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View Full Version : Al's gospel of hypocrisy

12-15-2007, 06:25 AM

Posted: December 15, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

In many ways, Al Gore is like the charismatic preacher who mesmerized his congregation every Sunday, but during the week, ministered privately to the needs of neglected housewives to satisfy his own appetite. While sermonizing before the Nobel Committee – and an international television audience – Gore described the hellfire and brimstone of global warming damnation and pointed the way to planetary salvation: the world must have a mandatory "cap-and-trade" regime, he said, administered by the United Nations.

Privately, however, away from the television cameras, Gore gobbles up more fossil fuel in a month than is consumed by entire villages in undeveloped nations. He justifies his own outrageous carbon appetite by purchasing "carbon credits" through a brokerage firm in which he is a principal, as an example he wants to force others to follow.

He repeated his 1992 declaration: protection of the environment must become the principle around which all societies are organized. He did not repeat, however, the 1992 recognition that such reorganization would require a "wrenching transformation" of civilization.

Were Gore's wildest claims of global catastrophe absolutely certain, the remedy he proposes would be the worst possible way to confront it. Gore, and most of the international community, wants a U.N. treaty that gives power to an international body to set emission limits on developed nations, and enforce monetary penalties for non-compliance which would be redistributed to developing nations such as China, India, Brazil and others.

read the rest..
