My brother in law sent me an interesting essay. It's pretty long, so I will paraphrase some of the more important points:

Let's examine how we should deal with some of our society's gravest and most serious problems. I have a solution, based on a precedent now being set:

drug use
The best way to combat drug use is to arrest all the individual drug users and incarcerate them. Train our police to identify drug users and make sure we get all of them. Don't worry as much about drug labs, major dealers or crime syndicates. It is more important to get the users off the street.

Emphasize arresting individual street prostitutes. They are more dangerous than the major rings and the big time pimps. Yes, there are huge organizations that employ the pimps and whores. But arresting the street walkers is a more effective way to deal with things.

organized crime
Identify and arrest all the petty thieves and criminals. Don't worry as much about the major players and big crime bosses. They only control the money and power. It is better to arrest all the street hustlers and put them away.

child pornography
Find a way to identify and arrest any and every individual who downloads and view kiddie porn. Make sure they are arrested and put away forever. Don't bother with the guys who produce and distribute kiddie porn. They are not as dangerous as the individual users.

Let's be uniform in how we solve our nation's most pressing problems. It is always better to start at the bottom. And stay there.