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12-18-2007, 12:56 PM
What does it take to get a candidate to resonate with you? What is it you are looking for to vote for? Whats are the issues important to you?

12-18-2007, 01:02 PM
What does it take to get a candidate to resonate with you? What is it you are looking for to vote for? Whats are the issues important to you?

i look for who i would want to work for over the next 4 to 8 years....

12-18-2007, 01:14 PM
i look for who i would want to work for over the next 4 to 8 years....

and who i hope will want to work for you as well.

12-18-2007, 01:44 PM
and who i hope will want to work for you as well.

they will all work ..... what they will actually do is anyone's guess ....

as for mit ..... i think a good businessman with good core values will go a long way to putting the us back on track ....

12-18-2007, 01:54 PM
I'll vote for any Democrat or Republican who will:

1.) Reduce the size of the Fed govt
2.) Gradually weed out any Fed programs not listed in the Constitution
3.) Cut taxes to suit No. 1 and 2 above
4.) Basically obey the Constitution, including 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments
5.) Fight our wars to WIN

Such a candidate would definitely resonate with me.

But since there aren't any who have a hope in hell of getting elected, I'll have to compromise. Bye-bye resonance.

12-18-2007, 02:45 PM
I'll vote for any Democrat or Republican who will:

1.) Reduce the size of the Fed govt
2.) Gradually weed out any Fed programs not listed in the Constitution
3.) Cut taxes to suit No. 1 and 2 above
4.) Basically obey the Constitution, including 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments
5.) Fight our wars to WIN

Such a candidate would definitely resonate with me.

But since there aren't any who have a hope in hell of getting elected, I'll have to compromise. Bye-bye resonance.

Unfortunately, they all tell us these are the kind of things they will do, but when you get right down to it they do the exact opposite.

I would say, what I want from a candidate is honesty and integrity. Be out front and reasonable and my vote can be won. I have always said that if a candidate came out and said, "My opponent is a decent person who will try to do a good job for the {country, state, county, city} but I think my plan is better and here is why..." I'd vote for the candidate that said that in a heartbeat.

They can't fix everything and should not be expected to. So be honest, let me know what you think and what you are going to try to fix rather than tell me everything you think I want to hear.


12-18-2007, 03:09 PM
I expect my candidates to be more than one-trick ponies. That's why I have a hard time supporting Tancredo, Hunter, or Paul. I also expect them to support a smaller federal government on the entitlement side, while supporting a strong military.

12-18-2007, 03:57 PM
Unfortunately, they all tell us these are the kind of things they will do,
I'm not interested in what they TELL us. I described what I wold like them to DO. As i said, none qualifies... yet the elections is going to be held anyway.

I would say, what I want from a candidate is honesty and integrity. Be out front and reasonable and my vote can be won. I have always said that if a candidate came out and said, "My opponent is a decent person who will try to do a good job for the {country, state, county, city} but I think my plan is better and here is why..." I'd vote for the candidate that said that in a heartbeat.
Walter Mondale came staight out and said he would raise taxes. He lost in a landslide, as he should. Jimmy Carter was honest, too.

Note that "honesty" didn't even make my Top 5 list. What a person will DO, is what matters. It can be hard to predict what that will be, of course, given the dishonesty of most politicians. It makes most elections a crapshoot. About all you can do, is look at their records. If someone has cut taxes in his state or in the Senate or wherever, that's a good sign. If he has voted to defund the military, that tells you something, regardless of what he claimed. etc.

I listed what would "resonate" with me. Talking wasn't on the list. Doing certain things, was.

Abbey Marie
12-18-2007, 04:10 PM
I would vote for someone who will:

1. Take back the over-reaching powers of the courts and put the power back where it belongs constitutionally- with the legislature.
2. Put up that darn fence that Congress authorized, and really deal with illegals and their employers.
3. Stand firm against our enemies, esp. radical Islam.

And, in my dreams:
4. Move away from Socialist programs and a victim mentality, and back to a time when people were responsible for their own actions and their consequences.