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red states rule
12-21-2007, 05:29 AM
Now even liberal op-ed writers are turning on Bill Clinton. Bill is doing wonders for Hillary's campaign and I love to sit back and watch it

A Problem Like Bill

By Eugene Robinson
Friday, December 21, 2007; Page A35

Hillary Clinton tells audiences that having lived in the White House for eight eventful years, she's eager to take charge as president on "day one." Apparently, though, so is Bill.

Before the Clinton campaign's recent shift to themes of warmth and approachability, a major weapon against the Barack Obama insurgency was the argument that Hillary could move right in and get to work reforming health care or restructuring foreign policy. She wouldn't need to spend months learning how to work the buttons on the Oval Office telephone.

It's true that Obama, like almost all presidents, would face a steep learning curve as he worked to master the arcane procedures and perquisites of life inside the White House bubble. So would any of the other contenders from either party, except Clinton. The learning-curve issue for her -- and it has no precedent in American history -- would be figuring out how to deal with a husband who was very good at being president but shows little talent or motivation for being a president's spouse.

Sexism might have something to do with the fact that Hillary Clinton has to answer questions about her husband that the other candidates never get asked about their wives. But Bill Clinton has always had a way of making himself the story, and he's at it again.

When the Clintons made a campaign stop at an Iowa grocery store Tuesday, Hillary's face said it all. She realized that Bill had departed from the script and wandered off to another part of the store, and cameras caught her scanning the aisles with a look of sheer terror. Bill was supposed to be at Hillary's side; instead, he was way over yonder, giving an interview to "Entertainment Tonight." What was supposed to be a controlled photo op had suddenly turned into a happening.

Spontaneity gives ulcers to campaign staffers, but the supermarket stop got much more coverage than it would have if Bill had followed the script. He ended up drawing more attention to himself than the candidate -- which is in keeping with his formal campaign speeches. On the stump, he draws big crowds and comes off as charming, eloquent and persuasive. But reporters who have tallied his words say that he talks more about himself than about his wife -- at a ratio of about 9 to 1.

for the complete article


12-21-2007, 05:41 AM
The problem with Bill Clinton is he can't hardly tear himself away from lauding....himself...then he remembers he's there to speak about his witch of a wife...

It's been fun to watch...:dance:

red states rule
12-21-2007, 05:44 AM
The problem with Bill Clinton is he can't hardly tear himself away from lauding....himself...then he remembers he's there to speak about his witch of a wife...

It's been fun to watch...:dance:

He is a typical liberal - very arrogant and it is all about him. To Bill, the US should have changed the Constitution and HE should be the one running for President

As I said, I do hope he keeps "helping" Hillary

12-21-2007, 05:50 AM
Bill Clinton I could some what deal with...

But that wife of his...is one scary person who does not have us people as her best interest...Remember her mentors..who she wrote about in her college days...

Saul Lazinski and Marx..

red states rule
12-21-2007, 06:59 AM
Bill Clinton I could some what deal with...

But that wife of his...is one scary person who does not have us people as her best interest...Remember her mentors..who she wrote about in her college days...

Saul Lazinski and Marx..

Both are crooks and frauds. Bill however is a much better liar then Hillary

Pale Rider
12-21-2007, 02:00 PM
He is a typical liberal - very arrogant and it is all about him. To Bill, the US should have changed the Constitution and HE should be the one running for President.

That's is exactly. He's even said as much. Any moron, (nevedamedic), that would vote for one of these ass wads is just as well voting for the other. These two are joined at the hip. They're both narcissists, and power is all they're after, at any cost. Even if it means having to play like they're happily married.

Hagbard Celine
12-21-2007, 02:03 PM
He is a typical liberal - very arrogant and it is all about him. To Bill, the US should have changed the Constitution and HE should be the one running for President

As I said, I do hope he keeps "helping" Hillary

Yes. Arrogance is one of the key things to look for when pointing-out "libs." That, and a huge cock.:dance:

You guys are a bunch of artards you know that?

Pale Rider
12-21-2007, 02:17 PM
Yes. Arrogance is one of the key things to look for when pointing-out "libs." That, and a huge cock.:dance:

You guys are a bunch of artards you know that?

"You guys?" If you're including me in that remark, I challenge you point out what it is about what I said that "isn't true."

And I'm not expecting a tap dance for an answer either.

Hagbard Celine
12-21-2007, 02:30 PM
"You guys?" If you're including me in that remark, I challenge you point out what it is about what I said that "isn't true."

And I'm not expecting a tap dance for an answer either.

