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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    If that ever happens, zero, I swear I'll shoot the TV, HD or not, and probably disown every member of my family that would ever speak her worthless name.

    As you might surmise, zero, I am no fan of Ayn Rand. And I have good reasons for my attitude towards her!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you start an Ayn Rand thread? I think it would be at least entertaining, unlike her pitiful books?!?!?!?!?!????!?!

    Self Indulgence:
    She's dead psycho, no reason to continue fearing her, a strong intelligent woman that no doubt laughed at that joke called the feminist movement...... I understand why you are afraid of her but really, she can't hurt you anymore.
    No matter where I've traveled or how great the trip was, it's always wonderful to return to my country, The United States of America......... me

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    Afraid of her? For what reason would I be "afraid" of her, zero?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sitarro View Post
    She's dead psycho, no reason to continue fearing her, a strong intelligent woman that no doubt laughed at that joke called the feminist movement...... I understand why you are afraid of her but really, she can't hurt you anymore.
    Your admiration explains plenty to me. Thanks for the heads up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hit it Ayn Rand, I Love Selfish:
    Last edited by Psychoblues; 07-31-2008 at 07:14 AM. Reason: backward jamm

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    Default Sitarro!

    Where did you get the pictures of my sisters?
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    Quote Originally Posted by manu1959 View Post
    what issue?
    Illegal aliens

    secondarily, the war in iraq

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    What is this? An Ayn Rand clusterfuck? Really guys, it's rather boring. Know what I mean?

    who is ayn rand?

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    who is ayn rand?

    Author of Atlas Shrugged, most notably.
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    Illegal aliens

    secondarily, the war in iraq
    Alright, well, this is the forum for questions, so shoot?
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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    what is the position of the l.p. on illegals.

    I say send their asses home, shoot to kill, all illegals trying to sneak in

    shut down all businesses knowlingly hiring them, put those hiring them in jail a long time, and fine them up the ass

    call me whatever you want

    Its time to save america,

    and im not seeing the l.p. as being tough enough on this issue

    and this is the main reason, i have not joined the l.p. party yet

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    Alright, well, this is the forum for questions, so shoot?

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    convince me, that never intervening is a good idea, the u.s. and the world allowed 6 million jews to be gassed, hung, shot, and mutilated, and worse

    because they didnt care, why shouldnt the u.s. and the world stop genocide.

    for the record, i dont want the u.s. being the worlds policemen, and i want them to stay out of it, but i think my question is still valied

    and why should we pull all our troops out of iraq now, and the l.p. wants and our troops out of the entire world?

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    Alright, well, this is the forum for questions, so shoot?

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    convince me, that never intervening is a good idea, the u.s. and the world allowed 6 million jews to be gassed, hung, shot, and mutilated, and worse

    because they didnt care, why shouldnt the u.s. and the world stop genocide.

    for the record, i dont want the u.s. being the worlds policemen, and i want them to stay out of it, but i think my question is still valied

    and why should we pull all our troops out of iraq now, and the l.p. wants and our troops out of the entire world?
    It is always easier to concentrate on negative than positive. I explained to you Martin in another thread that I do not agree with every single aspect of the LP agenda. I do not support abortion, however I feel strongly enough about Freedom to choose to allow myself not to be overwhelmed by something I cannot change.

    As for illegal aliens, ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW! I've been saying that oin here for years. I was against that area of the platform when I joined the LP in the 80's. They were for complete open borders back then. (Incidentally, I don't believe in shooting them). You saying that means you would have supported Germany's right to kill jews in the 30's and 40's. Think about it for a minute son.

    Nothing is perfect Martin. Even ice cream on Apple Pie melts too fast. The Libertarian philosophy of not being the world's police officer does not mean that we would never advocate defending another nation. And frankly, it is time to begin a withdrawl from Iraq. I mean if we attacked every rogue dictator and facist regime in the world we would have to sidestep them to Cuba, Venuzeula and many stops in Africa before they could return. National defense needs to be exactly that. Defense! Not Offense! We can't solve the world's problems, we have enough problems here at home.

    Martin, I sometimes think you are searching for a perfect answer. There is not one. Libertarians however possess the clearest resemblence to what our forefathers envisioned for our country. Absolute Personal Liberty and Freedom from the tyrany experienced ny many other countries throughout the world. It starts sometimes in simplicity, a little control here, a little regulation there, and ends with property rights being taken by government, lives being controlled and government making every decision in your life. It comes disguised as a social platform of protection out our citizens such as with airport security, welfare and eminant domain. Once Liberty is compromised, there is no end to it.

