We are all animals. I do believe that some animals are here to be in the food
chain even though I dont eat them, which treatens a lot of people and why
I dont know. But, if they are treated well and quickly and cleanly killed I
dont have a problem with other people eating them.

Dogs, cats and horses have been taught to live with us, protect us, or work
with us and above all trust us...that makes them companion animals and a far
cry from the neighbors cows who are dumb as a box of rocks and stand there
and look at you blankly while you are trying to run them off your property.

Factory farming is my problem with animals in the food chain. They are
dumb, well, they say pigs are actually quite intelligent, but they should
not suffer at the hands of unregulated farmers then slaughter houses.
These situations should have some sort of oversite and guidlines and if
it costs some tax payer money then so be it. I can think of a lot of rat
holes our money is pouring down with far less benefit.

Companion animals should not be eaten and yes I know there are cultures
where they do....these are also cultures for the most part that we certainly
should not be emulating, ever.

Its like they say you can tell the character of a country by the way it treats
its animals, children and old people ie the vulnerable of our society just like
the animals.

Man has "dominion" over the earth? OK, with that comes responsibility and
I really dont think that means everything goes!!!!