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12-19-2007, 03:30 PM
<embed src="http://mitt-tv.mittromney.com/ptvweb_loader.swf?home_page=embedBlog&showid=728176&appprefix=http://mitt-tv.mittromney.com/" allowScriptAccess="always" quality="high" allowFullScreen="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="380"></embed>

12-19-2007, 04:00 PM
Multiple Choice Mitt is getting desperate.

12-19-2007, 04:02 PM
I like Romney. He's by far the most 'presidential' of the candidates.


And...he's got Ted Danson hair.

12-19-2007, 04:10 PM
Multiple Choice Mitt is getting desperate.

Desperate? Seriously NM, what is desperate about the ad? The ad demonstrates the type of person he is. You might think he is desperate, but i doubt the man who lost his daughter did.

12-19-2007, 04:14 PM
I like Romney. He's by far the most 'presidential' of the candidates.


And...he's got Ted Danson hair.

I guess if you call not being able to make your mind up on the issues and condemning people because they have children out of wedlock Presidential then yea I guess he is.

Not to mention Hipocritical, a lyar and a false Conservitive. He is a left leaning Independant, he always has been and always will.

12-19-2007, 04:17 PM
I guess if you call not being able to make your mind up on the issues and condemning people because they have children out of wedlock Presidential then yea I guess he is.

Not to mention Hipocritical, a lyar and a false Conservitive. He is a left leaning Independant, he always has been and always will.

dude, you are supporting McCain. He isnt conservative at all. you are really in no position to tell anyone else who is conservative or who is not.

Strong moral values are conservative.
Strong fiscal policies are conservative.
Strong foreign policies are conservative.

Mitt has all three. You might not like one or two things, but the man is right on the issues.

12-19-2007, 04:20 PM
You're reaching, NM. Seriously reaching.

12-19-2007, 04:26 PM
dude, you are supporting McCain. He isnt conservative at all. you are really in no position to tell anyone else who is conservative or who is not.

Strong moral values are conservative.
Strong fiscal policies are conservative.
Strong foreign policies are conservative.

Mitt has all three. You might not like one or two things, but the man is right on the issues.

Are you dense or stupid? Multiple Choice Mitt was an registered Independant that went for the left until recently. He even based his campaigns in the 80's about how bad Ronald Reagan is and that he is nothing like him and now he is saying that he is the most like Ronald Reagan? C'mon give me a break the guy is just telling people what they want to hear.

Senator McCain has a hell of a lot more experience and is way more Conservative then Multiple Choice Mitt. He has done more for this country, he actually thinks serving this country is serving in the military where Mitt thinks serving the country is working on his election campaign. McCain has been a leader for his entire career as an elected official and for the majority of his career in the military. So don't give me that crap about McCain isn't Conservative. McCain also didn't recently switch his party affiliation either.

12-19-2007, 04:32 PM
NM Removed from thread.

12-19-2007, 04:33 PM
Are you dense or stupid? Multiple Choice Mitt was an registered Independant that went for the left until recently. He even based his campaigns in the 80's about how bad Ronald Reagan is and that he is nothing like him and now he is saying that he is the most like Ronald Reagan? C'mon give me a break the guy is just telling people what they want to hear.

Senator McCain has a hell of a lot more experience and is way more Conservative then Multiple Choice Mitt. He has done more for this country, he actually thinks serving this country is serving in the military where Mitt thinks serving the country is working on his election campaign. McCain has been a leader for his entire career as an elected official and for the majority of his career in the military. So don't give me that crap about McCain isn't Conservative. McCain also didn't recently switch his party affiliation either.
Ohhh thats right the great and enlightend Nevada Medic the only one who can have an opinion on who is running.

12-19-2007, 04:35 PM
Are you dense or stupid? Multiple Choice Mitt was an registered Independant that went for the left until recently. He even based his campaigns in the 80's about how bad Ronald Reagan is and that he is nothing like him and now he is saying that he is the most like Ronald Reagan? C'mon give me a break the guy is just telling people what they want to hear.

Senator McCain has a hell of a lot more experience and is way more Conservative then Multiple Choice Mitt. He has done more for this country, he actually thinks serving this country is serving in the military where Mitt thinks serving the country is working on his election campaign. McCain has been a leader for his entire career as an elected official and for the majority of his career in the military. So don't give me that crap about McCain isn't Conservative. McCain also didn't recently switch his party affiliation either.

Nevada, there are millions of ways to serve this country. A bakery chef is serving his/her nation by engaging in economic activity. As much as I respect the military, I think your assumption that the only people who can serve this country are those who serve is naive at best and insulting at worst.

McCain isnt conservative. the only conservative credentials McCain has is his foreign policy views. He has done more to undermine the conservative movement more than any other elected politician this past 7 years.

Attack Mitt all you want though. I figure the more you attack the more he will look appealing to everyone else.