For my going back to school.
I completed the FAFSA. I qualify for a $1000 Pell grant, which covers 3 of my 6 general classes required. I will be taking my general ed classes at the local community college (Anoka-Ramsey-i started there 8 years ago for a different degree, but dropped out due to lack of interest and funds), so my classes will be cheaper and I can maximize my grants. I qualify income-wise for one of my classes to be at no charge at A/R, so really, I will only need loans/aid to cover 2 classes.

I don't know when I will actually be able to start Le Cordon Bleu itself, because I have to see how much I can get for student loans and student aid. So for now, I am going to spread my generals out to one class per semester until I know whether or not I can go to LCB next fall like I want. If I can't, I will go back to work FT, and see if I can't set some money aside first, to help offset the cost when I do go. If I need to push LCB farther out, I can spread my 6 general classes to last a year or so if I need to.

However I will be doing what I can to apply for scholarships, as most applications I am finding, start in Nov/Dec/Jan. I bought a book listing every single scholarship offered in the US and I have marked each one I just might qualify for. So, here's hoping!

I now have to go over to A/R and 'declare' my major and schedule the placement re-testing since it has been 8 years since I was last in any kind of classroom.

I can't believe this is really happening now!