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12-18-2007, 08:46 PM
Is it true?

WASHINGTON (AFP) - More than 250 people once held in Iraqi prisons, including the notorious Abu Ghraib, have filed suit against a US military contractor for their alleged torture, attorneys said Tuesday.

The Center for Constitutional Rights said a lawsuit was filed in US federal court on Monday asking for millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages against CACI International Inc. of Arlington, Virginia.

The complaint, filed in the name 256 former detainees who were released without ever being charged with a crime, alleges that CACI interrogators who were sent to Iraqi prisons directed and engaged in torture between 2003-2004.

The lawsuit charges that the detainees were repeatedly beaten, sodomized, threatened with rape, kept naked in their cells, subjected to electric shock and attacked by unmuzzled dogs, among other humiliations.

The court action also names two CACI employees -- Stephen Stefanowski, knowns as Big Steve, and Daniel Johnson, known as DJ -- accusing them of participating in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

The two contractors allegedly directed corporal Charles Graner, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for this role in the Abu Ghraib scandal, and sergeant Ivan Frederick, who is serving an eight-year jail term, according to the lawsuit.

"These corporate guys worked in a conspiracy with those military guys to torture people," Susan Burke, the lead attorney in the case, told AFP.

"And now the military have been held accountable, but the company guys and the company have not been," she said.

The complaint is the latest against CACI, which has faced lawsuits since 2004. A previous class-action lawsuit was rejected by a court.

More: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20071218/wl_mideast_afp/usiraqmilitarytorturecourt

Keep your ears peeled. More to come on this issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-18-2007, 08:51 PM
What is your definition of US Forces?

12-18-2007, 09:13 PM
United States Forces.

What is your definition of US Forces?

Why do you ask?

12-18-2007, 09:50 PM
my definition of u.s. forces, the people we underpay, under equip, and prosecute for the smallest infraction.

United States Forces.

Why do you ask?

12-18-2007, 10:28 PM
United States Forces.

Why do you ask?

With your title of the thread you are attempting to equate the people being sued with people serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Tell me exactly which branch of the Armed Forces do the people in the article belong to?

12-26-2007, 11:45 PM
You can equate whatever you want, mb.

With your title of the thread you are attempting to equate the people being sued with people serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Tell me exactly which branch of the Armed Forces do the people in the article belong to?

I did no such equation. Any more questions?

12-27-2007, 01:16 AM
You can equate whatever you want, mb.

I did no such equation. Any more questions?

You certainly did make such an unfounded equivocation. The title of the thread is clearly an antimilitary swipe as it is so ridiculously broad that no other reasoned conclusion can be drawn from.

12-27-2007, 02:10 AM
You, bm, are a liar.

You certainly did make such an unfounded equivocation. The title of the thread is clearly an antimilitary swipe as it is so ridiculously broad that no other reasoned conclusion can be drawn from.

The title of this thread indicates exactly the title of the linked article in conversation. I did not take it as antimilitary, a swipe or in any way unreasonable. If you care to comment on the article then go for it. If it is your intent to disparage me then you have radically missed your target and damaged your own feet. I don't for a moment imagine that you understand.

red states rule
12-27-2007, 05:52 AM
Is it true?

WASHINGTON (AFP) - More than 250 people once held in Iraqi prisons, including the notorious Abu Ghraib, have filed suit against a US military contractor for their alleged torture, attorneys said Tuesday.

The Center for Constitutional Rights said a lawsuit was filed in US federal court on Monday asking for millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages against CACI International Inc. of Arlington, Virginia.

The complaint, filed in the name 256 former detainees who were released without ever being charged with a crime, alleges that CACI interrogators who were sent to Iraqi prisons directed and engaged in torture between 2003-2004.

The lawsuit charges that the detainees were repeatedly beaten, sodomized, threatened with rape, kept naked in their cells, subjected to electric shock and attacked by unmuzzled dogs, among other humiliations.

The court action also names two CACI employees -- Stephen Stefanowski, knowns as Big Steve, and Daniel Johnson, known as DJ -- accusing them of participating in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

The two contractors allegedly directed corporal Charles Graner, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for this role in the Abu Ghraib scandal, and sergeant Ivan Frederick, who is serving an eight-year jail term, according to the lawsuit.

