So I finally watched the World Trade Center movie the other day - without my wife as she insisted she didn't want to "relive that day" again in her mind. My two oldest kids (14 and 15) did watch it with me and thought it was good.

I must say, however, that it was excellently done and I appreciate their efforts to soley focus on the good of humanity that was exerted that day by the brave folks who were part of the rescue efforts.

Was the movie emotional? You bet, but not in the way I expected it to be: i.e. thinking about the terrorism displayed that day - which still pisses me off to this day. Biut the emotions were more geared towards the completely selfless acts of people that were only bound together for the common good through a terrible incident.

For those who may not know, this movie focuses in on the story of two of the last folks to be pulled out alive (two NY Cops) of the wreckage.

Defintely worth a rental and I may even pick it up at Costco or something..