Have you noticed all the merchandise for breast cancer awareness? If not, you don't get out much! It far surpasses advertising for any other cause I can think of. M&Ms, jogging shoes, clothes, car magnets, cereal... there's even "Breast Cancer Awareness Month": October. I always noticed this and wondered if they put as much money into finding the cure as they did into advertising.

Well, this morning, reading the news, I came across this tidbit:

What an unholy alliance! The Breast Cancer Foundation donates to America's number one abortion provider. Abortions, especially first trimester abortions, CAUSE breast cancer. Seems to me as if they aren't truly racing for the CURE; they are racing to line their pockets!

I stopped giving to cancer research long ago, when I found out that many cancer research organizations fund embryonic stem cell research. Besides being morally wrong, embryonic stem cell research has shown that these stems cells, once again, CAUSE cancerous growths when injected in test subjects. Why fund something that works directly against your objective?

I have lost faith in cancer research organizations. Either they are blinded by their ideology or they are just out for the money. I would love to see an org TRULY working to defeat this disease, and I believe that many of the scientists are trying. But I doubt that any money I would donate would go toward USEFUL research. Instead, it seems likely to be funneled toward goal-defeating enterprises.