    The majority might be the majority but I (I) am an individual, soveriegn American citizen. I have certain inalienable rights to liberty, the pursuit of happiness and freedom. If I want pink shutters on my house then I'll paint the fuckers pink and you have no damn right to tell me I can't even if you get the entirte neighborhood to vote against me. This is what I mean. The analogy of pink shutters might be a bit quirky but you see my point I'm sure.

    As mentioned I am not a supporter of gay rights in theory but as a Libertarian I must concede to it. Absolute Liberty Martin! That is what our soldiers fought and died for son. When they spit their last breath out on a field somewhere in some strange land to defend our rights and freedoms they were seriously protecting my rights, as defined in the (now watered down) Bill of Rights.

    Compromise is something that we will always have to do in anything. The Libertarian Party platform isn't perfect, but it is a darn sight better than what these two powerhouses have done to our system of government. You know this and so does every wise minded thinker on this board. The problem is, people have fear. They fear real change. They make good points. A vote for a Libertarian may cost John Mccain the Presidency. It night! But if it gets the republican party back on the track of smaller government, individual liberty and freedom then it has served the better overall good and is the responsible thing to do. I believe it, I have believed it for 28 years. I will vote Libertarian, I will be proud of it and I will not waver........PERIOD!

    Because of my "radical" beliefs you may notice that I have started to become ignored by some of my old friends here on the board. Where as I used to be a funny practical joker that brought some emphasis to certain issues with a little humor, I am not joking about this subject. I have had a little more in you r face approach this election season and wa-lah, I'm ignored. It's OK. I don't mind. It is their conscious that bothers them, not me! Every logical thinking American knows that the things that Libertarians say is true, they just figure that the complication of the issues requires more compromise of their liberty than Libertarians are willing to make. There were a group of Americans that convened in a little room in Philidelphia a long time ago Martin who had the same views as Libertarians today. They had compromised enough and were ready to risk it all to do something about it. I am also willing to do the same if necessary, BUT.....I compromise. You see, given the state of things, it might take a little living under the democrats to make conservatives understand that their party became too much like the democrats, big spenders, stopped being fiscally responsible and allowed laws to be written that infringed on the most basic civil liberty of Americans. Search and seizure for example, our ridiculous taxation system and the pork spending of almost every lawmaker, blue and red. It's criminal martin, criminal! go on thinking of reasons not to vote Libertarian if you want to. I can assure you this, when you have to call and ask if you can go outside, you be damn sorry! And don't think that won't happen. When I was a youngster I was travelling with my grandparents one weekend when my grandpa pulled off the road for us to make a pit stop. He and I had walked off the road a small piece to do our business and walked up to a fence that had a sign on it that read "US Government Property, No Trespassing". I thought he was gonna have a cow. He got back in the old wagon and told my grandma,"Nola, there was a sign back there that said no trespassing on govenrment property. Have you ever heard of such a thing." I have remembered that all my life. It is actually one of the few things I CAN remember from those years in the early 60's other than JFK being shot and watching my first TV show in 1963. We got a TV for Christmas in 1963. We listened to radio before then. My grandfather would have a shit fit about eminant domain.

    The problem is, we accept these changes. As a soveriegn citizen of the United States of America you own this country, every friggin inch of it. You have the right to go wherever you should choose to and never be told otherwise so long as it does impede on another's right to do the same.

    I know alot of bloviators come on here and quote this famous person and that one, I don't like to do that but I do quote one regularly, maybe not ver batim but it goes like this. He who is willing to sacrifice his liberty in an effort to acheive security...deserves neither. Benjamin Franklin.

    I don't dislike either presidential candidate. I love John McCain. He was a great Naval hero. He stood in the face of his enemy and damned him. He resisted against interrogation tactics that were unthinkable. He survived broken bones, a botched surgery and torture for 6 years.......and yes he broke and said some things over a loud speaker that were forced on him by those little bastards. SO WHAT! But that does not qualify hiom to be president. He is a waffler. Barack Obama is a living example of how great this country is and how far it has came in the eyes of liberty. He is inexperienced and lacks conviction. He represents a poor platform of taking from those that do......and giving to those that don't. He believes in government regulate this, and government regulate that. Bob Barr is a conservative Libertarian who has come of age. He is better qualified to be president than either of the men who represent the biggies. Had Bob Barr run for president in 2000 he would have recieved the support of the Republicans hands down that now fear he will cost JM votes. He will cost votes, but he will cost both sides.

