Quote Originally Posted by Nastylib View Post
Wow, did I hit a nerve. Is that a question? If so, the answer is not in my case. IF it's a statement, then the answer is, not in my case.

You guys don't like to be challanged on your own board, do you? Did you post elsewhere? The one right above certainly wasn't a challenge.

Gunny, I disagree with you. I think Americans think they've been had to fund the ambitions of Delay and Abramov and Cheney and Halliburton and etc. etc. etc. I think you guys have a sneeking suspicion about it but you're such good team players you can't let that in.

Is it so hard to believe that they would fix intelligence to go to war? When trillions of dollars are at stake to the Multinational Companies that put these guys in office. (Cheney + Halliburton + $35,000,000 = War in Iraq and several no-bid contracts back to the old company. I suspect the minutes of the energy meeting are about this and that is why we can't see them.) You are far too trusting. Looks like you need to actually review the process by which one gets one of those contracts. Senator Feinstein can help you out.

Who are the Democratic Bribe takers now? That idiot with the cash in his freezer? Who else specifically? The list of Republicans recently is pretty long and includes defense contractors, CIA Officials, Congressmen, etc. And oddly enough we had this stuff going on with Republicans under Bush 1, Reagan, Nixon... Personally, I agree. I think all ethics violations should result in firing at a minimum. I don't care what party they are, they all get to join the same club. Unemployed.

And since bribe taking seems okay with you guys, as long as the other side is also doing it: 1) You should probably not talk about morality: Glass houses. And 2) Republicans take bribes and we go to war, lots of people die. Democrats take bribes and the mob makes out but at least the money stays in the US. A joke. Relax.

Enough WMD'S were found to, "Debunk the myth that it was a total lie," What? So a 3/4 lie is okay? Once again, If 100,000s of people die as a result? If that happened in your home town....
Some old mustard gas and nerve agents left over from the Iraq Iran war, (In which we supported Saddam, another reason the idiot Iranians don't trust us. I resisted the urge to pray that the Brits would nuke the Iranains, I'm human.) Actually no lie is good. But you cannot even prove the 3/4 you assert. That and you Pope quote are going to have folks questioning your credibility. I'll pimp my blog one last time. Read it, then come back and talk to me about what I believe or don't.

To the Angry Guy. Have a bourbon and relax, we're just talking or I prefer beer, and since I make my own, I know it is the best there is in this town.

No, I didn't serve in the military, born in 56' and simply lucky, had draft number though. Now I work and pay taxes an try to be a good husband and father. I serve in my community and my kids' schools and if our country were invaded I'd be right there on the beach with the rest of you. And yes, I own and shoot rifles. (GUN AND DRUG LAWS ARE BULLSHIT!) I simply do not believe these Republican motherFxxxs in office ANYMORE. I do not trust them with any of your lives or your kids lives or another dime of our tax dollars. And yes, this President is particularly bad, one of the worst and he is betraying you. The red stuff means that we have something in common. But the last sentence is yet another unproven assertion. I really hope you are better than that. If not, it just makes you a bomb throwing left winger which is no better than the radical "christian" bomb throwing right winger. Not good company to be in.

And promising to lower our taxes and stop abortion and Homosexual marraige is not enough to make me forget the lies that sent 3200 Americans to die in that Iraqi meat grinder. I want them home. Most of us Americans do. Actually the lowing of taxes is being repealed. While I don't buy the spin that it's "the biggest tax hike in history" the net result (reality) is that I expect to pay about 3,000 bux more in taxes.

And once again I'm telling you: The next generation ain't buying your wares anymore. They're too smart and plugged in. So...
Once again just in case you overlooked it: "Personally I would like to know how my family and I were screwed over. We are military and not rich."