This is a new movie about Mark David Chapman, the guy that killed John Lennon. First of all, Jared Leto really gained a lot of weight for this, which in itself isn't really a huge deal (I'm never particularly impressed with stars gaining weight for a role. Big deal, you ate a lot of burritos and watched a lot of TV, hooray for you), but he really does look a lot like Chapman.

This poster kinda irritates me though. First of all, the world didn't change. As much as I hate to break it to the baby boomers, Lennon was a rabblerousing folk singer with a higher visibility than most. I'm a huge Lennon fan, but let's be honest here. Second, those critics' quotes at the top of the poster are ridiculous. They're both needlessly personal attacks on Chapman, clearly an attempt on the writer's part to justify his enjoyment of the film, which is ridiculous. Some of our best movies have been based off of real-life incidents (St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Bonnie & Clyde, Summer of Sam, Zodiac), and let's face it, humans are naturally drawn to these stories. It doesn't make us animals, it makes us curious to understand people who have completely given up their humanity.

Anyway, here's the poster. Also, Lindsay Lohan is in it, which can't be good....