It would be impossible for me to list all the threads where Crin and I have entered into this conversation. So I won't try however i would think it certainly qualifies us to take up this debate on this thread and start here. I'll ask the first question as I have challenged Crin to this one on one debate. I feel this is an issue that more and more Conservatives should be taking up however not with intention to devide at all but to unite. America continues to move further to the left everyday. I believe we as Conservatives are as much to blame for this as the Liberals we critisize as the culprits. Our positions need "fine tuning" and have become distorted in the sea of confusion created by watching our liberty slip away a little at a time.

For those of you who will read the following posts over the next few months or however long it takes me to convert this gentleman, please take note as to what a "debate" is. If you are looking for namecalling, rhetorical innuendo and hateful behavior, you will no doubt be bored out of your mind and I suugest you make your way back to one of those "other" sites. That will not take place during this discussion. I do however expect it to become quite "heated" at times for I have reached my limit with this gentleman and fully intend to "win" this discussion.

Crin is my friend. He is man of good moral fortitude and conservative values which I respect him for. We have however on many occasions, disagreed about the basic concept of Libertarianism and its value to the political structure of American society. I have called him out so to speak to debate this issue once and for all. We have always agreed to disagree in the past concerning this issue and I realize today that that won't do. I am willing to make the ultimate bet with you Crin. My Libertarian Party card against your Republican one. Sort of like "pink slips" if you may. If I can not convince you to become a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party I will vote Republican in the next election and in each one that follows until the day I can convince you to become a Libertarian. I warn you sir...I have done my homework and stand ready with an arsenol of informative and relevent information which I believe will convince you that I am right and YOU are wrong.

So in parity to the Charlie Daniels classic "The devil came down to Georgia", I am the Libertarian who is already in Georgia and looking for a soul to steal, my first question is this;

Crin, why will you not become a member of the Libertarian party?