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View Full Version : ACTION ALERT...time to take action..

12-18-2007, 12:01 AM
Steve Elliott, President
Grassfire.org Alliance



Congressional leaders once again have emerged from their
back-room negotiations with an "omnibus" appropriations bill
that secretly adds 12,000 pork-barrel earmarks and guts the
Secure Fence Act!

+ + Hutchison Amendment will gut double-layer fence

As we have been reporting to you, an amendment offered by
Sen. Hutchison will essentially gut the Secure Fence Act's
double-layer fence. This "Border Fence Funding Hoax" gives the
Department of Homeland Security total discretion over how and
where the fence is built.

In fact, DHS would not be required to build fencing in any
particular location -- and the double-layer mandate is gone!

+ + "Omnibus" spending bill also adds 12,000 pork earmarks

The DHS appropriations bill has been wrapped up and packaged with
other domestic spending bills in a massive omnibus spending
bill that hits Congress today. Votes begin tomorrow.

And if gutting the Secure Fence Act's double-layer fence wasn't
enough, Robert Novak is reporting that thousands of pork-barrel
earmarks are also hidden in this bill...

"...A little rules chicanery will hide an estimated 12,000
new earmarks, including pork that previously had not been
passed by any chamber and is "airdropped" into the bill.
The wily legislators have found a way to get around new
ethics rules that require disclosure of all such spending."

+ + Action: Call your Senators and Representative

Stephanie, this behavior is appalling and outrageous, and I am asking
you to call your Senators and Representatives and tell them
what you think about this massive spending bill that guts the
Secure Fence Act and quietly adds millions in pork-barrel earmarks.

Talking Points:

1. I am outraged that Congress is "airdropping" 12,000
new pork-barrel earmarks into the Consolidated
Appropriations Bill being considered this week.

2. I am also disturbed that an amendment by
Sen. Hutchison will essentially gut the Secure Fence Act
by giving Homeland Security total discretion of how
and where the fence is actually built.
(S.A. 2466 to H.R. 2638)

3. I want the Hutchison amendment removed and I oppose
the pork-barrel earmarks that have been included in the
Consolidated Appropriations bill.

Sen. Stevens 202-224-3004
Sen. Murkowski 202-224-6665

Rep. Young 202-225-5765


There is still time to send faxes to key members of Congress on the
Border Fence Funding Hoax. We expect votes all this week on this
Consolidated Appropriations bill.

If you have not scheduled your faxes, go here:


Of course, we always encourage you to send your own faxes if you
The above link will provide you with fax numbers and sample text.

Your phone calls and faxes are so vital. We suspect that most members
of Congress are totally unaware that an obscure amendment in this
massive spending bill will gut the Secure Fence Act’s double-layer
fence mandate and free DHS from any requirement to build any fence
in any particular location.

Thanks for taking action!

Steve Elliott, President
Grassfire.org Alliance

P.S. News sources for you:

Novak on the pork in the Consolidated Appropriations bill:


World Net Daily on the Hutchison amendment:


Call, write, fax your congresscritters..

Pale Rider
12-18-2007, 12:20 AM
This grassfire.org always wants money to send a fax. I belong to numbersusa.com. You can send a fax for free there, although since they didn't ask me for money at every turn, I did donate to the site.

12-18-2007, 12:37 AM
This grassfire.org always wants money to send a fax. I belong to numbersusa.com. You can send a fax for free there, although since they didn't ask me for money at every turn, I did donate to the site.

I belong to numbersusa also..
Yes you can send a fax for free, but as you said they do ask for donations..

I was surprised I didn't get anything from numbersusa on this...that's why I posted this one..

The cheapest way would probably be to call them, or fax them if you have your own fax machine(which I don't)..

I did pay to fax tonight because I wanted it to get there in the morning..

12-18-2007, 01:14 AM
Hutchison, as in Kate Baily Hutchison of Texas? A republican is gutting the fence money?

That surprises me, though she is a Bush buddy....still a shocker to me...???

Too bad the republicans in the senate prevented appropriations from going through separately with their filibusters and forcing this to go to an omnibus spending bill....there is nothing worse than an omnibus spending bill when it comes to pork....imo!!!


12-18-2007, 01:26 AM
Hutchinson, as in Kate Baily Hutchison of Texas? A republican is gutting the fence money?

That surprises me, though she is a Bush buddy....still a shocker to me...???

Too bad the republicans in the senate prevented appropriations from going through separately with their filibusters and forcing this to go to an omnibus spending bill....there is nothing worse than an omnibus spending bill when it comes to pork....IMO!!!


Blame whoever you want...BOTH PARTIES are to blame in a lot of these shenanigans going on...

call, write, fax...

Pale Rider
12-18-2007, 01:31 AM
Blame whoever you want...BOTH PARTIES are to blame in a lot of these shenanigans going on...

call, write, fax...

This bush administration is about as open border, globalist crowd as you can get. I can't wait to see bush go. Oh glory day, because I honestly dislike the man, for invading and fucking up Iraq to his open border, amnesty, to his border guard screwing attack dog johnny belongs in jail sutton. He's a piece of shit this country is better without.

12-18-2007, 01:32 AM
Blame whoever you want...BOTH PARTIES are to blame in a lot of these shenanigans going on...

call, write, fax...

But why in the world would she want to do this through her amendment? Aren't texans affected negatively by the influx of illegals? Who or what constituants is she standing up for, to try to gut the fence? I guess I just don't get it Steph?
