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View Full Version : The Mitt Romney Deception

12-22-2007, 12:32 AM
Despite recent statements across the country by Governor Mitt Romney claiming he's pro-life, pro-family and a committed conservative, a broad investigation of his actual statements, actions, and public positions over the years indicates that he has spent his entire career speaking and governing as a liberal - and that his new found conversion to conservatism very likely coincides with his candidacy for the presidency.

The information in this report is gleaned from public records, press accounts, internet web sites and research (as well as personal observation) by my organization, MassResistance, a grass-roots pro-family group that has observed Governor Romney for over a decade. We have analyzed his legislation, met with his staff, lobbied for and against his agenda (depending what it is) and otherwise compiled considerable research on his administration.

We believe this report is necessary due to a calculated effort by the Romney campaign to revise his history and portray the Governor as far more conservative than the record indicates. Already, the Governor's staff is making appointments with the nation's leading conservative leaders to convince them that he should be the standard bearer for the conservative movement in the upcoming presidential elections.

We have also been alarmed by misleading and glowing accounts about Romney which have appeared in the conservative media over the past year. The fact that these articles were based upon sloppy research and material supplied by the Romney camp gave us great incentive to set the record straight. Few national political writers have bothered to speak with any MassResistance member, or for that matter anyone critical of Romney's record.

One of the few conservative publications to expose Romney's liberalism is the conservative weekly Human Events which (in a 2005 article) listed Romney at number eight on its list of "Top Ten Republicans in Name Only (RINOs)." Indeed, this report will demonstrate that Romney was probably the most pro-abortion and pro-gay rights Republican official in the nation for the last decade. The idea that he has suddenly become a conservative after a decade of liberal actions and statements would be merely amusing were it not for the fact that he's running for the presidency and that many conservatives are falling for this act.

Top 10 RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)
Human Events 12/27/05 - (Mitt Romney is ranked #8)

On the other hand, it's particularly interesting to note that Bay Windows, Boston's major homosexual newspaper, has reviewed Romney favorably. That same newspaper regularly prints extremely vicious and even obscene attacks on all conservative politicians, the "Christian Right" and even parents who challenge the liberal political agenda.

The November elections were clearly a turning point for the conservative movement. While President Bush has done some good things for the conservative movement, in many areas his administration has been a great disappointment. Movement activists across the country have become disillusioned with the Republican Party as a result of Bush's massive spending spree, his failure to veto wasteful programs, his inattention toward illegal immigration, and his token attention to social issues. As a result, we paid a price at the polls.

In two years, the presidential elections will be upon us and the GOP will have an opportunity to redeem itself. However, if we elect another President who demoralizes our base even further, it could spell the end of the conservative movement as we know it. Many conservative organizations are already reporting that segments or our base are dropping out of politics altogether or joining the Libertarian and other small parties. Another four or eight years of "big tent" Republicanism or "compassionate conservatism" will kill our base and CPAC meetings will be held in a phone booth.

Thus, it is imperative that the movement carefully scrutinize the record of all candidates seeking the presidency and if none of the existing candidates meet our standards, then it would be prudent for the conservative movement to draft someone we can all be supportive of. Let's review Governor Romney's positions on the hot-button issues and his actions as Governor of Massachusetts.

Full story.................

12-22-2007, 02:49 AM
I suppose youll be quoting the Democrat underground next huh?

12-22-2007, 08:28 AM
Imagine that, a governor of Massachusett's that listened to his constituency. He got elected there, he ruled for the people, not a bad thing, IMO.

12-22-2007, 09:19 AM
Imagine that, a governor of Massachusett's that listened to his constituency. He got elected there, he ruled for the people, not a bad thing, IMO.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Very keen perception.

12-22-2007, 01:35 PM
Alright, can you name a single bill Romney signed that supported abortion or that did not side with protecting life?