    OK Martin, there you go. My part is done!
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    Very well thought out, i am impressed

    Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post
    It is always easier to concentrate on negative than positive. I explained to you Martin in another thread that I do not agree with every single aspect of the LP agenda. I do not support abortion, however I feel strongly enough about Freedom to choose to allow myself not to be overwhelmed by something I cannot change.

    As for illegal aliens, ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW! I've been saying that oin here for years. I was against that area of the platform when I joined the LP in the 80's. They were for complete open borders back then. (Incidentally, I don't believe in shooting them). You saying that means you would have supported Germany's right to kill jews in the 30's and 40's. Think about it for a minute son.

    with all due respect, i hate this analogy because its not true at all, jews were legal citizens of their european countries while illegal aliens came to this country illegally. There is a huge difference.

    I dont see how anyone can compare the two

    Nothing is perfect Martin. Even ice cream on Apple Pie melts too fast. The Libertarian philosophy of not being the world's police officer does not mean that we would never advocate defending another nation. And frankly, it is time to begin a withdrawl from Iraq. I mean if we attacked every rogue dictator and facist regime in the world we would have to sidestep them to Cuba, Venuzeula and many stops in Africa before they could return. National defense needs to be exactly that. Defense! Not Offense! We can't solve the world's problems, we have enough problems here at home.

    Martin, I sometimes think you are searching for a perfect answer. There is not one. Libertarians however possess the clearest resemblence to what our forefathers envisioned for our country. Absolute Personal Liberty and Freedom from the tyrany experienced ny many other countries throughout the world. It starts sometimes in simplicity, a little control here, a little regulation there, and ends with property rights being taken by government, lives being controlled and government making every decision in your life. It comes disguised as a social platform of protection out our citizens such as with airport security, welfare and eminant domain. Once Liberty is compromised, there is no end to it.

    The majority might be the majority but I (I) am an individual, soveriegn American citizen. I have certain inalienable rights to liberty, the pursuit of happiness and freedom. If I want pink shutters on my house then I'll paint the fuckers pink and you have no damn right to tell me I can't even if you get the entirte neighborhood to vote against me. This is what I mean. The analogy of pink shutters might be a bit quirky but you see my point I'm sure.

    As mentioned I am not a supporter of gay rights in theory but as a Libertarian I must concede to it. Absolute Liberty Martin! That is what our soldiers fought and died for son. When they spit their last breath out on a field somewhere in some strange land to defend our rights and freedoms they were seriously protecting my rights, as defined in the (now watered down) Bill of Rights.

    Compromise is something that we will always have to do in anything. The Libertarian Party platform isn't perfect, but it is a darn sight better than what these two powerhouses have done to our system of government. You know this and so does every wise minded thinker on this board. The problem is, people have fear. They fear real change. They make good points. A vote for a Libertarian may cost John Mccain the Presidency. It night! But if it gets the republican party back on the track of smaller government, individual liberty and freedom then it has served the better overall good and is the responsible thing to do. I believe it, I have believed it for 28 years. I will vote Libertarian, I will be proud of it and I will not waver........PERIOD!

    Because of my "radical" beliefs you may notice that I have started to become ignored by some of my old friends here on the board. Where as I used to be a funny practical joker that brought some emphasis to certain issues with a little humor, I am not joking about this subject. I have had a little more in you r face approach this election season and wa-lah, I'm ignored. It's OK. I don't mind. It is their conscious that bothers them, not me! Every logical thinking American knows that the things that Libertarians say is true, they just figure that the complication of the issues requires more compromise of their liberty than Libertarians are willing to make. There were a group of Americans that convened in a little room in Philidelphia a long time ago Martin who had the same views as Libertarians today. They had compromised enough and were ready to risk it all to do something about it. I am also willing to do the same if necessary, BUT.....I compromise. You see, given the state of things, it might take a little living under the democrats to make conservatives understand that their party became too much like the democrats, big spenders, stopped being fiscally responsible and allowed laws to be written that infringed on the most basic civil liberty of Americans. Search and seizure for example, our ridiculous taxation system and the pork spending of almost every lawmaker, blue and red. It's criminal martin, criminal!

