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12-19-2007, 02:02 PM
Ok who here thinks it was meant to be a cross and who thinks it was just a bookshelf??


HOUSTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Tuesday defended his Christmas ad amid suggestions that the ordained Baptist minister had gone too far mixing religion and politics.
The ad, which is airing in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, shows Huckabee in front of a Christmas tree as he says, "Are you about worn out by all the television commercials you've been seeing, mostly about politics? Well, I don't blame you. At this time of year sometimes it's nice to pull aside from all of that and just remember that what really matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ and being with our family and friends."

"If we are so politically correct in this country that a person can't say enough of the nonsense with the political attack ads could we pause for a few days and say Merry Christmas to each other then we're really, really in trouble as a country," Huckabee said.

Catholic League president Bill Donahue said Huckabee went beyond wishing people a joyous holiday. Donahue said he was especially disturbed by the cross-like image created by a white bookcase in the background of the ad, saying he believed it was a subliminal message.

12-19-2007, 02:09 PM
i think it was a bookshelf that looks like a cross.....

i doubt he did it on purpose.....

and if he did....who cares .....it is not like he his hiding the fact that he is a religious pro life no gay marriage guy....

12-19-2007, 02:16 PM
i think it was a bookshelf that looks like a cross.....

i doubt he did it on purpose.....

and if he did....who cares .....it is not like he his hiding the fact that he is a religious pro life no gay marriage guy....

I think it was probably a coincidence that it looked like a cross. They had to have noticed before showing the ad, since it really stands out.

12-19-2007, 02:37 PM
I agree. I think they filmed it to look like a Christmas tree next to a wall with a shelf. They may not be unhappy that it appeared to be a cross. I think it is great. Merry Chritmas to all.


12-19-2007, 02:50 PM
i think it was a bookshelf that looks like a cross.....

i doubt he did it on purpose.....

and if he did....who cares .....it is not like he his hiding the fact that he is a religious pro life no gay marriage guy....

I think it was there on purpose, sort of subliminal as he will try to shove religion down our throats every chance he gets.

12-19-2007, 02:55 PM
I think it was there on purpose, sort of subliminal as he will try to shove religion down our throats every chance he gets.

OK dipshit!!!!!!!

Been drinking grandpa's cough syrup again??????:cheers2:

12-19-2007, 03:19 PM
I think it was there on purpose, sort of subliminal as he will try to shove religion down our throats every chance he gets.

well his website is pretty up front about what he is going to do and shoving religion down your thoat wasn't listed....

12-19-2007, 03:36 PM
i find it hard to believe they didnt notice it. it is really obvious. Even if they didnt intend it at first, they didnt edit it out either. to claim they had no intentions to display it seems to treat us like we are idiots.

My problem with the ad, more than anything, is regardless of the cross he is trying to use Christ to get elected. And i dont think my Savior should be used to promote a political candidate.

12-19-2007, 03:47 PM
well his website is pretty up front about what he is going to do and shoving religion down your thoat wasn't listed....

None of them will admit that up front. This guy is a minister, nothing good can come of electing a minister President.

12-19-2007, 03:51 PM
None of them will admit that up front. This guy is a minister, nothing good can come of electing a minister President.

i dont agree with that. If the minister is right on the issues, i dont see a problem.

Huckabee isnt right on the issues. If he wasnt a social conservative he would clearly be a liberal.

12-19-2007, 03:51 PM
And i dont think my Savior should be used to promote a political candidate.

I don't see it that way at all. I see it as Huckabee proclaiming his belief in HIS savior as a way to relate to folk he'd like to vote for him. It's telling the viewer "This guy believes in the REAL reason for Christmas." I don't see it as trying to say Christ endorses him.

12-19-2007, 03:59 PM
None of them will admit that up front. This guy is a minister, nothing good can come of electing a minister President.

what are you afraid he will do....

12-19-2007, 04:07 PM
what are you afraid he will do....

Be like Romney and try to shove religion down our throats. Condemn people for having children out of wedlock etc. Screw this line of thought.

I was baptised Lutheran and was very religious but then I woke up. If there really was a god we wouldn't have babies dying from diseases, people going hungry, people getting murdered etc. The bible is the greatest book of fiction ever written. The only benefit to religion is that is a multibillion dollar industry.

12-19-2007, 04:12 PM
Be like Romney and try to shove religion down our throats. Condemn people for having children out of wedlock etc. Screw this line of thought.

I was baptised Lutheran and was very religious but then I woke up. If there really was a god we wouldn't have babies dying from diseases, people going hungry, people getting murdered etc. The bible is the greatest book of fiction ever written. The only benefit to religion is that is a multibillion dollar industry.

Romney hasnt shoved religion down anyones throat. in fact, he has been the one trying to get off the religion topic and focus on his record. The media is obsessed with religion though.

