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I was hearing rumors earlier this week that Democrats were being encouraged to cross over and vote for Huckabee since their primaries didnt matter as an attempt to knock Romney out. However, The daily kos is now recommending that Michigan Democrats go vote for Romney.

They aren't doing it because they think Romney is the easiest to beat in the election. Rather they think that Romney will drop out if he loses (I really doubt it myself). They figure the longer it takes for us to choose a nominee, and the more money we spend in the primary, the more vulnerable we will be in the general election.

Personally, I think this could backfire majorly on them. If they did come out in enough numbers to support Romney. First, it could help Romney build the momentum that both McCain and Huckabee are currently lacking because he will be the first candidate to win multiple states. Especially if its by a big margin. Second, I think Romney is one of the biggest theats to the Democrats. They are making a big gamble here and i think they are going to lose.

Also, on a side note: Look at the difference between the Huckabee and Romney response. Romney's response when he hears about this plan is that he is planning to win among Republicans. Huckabee's response: "Democrats should vote for me."

Michigan could turn into a very interesting dynamic.