    so true go on thinking of reasons not to vote Libertarian if you want to.

    thats not what this was about, i just wanted answers, and discussion. I could never vote democrat, i wont vote republican, but i really liked the libertarian platform, except for a couple of issues, and im glad you mentored me on this issue, thanks

    I will be voting for bob barr

    I can assure you this, when you have to call and ask if you can go outside, you be damn sorry! And don't think that won't happen. When I was a youngster I was travelling with my grandparents one weekend when my grandpa pulled off the road for us to make a pit stop. He and I had walked off the road a small piece to do our business and walked up to a fence that had a sign on it that read "US Government Property, No Trespassing". I thought he was gonna have a cow. He got back in the old wagon and told my grandma,"Nola, there was a sign back there that said no trespassing on govenrment property. Have you ever heard of such a thing." I have remembered that all my life. It is actually one of the few things I CAN remember from those years in the early 60's other than JFK being shot and watching my first TV show in 1963. We got a TV for Christmas in 1963. We listened to radio before then. My grandfather would have a shit fit about eminant domain.

    The problem is, we accept these changes. As a soveriegn citizen of the United States of America you own this country, every friggin inch of it. You have the right to go wherever you should choose to and never be told otherwise so long as it does impede on another's right to do the same.

    I know alot of bloviators come on here and quote this famous person and that one, I don't like to do that but I do quote one regularly, maybe not ver batim but it goes like this. He who is willing to sacrifice his liberty in an effort to acheive security...deserves neither. Benjamin Franklin.

    I don't dislike either presidential candidate. I love John McCain. He was a great Naval hero. He stood in the face of his enemy and damned him. He resisted against interrogation tactics that were unthinkable. He survived broken bones, a botched surgery and torture for 6 years.......and yes he broke and said some things over a loud speaker that were forced on him by those little bastards. SO WHAT! But that does not qualify hiom to be president. He is a waffler. Barack Obama is a living example of how great this country is and how far it has came in the eyes of liberty. He is inexperienced and lacks conviction. He represents a poor platform of taking from those that do......and giving to those that don't. He believes in government regulate this, and government regulate that. Bob Barr is a conservative Libertarian who has come of age. He is better qualified to be president than either of the men who represent the biggies. Had Bob Barr run for president in 2000 he would have recieved the support of the Republicans hands down that now fear he will cost JM votes. He will cost votes, but he will cost both sides.

    OK Martin, there you go. My part is done!

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    Im officially going to convert to libertarian, with my voting registrar. tomorrow

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    Now, as far as the LP's actual stance on illegals, well, it's one of the few areas our federal government actually has a specific responsibility to put a hand in. We have to have borders that are secure, it's just facts.

    The sad fact is that it is our own overabundant government that allows the illegals to thrive. I mean, what, we didn't have laws against this 20 years ago? We did, but like Emmett said, we have to enforce the laws we already have. We have too many laws at this stage as is, we don't need more, but it sure does look like progress when a politician signs a bill on TV, doesn't it?

    Watch any candidate going up for office this year, and make a note every time that they actually lay out a plan for all the promises they make. Obama is doing and saying what it takes to get the big chair, same as McCain.

    No party is going to get it all right, but I'm more confident in Liberty than I am in any other message. "He who governs best, governs least", "I would rather attend the problems of too much liberty, than too little".

    In the end, we don't need them... they need us, though.
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    Now, as far as the LP's actual stance on illegals, well, it's one of the few areas our federal government actually has a specific responsibility to put a hand in. We have to have borders that are secure, it's just facts.

    The sad fact is that it is our own overabundant government that allows the illegals to thrive. I mean, what, we didn't have laws against this 20 years ago? We did, but like Emmett said, we have to enforce the laws we already have. We have too many laws at this stage as is, we don't need more, but it sure does look like progress when a politician signs a bill on TV, doesn't it?

    Watch any candidate going up for office this year, and make a note every time that they actually lay out a plan for all the promises they make. Obama is doing and saying what it takes to get the big chair, same as McCain.

    No party is going to get it all right, but I'm more confident in Liberty than I am in any other message. "He who governs best, governs least", "I would rather attend the problems of too much liberty, than too little".

    In the end, we don't need them... they need us, though.
    You really are a sick ass radical libertarian aren't you?
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post
    You really are a sick ass radical libertarian aren't you?
    Yeah, I definitely need help
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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