Okay, it's not really, but HOW to tax is. I was really miffed that neither candidate for president in this election felt tax reform was a "big issue". I think it's a flippin' huge issue. Let's cut government spending by abolishing the damn IRS. Why do we even need a flippin' tax code. The only question for me is do we go with a flat tax or a fair tax.

FLAT TAX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_tax

FAIR TAX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_tax

I honestly love the fair tax concept...let's get the drug dealers and illegals chipping in too! But it's too drastic, not to mention logical, to ever be feasible. However, if it were, it would have to be progressive; a really low rate on necessities like food, clothes, and housing...slight increase for cars, phones, etc...bigger increase for "toys" like boats, jewelry, RVs, etc...biggest increase for "luxury" - yachts, jets, etc.