12-22-2007, 02:35 PM
Endorsed legalization of RU-486. (Mar 2002)
Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as governor. (Mar 2002)
For safe, legal abortion since relative's death from illegal. (Oct 1994)

12-22-2007, 02:49 PM
Endorsed legalization of RU-486. (Mar 2002)
Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as governor. (Mar 2002)
For safe, legal abortion since relative's death from illegal. (Oct 1994)

First, I asked for any legislation he signed. His positions prior to being governor don't provide that. Especially when he is clear that he changed as governor in consequence of doing some research for some bills.

Second, giving the name RU-486 doesn't do anything to actually explain the bill. With the context you provided it could be a bill to fix potholes for all anyone knows. Describing the bill isnt that difficult is it?

12-22-2007, 02:57 PM
Okay, since you didnt provide any information on the bill, i looked into it. Romney vetoed it.

Like I was saying. name a piece of legislation he signed against life.


12-22-2007, 02:58 PM
ummmmm, this was back in 1994, when he ran for senate against ted kennedy.... he SAYS he doesn't remember the circumstances now, and that it was his wife that donated to planned parenthood, BUT in the link i provided, plain as day, he is there with his wife at a planned parenthood fund raiser.... this is the kind of FIBBING HE DOES....go to the link to see him pictured with planned parenthood leader....


Romney Attended Planned Parenthood Fundraiser in 1994
Share December 18, 2007 11:04 AM

ABC News' Rick Klein Reports: Mitt Romney attended a fund-raising reception for Planned Parenthood in 1994 in conjunction with a $150 donation his wife made to the organization -- notwithstanding Romney's contention that he had "no recollection" of the circumstances under which his wife gave money to the abortion-rights group.

In the photograph obtained by ABC News, Romney and his wife, Ann, are shown in a yellow-and-white tent chatting with local political activists, including Nicki Nichols Gamble, who was then president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.

Nichols Gamble -- whose back is the camera in the photograph -- told ABC that the event was a Planned Parenthood fundraising "house party" in Cohasset, Mass., in June 1994. At the time, Romney, R-Mass., was locked in a tight Senate campaign with Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and was touting his support for abortion rights.

That event, Nichols Gamble said, was the occasion where Ann Romney wrote her $150 check -- drafted on a joint checking account she had with her husband -- to Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts.

"They were both there, and I remember very well chatting with both of them, and talking about his support for the pro-choice agenda," she said. "We talked about the fact that he was taking a pro-choice position on the issues, and we were very pleased about that."

When asked by reporters earlier this year whether the former governor had ever donated money to Planned Parenthood, the Romney campaign said no. Aides subsequently conceded that Romney's wife, Ann, wrote a $150 check to the group in 1994.

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden told ABC in May 2007 that Romney had "no recollection" of the circumstances under which the check was written, and stressed the fact that the donation was made by Ann Romney.

"The governor has not donated to Planned Parenthood or abortion-rights groups," Madden said in May.

Madden on Tuesday maintained that neither of the Romneys recalls how and why Ann made her donation in 1994.

"As Mrs. Romney has stated previously, she is unfamiliar with the circumstances of a check she wrote close to 14 years ago," Madden said.

"During his campaign for U.S. Senate in 1994, it would not have been out of the ordinary for the governor to have attended an event, out of the hundreds that any candidate would attend during a campaign season, which involved a voter coalition and also have his wife accompanying him," he added.

He also noted that both Romneys were on the record as supporting abortion rights in 1994.

12-22-2007, 03:08 PM
Okay, since you didnt provide any information on the bill, i looked into it. Romney vetoed it.

Like I was saying. name a piece of legislation he signed against life.

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/26/national/26romney.html?ex=1280030400&en=cac05cf1223cc79c&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rssno, he signed a bill to legalize it in the year 2002, ru486 via prescription, what he vetoed was allowing the morning after pill to be over the counter in 2005, is my understanding of it....

12-22-2007, 03:11 PM
ALSO, WATCH THIS VIDEO OF ROMNEY and Kennedy in 1994 debate.


