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View Full Version : Convict moves into couples house

12-20-2007, 03:53 AM
You guys are going to love this:


A convicted criminal has moved in with a married couple against their wishes after giving their address in court as his home.

Shane Sims, 19, has spent the last few days living with Brenda and Robert Cole after he was sentenced to a week’s curfew for breaching a supervision order.

But the couple claim the first they knew about it was when Sims, a friend of their daughter, moved in on Thursday - followed by security contractors who put a box in a bedroom to monitor his movements with an ankle tag. Sims’ tag keeps him indoors between 7pm and 7am much to the horror of the Coles, who both have learning difficulties.

Mrs Cole, 47, said: “It’s turned our lives upside down He’s taken over the whole place. He sprawls across the sofa and he’s always in the bathroom when you need it. It’s an absolute disgrace. They’ve let a criminal come into our home and there is nothing we can do about it.” ...

Sims appeared before magistrates last Thursday where he admitted breaching a two-year supervision order imposed for assault. He gave the Coles’ Bristol address as his bail address but the Probation Service did not verify it. Sims claims he was told he could stay by the Coles’ 16-year-old daughter Tanya after he fell out with his father.

He allegedly told Mrs Cole: “I’m staying here until the tag’s off. There’s f**k all you can do about it. The courts have told me to.”

How long before this happens in the states? I seriously hope they toss this guy in prison for lying to the court.

12-20-2007, 04:40 AM
You guys are going to love this:


How long before this happens in the states? I seriously hope they toss this guy in prison for lying to the court.

Technically he didn't lie since his girlfriend said it was ok...........

12-20-2007, 07:07 AM
how absurd.....this could have been solved in fifteen minutes if people had been thinking......you simply rip out the box the security contractor put in the bedroom, put it in your car, drive to the home of the judge that issued the order and say "here, he's YOUR roommate now"........

12-20-2007, 09:01 AM
Technically he didn't lie since his girlfriend said it was ok...........

I don't know British law, but it's doubtful that a 16 year old can grant that permission. Furthermore, I doubt her saying it's ok gives him the right to use that as his "legal" address.

12-20-2007, 10:07 AM
I would have locked him in the garage, basement, or attic, with absolutely no amenities. I would have then taken it up with the courts.

Hagbard Celine
12-20-2007, 10:20 AM
how absurd.....this could have been solved in fifteen minutes if people had been thinking......you simply rip out the box the security contractor put in the bedroom, put it in your car, drive to the home of the judge that issued the order and say "here, he's YOUR roommate now"........

Yeah right. They'd taze you bro.

12-20-2007, 12:11 PM
call the cops ... start a fight with the guy ... probabtion violation ... back in jail ...problem solved....

12-20-2007, 12:34 PM
I don't know British law, but it's doubtful that a 16 year old can grant that permission. Furthermore, I doubt her saying it's ok gives him the right to use that as his "legal" address.

Obviously it does, this case is a perfect example.

12-20-2007, 12:36 PM
Guess you didn't hear about those illegals that have moved in with Glock...

12-20-2007, 04:02 PM
Obviously it does, this case is a perfect example.

It's also obvious that you are clueless about how the law works then. Please show me in the article where it states the court knew of the circumstances behind his "legal" residence. Just because he took advantage of this couple and their home doesn't mean it was lawful in any way, or that the 16yr old was within her rights to grant permission.

Generally speaking, one must actually live at a residence to claim it as their legal residence. A lease, contract or verbal agreement with the OWNER of the residence would prove that.

Abbey Marie
12-20-2007, 04:05 PM
The only way this story makes any sense, is if the whole family is mentally challenged.

12-20-2007, 05:44 PM
I take things posted on LGF as seriously as I take things posted in People magazine.

12-20-2007, 05:50 PM
I take things posted on LGF as seriously as I take things posted in People magazine.

Do you hold this same standard for things posted at the DailyKos? The Huffington Post? Rude Pundit?

12-20-2007, 07:34 PM
The only way this story makes any sense, is if the whole family is mentally challenged.

I agree.....I can tell you exactly what would have happened when the security contractor arrived to install the box in MY home.....

Abbey Marie
12-20-2007, 11:07 PM
I agree.....I can tell you exactly what would have happened when the security contractor arrived to install the box in MY home.....

Exactly. :laugh2:

12-21-2007, 12:29 PM
Do you hold this same standard for things posted at the DailyKos? The Huffington Post? Rude Pundit?

Actually, yes. I never read extreme sources. Except for Rude Pundit, who I regard as comedy.

12-21-2007, 01:13 PM
Actually, yes. I never read extreme sources. Except for Rude Pundit, who I regard as comedy.

Just checking. :)