"These corporate guys worked in a conspiracy with those military guys to torture people," Susan Burke, the lead attorney in the case, told AFP.

"And now the military have been held accountable, but the company guys and the company have not been," she said.

The complaint is the latest against CACI, which has faced lawsuits since 2004. A previous class-action lawsuit was rejected by a court.

More: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20071218/wl_mideast_afp/usiraqmilitarytorturecourt

Keep your ears peeled. More to come on this issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a perfect example on how the left supports the troops.

Claiming they are tortured is part of the terrroists training. They are instructed to claim this if they are captured - knowing libs like PB will run with the charge

12-27-2007, 04:19 PM
This is a perfect example on how the left supports the troops.

Claiming they are tortured is part of the terrroists training. They are instructed to claim this if they are captured - knowing libs like PB will run with the charge

I still haven't figured out why we don't just shoot the SOB's.:poke:

12-28-2007, 10:54 PM
Fire away, troby.

I still haven't figured out why we don't just shoot the SOB's.:poke:

You or rsr can't compete in an intellectual debate, can you? Why aren't you wearing a uniform and in Iraq yourself?

12-28-2007, 11:44 PM
You, bm, are a liar.

The title of this thread indicates exactly the title of the linked article in conversation. I did not take it as antimilitary, a swipe or in any way unreasonable. If you care to comment on the article then go for it. If it is your intent to disparage me then you have radically missed your target and damaged your own feet. I don't for a moment imagine that you understand.

That would be a negative PB. I pointed out the obvious and you simply cannot see it for your politics. You using what YOU viewed it as simply shows an unwillingness to consider any other pov than your own. It was not my intent to disparage but to point out the fallacy of your denial.

Also consider this, those 250 are no different than those in prison all over the world who when asked will tell you that of course they are innocent.

12-28-2007, 11:47 PM
Actually it is a positive, bm.

That would be a negative PB. I pointed out the obvious and you simply cannot see it for your politics. You using what YOU viewed it as simply shows an unwillingness to consider any other pov than your own. It was not my intent to disparage but to point out the fallacy of your denial.

Also consider this, those 250 are no different than those in prison all over the world who when asked will tell you that of course they are innocent.

What is obvious is that you can't read. As Republicans go, what else is new?

red states rule
12-30-2007, 05:12 AM
Fire away, troby.

You or rsr can't compete in an intellectual debate, can you? Why aren't you wearing a uniform and in Iraq yourself?

It is a fact the terrorists are trained to say they are "tortured" They know that libs like you will jump to their defense

Terrorists are playing you for the fools that you are - but your hate for Pres Bush stops you from defending your country and makes you side with the terrorists

12-30-2007, 09:29 AM
The title of this thread indicates exactly the title of the linked article in conversation.

There is a HUGE difference between:

250 former Iraq detainees claim torture in new US lawsuit


250 Iraqi Detainees Claim Torture By US Forces

They don't come remotely close to saying the same thing and your title doesn't accurately describe the gist of the article.

red states rule
12-30-2007, 09:31 AM
There is a HUGE difference between:

250 former Iraq detainees claim torture in new US lawsuit


250 Iraqi Detainees Claim Torture By US Forces

They don't come remotely close to saying the same thing and your title doesn't accurately describe the gist of the article.

To PB there is no difference. To him, America is the only terrorist nation on Earth

12-31-2007, 01:18 AM
You are not only a piece of shit, rsr

To PB there is no difference. To him, America is the only terrorist nation on Earth

You are also a lying piece of shit.

12-31-2007, 02:11 AM
I wish this thread would get back on track.

red states rule
12-31-2007, 05:37 AM
You are not only a piece of shit, rsr

You are also a lying piece of shit.

You slanted the thread title to fit your predetermined view of the US and the military

Like BP and MM - the US is the bad guy and we are ones who torture

red states rule
01-01-2008, 09:16 AM
You, bm, are a liar.

The title of this thread indicates exactly the title of the linked article in conversation. I did not take it as antimilitary, a swipe or in any way unreasonable. If you care to comment on the article then go for it. If it is your intent to disparage me then you have radically missed your target and damaged your own feet. I don't for a moment imagine that you understand.