12-22-2007, 03:18 PM
Romney Approves of Abortion Pill and Supports the Legalization of RU-486
"When he ran for governor in 2002, Romney said he supported expanding access to the emergency contraception pill, a high dose of hormones that women can take to prevent pregnancy up to five days after sex . . . On a questionnaire Planned Parenthood gave to the gubernatorial candidates in 2002, Romney answered 'yes' to the question, 'Do you support efforts to increase access to emergency con-traception?' "
- Boston Globe 7/7/2005

ok, it looks like he just answered on a questionaire that he supported ru 486....maybe it wasn't legislation but go to this link....


12-22-2007, 07:06 PM
no, he signed a bill to legalize it in the year 2002, ru486 via prescription, what he vetoed was allowing the morning after pill to be over the counter in 2005, is my understanding of it....

I see you've already corrected yourself, but just so you know he wasnt governor yet in 2002.

and there is no disputing that he changed his position on abortion. he hasnt backed down or been ashamed of that change. im not sure what you are trying to prove.

The fact is whenever a decision based on life was placed before him, he sided on life.

12-24-2007, 08:28 AM
Despite recent statements across the country by Governor Mitt Romney claiming he's pro-life, pro-family and a committed conservative, a broad investigation of his actual statements, actions, and public positions over the years indicates that he has spent his entire career speaking and governing as a liberal - and that his new found conversion to conservatism very likely coincides with his candidacy for the presidency.

The information in this report is gleaned from public records, press accounts, internet web sites and research (as well as personal observation) by my organization, MassResistance, a grass-roots pro-family group that has observed Governor Romney for over a decade. We have analyzed his legislation, met with his staff, lobbied for and against his agenda (depending what it is) and otherwise compiled considerable research on his administration.

We believe this report is necessary due to a calculated effort by the Romney campaign to revise his history and portray the Governor as far more conservative than the record indicates. Already, the Governor's staff is making appointments with the nation's leading conservative leaders to convince them that he should be the standard bearer for the conservative movement in the upcoming presidential elections.

We have also been alarmed by misleading and glowing accounts about Romney which have appeared in the conservative media over the past year. The fact that these articles were based upon sloppy research and material supplied by the Romney camp gave us great incentive to set the record straight. Few national political writers have bothered to speak with any MassResistance member, or for that matter anyone critical of Romney's record.

One of the few conservative publications to expose Romney's liberalism is the conservative weekly Human Events which (in a 2005 article) listed Romney at number eight on its list of "Top Ten Republicans in Name Only (RINOs)." Indeed, this report will demonstrate that Romney was probably the most pro-abortion and pro-gay rights Republican official in the nation for the last decade. The idea that he has suddenly become a conservative after a decade of liberal actions and statements would be merely amusing were it not for the fact that he's running for the presidency and that many conservatives are falling for this act.

Top 10 RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)
Human Events 12/27/05 - (Mitt Romney is ranked #8)

On the other hand, it's particularly interesting to note that Bay Windows, Boston's major homosexual newspaper, has reviewed Romney favorably. That same newspaper regularly prints extremely vicious and even obscene attacks on all conservative politicians, the "Christian Right" and even parents who challenge the liberal political agenda.

The November elections were clearly a turning point for the conservative movement. While President Bush has done some good things for the conservative movement, in many areas his administration has been a great disappointment. Movement activists across the country have become disillusioned with the Republican Party as a result of Bush's massive spending spree, his failure to veto wasteful programs, his inattention toward illegal immigration, and his token attention to social issues. As a result, we paid a price at the polls.

In two years, the presidential elections will be upon us and the GOP will have an opportunity to redeem itself. However, if we elect another President who demoralizes our base even further, it could spell the end of the conservative movement as we know it. Many conservative organizations are already reporting that segments or our base are dropping out of politics altogether or joining the Libertarian and other small parties. Another four or eight years of "big tent" Republicanism or "compassionate conservatism" will kill our base and CPAC meetings will be held in a phone booth.

Thus, it is imperative that the movement carefully scrutinize the record of all candidates seeking the presidency and if none of the existing candidates meet our standards, then it would be prudent for the conservative movement to draft someone we can all be supportive of. Let's review Governor Romney's positions on the hot-button issues and his actions as Governor of Massachusetts.

Full story.................