Oh give me a break. You agreed with his statement that arrogance is a trait of a "typical lib." As if "libs" have a monopoly on negative personality traits. You guys are nuts. It's like you all really believe that there's a subhuman group of green-skinned baby-eaters out there who vote Democrat and pray to Satan for the downfall of the US. These people are your fellow Americans, they're just as patriotic as you and the only difference between you and them is that they disagree with you on a handful of worthless wedge social issues. Get over yourself. If your political philosophy was so g*ddamned superior there wouldn't be two parties to begin with.

Oh and I almost forgot:

Pale Rider
12-21-2007, 02:48 PM
Oh give me a break. You agreed with his statement that arrogance is a trait of a "typical lib." As if "libs" have a monopoly on negative personality traits. You guys are nuts. It's like you all really believe that there's a subhuman group of green-skinned baby-eaters out there who vote Democrat and pray to Satan for the downfall of the US. These people are your fellow Americans, they're just as patriotic as you and the only difference between you and them is that they disagree with you on a handful of worthless wedge social issues. Get over yourself. If your political philosophy was so g*ddamned superior there wouldn't be two parties to begin with.

I agreed that hillbilly thinks he's the one that's going to be President again. Now stick your smart ass little tone up your ass jerk off. You've been on a real roll here lately Hag. You're being an ass to EVERYONE. Your smart ass shit is EVERYWHERE on the board and it's uncalled for. Take a break man. People are getting sick of it.

Hagbard Celine
12-21-2007, 03:01 PM
I agreed that hillbilly thinks he's the one that's going to be President again. Now stick your smart ass little tone up your ass jerk off. You've been on a real roll here lately Hag. You're being an ass to EVERYONE. Your smart ass shit is EVERYWHERE on the board and it's uncalled for. Take a break man. People are getting sick of it.

And here I was under the impression that getting one to two positive reps per day was a good thing. :dunno: :cheers2:

Pale Rider
12-21-2007, 04:04 PM
And here I was under the impression that getting one to two positive reps per day was a good thing. :dunno: :cheers2:

Oh... is that why you're only at 21K+... :uhoh:

I noticed mine started going up more when I began being nicer to people. Could be why Abbey and manu have the top rep too. As a general rule, they're cool with people.

red states rule
12-22-2007, 05:49 AM
I agreed that hillbilly thinks he's the one that's going to be President again. Now stick your smart ass little tone up your ass jerk off. You've been on a real roll here lately Hag. You're being an ass to EVERYONE. Your smart ass shit is EVERYWHERE on the board and it's uncalled for. Take a break man. People are getting sick of it.

Things are not looking good for the Red Queen. Using Bill may have reminded people of all the bad things we had to put up with over his 8 years

The Clinton albatross
By Victor Davis Hanson
December 22, 2007
If polls are accurate, Sen. Hillary Clinton's once-sure bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is now not so sure. Her wide lead vanished without warning in Iowa and New Hampshire — and maybe elsewhere as well.

Was it due to her waffling on issues like the Iraq war and driver's licenses for illegal aliens? Or was her campaign too smug — like that of sputtering Republican front-runner Rudy Giuliani — assuming she should be coronated by the polls and media rather than having to fight for the nomination tooth and nail? Or is it just that her upbeat, confident rival, Barack Obama — with a little help from Oprah — is surging as he bests her in back-and-forth quips?

Hillary's campaign is so stalled her advisers have tried dredging up Mr. Obama's admitted drug use and kindergarten essays. Now they fly in Bill Clinton to save the day. Some polls and conventional wisdom suggest he may yet restore his wife's fortunes. But Bill is not exactly a fireman and may instead throw gasoline on the fire.

First, his vote-getting abilities are suspect. He never won 50 percent of the vote in a presidential election. That and the embarrassment of his impeachment were why Vice President Al Gore kept him away from his 2000 campaign. True, Bill's presence is said to resonate with African-American voters, but most may prefer Mr. Obama anyway, as polls now show in South Carolina.

Second, Bill Clinton often comes across as a narcissist. He talks the longest and loudest about himself. It is almost impossible for first-person Bill to praise Hillary without adding, "When I was president" or "I had a vision."

Third, Bill cannot always distinguish truth from fiction. In his rescue mission for Hillary, he has already weighed in on the Iraq war — in which he falsely claimed he was against it from the very beginning.

Most recently, in a dig at Mr. Obama's lack of experience, Mr. Clinton claims he nixed an earlier run for the presidency in 1988 because he saw he wasn't yet ready for the job. But the real reason more likely was worry about the less-than-desirable and now well-known aspects of his personal life. That tendency to dwell on — and fudge — his own past earns splashy headlines but takes attention away from his wife.

Fourth, Americans may not be comfortable with a spouse of a former president running for commander in chief. Alabama's Gov. George Wallace once had his wife, Lurleen, run as his replacement when he was no longer eligible. Despite Lurleen's victory, that staged succession seemed fishy — sort of like the current husband/wife switcheroo of former and current president Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner down in Argentina.

for the complete article
