Quote Originally Posted by rppearso View Post
Originally Posted by pegwinn
Why should a state get fed money to establish a state only NG? I don't mind donating to Texas, but why should CA get any of my money?
Why do states get federal money for roads, social programs, librarys etc, that argument holds no weight, Whoa Grasshopper. Every federal dollar comes with a string attached. Enough of those strings create a noose. The feds use money to bribe the states to do it the feds way. CIP: Road $$ are tied to the state drinking age and speed limits. Before you spout off, be sure you are conversant. The federal mission of the national guard makes them unable to compleatly deal with a natural disaster, the national guard should be disolved and purely state ran national guard should be set up. The Federal Mission is why the fed supports 50% of the NG at all times and 100% when federalized. If you want a purely state run agency you will have to pay for it out of state funds.
Nice try. BLNT.