Yea, the torture the poor terrorists are having to endure

Bush Using Sinister New Technique to Torture Gitmo Prisoners
"The attractive woman strutted into the room wearing a revealing miniskirt, a bra, and a skimpy thong. The man was tied to a chair and helpless to defend himself. As she removed her bra and tossed it at him, he closed his eyes and began to pray. She touched her breasts, rubbing them against the man's back, commenting on his apparent erection. He lurched forward and cursed at her. With a smile, she pulled down her thong and sat on his lap, grinding her exposed behind against his crotch. The man screamed and began to cry like a baby."

Such was the scene at my brother's bachelor party last year. I still bear the emotional scars, still wake up in pools of sweat from the horrible nightmares. Still have the bra hanging from my ear. So I can understand the psychological torment the detainees at Gitmo must have went through according to an upcoming book by a former Army officer stationed inside the prison.

Apparently, the military has been using civilian contractors from Deja Vu to torture prisoners with lapdances and wet t-shirt contests. The Muslim religion strictly forbids a man to gaze upon the skin of a woman other than his wife, and he must undergo a strict purification ritual prior to flying a plane into a building and killing 3000 infidels. Just one slip up, one little peek at a tempting ta-ta, and you'll be lucky to get a friendly sheep let alone 75 horny virgins in the afterlife. So it's no wonder that the 9/11 hijackers spent so much time at Vegas strip clubs. They were trying to prepare themselves for such horrors should they be captured.

Thankfully, Amnesty International and democrat leaders are nipping this thing in the butt. Both Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy have already volunteered to personally travel to Camp X-Ray and witness these grisly interrogation techniques first hand. It's a tough job, but if they can prevent any more innocent Muslims from being tormented by hot babes, or hot babes from being exploited by the Pentagon, it's a sacrifice both patriots are willing to perform for their country.

01-02-2008, 12:34 AM
I didn't say that shit, rsr, and you know it. You said that shit as a slam on me and my thoughts. You are a sick puppy, dipshit.

red states rule
01-02-2008, 05:48 AM
I didn't say that shit, rsr, and you know it. You said that shit as a slam on me and my thoughts. You are a sick puppy, dipshit.

It nails your insanity perfectly

01-03-2008, 10:27 PM
So, you're saying I did say that shit. Link it, quote it, somehow prove yourself not the liar that you are.

It nails your insanity perfectly

Insanity is a product of conservatism. I reject it.

red states rule
01-05-2008, 08:35 PM
So, you're saying I did say that shit. Link it, quote it, somehow prove yourself not the liar that you are.

Insanity is a product of conservatism. I reject it.

What is the title of your thread?

You are saying the troops "tortured" the terrorists

01-05-2008, 10:33 PM
If they were ordered or even tacitly expected to do so I expect they followed the orders and expectations of their commanders.

What is the title of your thread?

You are saying the troops "tortured" the terrorists

What would you do? Are you a Veteran?

01-05-2008, 10:35 PM
BTW, I thank the administration for letting me back into this conversation.

01-06-2008, 01:50 AM
I wish you two would stop fighting, your both respectable gentleman and my friends, and its sad to see you fighting.

01-06-2008, 02:08 AM
Fighting? You call that fighting?

I wish you two would stop fighting, your both respectable gentleman and my friends, and its sad to see you fighting.

It's a big world out here, martin. I would enjoy showing you a hundredth of what I have had of it.

01-06-2008, 03:39 AM
It seems, though i could be wrong there is a very fine line between making a mistake in the heat of the moment in war, and deliberately targetting innocent civilians and comitting crimes against them.

I dont want american soldiers tried for every minor infraction, i think unless its aggresgous , they should not be prosecuted.

Fighting? You call that fighting?

It's a big world out here, martin. I would enjoy showing you a hundredth of what I have had of it.

01-06-2008, 03:58 AM
Soldiers respond to orders given, martin.

It seems, though i could be wrong there is a very fine line between making a mistake in the heat of the moment in war, and deliberately targetting innocent civilians and comitting crimes against them.

I dont want american soldiers tried for every minor infraction, i think unless its aggresgous , they should not be prosecuted.

