building border security, not having amnesty, no sanctuary cities, having a process in place that forces a process that is legal. When it comes to national security, I understand that the threat that we face is not about our grandchildren having better homes and better cars, it’s about whether they’re going to have a breath and a pulse."

Now December 14, 2007:


But now Huckabee is denying that he has a theology degree. His staff corrected Jim Geraghty, who understandably thought Huckabee had such a degree. The Huckabee campaign stated: “Governor Huckabee doesn’t have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary.”


Joe Carter, the director of research for Mike Huckabee, wrote in:


Governor Huckabee doesn’t have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary.

Also, it’s not surprising that he doesn’t know much about the specific beliefs of the LDS church. There aren’t a lot of LDS members in Arkansas; they comprise just .007 percent of the population (about 20,000 out of 2,810,872 people). Most Southern evangelicals don’t have much exposure to that particular religion. Even in seminary you’re not likely to study the LDS faith unless you take a class on apologetics.


So he has a theology degree or doesnt when its convenient to his campaign. If you are confused you aren't the only one.

12-14-2007, 05:25 PM
Odd. Why would he say he had a degree when he doesn't?

Hagbard Celine
12-14-2007, 05:33 PM
Odd. Why would he say he had a degree when he doesn't?

Because he's a lying liar? :dunno:

12-14-2007, 05:33 PM
Odd. Why would he say he had a degree when he doesn't?

I think he does have a bachelors degree in Biblical studies. And I think that could technically be called a theology degree. But it does raise two major questions for me.

1)Why does he claim that a degree in biblical studies can help him understand Muslims and execute the war on terror? It just doesnt follow for me. I mean if he had a degree in islamic studies maybe, but biblical studies? i just dont get it.

2)Why is his campaign now claiming he doesnt have a theology degree? I mean he either has or doesnt have one. And being that it's a degree in Biblical studies, I would think that would give him more knowledge on a question of Mormon belief than Islamic belief.

The whole situation just doesn't make sense to me. Either he is pandering by claiming to have a degree or pandering by not claiming it. Either way his campaign has put out two issues on the matter and it's a bit confusing.

my guess is he will claim to be taken out of context if challenged. although honestly im looking at the quotes as in context as I can find them and i just dont see how they cant lead to serious questions about experience and pandering.

12-14-2007, 05:38 PM
I think he does have a bachelors degree in Biblical studies. And I think that could technically be called a theology degree. But it does raise two major questions for me.

1)Why does he claim that a degree in biblical studies can help him understand Muslims and execute the war on terror? It just doesnt follow for me. I mean if he had a degree in islamic studies maybe, but biblical studies? i just dont get it.

Perhaps he thinks that, because he has a better understanding of the Biblical teachings regarding the geneological origin of the Arabs and Jews, the end times, etc., he is in a better position to fight the War on Terror. Dunno for sure, but that's my educated guess.

2)Why is his campaign now claiming he doesnt have a theology degree? I mean he either has or doesnt have one. And being that it's a degree in Biblical studies, I would think that would give him more knowledge on a question of Mormon belief than Islamic belief.

The whole situation just doesn't make sense to me. Either he is pandering by claiming to have a degree or pandering by not claiming it. Either way his campaign has put out two issues on the matter and it's a bit confusing.

my guess is he will claim to be taken out of context if challenged. although honestly im looking at the quotes as in context as I can find them and i just dont see how they cant lead to serious questions about experience and pandering.

Yeah, I don't really see any sense in it either. A bachelor's in Biblical studies isn't quite a theological degree. It's sort of like having a bachelor's degree in business and saying you're an MBA.

12-14-2007, 07:42 PM
Yeah, I don't really see any sense in it either. A bachelor's in Biblical studies isn't quite a theological degree. It's sort of like having a bachelor's degree in business and saying you're an MBA.

/shrugs........a bachelor's degree in business and a masters in business are both business degrees......