And people shouldnt be having children out of wedlock.

12-19-2007, 04:12 PM
Be like Romney and try to shove religion down our throats. Condemn people for having children out of wedlock etc. Screw this line of thought.

I was baptised Lutheran and was very religious but then I woke up. If there really was a god we wouldn't have babies dying from diseases, people going hungry, people getting murdered etc. The bible is the greatest book of fiction ever written. The only benefit to religion is that is a multibillion dollar industry.

really you think these guys are going to pass laws to make you be religious....

what else are they going to do?

12-19-2007, 04:17 PM
really you think these guys are going to pass laws to make you be religous....

what else are they going to do?

human sacrifice.. didnt you hear?

12-19-2007, 04:18 PM
Romney hasnt shoved religion down anyones throat. in fact, he has been the one trying to get off the religion topic and focus on his record. The media is obsessed with religion though.

And people shouldnt be having children out of wedlock.

Who in the fuck is Romney or even you to be telling people they shouldn'tbe having children out of wedlock. Did you ever think that there are people who don't believe in marriage but believe in having a family. What about being engaged and getting pregnant and calling the wedding off because it didn't work out. Or even the accidential pregnancy.

I had a daughter out of wedlock and I wouldn't change that for the world and anyone who wants to condemn me for it can go fuck themselves.

12-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Be like Romney and try to shove religion down our throats. Condemn people for having children out of wedlock etc. Screw this line of thought.

I was baptised Lutheran and was very religious but then I woke up. If there really was a god we wouldn't have babies dying from diseases, people going hungry, people getting murdered etc. The bible is the greatest book of fiction ever written. The only benefit to religion is that is a multibillion dollar industry.

You aren't even being intellectually HONEST anymore. WOW. Seriously - drop your personal drama issues if you wish to gain ANY respect or traction during a discussion or debate.

12-19-2007, 04:21 PM
human sacrifice.. didnt you hear?

lol....hillary and obama go to church....they believe in god.....if they go to church i am sure they pray and look to god for strength.....

personally i would be more concerned about this behaviour than someone who is up front about their faith....

12-19-2007, 04:23 PM
Who in the fuck is Romney or even you to be telling people they shouldn'tbe having children out of wedlock. Did you ever think that there are people who don't believe in marriage but believe in having a family. What about being engaged and getting pregnant and calling the wedding off because it didn't work out. Or even the accidential pregnancy.

I had a daughter out of wedlock and I wouldn't change that for the world and anyone who wants to condemn me for it can go fuck themselves.

No pregnancy is really accidental. No man in the history of the world (I'm speculating) has ever slipped off a roof and had his wang land inside a vag, bounce a few times and WHOOPS! She got pregnant.

The IDEAL to raise kids is with a Father and Mother. Anyone telling you "one parent is JUST as good" is a liar, and if you believe them, you're a fool.

12-19-2007, 04:33 PM
No pregnancy is really accidental. No man in the history of the world (I'm speculating) has ever slipped off a roof and had his wang land inside a vag, bounce a few times and WHOOPS! She got pregnant.

The IDEAL to raise kids is with a Father and Mother. Anyone telling you "one parent is JUST as good" is a liar, and if you believe them, you're a fool.

i would have prefered two parrents but given my options i was better off with just the one......

i had a condom break once and got pregnant is that an accident or no?

12-19-2007, 04:35 PM
No pregnancy is really accidental. No man in the history of the world (I'm speculating) has ever slipped off a roof and had his wang land inside a vag, bounce a few times and WHOOPS! She got pregnant.

The IDEAL to raise kids is with a Father and Mother. Anyone telling you "one parent is JUST as good" is a liar, and if you believe them, you're a fool.

Actually condoms break and the pill doesn't always work, that is accidential. Actually anytime someone gets pregnant and it is not planned it is an accident since they didn't do it on purpose.

A child doesn't need to have a father and a mother. I know plenty of kids who don't or didn't and turned out just fine. Also what if they have two fathers or two mothers like in gay and lesbian couples. Those are children out of wedlock because our Government is so prude that it blushes when it thinks about two men holding hands or two women kissing.

Kids can still get the same family values.

12-19-2007, 04:36 PM
Who in the fuck is Romney or even you to be telling people they shouldn'tbe having children out of wedlock. Did you ever think that there are people who don't believe in marriage but believe in having a family. What about being engaged and getting pregnant and calling the wedding off because it didn't work out. Or even the accidential pregnancy.

I had a daughter out of wedlock and I wouldn't change that for the world and anyone who wants to condemn me for it can go fuck themselves.

Maybe if you had followed your own advice you wouldn't have had a child out of wed-lock!!!!!

Ohhhhhh I went there!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-19-2007, 04:40 PM
Actually condoms break and the pill doesn't always work, that is accidential. Actually anytime someone gets pregnant and it is not planned it is an accident since they didn't do it on purpose.