When civilians are murdered who do you blame? Certainly there is a blame to be given other than "Well, it was War."

As a Viet Nam Vet, I can certainly tell you that we knew whether we were being threatened or not. Typical villagers were not our problem back then.

01-06-2008, 04:21 AM
I dont think soldiers should be held accountable.

It should be those who gave orders, because if they dont do the orders, they go to prison, and a soldiers job is to do whatever he is told to do.

so well it was war is not an excuse, but you must proof malicious intent to harm, not just oops the commander made a mistake

our soldiers are being used as scape goats, and it sickens me

Soldiers respond to orders given, martin.

When civilians are murdered who do you blame? Certainly there is a blame to be given other than "Well, it was War."

As a Viet Nam Vet, I can certainly tell you that we knew whether we were being threatened or not. Typical villagers were not our problem back then.

red states rule
01-06-2008, 06:55 AM
If they were ordered or even tacitly expected to do so I expect they followed the orders and expectations of their commanders.

What would you do? Are you a Veteran?

So you take the word of terrorists and bingo our troops are guilty

01-06-2008, 11:26 AM
Psychoblues, you still have not answered my question. Which branch of our Amred Forces did the men in the article serve?

Air Force?
Coast Guard?

Which one?

red states rule
01-06-2008, 02:06 PM
Psychoblues, you still have not answered my question. Which branch of our Amred Forces did the men in the article serve?

Air Force?
Coast Guard?

Which one?

How about none of the above?

The US does not torture our captives

01-17-2008, 09:09 PM
Do any have any more valid excuse than which branch of service?

Psychoblues, you still have not answered my question. Which branch of our Amred Forces did the men in the article serve?

Air Force?
Coast Guard?

Which one?

Your contemplations are as usual for pretty much naught on the intellectual level, MB, and even more worthless on the primary excuse level.

01-17-2008, 09:11 PM
Do any have any more valid excuse than any other?

Your contemplations are as usual for pretty much naught on the intellectual level, MB, and even more worthless on the primary excuse level.

What does this mean, PB? What of his contemplations, though it seemed to me a straight forward question? What are you implying? What excuse?

01-17-2008, 09:41 PM
His primary question asks "Which branch of service?"

What does this mean, PB? What of his contemplations, though it seemed to me a straight forward question? What are you implying? What excuse?

I thought you were a teacher and capable of more critical thought.

01-17-2008, 09:42 PM
His primary question asks "Which branch of service?"

I thought you were a teacher and capable of more critical thought.


01-17-2008, 10:00 PM
Your feeble response and hilarious cartoon is noted.


Have you more emoticons to demonstrate further what an idiot that you are?

01-28-2008, 03:16 PM
The title of the thread is clearly an antimilitary swipe as it is so ridiculously broad that no other reasoned conclusion can be drawn from.

Is it an anti-military swipe if its true?

Sir Evil
01-28-2008, 05:33 PM
250 Iraqi Detainees Claim Torture By US Forces

Pity it's such a small number..

01-29-2008, 01:24 AM
You don't have to be more pitiful, SE. As time goes on and the reports are released I suspect more will be forthcoming.

Pity it's such a small number..

John McCain says torture is not an Amerincan value. As a veteran, a Democrat and a brother American, I agree with him. What's your point?

red states rule
01-29-2008, 06:39 AM
You don't have to be more pitiful, SE. As time goes on and the reports are released I suspect more will be forthcoming.

John McCain says torture is not an Amerincan value. As a veteran, a Democrat and a brother American, I agree with him. What's your point?

Yea, Pres Bush and the US military are only trying to save innocent lives PB, and libs are opposed to it

Saving American Lives? Not in my Name!
A surprised interviewer got a glimpse at the face of true evil last week when Vice peeResident SElect Dick "Torquemada" Cheney, whose daughter is a lesbian, boasted that he would dunk a terrorist in water if it would save "American lives" of all things.

American lives? I cannot place enough exclamation points at the end of this sentence to adequately express my outrage!!!!!!!

Put aside for a moment that fact that American lives are not Cheney's to save; but are they even worth saving? Does a society that would sanction the dunking of an innocent terrorist for the sake of self-preservation even deserve to exist?