I love it when you attempt to sound intelegent and fail miserabaly. You do realize that just because you and a few other feel that Mitt Rommny is a RINO ther are just as many that feel that way of your saviour John McCain...

Here is a link saying just that....

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C2002 03%5CPOL20020329b.html

Gov. Sundquist wins for repeatedly trying to enact a state income tax. There is nothing that hurts the pro-economic growth cause more than Republicans who promise to hold the line on taxes during the campaign, then get in office and try to raise taxes," according to the Club for Growth.

However, a spokesperson for Sundquist took issue with that description.

"We think this is an inaccurate characterization of the governor. He's always stood for Republican values. He's a fiscal conservative and much of his quest of tax reform has been about changing taxes, lowering some taxes and to say he is Republican in name only is ridiculous," Sundquist's spokesperson Alexia Levison, said.

The "U.S. Senate RINO of the Year" award went to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)."Senator McCain wins for voting against final passage of the Bush tax cut; ... for teaming up with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) to push massive new health care regulations; and for becoming the chief Republican Senate sponsor of the bill to make all federal airport screeners federal employees," the club said.

You will also note that by following the link that this is not a new occurence for your man John. He has been thought of this way for a very long time. so get your head out of the sand and realize that John McCain is not the greatest man in the world and is by far not even close to being a good conservative.......:poke:

12-24-2007, 11:45 AM
I see you've already corrected yourself, but just so you know he wasnt governor yet in 2002.

and there is no disputing that he changed his position on abortion. he hasnt backed down or been ashamed of that change. im not sure what you are trying to prove.

The fact is whenever a decision based on life was placed before him, he sided on life.
Merry Christmas Avatar,

The point I was trying to make is that Romney sways like a palm tree in the wind, depending on who he is trying to get votes from.

In 1993 he was prolife, but in 1994 when running against Ted Kennedy for the Senate seat in Massachusetts he came out and said he changed his mind and was now pro choice because his niece died from an illegal abortion. He attended prochoice events with his wife and even donated $150 bucks to planned parenthood while at one of them, from a joint checking account that he and his wife had together.

He now claims that this was his wife that donated the money and "does not know when her donation actually took place", but there are pictures of him with his wife at the planned parenthood rally where his wife signed the check.

Then in 2002 when he was running for Governor of massachusetts he conveniently kept his prolife stance, so that he could win the governorship. And in 2002 he checked a form and said he agreed to ru486 being legalized.

And when he decided to run for the republican nominee for President, he again conveniently changed his stance on abortion and said that he was now prolife again because of some other reason....that made him change his mind.

It is amazing to me that you and others can not see that he changes his stance on this DEPENDING on who's vote he is trying to get. His newly found revelations on this issue does not happen at any other time, than a time where political pandering is necessary for him to win the votes of the particular people he is focusing on.

Then, he also exagerates or lies about other things too, to make himself look better. And maybe this is where his English Major from college comes in to play, where he uses words to imply one thing, but has an "out" if called on it. Like him saying that he saw his father march with Martin Luther King. When no such thing happened, under the "normal" understanding of what "saw" and "march" mean.

His father did support the civil rights causes and supported MLK, BUT DID not "MARCH" WITH HIM IN THE RALLY, nor did Mitt "see" his father march with MLK because Mitt was going to school in France during these rallys. But then after this exageration, mitt was called on it and had an answer similar to Bill Clinton's "it depends on what the definition of is, is."

also, mitt made claims that he got the endorsement of the NAACP, which he did not get and later gave another song and a dance on what he meant by it.

And in addition to this he claimed to be a "life long hunter" only later to be called on it and laughed at for saying that he shot a vermit or two his entire life of "lifelong hunting".

All of this Avatar, does not sit well with me and shows his lack of sincerity and honesty and does not meet the standard that I would like to have for the President of the United States. It shows his pandering plain as day and his willingness to sway, depending on whose votes he is trying to get. It makes me wonder if he will change every stance that he now says he stands for, once he became president.

And I am not saying that other candidates have not done the same, just that Romney isn't as "perfect" a candidate that you and others supporting him, may think.