Everyone knows nothing but abstinence is 100% effective. If people rely on less-than 100% effective methods, the pregnancy is NOT an 'accident'.

A child doesn't need to have a father and a mother. I know plenty of kids who don't or didn't and turned out just fine. Also what if they have two fathers or two mothers like in gay and lesbian couples. Those are children out of wedlock because our Government is so prude that it blushes when it thinks about two men holding hands or two women kissing.

Kids can still get the same family values.

Are you seriously going to sit there and think the IDEAL for raising a kid is something OTHER than "With a Father and Mother"? Those kids you have known, turned out fine? What does 'turned out fine' mean?

Two fathers? Impossible. Raising kids in a setting lead by homosexuals is child-abuse, imo. No Homosexuals should be able to preach their destructive, perverse lifestyle on kids. It's morally reprehensible for a society to allow kids - even PROMOTE the idea of - kids being raised by homos - who, by their behaviour exhibit poor judgment.

12-19-2007, 08:02 PM
Darned if the "cross" doesn't have a strong affect on people. There seems to be no ambivalence, but either a very strong negative or positive response in most cases.

Never seen a Koran evoke such upset with Americans or Westerners like the Cross does?

Heck if the guy is a Christian and it was intentional, why should it rile up people so much. If the "cross" bothers yah, then ignore it.

Chances are, those that abhor any or all Christian or biblical references in Huckabee or any other Republican aren't voting for a Republican anyway......or they are voting for a Shwarzie type Republican like us Californians are beset with.

Will the Huckabee phenomena continue?...........Anybodys guess I'd say. The guy doesn't hide his beliefs. You get what you hear and see with him, apparently.

As much as the complaining about religion and politics goes on here on this forum, the polls indicate that a majority of Americans still are inclined to vote for someone who isn't an atheist or agnostic, as they see or connect some kind of honesty, trust, and integrity with the individual or politician that isn't afraid to express his or her's faith adherence to a religious faith in some way.

Are these Americans stupid, or are they just looking for something that many here on this forum thinks is only found in pseudo intellectualism?

12-19-2007, 10:33 PM
A child doesn't need to have a father and a mother. I know plenty of kids who don't or didn't and turned out just fine. Also what if they have two fathers or two mothers like in gay and lesbian couples. Those are children out of wedlock because our Government is so prude that it blushes when it thinks about two men holding hands or two women kissing.

Kids can still get the same family values.

Children suffer from living in one-family households, and benefit from growing up with two parents. That's because each parent brings something unique to the relationship. Read this article (http://www.family.org/socialissues/A000001142.cfm) for more.

12-19-2007, 10:40 PM
Oh My Gawd its true!!! “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” A politician was seen with a cross in a commercial! Run for the hills people!!

12-19-2007, 10:54 PM
Children suffer from living in one-family households, and benefit from growing up with two parents. That's because each parent brings something unique to the relationship. Read this article (http://www.family.org/socialissues/A000001142.cfm) for more.


Of course you'll get slapped around with the old argument, that there's a lot of two parent households that are child-abusive...........therefore.........your point is moot.

Overlooked of course, is the fact that every two parent household or family is disfunctional to a lesser or greater amount, and the perfect, "Leave To Beaver" family is a rarity.

Odds are that a two parent family, meaning a male and female parent will model to the offspring the biological, and innate differences of the sexes as they do their parenting.

Children develop sexual identity from the modeling of both sexes. A boy needs to see suitable male model in his dad, as a girl needs to see the feminine role carried out in her mother.........the maturating qualities that the female sex is given. The young girl child needs to see her father as the model of what true maleness is, with integrity, strength, protectiveness, and emotional bonding too. Boys need Mom to show them the maternal side of the sexes in the female, yet he must see her strength as the female gender too.

There is a quality that both sexes gives to each male and female child that isn't given in a parenting situation where it is "Bruce and Martin" or " Liz, and Adrian" as the two parent models. It's hard enough for a single parent to cover all there is to cover to nurture a male or female child, let alone minimizing the skewing of their crucial growth in solidifying their sexual identities, both biologically and culturally.

A male child grows up in a male/female parental family, yet the father relinquishes his role as a leader or showing maleness, and is basically "whipped" and "ridiculed" by his female other-half, and you've got the beginnings of a young male who despises his maleness, and sees the female sex as the dominant and important biological role. Often the young male doesn't realize the impact and later figures he was bound to homosexuality from birth.......Mystery genes........? All along, it was modeled in early years.

Life is a choice, right from birth, even before we can recollect memories of our childhood, we are being imprinted with what maleness and femaleness is. If maleness is modeled in some skewed and unpleasant way, it will fight against our biological maleness, and with the girl child it will do the same.