As a patriotic liberal who spent the weekend vainly hoping his underwear would dry through his pants, I couldn't live with myself knowing that somewhere out there someone was going through the same unspeakable torture just to protect the lives of people who are vastly inferior to me. I encourage other progressives who feel the same way to join their shrill voices with mine and demand that that no more terrorists are dunked, doused, drenched, or moistened in our names. The lives of the American people are simply not worth it.


02-06-2008, 01:57 AM
Just how does killing, maiming and generally laying waste to innocent peoples and countries have anything positive to say about "saving lives"?

red states rule
02-06-2008, 06:37 AM
Just how does killing, maiming and generally laying waste to innocent peoples and countries have anything positive to say about "saving lives"?

You would ahve to ask AQ about that. The US does not torture the terrorists - but libs do want to coddle them

02-10-2008, 12:06 AM
You don't read much but you love to spread lies, rsr.

You would ahve to ask AQ about that. The US does not torture the terrorists - but libs do want to coddle them

This lib and no lib I have ever known has any interest in coddling terrorists. I and I think I can speak on this issue for the most part of the genuine Americans do not believe in torture as a means for anything other than to promote the sick and easily misled ambitions of otherwise innocent fighters for whatever beliefs they might have and to further promote the ambitions of their even sicker and egotistically insane superiors in rank and social positions.

red states rule
02-10-2008, 06:55 AM
Ah, the real reson libs are upset and playing the "torture" card

CIA Destroys Hillary's Campaign Commercials
Republicans and dirty tricks go hand in hand, but the amount of dirty tricks they've pulled in this election cycle alone could fill a whole new blog category. Now it seems that the CIA has destroyed hundreds of hours worth of video tapes documenting the brutal torture of innocent Muslim prisoners, thus depriving Hillary Clinton and other Democrat candidates of valuable material for their campaign commercials. The videos, taken deep inside secret CIA torture chambers scattered across Europe, are purported to show agents moistening two so-called "Terrorist suspects" and, in all likelihood, mishandling their Qurans in an attempt to extract useless information about non-events. The footage would have gone a long way towards demonstrating how low Republicans will go just to save a few thousand American lives.

Poof! Gone!

With the Bush Junta still stubbornly refusing to parade flag-draped coffins before the TV cameras for our viewing pleasure, and Mike Huckabee's crudely photoshopped images of Joseph Smith buggering a goat on the altar of Satan having been recently debunked, it's a wonder Democrats have anything left to run on at all.

Convenient, isn't it?


02-22-2008, 02:13 AM
Are you still ashamed of those flag draped coffins that Bush refuses to allow to be shared with common Americans? I think I get your drift.

red states rule
02-23-2008, 06:23 AM
Are you still ashamed of those flag draped coffins that Bush refuses to allow to be shared with common Americans? I think I get your drift.

Not ashamed at all. I am ashamed of libs like you who want to use the dead bodies of our troops as political props to try and score political points

02-24-2008, 12:30 AM
Ditto, motherfucker.

Not ashamed at all. I am ashamed of libs like you who want to use the dead bodies of our troops as political props to try and score political points

Scoring political points on the backs and lives of our very courageous, competent and patriotic soldiers and troops has been going on for far too long. Why don't you write your favorite Senator and tell him or her how you feel?

Hawks like you need to be in Iraq and very busy instead of posting your horseshit on an otherwise honest board.

02-24-2008, 12:38 AM
watch the rhetoric :drillsarge:

Not ashamed at all. I am ashamed of libs like you who want to use the dead bodies of our troops as political props to try and score political points

02-24-2008, 12:39 AM
Watch the language :drillsarge:

Ditto, motherfucker.

Scoring political points on the backs and lives of our very courageous, competent and patriotic soldiers and troops has been going on for far too long. Why don't you write your favorite Senator and tell him or her how you feel?

Hawks like you need to be in Iraq and very busy instead of posting your horseshit on an otherwise honest board.

02-24-2008, 12:59 AM
10-4, smokey.

Watch the language :drillsarge:

Would you also ask the idiot to further explain his self defeating ideology?

02-24-2008, 01:26 AM
can you please tell me what you find self defeating about his idealogy that is self defeating.

Im not gonna take sides, if i believe rsr is wrong, ill say so, if i believe your wrong ill say so.

I have to call it as i see, call a spade a spade a spade.

Or im just a sheep.

oh and dont call him an idiot, he is not... and neither are you

your both very passionate men, who can be insulting at times.

10-4, smokey.

Would you also ask the idiot to further explain his self defeating ideology?

02-24-2008, 01:40 AM
A few thoughts.

#1 How do we know what interogators are really doing?

#2 how many people are being tortured?

#3 How many people tortured that knew nothing

#4 how many were tortured that gave us critical information that saved lives

#5 Without Torture, How could we have gotten the critical info that saved lives, be specific?

#6 How many american soldiers have tortured, or killed, because they snapped due to too many extended deployments, and not having enough proper medical care before they were shipped back for more deployments.

#7 lets stop name calling, personally attacking each other, and just discuss the facts like adults. And enough with the generalizations, not all democrats are good, or bad, or think one way, same with republicans

02-24-2008, 01:43 AM
rsr is whining about injured and sick Americans expecting to be treated fairly, adequately and responsibly by the entities that created their dilemmas. That is simply ignorant in my book.

can you please tell me what you find self defeating about his idealogy that is self defeating.

Im not gonna take sides, if i believe rsr is wrong, ill say so, if i believe your wrong ill say so.

I have to call it as i see, call a spade a spade a spade.

Or im just a sheep.

oh and dont call him an idiot, he is not... and neither are you

your both very passionate men, who can be insulting at times.

And I continue to believe he is an idiot. An overly educated idiot but an idiot nonetheless.

Thanks for your attempts in omsbudmanship.

02-24-2008, 01:59 AM
I believe that is very mature of you, certainly were not all gonna hold hands and sing cumbiya

Excellent job in explaining why you believe the beliefs of rsr are erronous.

May i ask what he said exactly, so i can know what you object too, or if you prefer to drop it at this point feel free to do so, I am always glad to see a reason behind people's thinking :)

can you give me a link to what he said so i can go over it,
rsr is whining about injured and sick Americans expecting to be treated fairly, adequately and responsibly by the entities that created their dilemmas. That is simply ignorant in my book.

And I continue to believe he is an idiot. An overly educated idiot but an idiot nonetheless.

Thanks for your attempts in omsbudmanship.

02-24-2008, 02:10 AM
I don't know anything about rsr except what writings he has spewn from his ass on this board and the old one. The archives are open to you, I believe. However, just recently he did just as I say in the other post whined about just as I say he/she did. I don't intend to spend much time defending him/her.

I believe that is very mature of you, certainly were not all gonna hold hands and sing cumbiya

Excellent job in explaining why you believe the beliefs of rsr are erronous.

May i ask what he said exactly, so i can know what you object too, or if you prefer to drop it at this point feel free to do so, I am always glad to see a reason behind people's thinking :)

can you give me a link to what he said so i can go over it,


02-24-2008, 02:32 AM
I believe he speaks in too many generalities, and not enough from the heart, not enough of his own words.

He is a very nice man, and a great friend.

I just try to be honest, about what i see.

Ive gotten on you, him, mm, many others.

Because, I dont like to take sides, but be fair, and objective.

I don't know anything about rsr except what writings he has spewn from his ass on this board and the old one. The archives are open to you, I believe. However, just recently he did just as I say in the other post whined about just as I say he/she did. I don't intend to spend much time defending him/her.


02-27-2008, 02:21 AM
You trying out your comedy act, martin? rsr has never been objective other than his/her objective to not personally defend America. I think that is a goddamned shame!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-27-2008, 06:49 PM
no comedy act, I cant speak to rsr's objectivity, he says he's a conservative, no?

im not sure he claimed to be objective is my point.

You trying out your comedy act, martin? rsr has never been objective other than his/her objective to not personally defend America. I think that is a goddamned shame!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-03-2008, 12:07 AM
Are you saying that objectivity and conservatism cancel one another, martin? It appears that you are saying exactly that?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?

The Reverend
03-03-2008, 07:00 AM
Of course they are going to say they were tortured, DUH. They know how sympathetic people are to that.